Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1037: The last one

“One more …”

When the husky voice was uploaded from Shitai, both the faces of Moro and Tang Xinlian changed slightly, and only the green chuckling smiled as if it was not unexpected.

“Lin Dong, so far this deadly spirit pool has never been subjected to 50 Death Qi scours. The last one is far from being comparable. Once you fail, your physical strength will be Death Qi. Corroded! “Moro sank.

On the stone platform, Lin Dongzhong’s palm. At this time, his skin was a little pale due to the erosion of Death Qi. He seemed to be enduring great pain, so he didn’t say anything, just that The slightly swaying palm reveals some persistent refusals to stop.

There is no innocent power in the world. If you want to become more powerful than others, you need to pay hard work and risks that others cannot reach. This is when Lin Dong just came out of the Dayan Dynasty. Know it clearly.

Morrow sees this, his eyes are slightly condensed, this kid is really stingy.

“Morrow, let him be. He really has to decide what to do, you can’t come back.” Qing Yan smiled aside.

Moro laughed bitterly, shook his head, and said, “Just talk about the wind, and when this kid ’s body is destroyed, will it be easy for you to rebuild the auxiliary body?”

Qing Ye smiled at the slightly trembling figure on the stone platform, and said softly, “He will succeed …”

“I hope so …”

The sticky Death Qi dripped from the stone platform but fell into the pool, but there was no sound of water droplets. Even on the pool surface, there was no ripple spreading.

With the forty-ninth Death Qi scour down, the deadly Yan Lingchi gradually recovered its quietness, and it looked as if there was no follow-up.

“Master …” Tang Xinlian looked at this scene, and there was a doubt in her eyes, because no one had insisted on the 50th track before, so she didn’t even know what the 50th Death Qi scour was kind.

“Coming soon …” Moro looked up but concentrated on the black waterfall above the deadly pond, in his eyes, there was a dignified appearance.


Soon after the Moro voice fell, the ground suddenly began to shake. Tang Xinlian raised her head in surprise, and then saw her pupils shrink slightly. The huge black waterfall turned slowly at this time. Creeping.

The Black Waterfall is like a black dragon that cannot see the end. In the silence, it quietly reveals its puppet.

A scary and indescribable Death Qi spreads and spreads. This space has become a kind of Death Qi that has become a little shabby, and even the space is unbearable.

The forest movement on the stone platform was also aware of the terrible fluctuations above. Immediately he looked up, his pupils printed the creeping black waterfall, and the shadow was like death coming, which made him **** deeply. With a sigh of relief, this last Death Qi scour turned so abnormal that no wonder even Moro would speak against it …

However, it’s time to retreat. It’s impossible to retreat.

“Come on.” Lin Dongpan sat with his body in his eyes, staring at the black waterfall, starting to scorch with a burning challenge.

The black waterfall is slowly twisting, with a stream of black water pouring down, and then quietly merged into the pool water, however no matter how majestic the air is, there is still no sound coming out. Quiet and weird.


Invisibly, there seems to be a sudden sound, and the air in this space is quickly escaping and dispersing. The black waterfall is already mixed with horror, pouring down from the sky like a black The mountains fell head to face with the forest.


The waterfall will come down. The huge stone platforms will almost turn to ashes. Although there is no loud noise, the trembling ground still proves the terrible impact.


The black waterfall, which drowned Lin Dong’s body, immediately came out with a painful roar.

On the edge of the Dead Flame Pool, the three of Moro looked at the falling black waterfall solemnly. With extraordinary eyesight, they could vaguely see that among the waterfalls, Lin’s moving body turned out to be It gradually became darker at this time, which was a sign of physical necrosis.

“He can’t hold it.” Tang Xinlian said in a hurry, no one could imagine that this last one was so fierce. Compared with this one, the forty-nine before it was a little witch.

“Master, save him!”

Mo Luo looked dignified, he looked at the calm green owl next to him, shook his head slightly, and said quietly, “Don’t worry, the boy is still insisting.”


Several depressions, but still containing the extremely painful roaring roar, came out from the waterfall like a beast, I can’t imagine the extent of that pain, even the tough forest movement, It’s all like that.

