World of Immortals: Shan Hai Jing (1)

The first of the Nanshan Sutra of Nanshan is Queshan. Its first name is the swaggering mountain, which is located on the West Sea, rich in osmanthus, rich in gold and jade. There is grass Yan, which looks like a leek and is green, and its name is Zhu Yu, and it is not hungry to eat. There is wood yan, whose shape is like a valley but black, and its four photos in Hua, whose name is Migu, which is not lost when you wear it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a yu with white ears and walks on a pedestrian. Its name is 狌々, which is good for food. The water of Li {deer’s decree} flows out of Yan, while the west flows into the sea. Among them, there are many cultivating pei, and there is no disease in the wear. Main

   is three hundred miles east and east, and it is called the mountain of the court, with many forest trees, many white apes, many water jade, and many gold. Know

   three hundred and eighty miles east and eighty miles east and east, it is called the mountain of the wing, where there are many monsters, water and fish, white jade, worms, strange snakes, and strange woods. No more! Fast

   three hundred and seventy miles east and east, it is called the mountain of the sun, its sun is more pure gold, and its yin is more platinum. The beast Yan is like a horse with a white head, its text is like a tiger, and its red tail is like a ballad. Its name is Lushu, and it is suitable for descendants. The strange water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the water of Xianyi. Among them, there are many mysterious tortoises, their shape is like a tortoise and the bird’s head and tail are called the spinner tortoise, and its sound is like a wood, and the wearing is not deaf, which can be the bottom. Fast

   is three hundred miles east and east of the mountain, with plenty of water and no vegetation. There are fish Yan, which resembles a cow, lives in a mausoleum, and has wings on the tail of a snake. Its feathers are under the ray, and its sound is like a cow. Its name is salmon. It will resurrect after death in winter, and it will not be swollen. Know

   is four hundred miles east and east, saying that it is a mountain that is good at Yan, with plenty of water and no vegetation, so you can’t go above it. There are beasts, which are like raccoon dogs and have fashions. Their name is Lei, and they are self-contained, and the eater is not jealous. Fast

   is three hundred miles east and east, and it is called Jishan. Its sun is more jade, and its yin is more weird. There is a beast yan, which looks like a sheep, has nine tails and four ears, and its eyes are on the back. Its name is 犭尃訑, and it is not afraid of wearing it. There is a bird yan, which looks like a chicken with three heads, six eyes, six legs, and three wings. Ancient

   three hundred miles east and east, it is called the mountain of green hills, its sun is more jade, and its yin is more green. There are Beast Yan, which looks like a fox and has nine tails, and its sound is like a baby, can eat people, and eat people without guts. There is a bird yan, its shape is like a dove, its sound is like oh, and its name is “Gun Guan”, which is not confused when you wear it. The British water flows out of Yan, and the South China Sea focuses on the Zee Wing. Among them, there are many red chickens, which are like fish with human faces, and their sounds are like ducks and ducks. Ancient

   three hundred and fifty miles east and east, it is said that the mountain of Minio, whose tail is in the East China Sea, is full of sand and rocks. Linshui flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Luo, and most of them are white jade. Main

   Where the magpie is the head of the magpie mountain, from the swagger to the Mino mountain, Maruju Mountain, two thousand nine hundred and fifty miles. Its deity has a bird body and a dragon head. The rituals of the temple; Mao used a jade 璋, 稌 rice, a wall of rice, white 菅 as a table. Ancient

   The first of the Southern and Southern Second Classics is called Akishan, bordered by Liuhuang on the west, Zhupi on the north, and long and right on the east. The British water flows out of Yan, and the southwest flows into Chishui. Among them, there are many white jade and many Dan millet. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a dolphin, it has a distance, its sound is like a dog barking, its name is raccoon power, and its county has many soil skills. There is a bird yan, its shape is like a horned bird but human hands, its sound is like a numbness, its name is 鴸 bird, its name is also called, see it, the county puts more soil. Ancient

   Four hundred and fifty miles southeast and southeast, it is said that the mountain on the right is long and right, with no vegetation and plenty of water. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a yu with four ears, its name is long right, its sound is like yin, see the county and county water. Main

   three hundred and forty miles east and east, it is said that the mountain of Yaoguang, its sun is more jade, and its yin is more gold. There is a beast yan, which looks like a human but a hyena, burrows and stings in the winter. Its name is cunning and its sound is like a wood. See the county there is a big scorpion. Ancient

   three hundred and five hundred miles east and east, called Yushan Mountain, where there is a lot of water under it, and rain above it, there is no vegetation, and there are many insects. Fast

   three hundred and seventy miles east and east. It is said that the mountain of the father of Qu has no vegetation and much gold and jade. Main

   is four hundred miles east and east, and it is said that the mountain of Juyu is without vegetation and rich in gold and jade. Know

   is five hundred miles east and east, it is called the mountain of floating jade, and it looks to the north from the Gu District to the east. There is a Beast Yan, which looks like a tiger with a oxtail, and its sound is like a barking dog, and its name is 彘, which is a cannibalism. Vetch water comes from its yin, and the north flows into the area. Among them are more glutinous fish. Main

   is five hundred miles east and east, saying that it is a mountain, square and three altars, with more gold and jade on the top, and green 雘 on the bottom. Water flows out of Yan, while Nanliu pours into Yaoshao, and there is a lot of gold in it. Ancient

   five hundred miles east and east, it is said that the mountain of Kuaiji is square, with many gold and jade above it, and many stone stones below it. Spoon water out of Yan, and Nan Liu injects bromine. Main

   five hundred miles east and east, called Yishan. No vegetation, more sand and stone. Bromine water is out of Yan, while Nan is in Lietu. Know

   is five hundred miles east and east, called the mountain of Pugou, with many gold and jade above it, and vegetation below it, without birds and beasts, and without water. Ancient

   five hundred miles east and east, said the mountains of Xianyin, without vegetation and water. Fast

   four hundred miles east and east, called Xunshan, its yang is more golden, and its yin is more jade. There are beasts, which are like sheep but have no mouth, and cannot be killed. Their name is “sickness”. Xunshui is out of Yan, while Nanliu is in Yanzhize, where there are many pyrenes. Know

   is four hundred miles east and east, and it is called the mountain of 虖spoon. There are many Zi Lian on it, and Jingqi on the bottom. The water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the sea. Fast

   is five hundred miles east and east, called Wuzhishan in the district, with no vegetation and lots of sand and rocks. Lushui flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Pangshui. Main

   five hundred li east and east, said Luwu Mountain, there is no vegetation on it, and many stones. Ze Gengzhi water flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Pangshui. There are beasts in the water, the name is Gu eagle, which is like a eagle with horns, and its sound is like the sound of a baby, and it is cannibalism. Ancient

  East Five East Five Hundred Miles, said Wuzhishan, without vegetation, dobo stone, and no jade. In the East China Sea, Wangqiu Mountain, the only time it is to drive in and out of light. Main

   The first of the second scriptures of Fannan Fannan, from the cabinet mountain to the Qiwu mountain, Fanshiqi Mountain, seven thousand two hundred miles. The gods are all dragons and the head of the island. Its ancestral hall: A wall is used for hair, and 稌 is used for carbuncle. Ancient

  The first of the Southern and Southern Three Classics is the mountain of Yuzhi in the world. There is a lot of water under it, so you can’t go above it. Fast

   Five hundred li in the east of the five east, said the mountain of prayer, there are many gold and jade on it, and many rhinoceros, scorpions, and elephants on the bottom. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a bird with a white head, three legs, and a human face. Its name is Quru, and its name is also called. The waves flow out of Yan, while the south flows into the sea. Among them is the tiger dragon, which has a fish-like body and a snake tail, and its sound is like a mandarin duck. The eater is not swollen and can have hemorrhoids. Ancient

   five hundred miles east and east, it is said that the mountain of pill point, there is a lot of gold and jade on it. Danshui flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into the Bohai Sea. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a chicken, and the name is phoenix, the first text is Germany, the wing text is righteousness, the back text is ritual, the false text is benevolence, and the abdominal text is letter. It is a bird, eats naturally, sings and dances, and sees the world peacefully. Know

   five hundred li east and east, called Fashuang Mountain, without vegetation, water, and white apes. The flood flows out of Yan, while the south flows into the Bohai Sea. Fast

   is four hundred miles east and east, as far as the end of the mountain. There are valleys in the south, and there are many strange birds, and the wind comes out naturally. Main

   is four hundred miles east and east. As for the head of the mountain, there are more gold and jade on it, no water, and more insects under it. Know

   is east and east for five hundred miles, and it is called the mountain of Yangjia, without vegetation and water. Ancient

