Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 275: Fuyu Nest

Chapter 275 Rune’s Nest

The ancient ruins that appeared in front of Lin Dong’s eyes were so large that they were shocking. At a glance, various majestic buildings were practiced into a line and spread directly to the end of the line of sight. The towers used for various cultivations stood tall and transparent. With endless ancient taste, before these relics, the personal strength is undoubtedly as small as the ants.

Looking at the ancient ruins that are so large that they can’t see the end, Lin Dong’s eyes also have the shocking color that can’t be concealed, and then sighed, that ancient sect was so powerful in that era that it was so scary, so Scale can be equivalent to a small country.

“The area here is extremely vast, and there are a lot of secrets in it. Even though many people in already have entered here in these years, they must not be able to thoroughly understand it.” Xiao Marten sat on Lin Dong’s shoulder. Up, looking at the ruins filled with ancient flavor, said.

Lin Dong nodded his head. If you want to see through this complicated terrain, the time it takes will not be too short. Although the catastrophic monument already has been entered by many people over the years, but Hurrying to find the treasure, how can there be such a time, carefully explore the terrain here.

“I don’t know if the four clans and the Great Demon rush to this place. The area here is too large to detect.” Lin Dong muttered to himself.

“Don’t worry about them, first look for” Engulfing Amulet “, your destiny amulet is printed according to” Engulfing Amulet “, and it should have a slight sense of it.” Xiao Wen waved his claws. , Road.


After hearing the words, Lin Dong nodded, and when he shot Xiao Yan, the latter moved his thunder wings and flew away from the vast sectarian ruins.

Hovering in the upper reaches of the ruins, Lin Dong looked at the many halls that had been eroded by the years and revealed a strong ancient taste. It was also impossible to sigh. Such a strong sect can hardly stop the years.

When Lin Dong slowed down and flew over the ruins, he could occasionally see some figures passing by the huge ruins. I wanted to come to some people who came to this person with light traffic, but he didn’t take the initiative. The people who came here, either alone or with their own forces, must be unbelievable to outsiders. At that time, they would not only have no advantage, but also cause a lot of trouble.

“Xiao Yan, wait!”

With this slow flight detection, which lasted for nearly half an hour, Lin Yan, who was sitting on the back of Xiao Yan, suddenly moved his head, and suddenly turned his eyes to a distant place. There, there was an extraordinarily majestic mountain peak. Above, there are many special cultivation ancient towers, and depending on the scale, it should not be enjoyed by ordinary sectarian disciples.

Moreover, in that majestic mountain body, the destiny amulet in Lindong Muwan Palace really quietly beat. Although the kind of beating is extremely subtle, at this time, Lin moved at all times. Paying attention to the movements of the destiny, but still very keenly aware of this change.

“Are there any movements?” Xiao Mart was surprised, and asked quickly.

“It seems a bit of a sign.” Lin Dong’s eyes were also a little surprised, and immediately he patted Xiao Yan, who was shaking the thunder wing quickly toward the majestic giant mountain.

This mountain is as high as a thousand miles, and there are strange stones. A strong and horrifying element of power gathers here, and there is a tendency to converge into a mist.

On the mountain peaks, there are many towers used for cultivation, and it can be seen that there should be some status in this ancient denomination, at least, not only ordinary disciples can practice on it.

When Lin Dong landed on this mountain, I immediately noticed that some eyes came from everywhere. These are the people who rushed here first. This mountain is so majestic, even in this vast ancient The ruins are also conspicuous, so many people are attracted to it, searching for various treasures in the mountains.

For the arrival of Lin Dong, some people are vigilant, but no one is easy to shoot. Before the Great Monument, Lin Dong ’s strength was a kind of deterrence, and no one wanted it. Offended such a cruel man for nothing.

No one came forward to disturb, and Lin Dong was also happy and quiet. One person, one mink and one tiger, went straight into the dense mountains, followed the kind of indescribable fluctuations, and twisted into the mountains.

In the giant mountains, there is a faint mist of Yuanli, and the sight is also blocked. In addition, there are many fierce monsters hidden in the deep mountains. Ordinary people dare not go too far, but This is obviously not a problem for Lin Dong. There is a little marten to help cover up Aura. He is not afraid to be caught by the monsters here. Therefore, after walking in the old forest for about half an hour, his footsteps Finally, he stopped slowly, looking at the huge stone gate in front of him in astonishment.

Shimen is extremely huge. It is covered with moss and an ancient flavor is coming on. On that Shimen, obviously there were extremely complicated runes. The runes are already invisible, but faintly, Lin Dong can still feel the power of that rune residue.

