Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 345: Dayan County

Chapter 345 Dayan County

“This old guy …”

Looking at the jade Jane in his hand, Lin Dong also couldn’t help whispering. This “too clear Tour Tianbu” is a kind of martial arts, and the grade is still reasonable, but it made Lin Dong a little emotional. Yes, this martial art is a kind of martial arts martial arts. Although Lin Dong’s attack power is not strong, it has the secret of dodge.

Fighting with others, there is a good body and martial arts, which is obviously invincible, but this body and martial arts was quite rare in the Dayan Dynasty. I didn’t expect this old man in Mai clothing, Just throw it at him.

Lin Dong slightly closed his eyes, and the fine Divine Strength invaded Yujian, and then the information in it was collected into his mind. After a moment, his brow was slightly frowned. This too clear tour is really mysterious, but somehow, Lin Dong was always given a feeling of endlessness, just like … this martial art is just a stub.

“Hey, do you really think that the old guy will give you a complete martial arts kindly?” When Lin frowned, Xiao Min also flashed again and laughed.

“This too clear tour day step is also a good martial art in the too clear palace of those nine days. If it is intact, it must also be a level of good fortune. Do you think that old ghost will use a good level of martial arts for another Magic print? “

“What about the sequel? Did you forget the martial arts simulation function of the stone rune?” Lin Dong smiled slightly. If others, it may be tricky, but he just has the stone rune. Learning is most appropriate.

“With your strength, it is not easy to urge Shifu to perfect the martial arts of martial arts.” Xiao Min shook his head and said.

“No matter how difficult, there will always be success.” Lin Dong smiled, and then his eyes were more dignified. He stared at Xiao Mart and said, “Where is the sect of too clear Palace in those nine days? It seems very strong? “

When he heard this name, Xiao Min’s eyes were more solemn, and he was silent for a while before he said, “Even though I was in his heyday, I was a little bit jealous of them. Their hugeness is simply not what you can imagine. Whatever the four clans you see, even the Dayan Dynasty, are like floating in their eyes. “

I heard that Lin Dong was shocked. Since he knew Xiao Mart, this guy has always been fearless, but he rarely sees it voluntarily saying this. It seems that the so-called nine-day too clear palace It is really a pretty scary existence.

“Nine days too clear Palace, there are not weak names in this world, to say something awkward, your big dynasty dynasty, is simply not qualified to play with them, the strong person in the nine days too clear palace only As soon as the thoughts move, this Great Yan Dynasty will fall apart.

Xiao Shao shook his head and said, “This old man’s strength really needs to be put into the nine-day too clear palace. It can only be regarded as ordinary.”

Lin Dong took a breath of air, and the strength of the Nirvana Realm could only be regarded as ordinary in the nine days of too clear Palace. This force is too scary, right?

If it really is like Xiao Mart said, then Lin really has no doubt. That sect has the terrible power of destroying the Dayan Dynasty. After all, as long as it is a Nirvana strong, you can Let the Dayan Dynasty turn the world upside down, not to mention, in those nine days too clear palace, there must be stronger than this level!

“You will know this sect in the future, but it is not necessary now, you have nothing to do with them. This time, it was just an accident.” Xiao Min waved his claws, soothing Lin Dong.

Lin Dong smiled bitterly. The world is really too big. What he saw was just the tip of the iceberg. Today ’s encounter made him understand the importance of strength. If tonight, he does n’t have this The hole card, in the eyes of the old man in Mai, I am afraid that it will be an ant-like existence, which will directly take it away, and even if the magic amulet is finally taken away, it is impossible to give anything for compensation.

Because in his eyes, Lin Dong’s strength is unbeatable!

A lion, need to reason with sheep? The so-called fairness can only be demonstrated under the background of strength.

Originally, Lin Dong, who was a little bit proud because of his reputation in Dahuang County, completely eliminated that little pride at this moment. Even though his strength is now rising, he is still facing the strongest. Too weak.

Moreover, because he got the world God Armament that devoured the ancestors, he needs more powerful power to protect himself!


Lin Dong took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became firm, he has the potential to become stronger, his future, self-confidence will not be worse than anyone, and when he meets next time, he will let The old Mai Mai knew how wise he would have chosen not to be too reckless today …

“Go, leave here!”

