Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 179: Master of the tomb

Chapter 179 Master of the Tomb

The light and shadow are illusory, apparently not physical, and this light and shadow looks about 30 or so. It looks extremely young, with a bright face and elegant temperament.

“Who are you?!”

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, he cleared his bamboo frown slightly, and said in a deep voice.

“Oh, you are a fierce woman. I blasted my bones and sarcophagus to pieces, and asked who I am.” Wen Yan said that the elegant man could not help but smile.

Hearing this, Lin Dong and Zhuo Qingzhu’s complexions have changed: “Are you the master of the tomb?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m really dead when I die. This is just a remnant of the spirits, and it’s still sealed inside the sarcophagus. If you don’t smash the sarcophagus, I can’t show up. “The Ruya man laughed.

“Shameless, you can be regarded as a predecessor, even if you use such a mean means!” Tong Qingzhu bit the silver teeth, and there was a rage in Qingying.

“The matter of men and women is in line with the world ’s YinYang, so how can it be shameless to say that as long as the two love each other and complement each other’s practice, wouldn’t it be better?” Ruya man said.

“I’m so bullshit, I’ll solve this trouble by myself!” Tong Qingzhu said.

“It’s not a good thing for this young man to do something like this,” said the elegant man faintly.

“I will compensate him without your trouble!”

“That’s not going to work. I set this level not for the sake of others, but for the beauty of adults.”

A strange smile appeared on the face of the Ruya man. His eyes swept away from Lin Dong and Zhu Qingzhu, and he smiled immediately, “Little guy, it’s going to be cheaper for you this time. Such a beautiful beauty, even if it is I have never seen it in the past, but treat her well in the future. “

Lin Dong’s weird face, this guy … has something wrong with his brain?

“What do you want to do?” He Qingzhu heard his eyes cold, and there was a bit of coldness in the crisp voice.

“The beauty of adults.”

The Ruya man smiled a little, and then his hands became a little volleyed. The Nirvana heart that was sucked into the body by Qi Qingzhu was completely burst out. In an instant, all the strength in the bamboo body was cleared.

As Yuan Qing’s body was frozen, a feeling of weakness immediately emerged from the body, and the green lotus under his feet burst out at this moment, desperately trying to resolve it. The power of pure yin in clear bamboo.

I was aware of the changes in my body, and finally I was in a state of terror.

Oh? has such a treasure. It seems that your background is not weak, but for me who is dead, it has no effect.” Seeing Qing Lian even resisted the spread of pure Yin Qi The gentleman was also a little surprised, and immediately smiled. His fingers were again volleyed, and a beam of light shot out, which directly wrapped Qinglian as much as possible, and completely isolated it from Qi Qingzhu.


Qing Lian is struggling madly and shoots Daoguang violently, but still cannot escape the blockade of that elegant man.

And as Qinglian was blocked, the cyan light cord entangled in Lin Dong’s body also dissipated. As soon as he was freed from the shackles, he shot back without hesitation. Even the dead nirvana powers of already have appeared, this ghost place, don’t stay well for a long time.

“Oh, little guy, I want to send you a good fortune, what are you running.” Seeing Lin Dong shot out, the elegant man smiled.

“Hey, the good-natured boy has got the heart, but I don’t really want this.” What I want to do, to be so beautiful may indeed be the dream of every man, but after that … I’m afraid the trouble is not small.

“I want to send artificial, but no one can refuse.” Ruya man smiled and shook his head with a finger, Lin Dong’s body stiffened, and then it floated again without his control. In front of Qi Qingzhu who is struggling.

“Well, almost a primer.”

Looking at each other, but staring at each other, Lin Dong and Yan Qingzhu, the elegant man touched his chin, then flicked his fingers, two pink lusters flew out, and finally got into Lin Dong and Tong Qing bamboo body.

As soon as the pink luster enters the body, Lin Dong feels that his body becomes hot immediately, a wicked fire emerges from the lower abdomen and spreads across the body.

When Lin Dong’s body was hot, the unclear bamboo was exposed to the snow-like skin of his clothes and became extremely crimson. The original clear eyes were also struggling, gradually filled with an **** mist. Her body was almost permeated by that pure yin atmosphere, and in front of her, Lin Dong was exuding a pure yang atmosphere, and the feeling was like an extremely cold person, seeing a warm stove Generally, I can’t help but want to pounce.


