World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Twenty-five: the princess loves! Suo Lun biological daughter! (Important)

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For some people, rejecting the good intentions of others is the hardest thing.

And Suo Lun is facing this situation.

King Zhi Bian is so loving, it is also a gift of marriage, and a promise to make Suo Lun a king Prince Regent in the future.

Also, it has been written in the edict.

This time, Suo Lun is really difficult to resist. However, Yan Nai’Er is even more upset.

eunuch Gao Yu said: “Suo Lun Count is worried about the emotions of Yan Nai’Er Young Miss. Please rest assured that His Majesty the King tightens Young Miss as a righteous girl and makes her a servant of Her Royal Highness. You should understand the meaning of this. Moreover, Yan Young Miss has already Promised. “

As soon as these words came out, Suo Lun was even more shocked.

The king’s meaning is very clear, even the two daughters are married.

Of course, Yan Nai’Er has no wife status, because in most parts of Human Kingdom in this world, men can only marry one wife. And the monogamy system is also regarded as a symbol of civilization and culture.

As one of Four Great Kingdoms, Raging Wave Kingdom must follow this system.

Therefore, these generations of kings basically have only one wife, that is to say, a queen, as for the concubine, there is nothing.

Instead of Jiang Shang of East Distance Country, there is not only a queen but also several princesses. The emperor of Flame Empire, in addition to the queen, also has two concubines.

Raging Wave Kingdom and Northern Court Kingdom, because it is a new kingdom, the king should care more about the image, only one wife.

And now the king actually let Princess Zhi Yan and Yan Nai’Er marry Suo Lun together.

Although, Yan Nai’Er is just a concubine. However, this is already groundbreaking.

Marriage of a princess is basically the equivalent of a pony.

Horses are half husbands and half servants, and wanting to marry concubines is totally a dream.

This kind of love from the King really makes the words rejected by Suo Lun completely unexportable.

But … Suo Lun still has to refuse.

Although Nai’er agreed, she must be sad.

She is a girl full of love and absolute desire for love. She didn’t want to share her lover with other women at all, let alone be a concubine.

And so far, Suo Lun has not owed the King nor Princess Zhi Yan any sentiment.

However, he owes too much to Yan Nai’Er.

Without Nai’er, where did he come from? How did he recapture Tianshui City?

Nai’er does everything to help Suo Lun.

If Yan Yan did n’t love her daughter, how could she give up Tianye City ’s great Lineage, and lead more than 10,000 troops, loyal to Suo Lun, he would not even be loyal to the king in his life, let alone Suo Lun.

Now, Suo Lun recaptured Tianshui City and kicked people aside.

Suo Lun can’t do it, he doesn’t have such a bad heart.

Of course, on the surface, the love between the two still bears fruit. But what a shame it is to make Yan Nai’Er a concubine?

So, the king’s kindness, he can only lead it.

He must refuse this marriage gift, the key is how to refuse.

At this time, Gao Yu‘s face is already unpleasant. The humiliation of the Lord, His Majesty the King is so kind, and Suo Lun, as a courtier, not only has no gratitude, but hesitates so much.

Suo Lun Count, do you want defy imperial decree?” Gao Yu coldly said.

Suo Lun was originally kneeling on the ground. At this time, he straightened up sharply and would reject this marriage contract.

Yes, this is indeed defy imperial decree, no matter how euphemistically said, this is defy imperial decree.

And defy imperial decree is a big crime, and it will plant a big thorn in the heart of the king.

At this moment, Princess Zhi Yan suddenly knelt down and said, “Please ask the father to take back his will. The daughter has not been prepared for thinking. When I and Suo Lun Count agree, I will ask the father to marry.”

Zhi Yan stood out before Suo Lun defy imperial decree, avoiding the consequences of Suo Lun directly against the will of the king.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yu could not help but stunned slightly, and he was relieved.

Before giving the marriage, King Zhi Bian once asked Princess Zhi Yan, wishing to marry Suo Lun.

At the time, Princess Zhi Yan nodded and agreed.

Now, I suddenly stand up and say disagree, not really disagree, but block the charge of defy imperial decree for Suo Lun.

Birth daughter defy imperial decree is better than outsider defy imperial decree.

Gao Yu looked at the two for a long time, and looked at Suo Lun a little bit more cold and unhappy.

“That’s the case, then I will go back to your majesty truthfully.” Gao Yu said coldly, and then turned and left.


The remaining Suo Lun and Princess Zhi Yan are indoors. The two are still kneeling on the ground, silent.

When Suo Lun raised his head, Princess Zhi Yan also raised his head.

She was basically joyless and sad before, and at this time her eyes contained one thread pain.

Suo Lun‘s position is of course maintaining Yan Nai’Er, but it hurts Zhi Yan.