Looking at the mountain that was completely destroyed, Lin Dong also had no plans to continue his rest. Although the old Mai Yi already retreated, Lin Dong was still not assured, and he immediately swept on Xiaoyan Hu’s back, waiting He greeted Xiaoyan with a roar, vibrating blood wings, turning into a ray of blood, and quickly away from here.

And with their departure, this mountain that has been completely destroyed is also silent again …


Lin Dong’s uneasy, in the end, did not become a reality. Obviously, his performance finally completely dispelled the old Mai’s interest in him. In addition to the **** existence, he also understood If he really wants to misbehave with Lin Dong, he will pay a small price even if he can succeed. Such a price is absolutely unwilling to pay until he is certain that Lin Dong has devoured the ancestor.

But although there is no feeling of being tracked, in the next few days, Lin Dong was almost non-stop on the road without making any stops halfway, allowing Xiao Yan to exert his speed to the extreme. Furiously rushed to Dayan-gun.

This crazy rush continued for a whole week, and Lin Dongfang was gradually relieved. At this time, he had left Dahuang County far away, and even already shuttled through a huge county along the way. The city, so far away, even the old Mai Mai, could not follow him anymore.

After confirming his safety, Lin Dongfang found a safe place, took a solid rest for two days, and then set off again and rushed to Dayan County.

Perhaps because of the appearance of the old man in Mai clothes, which gave Lin Dong considerable stimulation. Therefore, Lin Dong did not waste any time in the rush. All his time was bet on cultivation. on.

While hurrying, he also gradually practiced the “too clear Youtianbu” that he had at hand. When martial arts was unfolded, his figure also became a lot more hazy, making people nowhere to be found. This “too clear Youtianbu” is quite satisfying to Lin Dong. After all, it is also a martial art of good fortune. Although it is only a stub, it is not ordinary Bapin martial arts.

Of course, while practicing “too clear Touring the Heavenly Steps”, Lin Dong did not relax other martial arts practices. On the top of Xuanyin Mountain that day, he successfully killed Tengcha, and finally he was able to master his spirit. Swallowing, the kind of swallowing, accompanied by many memories of Tengcha, among which include many exercises and martial arts he has cultivated.

Among those martial arts, Lin Dong finally found what he wanted, that is, the quasi-natural chemical martial arts that Tengcha had exhibited at the beginning.

This martial art was also obtained by Tengcha from the Great Monument, and its power is extremely strong. Although it is not a true science of martial arts, it is not ordinary Jiupin martial arts.

For this martial art that can improve his combat effectiveness, Lin Dong obviously will not give up. While he is on the road, he will be divided into two parts. When practicing too clear, he will never drop the Great Seal. .

In addition, with the mountains and beasts along the way, Lin Dong also has a lot of opportunities to practice new martial arts with actual combat. In that way, martial arts’ development speed is quite rapid.

Under such hardship, Lin Dong ’s combat power is also slowly rising day by day …

In the middle of a month, forest movement is like a savage again, walking over mountains and mountains, walking between the mountains, and receiving the trials from heaven and earth and nature.

In this month, Lin Dong straddled a small half of the Dayan Dynasty and passed through several large counties, but they stayed in a hurry, because counting time has become increasingly urgent. Today’s big Yan County, I am afraid that as early as already, it started to shake the noise because of the Lin clan meeting that was enough to shake the entire Dayan dynasty. Numerous strong men swarmed from all directions and wanted to see Lin, one of the four main clans of the Dayan dynasty. The style of the younger clan …

These clan associations are a huge event for the entire Dayan County, because everyone knows that the person who stands out from the clan associations will be in the midst of the Dayan Dynasty. character!

So, not only does this clan society have top forces from all parties in the Dayan dynasty, but even someone from that royal family will be present, which shows that the clan society of the Lin clan is in What gold content does the Dayan Dynasty have!

While the entire Dayan County is boiling for the coming Lin clan, in the deep mountain that borders Dayan County, a dusty figure finally walks out slowly, he hopes At that huge county, on the face, there was a faint smile spreading away.

Lin’s clan, Lin Langtian, I’m moving, here …


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