Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 21: Lin Meteor

Chapter 21 Lin Meteor

Under the gaze of many eyes, Lin Zhentian also stood up and arched his hands at the VIP table. Lang smiled, “Today is the day of my Lin family comparison. Thank you for coming here to join us. They are acquaintances, so the old man will not talk more nonsense, and go straight to the topic. “

As soon as the words fell, Lin Zhentian’s eyes looked at Lincoln beside him. The latter nodded with a smile, walked into the large room in the trial hall, and then took out a bamboo tube with a lot of bamboo in it. sign.

“Old rules, draw opponents, all the little ones who want to participate in the clan race, come out and draw.”

Hearing Lincoln ’s words, dozens of people have come out of the Trial Hall one after another, each taking a bamboo stick from a bamboo tube in the hands of Lincoln.

“There are five places here. Get the first five numbers, let’s start.” Seeing that the lottery was over, Lincoln pointed at the five stone platforms behind him and smiled.

Lin Dong glanced at the bamboo stick in his hand, which said “four” in white powder ink. He was not hesitant at the moment, and went directly to the No. 4 stone platform. After he came to power, he then saw a The tumbling things also climbed up, and now I couldn’t help but rolled my eyes.

“Lin spear, how are you.” Lin Dong looked helplessly in front of Lin spear, said.

“I don’t want to …” Lin spear was also crying. Since the last time Lin Dong defeated Lin Shan, he knew that now Lin Dong is not comparable. If he fights, he is probably not an opponent, but The lottery was drawn, and it was impossible to abstain, otherwise his father would not let him go easily when he went back.

Lin Dong shook his head with sympathy and said, “Relax, I will start tapping.”

“…” Lin spear is also speechless, and his eyes are a little bit resentful.

When the two helplessly looked at each other, Lincoln below saw that the first batch were all on stage, and then he waved and said, “Beginning of clan comparison!”

When Lincoln shouted, the atmosphere in the Trial Hall suddenly boiled. On several stone platforms, the figures flickered, and finally they hit each other, and the crickets were fierce.

“Hey, I was also promoted to the fourth hardened body two months ago, Lin Dong, you have to be careful!”

When I heard the start of the test, Lin spear also smiled, his body shook, and the wavy fat had actually become a lot harder. Immediately, his footsteps were like a meatball. Right Lin Linfei flew away.

Lin Dong couldn’t help laughing when he saw the funny look of this guy. Lin spear was also close to his body when he laughed, and his thick right leg was at a rather rapid speed. Flicked away towards Lin.

“Yipin martial arts, cracked stone legs?”

I felt Lin spear‘s somewhat aggressive leg wind, and Lin Dong was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this guy to also practice martial arts, but it still seemed to him to be no threat.

Lin Dong’s arm flexed out flexibly, directly bypassing the whipping leg wind of Lin spear, and slanted it on his thigh.


With a palm shot, Lin spear made a terrible noise at the moment. When his body was unstable, he sat down on the ground with his butt.

One palm knocked over Lin spear, Lin Dong raised his palm again, splitting, then Lin spear immediately held his head, and quickly called out, “Concede defeat!”

“Lin Dongsheng wins.”

Until the stone platform, Lincoln shook his head with a smile and immediately looked at Lin Dong with a little surprise. Although Lin spear was not outstanding at the Lin family, he also reached the fourth weight of the quenched body after all. That palm seems to be casual, but it was directly taken in the most scattered area of ​​Lin spear. If it is a coincidence, it is nothing, but if it is intentional, then this eyesight is for Lin Dong at this age. It’s really a little bit worse.

After hearing Lincoln ’s announcement, there were some eyes in the trial hall looking at Lin Dong. Although a little surprised, I did n’t care too much. After all, Lin spear ’s strength, even in the Lin family, was It’s only moderate, and winning him is not too incredible.

For those eyes, Lin Dong didn’t bother too much. He looked at the other Shitai, just when he saw Lin Hongzheng casually blasting his opponent down the Shitai.

Easy to defeat the opponent, Lin Hong also noticed Lin Dong’s gaze, looked at him, and twirled a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Dong glanced at him, then retracted his gaze, pulled Lin spear, and walked down the stone platform.

In the first round, I did n’t meet too difficult opponents. Therefore, following Lin spear, Lin Dong won another game, but it was a bland break into the top ten. It’s easy, and it doesn’t show too amazing strength, so many people think that Lin Dong has some good luck elements.

Compared to the dullness of Lin Dong’s two games, Lin Hong and Lin Xia did not accidentally become the focus of the trial hall, because when they met their opponents from beginning to end, they only used them. One move was to defeat the opponent. That overwhelming victory made people understand that the strength of the two of them is far beyond the other Lin family juniors.

“Lin Hong, I’m afraid that he has reached the seventh weight of Quenching body …” On the seat, Lin Xiao nodded after watching Lin Hong’s two shots.

I heard that there was a sudden worry on the little sandalwood face, but she still remembered that Lin Hong said that if she got good results today, she would ask her grandfather for family affairs, just in case. Dad is not willing, maybe he will fall away with grandpa again …

“Be assured that nothing will happen.”

Seeing the worry on Qing Tan’s face, Lin Dong smiled and patted her arm gently, comforting.

“Well.” Qing Tan nodded his head and said immediately: “I don’t know who Lin Dong’s opponent will be in the next game? If he wins this game, he will be in the top five …”

Lin Dong smiled, but his heart seemed a bit indifferent. With his current strength, no matter if he met anyone in the Lin family, it was enough to fight.

“The second round of testing, let’s start, Lin Dong.”

In the field, Lincoln turned to the place where Lin moved, and then pointed to the large stone platform in the center. Since it is already in the top ten selections, it will be more exciting than the previous round anyway, so now it is not Five more games will be held together, but the test will start with one game so that everyone can see clearly.

Lingin’s voice, Lin Dong also exhaled lightly and walked towards Shitai quickly.

“Lin Dong, come on.”

Behind him, Qing Tan waved his fist and shouted for him.

In the trial hall, there are also many eyes looking at Lin Dong. The eyes have a taste of curiosity and expectation. Although Lin Dong’s reputation in the Lin family is indeed not as good as Lin Xia and Lin Hong is such an excellent person, but after all, he had a father who was once the most genius of the Lin family. Remembering the tribe ratio that year, Lin Xiao easily won the first place. He just did n’t know that his son can still have him. How capable was that year?

On the VIP table, Lin Zhentian and others also set their sights on Lin Dong. Their hearts were also a little curious.

Lin Dong walked up to Shitai under those many gazes, and when he came on stage, Lincoln glanced at the test list in his hand, his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, hesitated, and read it out: “Lin Meteorite. “

Hearing this name, there was a sudden uproar in the trial hall. Some younger guys even glanced at Lin Dong sympathetically.

Lin Dong is also because of this name, which is obviously somewhat surprised by the difficulty of the opponent this time.

Lin Meteor, who is also a very outstanding person in this junior class of the Lin family, whose parents are both Lin family members, but died in the hands of bandits that year, so he was quiet and silent, but his talent was quite good. It is said that Two months ago, the seed of Yuanli was gathered in the body, and after Lin Xia and Lin Hong, the third-ranked Lin family junior entered the quenched body.

This opponent is a bit difficult.

Lin Dong licked his mouth, but his eyes gradually became hot. What he needed, Correct such an opponent!


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