Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 259: Sorry to make gas great

Chapter two hundred and fifty-nine regrets great achievements


The crisp sound burst into the sky, and then it swept away, along with the extremely powerful energy storm …

In the center of the collision, the ancient halberd and the bone spear flashed golden light and gray awn, respectively. A terrible force spread and spread, even the surrounding air was blasted.


The air waves spread, the ancient halberd and the bone spear were both shaken back and forth. The body of the small marten was also shocked because it was too close, and immediately a palm appeared behind it. Hold it firmly.

“Boy, you have to work harder for Mink later!” Xiao Min’s figure was slightly illusive by the air wave. He looked down at the figure behind him, relieved with relief. And then said.

Behind the little marten, a figure is standing on the edge of a sword, the figure’s body is straight like a gun, and a strong and overbearing Aura is circulated. This figure, of course, is a smooth exit from the cultivation state at a critical moment. Lin Dong, at this time, the previous bronze color on his skin has faded away, replaced by a warm jade-like color, this color, looks like glass diamond, extremely strong.

This is the second weight of Dayri Thunder, Yulei!

It seems that this time, with the power of thousands of beasts, Lin Dong finally succeeded in evolving the copper thunder body to the level of the jade thunder body. As a result, its overall combat effectiveness has risen to a level.

Furthermore, the fluctuation of the Yuanli that has penetrated from the forest’s body is stronger than a few days ago. Obviously, now, he also made a breakthrough and entered the stage of achieving great achievement. .

This practice is undoubtedly a world-changing change for Lin Dong!

Lin moved with his sword, his eyes were overflowing, his eyes stared coldly at the bones not far away, and then he looked at Xiao Yan who was covered with scaly wounds, and his eyes flashed angrily.

“I didn’t expect your little beast to be able to make such a breakthrough at this juncture!” Hua Gusen’s cold eyes, like sharp knives, glanced from Lin Dong’s body, and said insidiously.

But with the words on his mouth, Huagu had a lot of shock in his heart. He could feel Lin Dong ’s extremely powerful force in the previous brief encounter. That kind of power is not a form at all. What a man can have, this guy can kill Hua Zong, but he does have some means.

“Old miscellaneous hair, your son vainly tried to covet my ancient halberd, and that’s the result, and it’s his fault!” Lin Dong said coldly.

“Even if my son kills you, it will be justified, just as the old man killed you now.” Hua Gu’s words were not overbearing, in his opinion, Mo said that Hua Zong was just trying to grab Lin Dong’s ancient halberd, even if he really killed him, that’s not the slightest mistake!

“Sure enough, what kind of old dogs there are, what kind of puppies!” For Hua Gu, Lin Dong is also very happy.

“Small beast, you scold it vigorously. After I capture you, you will feel that even death is a treat!” Hua Gu’s dry face was extremely embarrassed. He stared at Lin Dong, also No more talking nonsense, there is no possibility of reconciliation. Today, there is only one result, that is, let Lin Dong be tortured and lose to Hua Zong!

“Soul Bone Spear!”

Nahua bone is also a cruel and ruthless master. At the moment, the powerful power of the surge burst out, and a very cold gray ash suddenly broke out in the bone spear. Then, the gray awns condensed, and brought together a form enough to instantly kill and shape. The offensive of the great powers slammed into the forest fiercely.

Looking at Hua Gu’s immediate offensive, Lin Dong’s eyes also appeared with a dignified look, and his gas-generating environment was greatly enhanced. He was even stronger than him. Even if he had a lot of means, he could not tolerate the slightest uncle. .

“The magic ape changes!”

The deep drinking sound came from Lin Dong’s throat. Immediately, his body swelled several times instantly, and looked like the same jade giant. Even this time, Lin Dong ’s forehead position had The golden light condenses, faintly, forming a golden unicorn with the same dragon horn as the ancient dragon ape.

“It is possible to use the blood of the ancient demon ape to such an extent.” Seeing the golden unicorn appearing on Lin Dong’s forehead, the little marten’s eyes also passed a touch of vibration.

“Sky scale halberd, angry python halberd!”

Lin’s body swelled, a majestic force strong enough to rise from the mountain, gushing like a tide in his body, and the clenched palm also expanded the scales of the ancient scales several times. For a huge shadow, carrying a terrible force, directly collided with the bone spear.


The deafening loud noise spread across the sky, and the lake below was once again shaken by huge towering water columns.

The Yuanli storm swept through, Lin Dong’s figure abruptly retreated ten steps in mid-air before he stabilized, and then looked at the Chinese bone, which also retreated a few steps, but couldn’t help but laughed to the sky. With his current strength, coupled with the transformation of the demon ape and the jade thunder body, he is already a strong enough to compete positively against the great achievements of gas production!

