World of Cultivation: Section 855 Conflict

A huge and dazzling cyan light group, devouring a thousand people!


The bright light, like the blooming sun, makes people look bright. At that moment, everyone had only a vast light, and nothing could be heard in their ears. Time seemed to stop at this moment. They opened their mouths, their faces were blank, their brains were blank, and when the air wave rushed in front of them, they were pumped hard by the iron whip, and they flew to the sky.

The overflowing air waves are like violent beasts, unstoppable.

Silent, deadly silent.

In the sky, Qing Xiao looks as usual. He looks down and looks down. There is no arrogance when looking down. He is like doing something that is not unusual. This is really not a big deal. Qing Xiao followed Zuo Mo and has been in the endless void for so long. No danger has been encountered.

Well, not killed.

Qing Xiao looked around for a week, and then it showed a little satisfaction. Although Silly Bird beat black gold like a dog, he did not kill him. This is crucial.

However, it was this indifferent look without any pride, but none of them were rebellious.

In front of the City Lord house, there is a mess.

More than a thousand people crooked and fell to the ground. No one knew what was happening. No one was still standing.

“Who else won’t agree?” Qing Xiao‘s voice was slightly immature, wandering over City Lord House.

He remembered the black gold item, but was repeatedly stunned by Silly Bird for a few times. That incident impressed Qing Xiao very much.

The raven is silent.

People looked at the young figure in the sky in horror. The Divine Power Aura left in the air is still disturbing. Not Divine Power! There is no simmering fluctuation in the young man’s Divine Power, and the caring person cannot help secretly guessing the young man’s origin. But no one dared to make a noise, no joke, no one doubts that this young boy who looks like somewhat is fully capable of razing the entire Wu Ge City to the ground.

The teenager obviously has room to spare. All the guys on the ground are unconscious, but none of them are killed.

The situation of blood flowing into the river has not appeared, but the juvenile’s amazing control of Divine Power is getting more and more chilling. Such a large-scale attack can also achieve such precise control. If it were not for the first time, no one would believe it.

Did he start Cultivate from his mother’s womb?

People suddenly think of the mysterious white-haired predecessor behind the teenager, and many people start moving in their hearts.


This is an extremely thick thigh!


Zuo Mo doesn’t care about what happens outside.

Wu Ge City does not collect much information, but one thing is certain. Until now, no strong God Level has appeared. Only God Level strong players can pose a threat to Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo didn’t feel relaxed because of this, in fact, he felt a sense of urgency. This indescribable pressure comes from Lin Qian. Since seeing Lin Qian retreat ten years ago, it has not yet appeared, Zuo Mo knows that Lin Qian may exit at any time.

Lin Qian exits inevitably God Level.

The repair of Zuo Mo also takes time.

Zuo Mo checked the progress of Divine Power, and could not help shaking his head secretly, and proceeded at this speed to recover all, I am afraid it will take three years. In order to imprison five people from Wei Sheng, the body of Zuo Mo was fundamentally injured, and it was still extremely traumatic. In order to increase the vitality of the people, in the ten years, almost all of the materials were used on the five coffins and cubs. Zuo Mo didn’t make any profit, and it survived completely by will.

His body was damaged too much, already could hardly produce Divine Power on his own.

The Divine Power after entering the God Level is different from the previous one. The biggest difference is the burning and refining. God Level strong Divine Power burns like fire when fighting, but fiery but stable, while the usual Divine Power, but the non-God Level is dozens of times more solid.

Zuo Mo is now in poor health, and his Divine Power is still 50 times stronger than before.

In other words, the Divine Power he absorbed, after refining, needs to be compressed 50 times. Divine Power is one of the most powerful forces. Other forces transform Divine Power, which is scarce in number. After refining and compressing it 50 times, the result is very small.

This is the reason why the God Level is strong. Refined Divine Power fifty times, the power is more than a hundred times the previous Divine Power, which is a qualitative difference.

The refined Divine Power is continuously used to repair the body of Zuo Mo. When the body of Zuo Mo gradually recovers, its function of generating Divine Power gradually recovers, and the recovery speed of Divine Power of Zuo Mo will increase rapidly.

God Level The strong are one of the most powerful creatures in the world. This kind of toughness is not just strength, even their physical body is equally powerful. They themselves produce Divine Power speed, which is much faster than Divine Formation on Zuo Mo War Chariot. If the body of Zuo Mo is completely repaired, he can even refine Divine Power a hundred times. However, if the strong body of the God Level strong, if damaged, also need refined Divine Power.

Zuo Mo‘s body is like this, Divine Power, which has not been refined 50 times, has no use for his body.

It’s too slow to rely on War Chariot to draw the free power between heaven and earth.

Think of other options.

At this time, the servants report and City Lord came to visit. The ten servants selected by Qing Xiao, without order, consciously began to work. Qing Xiao‘s vision is still quite good, Zuo Mo found ancient blood in one of them. However, he does not intend to spend much effort with these people, and they will all be handed over to Qing Xiao for training, which is considered to be training for Qing Xiao.