“Here someone in already has entered …” Lin Dong looked at the cracked stone door, and looked at some footprints on the ground, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, the kind of fluctuation he felt, It disappeared here. I want to come to this cave house hidden in the deep mountains, there should be something related to “swallowing ancestors.”

“Go ahead.” The little marten flicked his claws, and even if someone rushed to get in first, he would have to grab the “swallow ancestor”!

“Huh.” Obviously, Lin Dong had no intention to give up, nodded, and he was the first to sneak into Dongfu, and Xiao Yan and Xiao Mart quickly followed.

When entering Shimen, the light became dark, and Lin moved forward along the mountain road, and along with this, he also found that this passage, with some tilt, seemed to pass directly to the ground. under.

In the cave, the area is also extremely vast, and there are many stone roads, and the route is extremely complicated, like a maze. If ordinary people come in, I am afraid that it will be a little dazzling.

Lin Dong was hesitant when facing up to dozens or hundreds of stone roads, but fortunately the looming fluctuations showed him a way, and he ran along without hesitation. The stone road ran away.

One person and two beasts flashed through the stone road, and with this running, Lin Dong’s brows grew deeper and deeper, because he found that even here, there are some footprints, and some Footprints are still relatively new, apparently not long before him, many people have entered here.

“Is it really easy to get on board first?” Thinking of this, Lin brow could not help but wrinkle tighter, the speed suddenly increased. After a few minutes, his footsteps suddenly stopped, blocking Xiao Yan and Xiao Min behind him. In front of him, there was already some light. He walked up carefully, and suddenly, a huge black hole like a honeycomb appeared in his sight.

“This is …”

Lin Dong looked at the huge round black hole for a while, this black hole seemed to reach the bottom of the ground, and there were dense caves around the black hole. Vaguely, some broken limbs were scattered, and people were a little creepy.

“Those are Fuyu.” Xiao Lin’s voice sounded in his ears as Lin Dong marveled at those startling limbs.

“What is this place?” Lin Dong asked in amazement.

“Should be Fuyu Lair, some strong ancient sects always have disciples who practice elementary power and refined Divine Strength, and this Fulu Lair is to cast Fulu and let those disciples choose.” Xiao Marten said.

Lin Dong secretly whispered. The disciples of these ancient sects are really treated well. Even the Fuyu sects have prepared them well. I am afraid that this kind of treatment cannot be done by the Yinzong sect.

“Sure enough, someone came here first.” Xiao Min’s next words also surprised De Lin, and his eyes hurriedly looked down. Sure enough, he saw that in the huge Fulu lair, There were silhouettes standing on each other. Looking closely, it turned out that there were chains of iron spreading from around the lair to form an iron net, and their bodies stood on the iron net.

“It’s the man of the Yinjizong!” Lin Dong’s gaze was, at first glance, when he saw the figure that had played against him, and now his eyes sank, that guy, Correct Tengye.

“There are people from the Great Demon Gate.” Xiao Min interjected.

“Huh.” Lin Dong’s eyes turned around, and it turned out that he was not far away from Yin Zongzong and others, Mu Mu was also the leader of the Great Demon Gate, but looking at the atmosphere on both sides, it seemed that Not too good.

“Look at the situation first.”

Lin Dong whispered softly. The area here is extremely vast. People are in it, just like ants. They are very easy to hide.

Little Marten nodded, and then one person and two beasts quietly snatched out of the passage, fell to the edge of the Rune Lair’s lair, hid behind the boulder, and looked at the two sides of the sword.

Because the distance is relatively long, although Lin Dong can know what the two parties seem to be arguing, but for a while, they don’t know what is arguing.

“They are arguing for a higher symbol.” Xiao Martian stared down suddenly.

“Higher Rune?” After hearing that, Lin Dong’s complexion changed suddenly. The rune of that level was enough to be comparable to the powerful creatures of the realm. Did these guys find such a good luck that they could be conquered? of?

“Where is the rune?”

Lin Dong’s eyes flickered, and he asked in a low voice, he had a good grudge with Yin Zong Zong. If he really got that Teng Zhe to get a higher sign, I’m afraid the first one would deal with him, so this thing , Must not fall into the hands of Yin Zongzong.

As for the big demon gate, although Lin Dong has no grudges with them, he doesn’t want to give away such a treasure. Anyway, it’s not too late to get a rune to help the big demon gatekeeper Tengye clean up …

“Hey, good boy, I’ve been thinking badly again, but Grandpa Mink likes that baby can’t take it for others!” Hearing Lin Dong’s words, Xiao Mark also cracked the corner of his mouth, his eyes beamed strangely. .

“But don’t worry, wait for them to get started, let’s take a look at it and dive into the higher rune when they can’t distract!”


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