   five hundred miles east and east, saying that the mountain of Guanxiang, there are many trees and no grass; many strange birds, no beasts. Fast

   five hundred miles east and east, it is called Jishan, where there is a lot of gold on it, and there is a lot of Danyu on the bottom. The mountains of Heishui are irritated, and the south flows into the sea. Among them is mackerel, which looks like a crucian carp but has a hairy, and its sound is like a dolphin. If you see it, you will see a severe drought in the world. Know

   is four hundred miles east and east, called Lingqiu Mountain, without vegetation, and a lot of fire. There is Gu Yan in the south, and the middle valley is called the middle valley, and the wind comes out of its own accord. There is a bird yan, its status is owed, it is human but has four eyes and ears, its name is Yong, and its horn is also called. If you see it, you will see a severe drought in the world. Main

   three hundred and seventy miles east and east, called the mountain of Lunzhe, there are many gold and jade above it, and many green trees below it. There is wood yan, its shape is like a valley with red texture, its sweat is like lacquer, its taste is like syrup, eaters are not hungry, and can be relieved of labor. Its name is white {fuck guilt}, which can be blood jade. Fast

   five hundred and eighty miles east and east, said the mountain of Yu draft, many monsters, many snakes. Main

   is five hundred and eighty miles east and east, saying that the mountain of Nanyu, there is a lot of gold and jade on the top, and a lot of water below it. There are acupuncture points, water flows in, summer is out, and winter is closed. Zuo Shui flows out of Yan, while the southeast flows into the sea, and there are phoenixes and young birds. Ancient

   Fannan Fannan is the first of the three classics, from Tianyu Mountain to Nanyu Mountain, Fan 14 Mountain, six thousand five hundred and thirty miles. Its gods are all dragons and human faces. There is a white dog praying in the temple, and the 稈 uses 稌. Main

   The history of the mountains from the right south to the south, the size of 40 mountains, six thousand three hundred and eighty miles.

   West Shanxi Mountain is the head of Huashan Mountain, which is called the mountain where money comes. There are a lot of pine on it, and a lot of stone washing under it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a sheep with a horsetail, and is called a yam sheep, and its fat can be waxed. Know

   Forty-five miles west of the west, said the mountain of pine cones. The water flows out of Yan, and the north flows to Wei, and there is a lot of copper in it. There is a bird yan, whose name is insects, and its shape is like a pheasant, black body and barefoot, and it can be violent. Fast

   is sixty miles west and west, it is called the mountain of Taihua, which is cut into squares, its height is five thousand ren, its wide is ten li, and birds and beasts cannot live there. There is a snake yan, its name is fat mouth, six legs and four wings, and when you see it, you will see a drought in the world. Know

   is eighty miles west and west, it is said that the mountain of Xiaohua, its trees are more jingqi, its beasts are more oxen, its yin is more than chime, its yang is more than yu is the jade. There are many red birds, which can protect against fire. Its grasses are lily, like black leek, and are born on the stone, and born on the red wood, eating it is heartache. Main

   is eighty li west and west, saying that the mountain of Fuyu has more copper in its yang, and more iron in its yin. There is wood yan on it, which is called wen stem, which is actually like a jujube, which can be deaf. It has many grasses, its shape is like a sunflower, and its red and yellow are like a baby tongue, which makes people not confused when eating. The water of Fu Yu flows out of Yan, while the north flows into Wei. The beasts are mostly onion and deaf, and they look like sheep but red hyenas. Its birds are numerous, and its shape is like emerald with red beak, which can protect against fire. Main

   is sixty miles west and west, it is said that the stone is brittle mountain, its wood is many palms, its grass is many, its shape is like leeks, while the white and black are solid, and the food has been scrambled. Its yang is more of jade, and its yin is more of copper. Irrigation flows out of Yan, while the north flows into Yushui. Among them is the flow ocher, to paint the cattle and horses without disease. Fast

   is seventy miles west and west, and it is called Yingshan. There are many 杻橿 on it, its yin and iron, and its yang and red gold. Yushui flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Zhaoshui. Among them, there are many snakehead fish, which are like turtles and sound like sheep. There are many arrows in its yang {⺮mei}, and many beasts are cattle and sheep. There is a bird stew, which looks like a quail, with a yellow body and a red beak. Fast

   is fifty-two miles west and west, it is called Zhushan, with many trees on it, and more iron in its yin. There is Caoyan, its name is yellow 雚, its shape is like barnyard, its leaves are like hemp, white flower and red fruit, its shape is like ochre, it has scabies in the bath, and it can be gnawed. Bamboo water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Wei. Its Yang has many bamboo arrows and many blue jade. Danshui flows out of Yan, and flows into Luoshui from the southeast, where there are many water jade and many mermaids. There is a beast, which looks like a dolphin with white hair, and is as big as a 笄 with black ends, and its name is Hao Yu. Fast

   Hundred and twenty miles west and west, called Fushan, hope for wood, orange leaves without injury, wood insects inhabit it. There is grass Yan, the name is scented grass, hemp leaves and square stems, red flowers and black solid, smelly like wu, can be worn out. Know

   and seventy miles west and west, it is called the mountain of Yanzi, the lacquer water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Wei. There are many 棫橿 on the top, bamboo arrows on the bottom, red copper on the yin, and jade on the yang. There is a beast yan, which looks like a yu with long arms and is good at casting, and its name is arrogant. There is a bird yan, which looks like an owl, with a human face and one foot, saying 橐{Faba}, winter sees summer stings, and is not afraid of thunder. Main

   is a hundred and fifty miles west and west, saying that there is no vegetation. When the water is driven out of Yan, the North Sea is focused on Wei, and there is a lot of jade in it. Know

   Hundred and seventy miles west and west, called Nanshan, and there are many Dansu. Dan water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Wei. There are more beasts and leopards, and the birds are more corpse doves. Fast

   is four hundred and eight li west and west, it is called the mountain of great time, there are many valleys and tussah on the top, and a lot of 杻橿 on the bottom. Yin and silver, and yang and white jade. The water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Wei. The clear water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into Han River. Know

   is three hundred and twenty miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of the burial mound. The Han River flows out of Yan, and the southeast flows into Mian; the clamorous water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Tangshui. There are many peaches and branches on it, many beasts and bears, and many birds are white and red. There is Caoyan, its leaves are like stalks, its roots are like platycodons, black and flashy, and its name is follicles. Eating makes one childless. Main

   is three hundred and fifty miles west and west, saying that the mountain of the emperor of heaven, there are many palm trees; there are many 菅蕙 under. There is a beast, its shape is like a dog, its name is by the river, and the one who sits on its skin is not guilty. There is a bird yan, its shape is like a quail, black and red weng, the name is oak, eat hemorrhoids. There is grass Yan, its shape is like a sunflower, and its smell is like wu. Its name is Du Heng, and it can go on horseback and eat it. Fast

   Three hundred and eighty miles from the southwest to the southwest, it is said that the mountain on the road of Gao, the rose water flows out of Yan, the west flows into the water of all resources; the painted water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the water of collection. Its yang is rich in dan millet, its yin is rich in silver and gold, and its top is rich in osmanthus. There is Bai Shiyan, whose name is 囗, can poison rats. There is Caoyan, its shape is like manuscript striata, its leaves are like sunflower red back, and its name is no strips, which can poison rats. There are beasts, which look like a deer with white tails, horse-footed human hands and four horns, and are called Yan Yingru. There is a bird yan, which looks like an owl but has human feet. Main

   Hundred and eighty li west and west, called Huangshan, no vegetation, many bamboo arrows. Hope that the water will flow out of Yan, and the west will flow into Chishui, where there is a lot of jade. There is a beast yan, which looks like a cow, while the black and big eyes are called {sensitive cow}. There is a bird yan, which looks like an owl, has a blue feather and red beak, and a human tongue can speak. It is called a parrot. Fast

   is two hundred miles west and west, it is called Cuishan, with many palm trees on top, bamboo arrows below it, gold and jade in its sun, many thunks, its shape is like a magpie, red and black, and two four-legged. Can protect against fire. Know

   is two hundred and fifty miles west and west, and it is called the mountain, which is located in the West Sea, without vegetation and much jade. The water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the sea. Among them, there are more quarrying stones, gold, and more Dan millet. Fast

  Fan Xifan, the head of the Western Classics, from the mountain where money comes to Yushan Mountain, Fanjiu Mountain, two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven miles. Huashan Tomb is also the ritual of its shrine: Tai Lao. For the gods of the mountains, candles are used in the temples, one hundred sacrifices are used for fasting a hundred days, a hundred yus are used for a hundred days, a hundred bottles of soup and wine are used, and a hundred gui and walls are used for an infant. The rest of the seventeen mountains belong to a sheep temple. The candle holder, the grass is not gray, and the white mat is pure. Fast