She will care no matter how extraordinary and refined she is, and how little she is.

She is one of Four Great Kingdoms‘s sister-in-law princesses, the most noble woman in the world, except for Flame Empire‘s long princess Ji Xiuning and East Distance Country‘s long princess.

Moreover, she is also the most beautiful woman in the world, and currently only Ashi Liren can match it.

She is still the highest woman in the world with Martial Arts, and still only Ashi Liren can match it.

Whether it is blood, identity, Martial Arts, talent, wisdom, beauty, body, Zhi Yan is unique.

In terms of simple appearance, Yan Nai’Er and Gui Qinshao are more than half a point worse than Zhi Yan.

Such a woman, willing to marry Suo Lun, is totally Suo Lun Gao Pan.

Now that the king is giving marriage, the princess is willing, and Suo Lun turned it down.

How does this place her as a girl?

“I’m sorry.” Suo Lun said.

Princess Zhi Yan shook her head without speaking, looking sad.

Suo Lun said: “I will still do my best to assist Her Royal Highness.”

Princess Zhi Yan nodded, suddenly her beautiful eyes stare at Suo Lun for a while, and she is motionless.

Suo Lun rarely looks directly at Zhi Yan. At this time, looking at it like this for a short moment, it can’t resist.

Because of this face, Zhong Lingyuxiu seems to have condensed all the Spiritual Aura in the world, so beautiful that it makes people tremble.

That kind of dust is like jade, that kind of exquisiteness, really cannot be achieved by Gui Qinshao.

“I just let you … don’t you like it?” Princess Zhi Yan asked.

“Xian Qi is too heavy to bear blasphemy.” Suo Lun said.

“Nothing.” Zhi Yan said: “Only in Divine Dragon Temple, I have been infiltrated in another world for too long, and too long from the secular world. I am not a person who does not eat fireworks. Waiting in this earthly world After a long time, I will be the same as other women. “

Suo Lun did not speak.

Zhi Yan said again: “Suo Lun, if I fail to win the throne, then naturally everything will be suspended. However, if we are lucky, we will marry. After all, even if it is to give birth to the heir to the throne, I will marry. Human. By then, who will you let me marry? “

Suo Lun was silent, bowed to the ground again.


After a few hours, Suo Lun led the cavalry and went to meet Prince Zhi Li outside the city. It was based on the treatment of princes to greet the royal family.

And Zhi Li also poses as a member of the royal family to visit the princely territory. What kind of carriage to take, how many guards to take, and what officials to take with Young Monarch Palace are all in line with the etiquette.

And Suo Lun, also met as a prince, and brought Elder Sister Suo Ningbing and fiancee Yan Nai’Er.

It seems to be a picture of Corporal Lixian and his protagonist.

But everyone knows that a few days ago, the two sides fought for a few days and wished to put the other party to death.

On this superficial scene, it took more than one hour for Suo Lun to talk closely with Prince Zhi Li in City Lord Manor.

In the whole meeting room, there are only Suo Lun and Zhi Li.

The **** Li Chenglian, and Yan Nai’Er, as bodyguards of both sides, are standing outside the hall.

At this time, both Suo Lun and Zhi Li have their masks off.

Suo Lun is no longer the gift of courtier, just standing and staring, completely speechless.

Suo Lun, I really did not expect that it would be defeated so miserably.” Zhi Li said: “A hundred thousand troops, but the whole army is destroyed, and your army’s casualties are completely insignificant. Even if a fairy comes to fight, this situation is Suo Lun, you are really amazing. “

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “It just happened that I discovered a new kind of oil.”

“I know, it’s Black Oil.” Zhi Li said: “The Astro Biography has come to say that this is Black Oil. It is hidden underground and it is inexhaustible.”

When Suo Lun trembles, the secret of this crude oil is discovered so quickly.

This Astro was born in Monster Island, really knows everything.

“Unfortunately, Astro didn’t join the army, or we won’t lose.” Zhi Li said.

Suo Lun did not speak.

Zhi Li said: “Suo Lun, you know this defeat means that I want to use military means to solve Tianshui City in the future, which has become completely impossible.”

Suo Lun nods, unless Zhi Li gets Yingzhou Hai Family, or the full loyalty of King Yan Mo. Otherwise, no one can gather tens of thousands of naval forces to play pirates to attack Tianshui City.

Before the king died, it was impossible to attack Tianshui City from the ground.

Although the king was abandoned by the nobles and princes, he is still the king and has supreme authority.

Perhaps, he ordered to a prince, a noble, the other party can not listen. However, his Divine Dragon Royal Scepter can kill anyone who offends the kingdom system.

It can be said that anyone who wants to lead the attack on Tianshui City will immediately be killed by Gao Yin under Royal Scepter.