“Haha, old mixed hair, you are not qualified enough to kill me!”

Lin Dong laughed, holding a palm in his hand, and a large and bright golden table was formed on the top of his head. Then he grabbed it out, his fingers were deeply embedded in the golden table, holding the halberd in one hand, and holding the golden table in one hand. Jin Guang surging, like the same **** of war, is filled with a very powerful and fierce gas.


Jin Guang surging, Lin Dong actually rushed out directly, Gu Ji Wu debuted with a sharp halberd, and Jin Tai brought a powerful wind of overbearing power, and burst into lightning fast against China. Boom in the past.

Dang Dang Dang!

Facing Lin Dong ’s offensive with a bit of crazy taste, Hua Gu’s face is slightly iron-colored, which is the unique and vigorous element of the powerful man who created the gas environment. At this moment, he was urged to the extreme. In his hand, the bone spear drove the bleak air of the sky and fiercely banged hard with the halberd golden stage.

The battle between the two was extremely hot. The sky was full of silhouettes. With each contact, a terrible strong wind erupted, setting off the stormy waves below the lake. It was a mess.

“This boy, the superposition of Yu Lei’s body and the demon ape, coupled with the keen sense of Divine Strength, is so strong that even the powerful ones who have created a great atmosphere are enough to resist positively!”

Looking at the fierce and extreme battle in the sky, Xiao Mink’s eyes were full of surprise, no matter what to say, there was a whole gap between Lin Dong and Hua Gu.

“However, both the Yulei body and the magic ape change have a time limit. Once the strengthening time arrives, then Lin Dong may not be the opponent of Hua Bone.” Xiao Mink’s eyes flashed, and it was against Lin Dong. Weaknesses are clearly understood. Lin Dong’s combat effectiveness is extremely tyrannical, but it cannot be sustained. If it is dragged into a struggle, the advantage will be smaller and smaller.

“Little animal, wait for your time to strengthen the physical martial arts, the old man wants you to die as soon as possible!” Of course, this weakness is not only known by the little marten, but even the bones of the battle with Lin Dong are clear, After all, no martial arts that strengthens the body does not have a time limit, so he sneered sneerly when his bone spear danced against the fierce offensive of Lin Dong.

“I’m afraid you won’t have this chance!”

After hearing the words, Lin Dong also smiled, and immediately his eyes were cold, and Jintai in his hand was directly thrown at Huagu by his fierceness.


Hua Gu’s face was cold and dry, and the bone spear turned into a gray shadow, which was directly pierced by Jintai, and when Yuanli was shocked, it was blasted away.

Jintai threw it out, but Lin’s figure was flying backwards. In the back of his hand, the palm of his hand was flashed, and then the futon flashed out. Then, a very powerful element and the Divine Strength were refined. Is pouring into it.


As two powerful forces poured into Yun Shen’s futon, only a flash of light on the futon was seen, and a very rich “power of the essence” emerged.

“Skyscale Halberd, Sky Dragon Halberd!”

Lin Dong’s face was dignified, the ancient halberd in his hand was shocked, and the brilliance of golden light burst out, and the “power of Yuan Jing” also surged on the halberd’s tip.


Jinguang Mantian, the huge golden dragon ghost, is directly condensed from the golden light, a faint peculiar prestige, sweeping down, sweeping the power of Dena Hua’s body, all appear stagnant .

“This little beast knows so much martial arts!”

Looking at the golden dragon ghost that emerged from the golden light, even if it was as strong as a Chinese bone, it took a breath of cold air at this moment, and a stunned color came from the dry face, and his body was suddenly violent. Retreating, waves of powerful elemental forces erupted from their bodies.

“Various Bone Yin Shajia!”

The majestic gray elemental powers rush out, quickly condensing, and in just a few seconds, they are transformed into a huge white bone armor, enveloping the Chinese bone body as much as possible.

On the bones, the gray mang surges, showing an indestructible wave!

“Old dog, watch me make you a dead dog!”

Lin Dong stepped in the golden light of the sky, staring coldly at the Chinese bone wrapped in the white bone armor. This is the most powerful move he can perform today. He knows that he cannot drag for a long time, so Must kill the enemy quickly!


With the fall of Lin Dong’s drinking, the huge golden dragon’s ghostly shadow once again sent out a trembling sound of dragon yin from the sky, and then he was carrying a strong enough to make the powerful person cold. Terrible energy, whistling away towards the bone armor!

Golden Dragon flew across the sky, hitting the bony armor with a staggering speed, and for a moment, this mountain peak was shaking like this in an earthquake like that …

Lin’s move hits him so terribly!


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