   The first of the Western and Western Second Classics is called Qiaoshan, which has many coppers on the top, jade on the bottom, and many woods. Main

   Two hundred miles from the west to the west, it is called the mountain of Taimao, whose yang is more jade, and its yin is more iron. The bath water flows out of Yan and flows eastward into the river, where there are many algae jade and many white snakes. Ancient

   is one hundred and seventy li west and west, and it is called the mountain of calendar. There is more gold on the top, silver on the bottom, gold on the wood, silver on the bottom, and the wood more stilt, and its birds are more parrot mothers. . Chu Water flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Wei, and there are many white beads in it. Main

   is a hundred and fifty-mile high mountains west and west, with a lot of silver above it, a lot of green and realgar below it, its wood more brown, its grass more bamboo. Jingshui flows out of Yan, while the east flows into Wei, and there are many Xinshi and Qingbi among them. Ancient

   Three hundred miles in the southwest and southwest, it is called the mountain of the female bed. Its sun is more red copper, its yin is more stone nirvana, and its beasts are more tigers, leopards, rhinoceros. There is a bird yan, whose appearance is like Zhai and the five characters are called Luanniao, and the world is peaceful when you see it. Main

   is two hundred miles west and west, it is said that the mountain of the dragon head, its yang is rich in gold, and its yang is rich in iron. Shao Shui flows out of Yan, and the East China Sea flows into Jingshui, where there are many beautiful jade. Ancient

   is two hundred miles west and west, it is said that the mountain of Lutai, there is a lot of white jade on the top, and a lot of silver on the bottom, and its beasts are many cows, sheep, and Baihao. There is a bird yan, which looks like a rooster and calls itself, but when you see it, there are soldiers. Main

   Two miles in the southwest and southwest, it is said that the mountain is in danger of birds. Its sun is full of rosy stones, and its shade is more sandalwood, among which there are many women’s beds. The water of bird danger flows out of Yan, and flows westward into Chishui, where there are many dan millets. Ancient

   is four hundred miles west and west, it is said that the mountain is small, with white jade on it and red copper under it. There are beasts that look like an ape, and the white head is barefoot, and the name is Zhu Wei, and when you see it, you are a soldier. Main

   is three hundred miles west and west, it is said that the mountain is the second largest, its yang is more chalky, its yin is more blue, and its beasts are more sheep and {鹿霝} sheep. Know

   is four hundred miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of Xunwu, no vegetation, much gold and jade. Ancient

   is four hundred miles west and west, it is called the mountain of the sun, its woods are many ji, 枬, Yuzhang, and its beasts are more rhino, si, tiger, 犳, and ox. Main

   is two hundred and fifty miles west and west. It is called the mountain of many beasts. There are many jade on the top, and many sandals and gold on the bottom, and many beasts. Ancient

   five hundred miles west and west, it is called the mountain of the emperor, with many gold and jade above it, and green realgar below it. The emperor water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Chishui, where there are many Dansu. Main

   is three hundred miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of the emperor of China. There is a lot of gold on it, and a lot of Hui and Tang below it. Know

   is three hundred and fifty miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of the Western Emperor. Its yang is rich in gold, its yin is rich in iron, and its beasts are more moose, deer, and oxen. Fast

   three hundred miles and fifty miles west and west, called Laishan, its woods are many danchu, and its birds are dolores, which are cannibals. Main

   The first of the second scriptures of Fanxi Fanxi, from Qishan Mountain to Yulai Mountain, Fanshiqi Mountain, four thousand one hundred and forty miles. The ten gods are all with human faces and horses. The seven gods are all human face and bull body, four-legged and one-armed, wielding a staff to walk, and they are the gods of flying beasts. In the shrine, Mao used Shao Lao and Bai Su as the seat. One of the ten generations of gods, the hair of his shrine is a rooster, which is pure but not eccentric: Mao Cai. Fast

   The first of the three classics of the West and the West, it is called the mountain of Chongwu. To the south of the river, look at the mounds from the north, look at the Zeeze from the south, look at the hill where the emperor hunts animals in the west, and look at Yanyuan to the east. There are wood yan, the members of the leaves are white and the red is red and the black is black. In fact, they are like citrus aurantium, suitable for children and grandchildren to eat. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a mallard, and one wing is one day, and it is flying. The name is savage, and when you see it, the world is flooded. Ancient

   Three hundred miles northwest and northwest, it is called the mountain of Changsha. The drizzle comes out of Yan, and the north flows into Lushui, without vegetation, and more green realgar. Fast

   is three hundred and seventy miles west and northwest, and it is called the mountain of Buzhou. Looking north at the mountains of Zhu Yan, facing the mountain of Chong Yue, looking at the east of Luze, the river is also submerged, and its original muddy bubbles. It has fruit, but it is like a peach, its leaves are like jujubes, and its leaves are like jujubes. Ancient

   is four hundred and twenty miles west and northwest. It is called Mishan, on which there are many Dan woods, with red leaves and red stems, yellow flowers and red fruits, and its taste is as sweet as it is not hungry. Danshui flows out of Yan, and flows westward to Jize, where most of them are white jade. There is jade paste, the original boiling soup, the Huangdi is food and feast. It is Shengxuanyu. The jade ointment is used to irrigate Danmu, which is five years old, the five colors are clear, and the five flavors are sweet. The Yellow Emperor took the jade of Mishan and cast the sun of Zhongshan. Jinyu’s jade is good, the hard millet is precise, and the turbidity is colorful. Five-color seizures, with softness and rigidity. The ghosts of heaven and earth are food or feast; a gentleman takes it and regards imperialism as auspiciousness. From Mishan to Zhongshan, four hundred and sixty li, the whole time. It is a strange bird, a monster, a strange fish, all foreign objects. Main

   is four hundred and twenty miles west and northwest, called Zhongshan. His son is called a drum, which looks like a human face and a dragon’s body. It is to kill the river with Qinpi in the sun of Kunlun, and the emperor is to kill the east of Zhongshan, called ya. Qin Pi  turned into a big owl, its shape is like a carving with a head in ink writing, red beak and tiger claws, its sound is like morning wren, when you see it, there are soldiers; the drum is also transformed into a bird, its shape is like an owl, barefoot and straight The beak has a yellow text and a white head, and its sound is like a hu, and it is a big drought when you see it. Main

   is a hundred and eighty li west and west, called the mountain of Thai tools. The water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the quicksand. It is a multi-winged ray, shaped like a carp, with a fish body and bird wings, a pale white head and a red beak. It often travels in the West China Sea, swims in the East China Sea, and flies at night. Its sound is like Luan chicken, its taste is sour and sweet, it is crazy to eat, and you see the world’s big Rang. Fast

   three hundred and twenty miles west and west, said Huaijiang Mountain. Qiu Shizhi’s water flows out of Yan, while the north flows into Reshui. Among them, there are many golden green realgars on it, many Tibetan langgan, gold, and jade, and many red millets in its sun. Fortunately, there is a lot of gold and silver mining. It is the Pingpu of the emperor, and the gods and heroes recruit the division. Its horse-like body and human face, tiger text and bird wings, are in the world, and its sound is like a pear. Looking south at Kunlun, its light is blazing, its spirit and soul. Looking west towards Daze, Hou Ji also dived. Among them, there are many jade, and its yin is as much as wood. Looking to the north, Huaigui Lilun resides, and the Eagles and Shackles are also homes. Looking east at Hengshan forty percent, there are poor ghosts living in it, and each one is fighting. Yan has, its Qing Luo Luo. There is a **** Yan, whose shape is like a cow, and eight-legged two horsetails, whose sound is like an emperor, and when you see it, there are soldiers in the town. Ancient

   Four hundred miles southwest and southwest, it is called Kunlun Hill. Its **** is like a tiger with nine tails and a human face with tiger claws. It is a god. When the nine parts of Si Tian and the emperor’s trap, there are beasts, which are like sheep with four horns, and they are called earthworms. They are cannibals. There is a bird yan, which looks like a bee, and is as big as a mandarin duck. It is called Qinyuan, while the beasts and birds die, and the wormwood is dead. There is a bird yan, and its name is called the quail bird. There is wood yan, which looks like a tang, yellow and red, and its taste is like a plum but without seeds. The name is Shatang, which can protect water and keep people from drowning when eaten. There are grass stews, which are called barley grasses, which are like sunflowers and taste like green onions, and they are hard to eat. The river flows out of Yan, while the south flows into Wuda. Chishui flows out of Yan, while the southeast flows into the pantian waters. The ocean water flows out of Yan, while the southwest flows into the water of Ugly Tu. The ink came out, and the whole world poured into the big pole. It is a lot of monsters and birds. Ancient

   three hundred and seventy miles west and west, it is called the mountain of pleasure. Taoshui flows out of Yan and flows westward to Jize. It is a lot of white jade, among which there are many bone fish, which are like snakes and have four legs. They are fish-eating. Main

