Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1302: Praying

Chapter 1302


Feeling the softness and coldness of his lips, Lin Dong was a little stunned, then he looked at Ying Huanhuan’s beautiful cheek with tears, but his heart trembled for a while. Tremble.

“What do you mean?”

Ying Huanhuan fell from Lin Dong, Yushou gently stroked his face, and murmured, “Sorry, you have survived the triple reincarnation, I’m sorry, but you are not by your side.”

She stepped back gently for two steps, and then her beautiful eyes looked down at the sea of ​​countless expectations that gave her to the people watching, and the voice murmured quietly: “Now I am not really Arriving in the ancestral home can only be regarded as a semi-ancestor’s realm at best. This is still very far away from the real ancestral home. “

In the sea of ​​chaos, it gradually quieted down. Countless people were a little lost in hearing this, half-ancestor? What does it mean?

“With my current strength, it is still impossible to be an opponent of the alien demon emperor. When he comes to the world completely after one month, I will no longer be able to stop him.”

The countless people’s faces are gradually pale, and the surviving flame of hope is annihilating a little bit. Is their last hope broken at this time?

The ice masters did not enter the ancestral realm as they expected, but the semi-ancestor realm. Although it was a word difference, it was the gap between heaven and earth.

“Is it really the end?”

Countless people muttered to themselves, deep fear and despair, climbing out of their hearts.

The Lord of Life and Death also wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth and looked at the sky with a sigh in his heart.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t arrive in the ancestral realm. We can join forces with other forces, and we may not be able to fight against the alien demon emperor!” Lin Dong looked at Ying Huanhuan, who was trembling slightly, and the expectations of countless people The pressure and responsibility to save the world is enough to make anyone breathless, like the heavy mountains pressing on her tender shoulders.

Ying Huan looked at Lin Dong with a slight smile, and said, “In fact, I already knew this was the result. Even if these forces are gathered, it is impossible for anyone to enter the ancestral home. , And the forcible promotion, there are great sequelae, now I am afraid I can no longer enter the ancestral homeland. “

“It’s so easy to reach the real ancestral homeland, but it’s all expected, so I actually succeeded.”

Lin moved a shiver, looking at Ying Huanhuan blankly.

“Because I know the result, I vetoed what you want to replace my heart. Sorry, I don’t mean to veto your efforts. What you do, I know”

Ying Huanhuan’s hands covered her lips, her voice became choked, and tears flowed from her eyes, and her eyes looking at Lin Dong were full of tenderness.

The previous ice seal is completely gone at this time.

In heaven and earth, countless people are gazing at the girl with tears in her mouth covering her mouth. At this time, she no longer seems to be the savior who gathered all her expectations, but a weak and weak Poor ordinary girl.

“What on earth do you want to do?” Lin Dong murmured, looking at the girl who was shaking slightly.

Ying Huanhuan wiped away the tears on his cheeks and looked at Lin Dong. A very touching smile bloomed on his cheeks: “I want you to be the second Fuzu.”

Lin Dong was startled, and countless strong men also looked at Ying Huanhuan in amazement. What did she mean by this?

“Give me some time, I will get to that point!” Lin Dong stared at Ying Huanhuan tightly, and anxiety poured out in his heart.

“But we don’t have time.”

Ying Huan raised a cheeky face, that nowhere, the seal of the plane was fading quickly, and the ice layer blocked by her was melting at an amazing speed. Apparently, the strange demon emperor was Break the seal with all your strength.

“I’m sorry I’ve been lying to you all the time. I let you go to the ancestral palace to condense the shrine, and I forced you to cross the triple wheel to rob me. I’m really a person who hates you.” Ying Huanhuan’s smile on his cheek It seemed very euphemistic, her nails were deeply in her palms, and the ice-blue blood dripped like ice drops.

“The master said of my strength is not actually that I can reach my ancestral homeland, but that I have the power to help others reach my ancestral homeland. In this world, there is actually salvation. Of course, the premise is that I To reach the half-ancestor state. “

Lin Dong gritted his teeth, he stared at Ying Huanhuan tightly. I do n’t want to be the second Fuzu. I am a selfish person, so I do n’t want to do anything to save the world. I just want to be with the person I care about, even if everything is perishable in the end, it is at least no complaint!

Ying Huanhuan looked at Lin Dong as if seeing through the rush in his heart. She bit her lip and choked and said, “But I just want you to live.”

I just want you to live.

Lin Dongru was struck by lightning. It was a familiar sentence. In the strange realm of many years ago, in such a desperate situation, the girl said to him with such red eyes. The simple request was, Let Delindong feel the pain of being torn apart.

“What the **** do you want to do?”

Lin Dong shivered, repeating that sentence again, he stared at Ying Huanhuan and murmured, “Can’t you listen to me once?!”

“I really don’t want to do this, but is there any other way? In fact, from the beginning, all of this is doomed, I can’t change anything at all”

Ying Huanhuan’s eyes are flushed, and water splashes are condensed in her eyes.

“Sorry, I just want you to live well.”

Ying Huan retreated slowly, she shook her head gently. During her retreat, her long crystal hair began to gradually become black, and the ice-blue beauty was again. Recovering the dark spirit of a long time ago, that one, that one, who had a black pony tail, smiled and smiled, and the flamboyant and lively girl seemed to appear again.

The Lord of Life and Death below saw such a change in Ying Huanhuan, but his face changed dramatically.

Lin Dong also noticed that he was wrong, and his body moved directly toward Ying Huanhuan.


