Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 260: Retreat

Chapter 260 Retreat

The shocking collision erupted above the sky, and the entire valley shook madly at this moment, and huge cracks spread quickly, and megaliths fell wildly from the mountain walls. The slamming slammed into the lake and splashed with waves.


On the surface of the lake, the waves swept, and the rumbling sounded a loud noise. The entire valley was collided in such a terrible confrontation and completely collapsed.

The small marten floats in midair, staring diligently at the sky where the golden light surges. Lin Dong’s attack is the extreme of his attack, relying on the power of the magic ape change and the jade thunder body, plus the sky The scale of the halberd method and the “power of the Yuan Jing”, this blow, even if it is a powerful person who creates the gas environment, is enough to completely kill!

However, the Chinese bone is obviously not a fuel-saving lamp. This old guy not only has achieved great achievements in the cultivation of Yuanli, but also obviously has a high level of accomplishment in the practice of refined Divine Strength. I want to make it Bombing is no simple matter.


Under the solemn gaze of the small marten, a figure suddenly shot out of the sky where the golden light surged, and finally fell like a meteorite from the sky, and shot fiercely into the lake below, splashing Towering waves.

The figure fell into the lake, followed by a slightly embarrassing flash, and a blood spit that I couldn’t help spit out of my mouth. It looked like Lin Dong!

Seeing Lin Dong’s vomiting blood regressed, Xiao Mart was also shocked, and immediately looked at the sky not far away, where the golden light began to dissipate rapidly, and as the golden light dissipated, a huge white bone armor was again. Quietly appeared in Xiao Maru’s gaze.

“Are they resisted?”

Looking at the immaculate white bone armor, Xiao Mink passed an incredible color in his eyes. Lin Dong’s previous attack was extremely powerful, even if that bone was a powerful man who made great achievements. Definitely not so easy is to resist this blow!

The forest on the lake didn’t change color because of this. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the white bone armor hovering quietly in the sky.


Under one person’s inattentive gaze, all of a sudden, a small voice sounded quietly in the sky, and then, a fine crack began to appear on the bone armor at an amazing speed. !!

In just a few blinks of time, the huge white bone armor is covered with dense cracks!


The last crack, just like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, quietly emerged. Then, the entire bone skeleton was exploded and opened at this moment, turning into a dense light spot …

With the explosion of the Bone Armor, the Chinese bone hidden in it also reveals his body shape. He has no expression and his body keeps the posture of pushing out with both palms. The next time, the surface of his body suddenly looks like a firecracker. There are usually muffled sounds, and then blood mist sprays out from its body one after another!

“Bang, bang!”

Under Lin Dong and Xiao Maru’s gaze, Hua Gu’s body shape has plummeted, and with each step of his step back, his body will explode a mist of blood, and its Aura is also more and more Withered.


Huagu retreated hundreds of steps, and his footwork finally solidified. At that moment, another blood spewed out. The dry old face was pale and pale, and looked extremely horrible.

And when the last bite of blood spurted out, Hua Gu ’s mind seemed to be sober again. In his eyes, there was a thick horror. He had never thought of it, and he would be in Under Lin Dong’s offensive, such a serious injury appeared!

If it wasn’t at the last moment, Lin ’s previous blow would do his best to display the strongest defense. I am afraid that he, even his entire body, will be shocked by the horrible force into the sky. !!

“How could this little beast perform such a terrible attack!” Feeling the extremely serious injury in his body, Hua Gu almost had a mad impulse. In his view, with his strength to make gas, he must strike Killing Lin Dong is simply an easy task, but what is happening now is that he understands the cruelty of reality. He not only failed to kill Lin Dong easily, but also almost risked the old one. Life is lost here.

However, he is not a fool, but he is seriously injured now, although he understands that even the previous level of attack cannot be launched in succession, but at this time he It is no longer possible to completely kill Lin Dong. Even if the latter has any other means, it is very likely that even leaving here today is a bit difficult.

If this kind of thought was a few minutes ago, Hua Gu would still sneer, but after experiencing such a thrilling fierce battle, he has already developed a great fear of Lin Dong, without any doubt after The author really has the means to leave him here completely.

“Hey, you old dog, it’s really tough!”