   The west water travels four hundred li, called quicksand, two hundred li. As for the mountain of Yingmu, it is the nine virtues of heaven. Its **** looks like a human with a leopard tail. There is more jade on the top, bluestone on the bottom and no water. Ancient

   is three hundred and fifty miles west and northwest, called Yushan, where the Queen Mother of the West lives. The Queen Mother of the West is like a human, with a leopard tail and tiger teeth, good at howling, and a shaggy hoopoe. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a dog but leopard, its horns are like cows, its name is sly, its sound is like a barking dog, and it is the great scorpion of the country when seen. There is a bird Yan, whose shape is like Zhai Erchi, whose name is Shengyu, is a fish-eater, whose sound is as recorded, and when you see it, its country is full of water. Ancient

   is four hundred and eighty li west and west, saying Xuanyuan Hill, without vegetation. Xunshui flows out of Yan, and the south flows into Heishui, where there are many dan millets and many green realgars. Main

   is three hundred miles west and west. It is called a mountain of stones. There are stone gates under it, and the river flows westward. It is a mountain, and everything has Yan. Ancient

   two hundred miles west and west, it is called the mountain of Changliu, where the **** Baidi Shaohao resides. The beasts are all tails, and the birds are all heads. It is a multi-textile jade. It is the palace of the member of the gods. It is God, who is in charge of the situation. Main

   is two hundred and eighty miles west and west, saying that the mountain of Zhange, without vegetation, much Yaobi. It’s weird. There is a beast yan, which looks like a red leopard, has five tails and a horn, its sound is like hitting a stone, and its name is like a scorpion. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a crane, one foot, red inscription with green quality and white beak, and the name is Biwen, and it screams by itself, and when you see it, there is a fire in its town. Fast

   is three hundred miles west and west, called Yinshan Mountain. The turbid bath water flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Fanze, among which many Wenbei. There is a beast yan, which looks like a raccoon dog with a white head, and is called a tengu, and its sound is like a grenade, which can guard against evil. Know

   is two hundred miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of Futi. There are many palm trees on it, and gold and jade on the bottom. Shenjiang is suspicious. It’s the mountain, it’s rainy, and it’s the place of the wind and clouds. Fast

   is two hundred and twenty miles west and west, saying that it is the mountain of three dangers, and the torii gate of three greens. It’s Shanya, with hundreds of miles of staff. There is a beast on it, its shape is like a cow, its white body has four horns, its majesty is like a drape, its name is 彳彳彳yin, it is food. There is a bird yan, one poem and three bodies, its shape is like a music , and its name is 鸱. Ancient

   is one hundred and ninety miles west and west, and it is called a mountain, which is full of jade but no stone. The voice is often like a bell. There are many snakes under it. Main

   three hundred and fifty miles west and west, said Tianshan, rich in gold and jade, and green realgar. Yingshui flows out of Yan, while the southwest flows into Tanggu. There is a spirit, the base shape is like a yellow sac, the red is like a pill water, six feet and four wings, and there is no eye. It is the knowledge of singing and dancing, and it is really the emperor. Fast

   two hundred and ninety miles west and west, it is called Lushan, where the gods live. There are many jade of infants and shorts, the jade of yang is more jinyu, and its yin is more green and realgar. It is the mountain, the place where the sun looks to the west, its qimen, the place where the gods are red. Know

   The west water travels hundreds of miles away. As for the Wingwang Mountain, there is no vegetation and much gold and jade. There is a beast yan, which looks like a raccoon dog, has one eye and three tails, and its name is 讠雚, and its sound is like {大集} a hundred sounds. There is a bird yan, which looks like a black crow, has three heads and six tails, and is good at laughing. It is called 鵸余. It is not tiresome to serve, and it can guard against evil. Main

  Fan Xifan, the first of the three classics, the mountain of Chongwu and the mountain of Yiwang, where the twenty-three mountains are six thousand seven hundred and forty-four miles. Its deity is like a sheep with a human face. For the ceremony of the temple, one lucky jade is used, and rice is used for glutinous rice. Ancient

   The first of the Western Times and the Four Classics of the Western Times, it is called Yinshan Mountain, which has a lot of trees and no stones. Yin water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Yu Luo. Main

   North Fifty North and Fifty Miles, called Laoshan, and many wilted grasses. Weak water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Luo. Know

   West Fifty West and Fifty Miles, it is said that the mountain of the father is the mountain of the father, the Ershu flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Luo, and many of them are Mi and Bi. Ancient

   North Qibei Qishili, it is called Shenshan, where there are many valleys and tussah above it, and there are many mounds below it, and its sun is more golden and jade. The district water flows out of Yan, and the river flows into the river. Main

   two hundred miles north and two north, it is called Bird Mountain, where there are many mulberries, and there are many mulberries on it, and its yin is more iron, and its yang is more jade. Humiliation flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river. Ancient

   Baierli north and north, it is said that there is no vegetation on the top of the mountain, but more rocks, more hazel, and more beasts. Many of its birds act as guards, and their shape resembles a pheasant. With their beards, they fly and can’t eat the eyes. The soup flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the river. Main

   is a hundred and eighty miles north and north, saying that the mountains of all times, the water of all times flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river. It is a mountain, many trees without grass, birds and beasts inhabited, many snakes. Ancient

   is a hundred and eighty miles north and north, called Haoshan, its wood is lacquered and brown, and its grass is rich in medicine and xiong. How cold stone. Duan Shui flows out of Yan, and east flows into the river. Main

   is two hundred and twenty miles north and north, it is called Yushan, its yin is more iron, its yang is more copper, its beasts are more white wolves and white tigers, and its birds are more white pheasants and white dicks. The raw water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river. Ancient

   two hundred and fifty li from the west and the west, it is said that the mountain is white, with many pines and cypresses on the top, and many oaks and sandals on the bottom. Its beasts are mostly cattle and sheep, and its birds are more owls. Luoshui flows from its yang, and flows into Wei in the east; the water flows from its yin, and flows into raw water in the east. Main

   Three hundred miles northwest and northwest, it is called the mountain of Shenshou, without vegetation, snow in winter and summer. Shen Shui comes from it. Underneath it is more white jade. Ancient

   is fifty-five miles west and west, called Jinggu Mountain. Jingshui flows out of Yan and flows southeast to Wei. It is rich in platinum and white jade. Fast

   is a hundred and twenty miles west and west, and it is called Gangshan, with a lot of wood, and a lot of jade. When the water flows out of Yan, the north flows into Wei. It is a multi-god “light ghost”, with a human face and animal body, one foot and one hand, and its sound is like a qin. Know

   two hundred miles west and west, to the end of Gangshan. Luoshui flows out of Yan, while the north flows into the river. Many of them are savage, with a rat-like body and a turtle head, and its sound is like a barking dog. Fast

   three hundred and fifty miles west and west, it is called Yingdan Mountain, with many lacquered wood on the top and gold and jade on the bottom, and the birds and beasts are all white. Yanshui flows out of Yan, while the north flows into Lingyangzhize. It is a fish of Duran’s relic, with its body and snake head and six legs, its eyes are like observing ears, and it can protect people from squinting by eating it. Ancient

   is three hundred miles west and west, and it is called the mountain of middle music. Its yang is rich in jade, and its yin is rich in realgar, white jade and gold. There are Beast Yan, which looks like a horse with a white body and black tail, one horn, tiger teeth and claws, and the sound is like a drum. There is wood yan, which looks like a tang, while the leaf is red, and it is as big as a papaya. It is called cup wood and has a lot of power to eat. Know

   two hundred and sixty li west and west, called Fengshan. There is a beast yan on it, its shape is like a cow, a hedgehog, its name is Qiongqi, and its sound is like a dog, and it is a cannibal. The Meng water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the ocean water, which contains many yellow shells; Ying fish, fish body and bird wings, sound like a mandarin duck, see the great water of its town. Main

   is two hundred and twenty miles west and west, saying that the bird and the mouse have the same cave, and there are many white tigers and white jade on it. The Wei River flows out of Yan, while the east flows into the river. Among them, there are a lot of turtles, which look like fish, and when they move, their towns have soldiers. Overflowing water comes from the west, and flows into the Han River in the west. There are many {like fish} miraculous fish, which resemble a chopped chop, with a bird’s head and fish wings, and its sound is like the sound of a stone chime, which is raw pearl jade. Fast

   Three hundred and sixty miles from the southwest to the southwest, it is said to be the mountain of 崦嵫, on which there are many Dan woods, and its leaves are like 楮, in fact, it is as big as a melon, and the red talisman is black. Its yang is more tortoise, its yin is more jade. Shaw water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the sea, and there is much encouragement in it. There is a beast yan with a horse-like body, bird wings, and a snake tail. It is easy to lift people, and its name is Nahu. There is a bird yan, which looks like an owl with a human face and a dog tail. Fast

   The four meridians of Fanxifan West start from the Yin Mountain below. As for the mountain of Laocheng, Fanjiu Mountain is 3,680 miles. In the shrine ceremony, a white chicken is used to pray, and rice and white sago are used as seats. Know

   The mountain from the right west to the west, where the seventy-seven mountain is seventeen thousand five hundred and seventeen miles away.