So, Suo Lun is fully supporting Zhi Yan, but King Zhi Bian is protecting Tianshui City all the time.

Without King Zhi Bian protection, no more than half a month, Tianshui City will become a ruin and Suo Family will be completely destroyed.

And Suo Lun refused to marry just now, I hope not to leave a thorn in King Zhi Bian‘s heart.


Your Highness Zhi Li, you come to my Tianshui City, it will not be a special emotion.” Suo Lun said.

Zhi Li said: “Suo Lun, do you think the power comparison between me and Zhi Yan has changed after this war?”

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “No, you are still standing behind all the nobles and princes, even many civilian elites, with more than a million troops on hand. And behind Princess Zhi Yan, there is still only me Tianshui City. Of course, the king still has There is a Royal Palace Imperial Guard. “

Zhi Li said: “Yes, because your majesty wants to make the woman king as king, this angers all the noble princes in the world, no one will stand on his side. What ’s more, when His Majesty the King came to power, he slaughtered and offended. I know how many noble princes. After he came to power, he vigorously supported the civilian elite and suppressed the noble class. The contradiction between the two sides has become a fire. Now, he wants to support women as kings, breaking the tradition of Human Kingdom for thousands of years. It is completely a fool ’s dream. Even he The civilian elite they support will also oppose him. “

Suo Lun said: “You accepted Ling Ao as a servant, you have deceived the hearts of a large number of civilian elites. These stupid civilian elites will not know that your basic Your Highness Zhi Li will always be nobles and princes.”

Zhi Li said: “So, the probability of the king winning is still very small. Even, I don’t need to do anything, as long as the king dies, I can successfully ascend the throne. And the king is paralyzed, you think he can still live How long? Suo Lun, you now have His Majesty the King phase protector, when the day when I reign as king, where will your Suo Family go? “

Suo Lun spread his hands and did not speak.

Zhi Li said: “How about this, from now on you will stand by and stay neutral. And after I ascend to the throne, you will still be your Tianshui City Lord, and still be the prince of the kingdom. When I want to attack Wild Plain, you borrow Wild Canyon Just give me a soldier. “

“Hehe …” Suo Lun smiled and didn’t answer.

With the spirit of Zhi Li, once he ascended the throne as king, how could he let go of Suo Lun.

Zhi Li said: “You might think, with my heart, once assuming the throne as king, it will surely kill you Suo Family and destroy you Tianshui City, how could you spare your life right?”

“Yes.” Suo Lun said.

Zhi Li said: “If it had been before, of course it was. But now the situation has changed. Zhi Ning is my only loved one, and she is pregnant with your flesh and blood. Originally I tried every means to kill this child, but she escaped It ’s Flame Empire. Not only that, she also told Prince Ji Min about the pregnancy, and now my marriage with Flame Empire has been broken. “

Hearing this, Suo Lun‘s eyes flickered.

It is said that Zhi Ning is the only woman who has really slept in this world.

Zhi Li said: “Zhi Ning ca n’t marry Prince Ji Min anymore, you know, how deep she hates you, how deep love is. I ’ll fulfill her, as long as you stick to neutrality, I will connect Zhi Ning from Flame Empire Come to your side and marry her. Of course, I said something similar before, marrying Zhi Ning to you, but it was fake at that time, but now it is true. “

Suo Lun did not speak.

Zhi Li said: “It’s unpleasant to say, Zhi Ning is your hostage. After I ascended the throne, I would be mad and not kill my brother-in-law, and the future Tianshui City Lord is my nephew, why should I start with Suo Family? What about it? “

Suo Lun still did not speak.

Zhi Li said: “From now on, you will remain neutral and you will no longer intervene in the struggle between me and Zhi Yan. And I will marry you Zhi Ning as a hostage for you, to ensure that I will not pursue after assuming the throne as king What is your sin of Suo Family? “

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “First, I do n’t believe you. Second, I already have a fiancée and it ’s impossible to marry Zhi Ning.”

Zhi Li said: “Yan Nai’Er? Zhi Ning identity is more than a hundred times more noble than her.”

Suo Lun sneered: “How about the status of Princess Zhi Yan compared to Zhi Ning?”

Zhi Li‘s eyes flickered and said: “The king gave you marriage? Marry you Zhi Yan? This is impossible.”

Suo Lun did not speak.

Zhi Li said: “The king’s cunning, he gave marriage completely to buy people’s hearts. He knows you will refuse, so he will give marriage. Not only shows his love for you, but also makes you feel guilty, more Loyal to Zhi Yan. “

Suo Lun shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Zhi Li said: “Also, when Princess Zhi Yan was in Flame Capital, there was a confidante who was not a blue face, not a couple is better than a couple. The identity is ten times higher than you, Martial Arts is one hundred times higher than you, natural wisdom, looks and temperament are all More than you. Do you think Zhi Yan will really look at you? “

Zhi Li heard that the king gave marriage to Suo Lun, he used all his words and all means to divorce.