Just as Hua Gu ’s mind flashed wildly, Lin Dong’s eyes were slightly froze, sneer. However, when sneering, his mind was gradually vigilant. The previous attack, for him, It is also a big drain, and both the magic ape and Yu Lei have time constraints. Now he ca n’t completely kill Huagu as he wishes. If the latter continues to entangle, he is likely to gradually fall into the bad. Situation.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong’s eyes were slightly gloomy, and there was a sudden glance of ruthlessness on his face. The ancient halberd was clenched in his palm, mobilizing a lot of power in his body.


However, when Lin moved to mobilize the strength of his body, and was about to work hard again, the Chinese bones in the air saw a sudden change in appearance, and his shape resembled a lightning strike like a bow-struck bird, and then retreated. Lin Dong’s eyes were startled, and he was far away.

“Little beast, you wait for the husband, the enemy of killing the child, do not share the sky, the husband will never spare you easily!”

As Hua Gu escaped far away, his angry roar also spread quickly, echoing endlessly in this mountain.

“This …”

Lin Dong stared at the Chinese bone that escaped faster than the rabbit, but he didn’t get back for a while. Although he knew that the previous attack on the Chinese bone would be uncomfortable, but he was the same. Consumption is not small. If you continue to fight, it is still unknown who will die or live, but this old guy … even so advised.

“Hey, this old guy, it seems that you were scared by the trick you just made …” Xiao Min also smirked because of this scene.

Lin Dong reluctantly spread his hands. With a wave of his sleeves, a rune appeared in front of him. The rune that Correct snatched from Hua Zong was in front of him.

“The old guy should be traced by the imprint in Fu Lu. When I erase the imprint, the old guy can’t find us anymore.” Lin Dongxin’s heart moved and he was powerful The fine Divine Strength is flowing into the rune. He is still a genuine magician. It is not a difficult thing to erase the spirit of Hua Zong. Therefore, in just a few minutes, he Is to open his eyes and successfully erase the spiritual imprint in Fu Lu.

“Leave here first, the old guy entrusted him this time, and this one is chasing after him. If he brings some strong Yinzong strongmen, I am afraid the situation will be another scene, but regardless Anyway, leave here as soon as possible! “After removing this hidden danger, Lin Dong was relieved, and then waved to Xiao Yan in the distance, who rushed over, transformed into a kitten shape, and rushed in Lin Donghuai.

“Sometimes sooner or later he will pay him a price!”

Looking at Xiao Yan’s bloodstains, Lin Dong’s eyes were also full of anger. If this time is not awake, I’m afraid that even Xiao Min Xiao Yan would have been the poisonous hand of the old dog.

“Hurry up, just in case the old guy comes back unwillingly, and has to fight again, now you can’t cope with him completely.” Xiao Mark is obviously not hurt this time, saying After a beep, it turned into a streamer and ran into the stone rune in the palm of Lin Dong’s palm.

“Don’t worry, when you meet next time, you must make that old dog a dead dog!”

Lin Dong bit his teeth bitterly, and then sorted it out, holding Xiaoyan, pedaling the sword, and turning into a rainbow, facing in the opposite direction to that bone, he looted go with.

When Lin Dong moved away quickly, the Chinese bones were like a bow-struck bird. They pushed the speed to the extreme along the way, and fled away in the direction of Dacheng City. The previous life and death line was obviously He was so embarrassed, and now where is he dare to be like Lin Dong they think, then go back and ask for trouble.

Under his desperate flight, a few hours later, the outline of Dacheng City appeared in his field of vision, and then its speed suddenly increased, with blood all over him, extremely embarrassed. Rush into the sky into the sky.

Generally speaking, in a city like Dacheng City, it is forbidden to pass through the sky, so when the bones appeared, it immediately caught the attention of many people, but fortunately, even if there were many People recognize this powerful figure in Yindi Zong, so no one dares to say more …

However, in Dacheng City, there are no shortage of powerful and savage people. When they saw Huagu at the first sight, they understood that the latter was already seriously injured. ..

In the direction of the Great Demon Gate, on a tower, Mu Mu stared at the wolverine figure flying over the sky in wonder, muttering to himself: “The power of this old ghost to make a great achievement. , Who can hurt him like this? “

Young Lady, according to the news we have received, Na Huagu went out this time, it seems that they found Lin Dong’s trace …” Behind Mu Yi, one whispered.

“Lin Dong?”

When I heard the words, Mu Yan took a moment’s glance. The next moment, among those beautiful eyes full of temptation, there was a shocking color that couldn’t be concealed. The slender jade hand was also involuntarily covering it. With red lips, an extremely subtle voice came out from his lips with an incredible smell.

“Is it … him? How is that possible?!”


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