The to vanish is gradually intellect, and the body of Jiu Qingzhu Jiao trembles constantly, but there is still a sound of gritting teeth and a low voice.

“Everything has its cause and effect. If you don’t destroy the sarcophagus, I won’t show up, but since I have already appeared, then naturally I have to follow my rules …” the elegant man smiled.

“Senior, this is not fun, you let me go.” Lin Dong also supported hard.

The Ruya man bears his hands behind him, smiles, but does not speak.

“This mother-in-law is too pit! Little Marten! Little Marten!”

When he sees this, Lin Dong is helpless and can only shout in his heart, but the little marten who usually appears often disappears completely at this time. No matter how Lin Dong shouts, he doesn’t say a word. This will make Lin mad at Venus, this guy is too unreliable, and will drop the chain as soon as it is critical.

However, just as Lin Dong tried his best to resist the burning fire in his body, a slender jade arm like a lotus root suddenly held his neck, as if it were boneless. Jiao body, like a water snake, stuck in Lin Donghuai’s arms, a smell of fragrance, pouring into Lin Dong’s nose.


A scent of fragrance, the softness in her arms, is like the explosive that ignites the lead, making Lin’s eyes turn red instantly, and the rationality of hard work and perseverance is also becoming weaker.

“Lin Dong, you dare to touch me. When I wake up, I will take your life!”

The beauty lies in Lin Donghuai’s arms, the fairy who did not eat the fireworks on the earth, but at this moment is glamorous, turning into a seductive enchantress, she leans against Lin Donghuai’s pant, But under that tulle, there was still a low, inaudible voice coming out.

When I saw this woman even dared to speak hard at this time, Lin Dong first froze, even if she became angry, and remembered that the woman had ignored her life and death before and wanted to take his yang away. It is even more unforgivable.

“I will show you today!”

Furious anger, Lin Dong’s eyes were red, and his reason was directly destroyed by the words of Qing Qingzhu. He screamed angrily, throwing away all the fears in his heart, reaching out his palm, and holding one The tulle on Qingzhu’s cheek was torn.


The tulle slowly slipped down, finally revealing the shocking face underneath.

Even if I knew long ago that the look under the tulle was bound to be beautiful, in this moment, Lin Dong still had an instant suffocation, and even the reason that had been concealed was covered by this worldly appearance. Shocked for a moment to recover.

“Looking at the city of people, then the country of people, it’s a peerless beauty.”

Even the gentleman praised him at this moment, immediately smiled slightly, lifted the palm lightly, the beams of the road swept out, and finally turned into a thick light group, which directly transferred Lin Dong and Nao Qingzhu. Enter the parcel.

“Little guy, you can get the celestial halberd, it is also your fate, look at that worship, and give you a gift.” The light group condenses, the elegant man smiles again, and a beam of light sweeps from his fingertips Out, and then passed into the light group, shot into Lin’s mind.

“Hehe, the beauty of being an adult after death is really fast …”

After doing this, the elegant man just nodded with satisfaction, and laughed at the sky, and his body also slowly cracked and opened, turning into many light spots and drifting away.

With the disappearance of the Ruya man, this stone hall also becomes completely silent, only with a huge light cluster suspended in mid-air, faintly, with a heartbeat of spring. China quietly permeates.

The two blurry figures are tightly intertwined in the light group, as if YinYang, water and milk blend together.

The silence of Shi Dian, after a long time, was finally broken by a slight click, only to see that, above the light group, cracks spread quickly.


The cracks spread quickly, and in just a few moments, it burst and burst!

As the light mass bursts into the sky, the two figures are also lightning-ridden from each of them.

The young man’s figure fell to the ground vigorously. His clothes had been neatly dressed in mid-air. As soon as he fell to the ground, there was no slight pause or a nonsense, and the tiptoe kicked into a vague figure. The bronze gate stormed out.

“Xiao Yan, let’s go!”

Lin Dong is obviously very moral. At this time, he didn’t want to remind him of Xiao Yan who was lying on the side waiting for him.

While hearing his voice, Xiao Yan also jumped up quickly, and then flew out quickly.

The distance of dozens of feet, but just blinking. However, just as Lin Dong was about to pull out of the bronze gate, a shadow of cold Murderous Qi appeared like a ghost.


As soon as the Qianying appeared, there was no nonsense. When Saitama lifted his hand and shone brightly with Murderous Qi, it burst out!


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