I heard that Suo Lun was indifferent, and Zhi Li sank, saying, “Are you sure, you want to reject my good intentions, right?”

Suo Lun nodded.

Zhi Li said: “This is my last good intention. If you refuse, it means that we will endlessly Undying. When I take the throne in the future, I will kill you Suo Family and wipe out your Tianshui City.”

Suo Lun is speechless.

Zhi Li said again: “And even if I do nothing, I can take the throne, Zhi Yan has no chance, you are fighting a must-have battle.”

Suo Lun still did not speak, because this is a test of Zhi Li, want to find out his future plans and trends from the words of Suo Lun.

Hahaha …” Zhi Li laughed: “If you refuse my good intentions, you will do what you want. I came here mainly to make a deal with you, a real deal.”

Suo Lun at this time, deeply feel the cunning of this person Zhi Li.

Just how real he was performing just now, he married Zhi Ning to him, and promised to let Suo Family go after the throne, and only asked Suo Lun to be neutral.

Everything is fake, he can’t let go of Suo Family at all. Even, he knows that Suo Lun will refuse, but still performs affectionately, making people feel very real when they hear it.

“Transaction? What transaction?” Suo Lun said.

“I want to redeem two people, Tuling Chen and Tu Liwen City Lord.” Zhi Li said.

Suo Lun shook his head: “I do n’t know what you ’re talking about. I did n’t see these two people. don’t tell me. They did n’t return to Luanyang City. don’t tell me died in the fire?”

Perhaps the Suo Lun acting skills are not enough, Zhi Li is too lazy to pay attention to his acting, and directly said: “I also use two people to exchange Tuling Chen and Tu Liwen City Lord with you.”

Suo Lun sneered in his heart, no two people in this world have such weight, can be used to exchange Tuling Chen, Tu Liwen two.

Zhi Li said: “The first person is your biological mother, Fu Lingxi.”

As soon as these words came out, Suo Lun shuddered.

Is n’t Suo Lun ’s mother dead?

Zhi Li said: “Of course, in your mind your mother died long ago, when you and Suo Ningbing were very young. But in fact she did not die, your father Suo Lun missed the old lover Rock Queen day and night , Even in dreams, she will call her name. When you forget your mother Dunlun, she is also regarded as Rock Queen. Over time, your mother is discouraged, leaving your sister and running away from home. But It ’s Suo Family ’s scandal, so your father told you from a young age that your mother Fu Lingxi is dead. ”

Suo Lun stunned.

Zhi Li continued: “The second person is … your daughter.”

As soon as these words came out, Suo Lun was completely trembling.

Zhi Li is very satisfied with the response of Suo Lun and laughs: “Yes, it is your biological daughter of Suo Lun.”

How old is Suo Lun, actually … have a daughter?

Zhi Li said: “This is another more hidden scandal. At the age of fifteen, you went to Baihuo City as a guest, which is the territory of your grandfather. Although, Fu Eh Marquis is very disgusted by Suo Family because of your mother, you After all, it is his grandson and grandson, so I still love you. But you … but enlarged the belly of his granddaughter, which is your cousin Fu Yan’er. “

Suo Lun was completely shocked at this time.

“And, she had a marriage contract at the time, and she will get married a few months later.” Zhi Li said: “How can Fu Family be famous for hundreds of years, but Fu Eh Marquis can’t kill you, but it does Seeing you as an enemy, sent you back to Tianshui City after half a death. As for your cousin Fu Yan’er, it was miserable. A few days later, she was reported to be seriously ill and suddenly killed. “

Sinfulness, if it is true, then the **** Suo Lun is really evil.

Zhi Li said: “Of course, Fu Yan’er didn’t really die. After all, she was Fu Eh Marquis‘s most beloved granddaughter. But she was kicked out of the house, suffering all alone and giving birth to a daughter. This girl, of course It ’s your Suo Lun ’s daughter, and he ’s six years old this year. ”

Suo Lun was completely stunned.

What is the truth of Zhi Li? Why has Suo Ningbing never mentioned this matter?

Zhi Li said: “Now I use these two people, how about changing between you two?”

Suo Lun still did not respond, he was completely stunned.

Zhi Li said: “It seems you don’t believe it? Then I will let you see clearly, is this little girl your daughter?”

Then Zhi Li clapped and said, “Bring in!”


Note: The first one is closer to 6,000 words, please ask for support, please ask for automatic subscription. (To be continued.)

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