  The head of the North Mountain Jing of the North Mountain is called the mountain of single fox, with many machines and trees, and there are many flowers on it. Every Yanshui flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Huishui, where there are many pyrene aragonites. Ancient

   is two hundred and fifty miles north and north. It is called Qiu Ruzhi Mountain, which has many jade and no vegetation. Water skiing leaves Yan, and the west flows into the water of Zhupi. Among them are more slippery fish. Its shape is like a gall with a red back, its sound is like a wu, and it has warts when it eats. Among them, there are many water horses, which look like a horse, and have an oxtail with arms, and their sound is like a call. Know

   is three hundred miles north and north, saying that there is a mountain with lots of jade on it, and a lot of green on the bottom. There is a beast yan, which looks like a horse and has an error in one corner. Its name is 雚shu, which can set fire. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a black, five-picked but red inscription, and its name is 鵸鵸鵸鐃, which is self-contained and does not eat gangrene. Pengshui flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the water of Pyrene Lake. There are many fish in the water, which are like chickens with red hair, three tails, six legs and four heads. Their sounds are like magpies, and you can already worry about eating. Know

   is four hundred miles north and north, called Qiaoming Mountain. Qiaoshui flows out of Yan, and flows westward into the river. Among them, there are many horror fishes, one with ten bodies, and the sound is like a barking dog, and the food has been carbuncle. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a scorpion but a red hair, its sound is like a durian, and its name is Menghuai, which can protect against evil. It is a mountain, without vegetation, and more green realgar. Main

   three hundred and fifty miles north and north, called the mountain of Zhuoguang. The water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the river. Among them, there are many 々 fish, which are like a magpie with ten wings, with scales on the ends of the feathers, and their sound is like a magpie. There are many pines and cypresses above it, palm trees below it, its beasts are many {deer} sheep, and its birds are many. Fast

   is three hundred and eighty miles north and north, called Guoshan, with a lot of lacquer on the top, and a lot of tongs on the bottom. Its yang is more jade, and its yin is more iron. Yishui flows out of Yan, and flows westward into the river. Its beasts are mostly llamas, and its birds have many nests, resembling a mouse with bird wings, and its sound is like a sheep, and it can be used to imply soldiers. Ancient

   is four hundred miles north and north. As for the tail of Guoshan, there is much jade but no stone on it. Fish water flows out of Yan, and flows westward into the river, among which Dovenbei. Main

   is two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Danxun, on which there are many cypresses, and its grass is many leeks, and there are many Danwei. The smoked water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Tangshui. There are beasts, which look like a mouse, and the body of a dodder, whose sound is like a dog. With its tail flying, it is called an ear mouse. If you don’t eat it, you can protect it from a hundred poisons. Fast

   two hundred and eighty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of stone, there is no vegetation on it, and it is much Yaobi. The drizzle flows out of Yan, and flows westward into the river. There is a beast yan, which looks like a leopard, and the title is white, and the name is Mengji, which is Shan Fu, and his Ming calls himself. Know

   is a hundred and ten li north and north, it is called the mountain of spring, there are many green onions, sunflowers, leeks, peaches, and plums. The bar water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Lize. There is a beast yan, which looks like a yu with a tattoo, smiles, and lie down when he sees people. The name is You Ying, and his ming calls himself. Fast

   is two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of vines, there is no vegetation on it, there are beasts on it, its shape is like a scorpion but there are hyenas, oxtails, arms, and horses. You will call when you see people. The name is Foot Zi, his Ming calls himself. There are birds that live in groups and fly with friends. Their hair is like a female pheasant, and their name is 鴔. They call themselves and eat. Ancient

   eight hundred miles north and north, it is called a mountain of leaflets, and there is no vegetation on it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a leopard with a long tail, and a human head with bull ears. It has one eye, and its name is Zhuqi, Shanzha, and its tail is when it goes. There is a bird yan, which looks like a pheasant, and the head, white wings, and yellow feet are called white 鵺. It is painful after eating, and it can be rash. The Quercus water flows out of Yan, while the south flows into Gangshui. Know

   is three hundred and twenty miles north and north, it is called the mountain of irrigation, which has a lot of trees above it, and a lot of quicksand, and a lot of stone below it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a cow with a white tail, and its sound is like a scorpion, whose name is the father. There is a bird yan, which looks like a female pheasant with a human face, and leaps when he sees a person. The craftsman Han Zhishui flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Lize, where there are many magnets. Main

   is two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Panhou. There are many pines and cypresses on it, hazel on the bottom, more jade on its yang, and more iron on its yin. There is a beast yan, the base shape is like a cow, and the four knots grow hair, or oxen. The edge water flows out of Yan, while the south flows into Lize. Ancient

   is two hundred and thirty miles north and north. It is called Xiaoxian Mountain, without vegetation, and snow in winter and summer. Fast

   two hundred and eighty miles north and two north, it is said that the mountain of Daxian, there is no vegetation, and there are many jade under it. It’s a mountain, square, not above. There is a snake named Long Snake, its hair is like a scorpion, and its sound is like a drum. Know

   three hundred and twenty miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Dunxie, there are many palm trees above it, and many grasses below it. The water of Dunxie flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Lize. From the northeast corner of Kunlun, it is only Kawara. Among them, there are more red salmon, more beasts, oxen, and more doves of birds. Main

   two hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain is less salty, without vegetation, and more green. There is a beast yan, which looks like a cow, and is naked, with a human face, and horse feet. Dunshui flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the waters of Yanmen, among which there are many fish from the city. Killing by eating. Fast

   two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of prison law. Yan Xiangze came out of Yan, while the northeast flowed into Taize. Among them, there are many nest fish, which are like carp but chicken feet, and eat warts. There is a beast yan, which looks like a dog with a human face. It is good at casting and smiles when it sees people. It is called a mountain, and its behavior is like the wind. When you see it, you will see a strong wind in the world. Ancient

   is two miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of Beiyue is rich in spine and rigid wood. There are beasts, which are like cows, and the four horns, humans, ears, and ears are called Zhuhuai, and the basic sound is like a geese, which is cannibalism. The water of Zhuhuai flows out of Yan, while the west flows into Xiaoshui. There are many serrata in the water, with the body of the fish and the head of the dog. The sound is like a baby, and the food is crazy. Know

   Hundred and eighty li north and north, it is said that the mountain of muddy evening, without vegetation, much copper and jade. The water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the sea. There is a snake with one head and two bodies. Fast

   is fifty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain in the north is single, there is no vegetation, and many scallions. Main

   is a hundred miles north and a hundred miles north, it is said that the mountain is poor, without vegetation, and Thomas. Know

   is one hundred and eighty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of northern freshness is Thomas, fresh water flows out of Yan, and the northwest flows into the water of Tuwu. Ancient

   Hundred and seventy miles north and north, called Dike Mountain, Thomas. There is a beast yan, which resembles a leopard and has the first title, and the name is 狕. The **** water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Taize, among which there are many dragon turtles. Main

   The head of the Northern Mountain Jing of Fanbei Fan, from Shanhu Mountain to Dike Mountain, Fan Twenty-Five Mountain, five thousand four hundred and ninety li, its gods are all human faces and snakes. In the shrine, a rooster is used for hair, and a rooster is used for Jiyu. The natives of the mountains are all raw and unflavored. Fast