Zuo Mo decided to meet this City Lord.

“The younger generation meets the seniors!” City Lord respectfully salutes: “Yamano, I don’t know the number of courtesies, if you have poor care, please senior Haihan.”

Should you take out a thick grey wood, put it in your hands, respectfully said: “This ghoul is a gloomy wood, no respect, please predecessor smile.”

Zuo Mo beckons, the grey wood falls into his hands. This wood looks inconspicuous, but it is extremely heavy to start with, as hard as iron, and Dark Qi is very rich.

Zuo Mo somewhat accident, this is the first time he encountered such materials. After a minute’s study, I felt that this thing was quite somewhat and was a good treasure.

He put the ghostly and gloomy wood into the ring, and said directly: “This thing is good, I will accept it. What do you want?”

City Lord is overjoyed: “This is just a little thought from the younger …”

Zuo Mo waved his hand and interrupted the other person ’s words: “You do n’t need to say this kind of thing, you can change things. If there is anything I can solve, I can also talk about it.”

City Lord saw the situation, no longer hesitated, and worshiped and pleaded: “Only the younger family can get the shelter of the seniors!”

Zuo Mo frowns slightly. This request obviously somewhat was beyond his expectation, but he thought for a while, it may not be a bad thing. Even if he is now a strong God Level already, his own power is also limited.

Slightly groaning, Zuo Mo said, “Get up and speak slowly.”

City Lord heard the words, was about to get up, and suddenly there was an extremely arrogant voice: “Yin Tomb Guard work, all go away!”

City Lord‘s face changed greatly.

When the Zuo Mo thought, the situation outside came into view, and a team of about 300 people was rushing towards City Lord House with a mighty force.

Glancing at City Lord, whose face has changed greatly, Zuo Mo decides to watch it change.

The faces of the two servants guarding the door of City Lord‘s house changed greatly, but still came forward: “Stop …”

The smirk appeared on the face of the lead Demon Race. With a wave of their hands, if they were hit hard, they smashed into the City Lord house like sandbags.

Zuo Mo‘s face turned cold.

Qing Xiao is eager to try. At the age of Correct Blood Qi, he has no fear of fighting at all.

A’Xiao, interrupt his hands and feet.”

Zuo Mo lightly.

“Okay!” Qing Xiao was so excited that his voice disappeared and his body disappeared.

The Demon Race who broke into the door suddenly stopped his body. He had rich experience in combat, had an unusual intuition about danger, and exclaimed in shock: “Fight!”

The voice didn’t fall, a cyan ghost appeared in his vision like a ghost.

Extremely dangerous feelings emerged suddenly, he was covered with sweat and erect, he didn’t dare to hesitate, Divine Power was pulsating to peak, his right fist was entangled with Divine Power.

[Under Tiger Boxing]!

A fist of grey, like a roaring ghost tiger, rushed towards the blue shadow.

The heavy killing intent and the cold Dark Qi are kneaded together, like a smashing tiger, unstoppable!

Qing Xiao is even more interesting. He exhales loudly. The right fist also lights up cyan. The blue light is stacked at super fast speed, instantly solidified and transparent like glass!

[Liu Tianbo]!

Sky Wave Fist Art is a very simple boxing tactic, which was transferred to Qing Xiao after being modified by Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo imparts Qing Xiao with no secrets. In addition to [Cyan Vine Divine Art], he also teaches many techniques. After stepping into God Level, Zuo Mo‘s field of vision has reached an unprecedented height. He has previously learned and constantly changes and innovates in his hands.

Sky Wave Fist Art is one of them.

Qing Xiao is a descendant of Cyan Vine Tribe, with pure ancient blood flowing on his body. His understanding is very good, and Divine Power Cultivate is much faster than ordinary people.


cyan fist effortlessly penetrates the Ninghu fist fist, Yin Tomb Guard Combat General soul flutters, can’t care about his face, and uses his best efforts to flash to the side.

cyan Liuli’s fist prints were brushed from the place where he stood just now, and he was relieved.

Where did the old man Qin find such a powerful expert?


Fistprint explodes without warning!

Yin Tomb Guard Combat General seemed to have been hit hard, and the whole person was stunned.

Qing Xiao does not hesitate to step forward.

Kaka Kaka!

Clearly interrupted this guy ’s hands and feet, a flash, came to the Zuo Mo, and dropped the coma Yin Tomb Guard Combat General on the hand: “Big Brother, OK.”

His somewhat is still full of meaning, this guy is too hitless.

Zuo Mo nodded: “Clean up those guys outside.”

“Okay!” There is no nonsense in Qing Xiao, it is a flashover and disappears.

There was a ping-pong pong sound from outside, with screams and muffled sounds from time to time. After a while, Qing Xiao flashed back to the house with a relaxed expression on his face.

Big Brother, all hit unconscious.”

City Lord is stunned.

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