Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 1027:

The vast Yuanli swept across the sky like a storm. The amazing momentum saw the countless people who exited the flame city look horrified.


Twenty-nine figures form the mysterious array on the sky, and the majestic elemental force connects everyone like a stream, which makes their Auras in an extreme balance. one person.


The twenty-nine powerful gunshadows penetrate the void almost at the same time, and then the space is distorted. The gunshadows are directly weird together. Finally, there is a horrible force, and they attack the magic behind him fiercely. The monstrous wolf monster.

“Sirius Cut!”

The wolf will look at such a fierce offensive, with a sneer, a grip on the palm, the majestic qi is condensed directly in his hands, and then turned into a huge black giant sword, on the blade of the sword, a hawk The black wolf screamed in the sky, then burst into anger.


The blade was cut off, and the space was torn apart immediately. The blade wind didn’t fall. Above the ground, there was a huge and deep gully. The terrible force was scary.


The gun shadow and the knife collided, and the sound of a terrifying sound rang out. Within a hundred feet below, all the buildings were shaken by the aftershock into powder. Above the earth, huge cracks were like spider webs. The dazzling spread.

In the sky, twenty-nine figures retreat in unison, everyone’s body is shocked, and the eroding force is perfectly shared by them. In this way, it was enough to make a dead realm. The terrible offensive of the successful top powers was severely injured, but it only caused minor injuries to 29 people.

“Good mysterious heaven and earth integration method.” Lin Dong looked at the fierce confrontation in the sky with amazement. He could clearly feel that the power of the twenty-nine people in that array was almost completely. Integrating together, their attack power increased by 29 times, but each person’s attack was only one-ninth.

This mysterious formation, even Lin Dong. Can’t help but feel a little surprised, no wonder Tang Xinlian will have the confidence to compete with that stranger.


Tang Xinlian’s eyes were cold, her face was a little pale because of the previous fierce encounter, but she quickly recovered from the vast and powerful replenishment that quickly poured into her body. She The phoenix trembled in his hand, the buzzing sounded, and a cold drink, the twenty-nine people ran out again. Like one.

Bang Bang!

Amazing match. Erupting in the sky, the formation of a team of twenty-nine people, manipulating the rolling elements. Constantly confront the wolf demon who carries the monstrous spirit, and the towering buildings below are also under the ripples of energy spreading from the sky. Into nothingness.

Lin Dong stared at the increasingly fierce battle, his eyes were also a little stunned. With his superb Divine Strength perception, he could vaguely feel that over time and the ferocious offensive will attack, Tang Xinlian’s formation of twenty-nine people is gradually moving from deadlock to downwind.

After all, there is a huge gap between the Dead Realm and the Runner Realm, even though Tang Xinlian and them are united by the reason of the formation. However, there are still some differences between the real situation and the real world of rotation. With the formation method, they may be able to resist the super strong for a short time, but once time goes by, all kinds of disadvantages will eventually be revealed.

And obviously, Tang Xinlian must be fully exposed before this kind of malpractice. Began to use other methods, otherwise, once the formation is broken, they will be broken by the strange monster one by one after all, losing the power of unity. Fighting alone, they are not opponents of strangers at all.

“It’s time to change.”

Lin Dong looked at a fiery and bright shadow among the guards of the 28 strongest men in the Yan Temple. Muttered.


The wolf monster stretched out hundreds of huge golden wings behind him in a form that covered the sky, and the magic swept away, and then its wings were like the sharpest weapons, and a snoring sound was directly pierced. Void appeared above Tang Xinlian’s formation, and immediately fell down in anger.

“Yan Shenfeng!”

Tang Xinlian and others looked at the golden devil wings that were split, and their eyes were also abnormally dignified. I wanted to realize that the wolf demon was powerful in this offensive. Immediately, they screamed out, and it was in them. The top turned into a thousand fire peaks.


The wolf will look at Tang Xinlian for their obstruction, but the corner of his lips is a sneer of ridicule and smirk in his eyes.


Black light is like a black curtain tearing the sky, and then it is directly ripped down from the top of the flame mountain peak. A crack also spreads from the peak at an amazing speed.


The horrible wave of Yuanli swept away from the sky, and that huge mountain of flames instantly collapsed and opened, and the violent Yuanli spread like a flood.