   The first of the North and the North Second Classics, on the east of the river, its head rests on Fen, and its name is Guancen Mountain. There is no wood on it but much grass, and there is much jade on the bottom. Fenshui flows out of Yan, while the west flows into the river. Know

   is two hundred and fifty miles west and west, saying that the mountain of Shaoyang, there is more jade on it, and red silver under it. The acid water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Fenshui, which is more beautiful. Fast

   is fifty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of Yongzhi County has more jade on the top, more copper on the bottom, more beasts and moose, and more white and white birds. Jinshui flows out of Yan, while the southeast flows into Fenshui. Among them, many glutinous fish, its shape is like 囗 and red lin, its sound is like babble, and it is not arrogant to eat. Ancient

   two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Fox Qi, without vegetation, much green and green. Shengshui flows out of Yan, and the northeast flows into Fenshui, where there is a lot of Cangyu. Main

   Three hundred and fifty miles north and north, called Baisha Mountain, with a population of three hundred miles, full of sand, no vegetation, birds and beasts. The tuna water comes from above, and dives below it, it is a lot of white jade. Ancient

   is four hundred miles north and north, saying that Er is a mountain without vegetation and water. Fast

   is three hundred and eighty miles north and north, saying that it is a wild mountain, without vegetation, but also a mountain, with snow in winter and summer. The wild water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the floating water, which is beautiful jade. Know

   is three hundred and eighty miles north and north, and it is called the mountain of Zhuyu, with many copper and jade above it, and many pines and cypresses below it. Zhu Yuzhishui flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Yanshui. Fast

   three hundred and fifty miles north and north, it is called Duntou Mountain, which is rich in gold and jade, without vegetation. The water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Yinze. Among them, there are many ugly horses, with oxtails and white bodies, and one horn, whose sound is like a call. Know

   is thirty or fifty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of 钅蒖我之山, there is more jade on the top, and more copper on the bottom. There is a beast yan, which looks like a sheep-like human face, its eyes are under the armpits, its teeth are human claws, its sound is like a baby, and its name is roe deer owl, which is a cannibalism. Fast

   is three hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain in the north is no stone, and its sun is more jade. There is a beast, which looks like a tiger, while a white dog with a horse tail and a hyena, which is called Duo. There is a bird yan, which looks like a black, with a human face. The water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Qiongze. Ancient

   three hundred and fifty miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of Liangqu has no vegetation and much gold and jade. Xiushui flows out of Yan, while the east flows into Yanmen. Its beasts live in cum, its shape is like a scorpion with red hair, and its sound is like a dolphin. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like Kuafu, four wings, one eye, and dog’s tail. The name is clamor, and its sound is like a magpie. After eating, it has abdominal pain and can stop the same. Know

   is four hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of Guguan is without vegetation. It’s the mountain, and there is snow in Koxia. Ancient

   is three hundred and eighty miles north and north, saying that the mountains of lakes and irrigations are rich in jade in the sun, and the shades are more blue, and Thomas. The water in the lakes and irrigation flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the sea, and many of them are Dan. There is a wooden factory, whose leaves are like willows and are red. Main

   The water travels north and north for five hundred miles, and the quicksand is three hundred miles away. As for Huanshan, there are many gold and jade on it. Three mulberries are born, all trees are without branches, and their height is hundreds of thousands. Hundred fruit trees are born. There are many strange snakes under it. Ancient

   three hundred miles north and north, it is called Dunti’s mountain, without vegetation, and rich in gold and jade. It is Yun Yu Beihai. Fast

   The first of the two classics of the North and the North, from the mountain of Guanxian to the mountain of Dunti, the Seventeenth Mountain of Fan, five thousand six hundred and ninety miles. Its gods are all snake bodies and human faces. Its shrine; the hair uses a rooster to squat; it uses a scorpion and a scorpion, to vote but not to confuse. Know

   The first of the North and the North Three Classics, is the mountain of Taihang. Its first name is Guishan, with gold and jade on it, and blue on its bottom. There is a Beast Yan, which looks like a sheep with four horns, and has a horsetail with a distance. Its name is 鐄军, good return, and its name is from the bird Yan, its shape is a magpie, white body, red tail, and hexapod. Its name is 囗, Is a kind of shock, and its mingling is self-conscious. Main

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called the mountain of Longhou, without vegetation, and rich in gold and jade. The water of the decisive decision flows out of Yan, while the east flows into the river. Among them, there are many mermaid, which are like emperor fish, four-legged, and their sound is like a baby. Ancient

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called Macheng Mountain, with many aragonites on it, and gold and jade on its yin. There is a beast yan, which looks like a white dog with a black head, and when it sees people, it flies. Its name is Tianma, which sings as a bird, and there is a bird yan. It looks like a black, its head is white, its body is blue, and its feet are yellow. . The name is self-sufficient, and you can live without food if you are not hungry. Know

   is seventy miles east and northeast. It is called Xianshan, with jade on it, copper under it, pine and cypress, and grass and chrysanthemum. The water of Tiaosuga flows out of Yan, while the southwest flows into Changze. Among them, it is more acidic. Fast

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called the mountain of Tianchi, with no vegetation and many aragonites on it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a rabbit with a mouse head. With its back flying, its name is a flying squirrel. The water comes out of Yan and dives under it, and it is mostly yellow and chalky. Know

   is three hundred miles east and east, called Yangshan, where there are many jade on the top, and gold and bronze below it. There is a beast yan, its shape is like an ox with a tail, its neck [B142], its shape is like a ququ, its name is “Linghu”, its sound is self-sufficient, and its food is crazy. There is a bird yan, which looks like a red pheasant, and the five collections are written in words, and it is called a musculus, and its name is like a snake, and its name is self-snake. Keep the water out of Yan, and the south flow into the river. Among them is the father’s fish, which looks like a crucian carp, the head of the fish is but the body is vomiting. Know

   three hundred and fifty miles east and east, it is called the mountain of Benwen, there are many blue jade on it, and yellow chalk and donnie stone under it. Ancient

   is a hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of the king’s house is stony. The water flows out of Yan, while the northwest flows into Taize. Fast

   is three hundred miles east and three hundred miles northeast. It is called Jiaoshan, and there is a lot of jade but no stone on it. The teaching water flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the river. The water is dry in winter and flows in summer, but it is only a dry river. There are two mountains in it. It is a mountain with three hundred steps. Its name is Famaru Mountain, and there is gold and jade on it. Ancient

   is three hundred miles south and south, called Jingshan, looking south at the salt dealer’sze, and north looking at Shaoze. There are many grasses and yam azulfolia on it, its grass is more Qinjiao, its yin is more ocher, its yang is more jade. There is a bird yan, which looks like a snake, and has four wings, six eyes, and six legs. Know

   is three hundred and twenty miles east and southeast. It is called the Mengmen Mountain. There are many blue jade and gold above it, and yellow chalk and Donne stone below it. Ancient

   is three hundred and twenty miles east and southeast, called Pingshan. Ping Shui rises from above and lies beneath it, and it is beautiful jade. Fast

   is two hundred miles east and east. It is called Jingshan, with beautiful jade, many lacquered wood, many bamboos, its yang has red copper, and its yin has mysteriousness. The high water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the river. Know

   two hundred miles east and east, it is said that the mountain of insect tail, there are many gold and jade above it, and many bamboo and green green below it. Dan water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the river; thin water flows out of Yan, and the southeast flows into Huangze. Fast

   three hundred miles east and east, called Pengbi Mountain, there is no vegetation on it, much gold and jade, and plenty of water below it. The water of the flea forest flows out of Yan, and flows into the river in the southeast. The fat water flows out of Yan, while the south flows into the bed water, which contains many fat-remaining snakes. Know

   and a hundred and eighty li east and east, called Xiaohou Mountain. The water of Mingzhang flows out of Yan, and the south flows into Huangze. There is a bird yan, its shape is like black and white, and its name is 鸪[A220], which means that it cannot eat food. Fast

   three hundred and seventy miles east and east, called Taitou Mountain. A total of water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the pond. There are more gold and jade on it, and bamboo arrows on the bottom. Know

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called Xuanyuan Mountain, with more copper on the top and bamboo on the bottom. There is a bird yan, which looks like an owl with a white head, and its name is a yellow bird. It sings and is not jealous when eating. Fast

   two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Yehu, with many pines and cypresses on it, with gold and jade. Qin Shui flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the river. To its east is Lin Yan, whose name is Danlin. The water of Danlin flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the river. The water of Yinghou flows out of Yan, and the north flows into Yubangshui. Ancient