But when the body just rushed out, the surrounding space was instantly frozen, ice formed vines, entangled in the forest moving body, and then snow and ice condensed under its feet, turned into a huge ice. lotus.

That kind of power, even now that Lin Dong condenses the shrine, it ’s a little hard to resist through the three rounds of robbery. Although his practice speed is enough to rank in the top three in ancient times, but his training time is too high. Short, this is his biggest weakness. If he can be given some time, he believes that he will definitely touch his ancestral home!

But he has no time!

“Ying Huanhuan! If you dare to mess around again, I will never let you go!” Lin moved his eyes red and growled.

Ying Huanhuan smiled at Lin Dong gently, her smile was like a snowdrop on the iceberg, and her eyes closed slowly.

It was far away.

The old man carried a little baby girl out of a 10,000-year-old iceberg.

The baby girl gradually grew up and became a little girl with a pony tail.

“Binger, you have a very powerful force. Maybe a long time later, the master is gone. At that time, the world needs you to guard.” The old man smiled and looked at the little girl carved like a pink carving. The sound is gentle.

“Why isn’t the master here?” The little girl’s voice was immature, and her big dark eyes were full of innocence.

The old man laughed and continued, “It ’s just that kind of power that requires your complete willingness to release, and you will pay a great price, and that price may be your life. If at that time, you If you can find someone who is willing to give you this way, then please save this heaven and earth soul. “

The little girl blinked her eyes and said, “What if you don’t find it? Why give your life to others, I don’t like it.”

“If you don’t find it, it will be the doomed disaster in this world, and the agreement between the master and you will not be counted.”


The little girl took a sip of the ice, and the black pony tail shook it, giving her life for others? Although she is still young, the deep ice deep in her heart makes her think that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen

“Master, in the end, I still found the one who can make me willing to give everything, Binger is also very happy”

Distant memories rushed out from the dusty place, Ying Huanhuan murmured in her heart, and immediately the smile on her pretty face began to become warm. Her slender jade hands gently joined, and it seemed to form an ancient incomparable Of India.

“I pray with my spirit”

“In my body”

“My soul”

“With my blood”

The sound of the ethereal sounds as if accompanied by the sound of an ancient ballad. It lingers everywhere in this corner of the world. The four mysterious realms, the sea of ​​chaos, the demon realm, countless people are looking up, as if there were The sense of looking towards that direction, an inexplicable shock, poured out from the heart.

“Soul of heaven and earth, deification, ancestral path!”

When the last ancient syllable fell, Ying Huanhuai Jiao’s body suddenly trembled violently, and then the world began to tremble, and the sky showed brilliant colors, as if there were countless auras of light emerging from the heavens and the earth, and finally in the chaos Over the sea, it turns into a magnificent light curtain of millions of feet.

The lingering light shone, and finally poured as much as possible into the huge ice lotus under Lin Dong’s feet, and then the ice lotus began to become gorgeous

However, Lin Dong didn’t have time to pay attention to the changes of Binglian. He looked at Ying Huanhuan in horror, because at this time, the latter body actually had an ice-blue flame rising.

At this moment, he finally understands what Ying Huanhuan wants to do. She is burning herself and urging her most powerful force to help him become an ancestor, but this price will obviously be hers. life!

He finally understood why Ying Huanhuan rejected him indifferently in Xixuanyu because it was not a matrix that impacted his ancestors at all, but for her to have such a urge. Plan of power!

She thought of it from the beginning!


“You stop me!”

“Ying Huanhuan!”

Countless bloodshots tangled in Lin Dong’s eyeballs. He was struggling madly, roaring in anger, and the roaring sound resounded like a wild animal in this world.

The Lord Yan saw them face down, his face changed drastically, and he rushed up, but was caught by the Lord of Life and Death. Her eyes were red and murmured: “This is her choice, don’t disturb her It’s over. “

“Why is this happening?” Yan Master murmured pale.

“Do we have any other methods? The ancestral realm is not so easy to reach. Even a little sister can only use this method to get Lin Dong into the ancestral realm. Only in this way can we avoid it. This calamity. “The Lord of Life and Death wiped away tears, said.

Yan Lord, they were silent, they looked at the sky, and at this moment, it was the mentality that they experienced like that, they could not help but redden their eyes.

Ice blue flames are rising, and should be gazing at the crazy forest movement, tears condensed, and then rolled down.

“I’m sorry I don’t want to protect any world, nor do I want to be a savior, but I want you to live”

“Lin Dong, thank you for letting me fall in love with you before I awakened, and thank you for giving me so much goodness, and you let me know that no matter how cold your heart is, it will bloom and bloom”

“You have asked me if I am the owner of the ice or should be Huanhuan”

“Now I can tell you a fool, how can there be any ice master, I have always been Huanhuan.”

Ice-blue flames swelled up, eventually covering Ying Huanhuan’s entire body, and her choking voice was spreading at this time.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Lin Dong shrieked, howling spread far away, and the pain and helplessness of the heartbreaking heart that made it so red that countless people’s eyes instantly turned red.


The huge and beautiful ice lotus, at this time, exuded a magnificent light, and then the petals of the ice lotus began to slowly close, and the sight of Lin Dong also began to blur, and the consciousness began to darken as the ice lotus closed. .

In the sight that was about to be completely blurred, there seemed to be a figure emerging.

She has black hands and a long slender horsetail on her back, beating a lively arc. Above that pretty face, she is covered with sly and delicate smiles. As many years ago, in that sect, they met for the first time. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend it to registered members of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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