The flame peak was broken, and in the array below, Twenty-nine of Tang Xinlian murmured, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Do you really think that the level of the reincarnation situation can be resisted by some so-called formation methods?” The wolf magically flared the golden wings behind him, and he looked at Tang Xinlian and others who appeared disordered in Aura. Sneered.

Tang Xinlian’s eyes stared at the wolf demon, and she also sneered, saying, “You are too happy too soon.”

“Hey, the little girl with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, I will break your array to see if you have any more madness!” The wolf will say arrogantly, and then the golden wings behind him suddenly stretched out. It’s so amazing that it’s so dark.

However, when the wolf demonic spirit filled the sky suddenly, his eyes suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked up, only to see the directions of the northeast, southwest, and northeast, and there were extremely amazing fluctuations.

The source of that kind of fluctuation is the Quartet Army of the Yan Temple. The red light is diffused. Vaguely, each of them has a huge array of formation discs, rising from the army.


Besides the Flame City, the sea of ​​people and mountains is also looking at the sky with such a shocking change. I didn’t expect it to happen, but Tang Xinlian had hidden other means.

“What a sly little girl!”

Wolf eyes will be gloomy. From the huge array of squares, even he noticed some dangers. Obviously, Tang Xinlian mainly wanted to entangle him, so he gave the square army to build a formation. Law time.

“It’s been a prize.”

Tang Xinlian sneered. In the pair of bright eyes, the ice surged coldly, and then she drank coldly, and circulated between the heavens and the earth: “The four armies listen to the orders, and the heavens and the four elephants seal Devil Array!”


Countless neat drinking sounds, just like thunder, roared loudly above the sky, and then the masterpieces of heaven and earth, the elemental power between heaven and earth also boiled at this time, and the square of the CD is actually spinning. However, in the rotation room, only the disc was seen, as if the shadow of Qinglong, Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Suzaku was formed.

“I want to suppress the general, dream!” The wolf screamed out in anger, and immediately gripped his big hand, the horrible magic swept through it, but it turned into a round of black light wheels, above the light wheels, Shrieking bursts, even the space rippled.

“Datian magic eclipse!”

The wolf slaps the palm of his hand, and the massive black light wheel is roaring out to an army that covers the sky.


“Fire Lotus Flame Shield, Royal!”

But when the horrible black light wheel roared out, the space in front of it was distorted, Tang Xinlian’s array of twenty-nine people flashed out, and the vastness of power gathered together, and it turned into a huge incomparable. Lotus fire shield.


The terrible loud noise spread quickly, the huge fire snake scattered around, and the twenty-nine figures shrouded by the formation method were also defeated in succession, and they couldn’t help in the humming sound. Sprayed a mouthful of blood.

“Matrix, start!”

Tang Xinlian’s hand wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, but she did not flinch in the slightest. The sound of cold drinking suddenly sounded.


As she drank, she could only see the tetragonal array on the sky, and it suddenly spun up at high speed, and then the light swept away. Then, on the sky, the interlocking and converging, and the tetragonal discs were connected. Magnificent and amazing formations, and around that formation, the spirits of the four elephants follow!

The formation is shrouded, and the wolf demon will be trapped in it. The spirit of the four elephants will growl suddenly, but they will roar out at the same time. Suzaku fluttered his wings and bound the wolf to death.


A mysterious complex light pattern is also formed around, and then the crazy monsters are entangled in circles, and the winding speed is like endless.

“Get away!”

The wolf screams with anger and screaming. He holds a huge spear, and the spear shadow sweeps out, trying to break the **** of the formation method, but at this time the formation method is completed. Obviously, even with the strength of his runners, it is difficult to break through in a short time.

Tang Xinlian looked at the huge formation that gradually trembled during the resistance of the wolf demon general. The beauty was also condensed. I did not expect that even this degree of formation could completely suppress the strange monster.


Tang Xinlian took a deep breath, and the jade fingerprints changed. Suddenly, there were many beams of light pouring down from the array, and one of them fell on the forest moving body below.

The beam of light shrouds the forest movement so that outsiders can’t see the scene inside. When the beam of light is enveloped, Lin movement also hears Tang Xinlian’s slightly rushing sound in his ear.

“Lin move, hurry, urge the power of ancestors, suppress him!”

When Lin Dong’s eyes were fixed, he immediately focused on his head. The strange magic energy was too difficult to deal with. The ordinary elemental power was extremely difficult to deal with this kind of energy. To suppress it, he still had to rely on the power of his ancestors.


After all, it’s time for his shot. {PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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