  Three hundred miles east of the east, said Juzhu Mountain, without vegetation, but with gold and jade. The water flows out of Yan, and the south flows into the river. Fast

   is three hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of the gods, with aragonite on the top, white snakes and flying insects under it. Yellow water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Huan; Fu water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Ou Shui. Know

   is two hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of the dove, and there is a lot of water on it. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a black, with a head, a white beak, and bare feet. The girl of the Emperor Yan is called a girl, who swims in the East China Sea and never returns, so she is Jingwei. Often titled the wood and stone of the West Mountain, it is in the East China Sea. Zhangshui flows out of Yan and flows eastward into the river. Main

   is a hundred and twenty miles east and northeast, called Shaoshan, with gold and jade above it and copper below it. The water of Qingzhang flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the water of Zhuozhang. Ancient

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called Xishan, which is full of jade and has a stone underneath. The water of the cow head flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Fushui. Main

   two hundred miles north and north, called Jingshan, there are beautiful jade. The scenery flows out of Yan, and the southeast flows into Haize. Know

   is a hundred miles north and north, it is said that the mountain of the head of the title, there is jade, many stones, and no water. Ancient

   and a hundred miles north and north, it is called Xiu Mountain, on which there are jade and green bicolor, its wood is many aronia, and its grass is many peony and xiong 藭. The water flows out of Yan, while the east flows into the river. There are 囗 and 黾 among them. Main

   hundreds and twenty miles north and north, called Songshan. Yangshui flows out of Yan, and the northeast flows into the river. Know

   Hundred and twenty miles north and north, said Dunyi Mountain, with no vegetation and gold and jade on it. Luoshui flows from its yang, and flows eastward into the water of Tailu; Nanshui flows from its yin, and flows east into Pengshui; Huai water flows out of Yan, while the east flows into Luze. Main

   Hundred and seventy miles north and north, called Zheshan, its yang has gold and jade, and its yin has iron. The water of Liju flows out of Yan, while the north flows into Huishui. Ancient

   two hundred miles north and north, it is called the Weilong Mountain, with jasper on it, gold on its yang, and iron on its yin. The fertile water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Gaoze, where there are many stones. The water of open iron flows out of Yan, and the north is in Daze. Main

   Hundred and eighty miles north and north, it is called the white horse mountain, its sun is more stone and jade, and its yin is more iron and red copper. The water of the Trojan came out of Yan, and the northeast flowed in Yutuo. Ancient

   is two hundred miles north and north. It is a mountain of empty mulberry, without vegetation, and snow in winter and summer. Fast

  The water of empty sang empty sang is flowing out of Yan, and it flows eastward in Feng Tuo. Main

   is three hundred miles north and north, it is called the mountain of Thai opera, without vegetation, and rich in gold and jade. There is a beast yan, which looks like a sheep, with one horn and one eye behind the ear, and its name is 溶东々, and its sound is self-sufficient. The water of Tuotou flows out of Yan, and the east flows into Liushui. The water of the liquid girl comes from Qiyang, and the south flows into Qinshui. Fast

   is three hundred miles north and north, called stone mountains, many gold and jade are hidden. The water of Xulu flows out of Yan, and the east flow flows into Fengtuo; the water of Xianyu flows out of Yan, while the south flow flows into Fengtuo. Know

   two hundred miles north and north, it is called Tongrong Mountain. The water of Gaotu flows out of Yan, while the east flows into the water of Liuye. Ancient

   is three hundred miles north and north, saying that high is a mountain. Zishui flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Yutuo. Its wood is brown and its grass is many. The water flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the river. Main

   is three hundred miles north and north, saying Lushan, how beautiful jade is. The beautiful jade Jiang Qianshui flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the river. Know

   is two hundred miles north and north, saying that the water flows out of Yanshan like Yishan, and flows into the river in the east. Ancient

   one hundred and twenty miles from the north, it is called Yanshan, and there are many baby stones. Yanshui flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the river. Fast

   travel north and north for five hundred miles in the mountains, five hundred miles in the water, as for Mount Rao. It has no vegetation, many Yaobi, many beasts, and many birds. The water of the past flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river, among which there is a fisherman who eats and kills people. Know

   is four hundred miles north and north, it is dry mountain, without vegetation, its yang has gold and jade, its yin has iron but no water. There is a beast yan, which looks like an ox but has three legs, and its name is roe, and its sound is self-sufficient. Fast

   five hundred miles north and north, called Lunshan. Lun Shui flows out of Yan, while east flows into the river. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a moose, its river is on the tail, its name is 罴. Know

   five hundred miles north and north, it is called Jieshi Mountain. The rope water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river, among which there are many peasant fish. There is jade on the base, and more green underneath. Fast

   travels five hundred miles north and north. As for the Yanmen Mountain, there is no vegetation. Main

   travel four hundred miles north and north, as for Tai Ze. Among them are Shanyan, which is called the mountain of the imperial capital, with a vast population of hundreds of miles, no vegetation, and gold and jade. Ancient

   is five hundred miles to the north, and it is said to be the mountain of Wufeng, and the mountain of Jihao to the north, its wind is like [C152]. Looking west at the mountain of Youdu, the bathing water flows out of Yan. There are snakes with red heads and white bodies, and their sounds are like cows. Main

  Fan Beifan is the first of the three classics of the North, from the mountain of Taihang to the mountain of no encounter, where the 46 mountains are two thousand three hundred and fifty miles away. Its deity shape is horse body and human face is twenty gods. For the temple, they all use a sprout. The fourteen gods are all lying down and carrying jade. The temples are all jade, not crippled. Its ten gods are all bowed and octopus tailed. The temple uses a wall. All the forty-four gods use 稌糈米寺. None of this food is fired. Main

   right north right north longitude mountain history, Fan 87 Mountain, 23,230 miles. Know

  The head of the Eastern Mountain Classic, the mountain of [B180], borders dry flavor to the north. Drink water out of Yan. And the northeast flows into the sea. Among them, there are many bighead and bighead fish, which are like pears and cows, and their sounds are like humming. Know

   is three hundred miles south and south, called a mountain, with jade above it and gold below it. The lake water flows out of Yan, and flows eastward into the potable water, and there are many living teachers in it. Fast

   is three hundred miles south and south, and it is called a squat-shaped mountain, with many gold and jade above it, and blue and green stones below it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a dog and has six legs. Its name is Cong Cong, and its sound is self-sufficient. There is a bird yan, its shape is like a chicken but mouse hair, its name is {this worm} rat, see it is a severe drought. Only water comes out of Yan. The north stream flows into the lake. Among them, there are many fish, their shape is like a mouth, their beak is like a fish, and the food is free of disease. Fast

   Three hundred miles south and south, it is called the mountain of Bolei, without vegetation and water. Main

   Three hundred miles south and south, it is called Fantiao Mountain, without vegetation and sand. The salty water flows out of Yan, and the north flows into the sea, among which there are many eels. Ancient

   is four hundred miles south and south. It is called the mountain of Gu. It has a lot of paint on the top and mulberry on the bottom. The water of Gu’er flows out of Yan, and flows northward into the sea, among which there are many eels. Main

   is four hundred miles south and south, and it is said that the mountain of Gao’s family has more jade on it, and more stone on the bottom. The water of the ropes flows out of Yan and flows eastward into Ze, and there is much gold and jade among them. Ancient

   is three hundred miles south and south, and it is called Yueshan. There are many mulberries on it, and a lot of mulberries on the bottom. Luoshui flows out of Yan and flows east to Yuze, and there are many golden jade among them. Main

   is three hundred miles south and south. It is called Can Mountain. There is no vegetation on it, and there is a lot of water under it. Among them, there are many fish of . There is a beast yan, whose shape is like boasting a father and a hairy, and its sound is like a call, and when you see it, the world is flooded. Ancient

   is three hundred miles south and south, it is called Dushan, where there are many gold and jade, and the water from the beautiful stone powder flows out from the Yan, and the east flows into the mian, and many of them are [A122] yong, and its shape is like yellow Snakes and fish wings have light coming in and out, and seeing it is a severe drought. Main

   is three hundred miles south and south, saying Mount Tai, with more jade on it, and gold on its bottom. There is a beast yan, which looks like a dolphin but has beads. The name is 狪々, and its sound is self-sufficient. The surrounding water flows out of Yan, and the east flows into the river, where there is a lot of water and jade. Ancient

   Three hundred miles south and south, it is called Zhushan, Yunyujiang, without vegetation, much Yaobi. The rushing water flows out of Yan, and the east flow is in the water of marrying Tan, and most of them are Qianliang. Main

   The head of the Fan Dongshan Sutra, from the mountain [B180] to Zhushan, Fan Twelve Mountains, three thousand six hundred miles. The gods are all human dragon heads. Temple: Mao uses a dog to pray, and uses fish. Ancient