Tang Xinlian’s jade hand covered her red lips, she could see that in that black waterfall, Lin Dong’s body seemed to shrink in circles. Those massive Death Qis seemed to have a terrible corrosion effect. In general, his body was constantly eroded.

Layer-by-skin of black skin quickly accumulates on the surface of Lin Dong’s body, and that scene can see people’s hearts cold.

The painful roar finally weakened after lasting for a while, but it was not because the pain stopped, but because the Death Qi eroded his throat, the sound like a broken windmill , No longer the past clear.

Tang Xinlian watched this scene. Even though she was always tough, her eyes were slightly red at this time, she turned her head and looked away from the painful figure in the black waterfall.

She can finally know some of the reasons why this young person, about the same age as her, can be valued by her master and the strongest man in the world, such as Qing Ye. This is not a gift or something, but It was the kind of resilience he did not give up.

That kind of resilience, even she can’t reach it, because at least in the beginning, she didn’t have the courage to challenge the 50th Death Qi scour …

“Lin Dong … Come on …” Tang Xinlianyu gently held her hand, slightly tilted her head, and murmured.

The hoarse and painful roar finally dissipated completely, but the waves of horrible Death Qi are still washing away at one of the already immobile figures because of Death Qi‘s Isolate, and even be unable to detect whether the figure in it is still alive.

And this scouring lasted for ten minutes, and then the raging black waterfall just came up against the current again, hanging high in the sky like ink, pouring down.

The eyes of the three Moros also slowly retreated with the black waterfall, condensing in the dead flame pool. On the pool surface, black flames rose, and a pile of black dander piled up into hills.

With a wave of Morro’s sleeve robe, the strong wind blew, and the black dander flew apart, revealing one of those black bodies and the skinny body.

Tang Xinlian looked at this black body almost like a bone, and her teeth could not help biting her red lips, trying hard not to make her own voice.

She couldn’t sense any vitality existence on that body.

Mo Luo looked at the scene with a solemn expression, and then turned his head to look at Qing Ye. Although the face of the latter was still calm, he could still feel that Qing Ye’s body seemed to be much tighter at this time.

No one speaks, the atmosphere is so depressing that it’s breathless.


This atmosphere lasted about a minute or so, and suddenly there was a slight abnormal sound. The three of Moro looked hurriedly down the road, and then they saw that on the black dead bone, It was cracks.

The three people looked at this scene, their eyes were all condensed, because the black matter was completely condensed by Death Qi, so even the green owl could not sense whether there was any vitality underneath it.

The cracks spread quickly in the eyes of the three without blinking. The last sounded, a crack broke, and then a slender arm stretched out from it.

Kacha Kacha!

The black matter fell off at this moment, and as the black fell off, the healthy and vibrant color was revealed again.

When the black matter completely fell off, a tall and strong young body appeared again. The pair of black pupils were bright and confident. Above the body, every line was full. power.

This is a body reborn from the nirvana in the flame of death. Although it does not have the amazing muscles of a giant, but under the seemingly thin body, there is a horrible force spreading out. .

“It was … successful …”

The three Moros looked at the metamorphic body, and their perception was quite amazing. Naturally, they could perceive that today, this body is obviously more powerful than before.

And within that body, there is still flowing majestic power, and in the power, a trace of pure Death Qi is doped, that state is as solid as a rock!

Obviously, Lin Dong successfully survived the fifteenth Death Qi scouring.

“This kid …”

Mo Luo grinned, his eyes full of admiration, Lin Dong shocked him again.


The smile on Qing Ye’s face also flourished, but only Moro could feel it. The tight body of the former also began to relax.

Lin Dong looked at the three people by the pool, and he also smiled. He was about to step forward. A fiery red spear had already penetrated through it fiercely. The fierce wind made him step back in a hurry. Then, he looked at Tang Xinlian suddenly. At this time, the latter face was hot, his eyes were scattered on his side, a pair of bright eyes, full of shame.

“Put your clothes on!”

Tang Xinlian’s appalling applause, Moro on the side couldn’t help laughing, and Qing Ye shook her head with a smile.

I’m going to start the new map slowly in the future. When it comes to the most headache, let’s start with a chapter today. To be continued

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