  The first of the East and the Second Classics, is the mountain of empty mulberry, with fresh water to the north, Juwu to the east, Shaling to the south, and Shuanjuanze to the west. There is a beast yan, which looks like a cow but a tiger, and its sound is like a qin. Its name is 軨々, and its sound is self-sufficient, and when you see it, the world is flooded. Know

   is six hundred miles south and south, and it is called Cao Xi’s mountain. There are many traps but no wood under it, and many birds and beasts. Ancient

   is four hundred miles west and southwest. It is called the mountain of Yigao. There are many gold and jade on it, and chalk on the bottom. The water of Yagao flows out of Yan, and it flows eastward into the water of Ji Nuo, and there are many mirages in it. Main

   travels south and south for five hundred miles, and the quicksand enters three miles. As for the tail of Geshan, there is no vegetation and much toughness. Know

   is three hundred and eighty miles south and south, saying that the head of Geshan is without vegetation. Lishui flows out of steam, and flows eastward to Yuze. Among them, there are many beaded turtles, which are like 囗 but have eyes, and their six legs have beads. Their taste is sour and sweet, and there is no stew when they eat. Fast

   three hundred and eighty miles south and south, called Yu’e Mountain. There are more Zilan on the top, and more Jingqi on the bottom. Miscellaneous water flows out of Yan and flows eastward into Yellow Water. There are beasts, whose shape is like a dodder with a bird’s beak, and a snake’s tail. It sleeps when it sees people. It is called an armadillo. Ancient

   is three hundred miles south and south, saying that the mountain of Du Fu’s father is without vegetation and water. Fast

   Three hundred miles south and south, it is called Gengshan, with grass and trees, many waters and greens, and many snakes. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a fox with fish wings, its name is Zhu 獳, and its sound is self-sufficient, and it is afraid of it. Know

   is three hundred miles south and south, it is called Lu Qizhi Mountain, without vegetation, sand and rocks, sand and water flow out, and the south flows into the water. Among them, there are many licans, which are like mandarin ducks and human feet. If you are mingling, you will see that the country has a lot of power. Fast

   is three hundred and eighty miles south and south, saying the mountain of Gushe, without vegetation and plenty of water. Main

   Three hundred miles south and south of the water, and a hundred miles of quicksand, said Beigushe Mountain, without vegetation and many rocks. Know

   is three hundred miles south and south, called green mountains, no vegetation, many snakes, many greens, and many jade. Ancient

   is five hundred miles south and south, and it is called the mountain of the Fong’s family, without vegetation, and rich in gold and jade. The raw water flows out of Yan, and flows eastward to Shaze. Fast

   is three hundred miles south and south, and it is called Gufeng Mountain, which has no vegetation and much gold and jade. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a fox with wings, its sound is like a swan goose, its name is 鍙々, seeing it is a severe drought in the world. , Know

   is five hundred miles south and south, and it is called the mountain of Fuli. There are many gold and jade on the top, and many stones on the bottom. There are beasts and beasts. Its shape is like a fox. The nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws are called beetles. The nephew, whose voice is like a baby, is cannibalism. Fast

   is five hundred miles south and south, called 叿垔mountain, south is 鏿垔水, and east is the lake, there are beasts, which are like horses, and sheep’s eyes, four horns, and oxtails, their sound is like a dog, Its name is 峳々. Seeing the country is more cunning. There is a bird yan, whose shape is like a mallard with a rat’s tail, and is good at climbing a tree. Ancient

   The first of the two classics of Fandong Fandong, from Kongsang Mountain to Yu Niao Mountain, Fan Seventeen Mountain, six thousand six hundred and forty miles. Its deity is full of beasts and human faces. Its ancestral hall: Mao uses a chicken to pray, and the baby uses a wall to pray. Main

   is the head of the Three Classics, called Shihu Mountain, looking north toward Yangshan Mountain. There are many gold and jade above it, and many below it. There is a beast yan, which looks like a moose with fish eyes, and its name is 囗hu, and its sound is self-sufficient. Ancient

   travels eight hundred miles south and south, saying Qishan, its trees are many peaches and plums, and its beasts are many tigers. Fast

   travels seven hundred miles south and south, saying that the mountain of all kinds of sentences, without vegetation, and a lot of sand and rocks. It’s the mountain, with hundreds of thousands of people, and Du Meiyu. Know

  , traveling seven hundred miles south and south, it is said that the mountain of the middle father is without vegetation and sand. Ancient

   travels east and east for thousands of miles, and it is called the mountain of Hu She, without vegetation, and a lot of sand and rocks. Fast

   travels seven hundred miles south and south, and it is called the mountain of Mencius. Its trees are many Zitong, many peaches and plums, its grass and many bacteria, and its beasts are many elk. It’s Shanya, with hundreds of miles of staff. There is water on it, called Biyang, and there are many fish in it. Know

   South and south water travels five hundred miles, said quicksand, travels five hundred miles, there is a mountain, said to be a mountain with a heel, it is two hundred miles, there is no vegetation, there is a big snake, and there is a lot of jade on it. There is Shuiyan, and all members of Guangxi are rushing for forty miles. Its name is Shenze, and there are many tortoises among them. There are fish Yan, which looks like a carp. The six-legged bird’s tail is called the fish of 鮯々, and its name is from its own. Main

   travels nine hundred miles south and south, and it is called the mountain of Jiaojun. There are many vegetation, golden jade, and ocher on it. There is a beast yan, which looks like an ox with a horsetail, and is called Jingjing, and its sound is self-sufficient. Ancient

   five hundred miles of water travels south and south, and three hundred miles of quicksand. As for the mountains of Wu Gao, look south to the young sea, and look east to the trees, without vegetation, and windy. It’s Shanya, with hundreds of miles of staff. Main

   The head of the three classics of Fandong Fandong, from the mountain of Shihu to the mountain of Wugao, Fanjiu Mountain, six thousand nine hundred miles. The gods are all human bodies with horns. Its ancestral hall: use a sheep and millet for rice. It’s a god, but if you see it, you will lose out. Ancient

   east and east is the first of the four classics, called the North Mountain, which faces the North Sea. There are wood yan, its shape is like Yang, Chihua, in fact, it is like jujube without seeds, its taste is sour and sweet, and it is not malaria when eaten. Fresh water flows out of Yan, while the northeast flows into the sea. There are Beast Yan, which looks like a wolf, red-headed rat eyes, and its sound is like a dolphin. Its name is sniper, and it is cannibalism. There is a bird yan, which looks like a chicken with a white head, rat feet and tiger claws, and its name is 鬿證 also cannibalism. Ancient

   Three hundred miles south and is called Yangshan, without vegetation. The water of the blue body comes out of Yan, while the west waves are injected into the water. Among them, there are many fish, which are like carps with big heads, and the eater does not wart. Main

   is three hundred and twenty miles south and south, saying that the mountain at the beginning of the east is full of blue jade. There is wood yan, its shape is like Yang but red, its juice is like blood, it is not true, its name is 芑, can be served on horses, drizzle out of Yan, and the northeast flows into the sea, among which many beautiful shells, many molluscs, its It looks like a crucian carp, with one head and ten bodies, and it smells like gluttonous food. Fast

   is three hundred miles east and southeast. It is called the mountain of Nvhu. There is no vegetation on it, gypsum water flows out of it, and the west flows into the water, and there are many thin fish, which are like bonito fish with one eye, and its sound If you see Europe, you will see a severe drought in the world. Two hundred miles to the southeast, it is called Qin Mountain, which is rich in gold and jade but no stone. Shishui flows out of Yan, while Beiliu flows into Gaoze, where there are many fish and many Wenbei. There is a beast yan, which looks like a dolphin and has teeth. Its name is Dangkang. Fast

   is two hundred miles east and southeast, called Zitong Mountain. The water of Zitong flows out of Yan, and the west flows into Yuruzhize. Among them, there are many bone fishes, which are like fish with bird wings, and there is light in and out. Its sound is like a mandarin duck, and seeing it is a severe drought in the world. Know

   is two hundred miles east and northeast, and it is called Yanshan, which is rich in gold and jade. There is a beast yan, which looks like a scorpion but a human face. The yellow body and the red tail, its name is Hewei, its sound is like a baby, it is a beast, a man-eating, and also an insect-eating snake. Fast

   is two hundred miles east and northeast. It is called Taishan, and there are many golden jade trees. There is a beast yan, its shape is like a scorpion with a white head, and a snake’s tail with one eye. Its name is a worm. It will be exhausted when running water, and it will die when running water. Seeing the world is a pandemic. The water comes out of Yan, and the north flows into Laoshui. Among them is the fish. Ancient

   The first of the four classics of Fandong, from the northern mountain to Taishan, Fanbashan, 1,720 Welcome to The latest, fastest, The hottest serial works are all at

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