World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Six one six: Bloodsucker devoured, twelve chiefs!

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Yin Ji can hardly believe his eyes.

The face in Jingzi(Mirror) is your own? It’s … long gone.

What about scary scars?

Why are all gone, the whole face is clean and clean Wuxia, it is restored as before, even more beautiful than before.

What magic does Lan Ling use? Seems to use her blood on the scar on her face, and then a miracle appeared?

Suddenly, the body of Yin Ji bursts of numbness.

She is a very clever and innocent girl.

Lan Ling‘s blood actually entered her body, which is a very important thing for her.

Then she remembered her performance just now, screaming, crying, cursing.

She actually thought that Lan Ling was to force herself?

As a result, people are saving her and restoring her appearance.

To tell the truth, Yin Ji feels that Lan Ling is more important than saving her life than saving her appearance.

Not just cursing, she was so anxious that she even said a different kind of confession .

For example, do n’t ruin my thoughts about you, do n’t ruin your impressions in me.

Suddenly, Yin Ji was lying on the bed, retracting his entire body into the bed, it was really … ashamed.

Too, too, too shameful!

Yin Ji even felt that he no longer had a face to see Lan Ling.

But more is still joy, the kind of joy that almost explodes. Her appearance was restored, and her confidence returned.

When sleeping at night.

Yin Ji felt that his body was hot, but he did n’t have a fever.

The whole body is burning, saying that discomfort is not discomfort, anyway, it is full of strange things.

Next, she felt that her veins and veins were expanding.

The whole body seems to be inflated, but there is no change in reaching out.

Not only that, she felt a burst of energy from the heart of her heart desperately bombarding her limbs, bones and veins.

Finally, this mysterious Strength even began to shock her brain.

At the beginning, Yin Ji thought he was springing, so his body was agitated. At this time she was completely sure that she had thought more about it, and there was really an energy that was transforming her veins and body.

She clearly felt that her energy had become stronger.

Not only that, but the previous duel with Lan Ling‘s Spirit due to the huge trauma to her brain area has never been healed.

So, since then, Yin Ji has not dared to release Spiritual Force Attack, or even dared to condense Spiritual Force. Because once applied to Spiritual Force, the brain seems to be torn apart as a severe pain.

After all, the brain domain is the most vulnerable part of the human body, and it is difficult to recover once injured.

But at this time …

The clear, powerful feeling in the brain domain is here again.

She released Spiritual Force carefully.

No problem at all, Spiritual Force is very surging.

Spiritual Force is continuously released, everything within tens of meters with her body as the radius is clearly audible.

She continued to release, and Spiritual Force in the brain domain was endless.

Two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters!

Yin Ji was very pleasantly surprised to find that his Spiritual Force was even stronger than before when he was full, and at least it was enhanced by more than 20%.

This … what’s going on?

don’t tell me is also the cause of Lan Ling blood? His bloodline is so powerful?

Not only did Spiritual Force become stronger, but his own cultivation also became significantly stronger, at least 20%.

His blood, so … against the sky?

Not only that, Yin Ji was even more pleasantly surprised to find that he could monitor many targets at the same time.

Before, at a distance of 300 meters, up to three targets can be locked at the same time.

Today, with a distance of more than 500 meters, it is possible to simultaneously lock five targets.

Once locked by her, she can perceive the target’s every move, even pulse and breathing.

Yin Ji seems to be a little kid who gets a toy, and is happily consuming his precious Spiritual Force.

She started looking for Lan Ling.

Lan Ling is easy to find because his special energy breath Yin Ji can be smelled from afar, not to mention his blood is still flowing in Yin Ji.

Easily, her Spiritual Force found Lan Ling.

She carefully examined what Lan Ling was doing.

“Don’t sleep yet? Spiritual Force Don’t spoil!” Suddenly, a cold drink of Lan Ling sounded in her ear area in her ear.

“Ah …” Yin Ji was shocked, and quickly recovered Spiritual Force.

It’s terrible to be able to communicate easily at such a distance.

In excitement and anticipation, Yin Ji finally fell asleep.

After waking up the next morning, she bathed and washed again, trying to squeeze out the essential oil of the petals and apply it to her wrists and neck.

Then, still lingering in the camp, I won’t go out.

Because, she really has no face to meet Lan Ling and do n’t know how to face her.

“Yin Young Miss!” Suddenly, there was a powerful voice outside.

Yin Ji said: “What is it?”

A strong voice outside sounded: “Are you ready? It’s too late, we are going to leave.”

Yin Ji Road: “Where do you go?”

“I **** a batch of materials back to Flame Demon Tribe and **** you back by the way.” Xie Li II Road.

“Go back?” Yin Ji said: “What about Lan Ling?”

“Master has long gone, to plunder the next tribe, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Xie Li II Road.

“Ah!” Yin Ji suddenly felt extremely lost in his heart, and then said: “Please wait a moment, I will be fine immediately!”


In Rakshasa City, Nai Shu and Princess Shayan say goodbye!

“Remember, it is best not to fight Centaur!” Princess Shayan said.

“Why?” Nai Shu said.

“No why.” Princess Shayan said: “In short, you can remember to let Centaur play Centaur and other races to play Centaur, but our Rakshasa Clan is best not to play Centaur.”

“Yes!” Nai Shu is confused.

He couldn’t help thinking of Rakshasa Royal Family‘s attitude towards Centaur all the time, just let it go.

Centaur is a shameful robber. I do n’t know how many Rakshasa Clan tribes were looted. Many tribes asked the royal family to send a powerful Strength to punish Centaur Tribe. However, every request is like sinking into the sea.

This is because Rakshasa King once said that Centaur is the whip of His Majesty Demon God.

Since then, the Rakshasa field has opened one eye and closed one eye to the arrogant plunder of Centaur.

“Remember, if you lose this time, you must not come back, dying outside is the best ending for you.” Princess Shayan said coldly.

Nai Shu vibrato: “Yes!”

Then, he rode a royal Griffin and took the Small Rakshasa King‘s will to the Black Demon Banner territory.

Behind him, a gorgeous air team followed, this is Dragon Eagle Knight.

Although Princess Shayan acted very ruthlessly, after all, he still cares more about this only man, and sent a hundred Dragon Eagle Warrior to protect, and this also wants all the chiefs of the Black Demon Banner territory to say that this time Nai Shu represents Rakshasa Royal Family.


These few days have been a disaster for Silver Tribe and an unprecedented catastrophe.

Lan Ling led six thousand Centaur Army, sweeping all the tribes of Silver Alliance.

During the day and night, sleepless, an average of every day plundered three tribes.

Burn out, grab light, and kill any rebels.

A full seven days of Great Tribulation skirmish, massacre!

The whole Silver Alliance was killed and the blood flowed into a river, and the corpses ran wild.

No tribe can support more than half an hour.

A series of steps are repeated, resisting, killing, looting, burning, leaving!

Probably because the Barbarian tribe is too bloody. Every tribe has been massacred, and the remaining talents have settled down, giving up resistance.

The entire Silver Alliance, nearly 100,000 square kilometers of land, cries everywhere.

Countless houses were burned and countless supplies were looted.

Finally, all the houses of Flame Demon Tribe have been filled with countless materials, and some things have to be piled on the ground in the open air.

It’s not that these tribes did not think about running away. They tried to run away, carrying food, and gold coins escaped.

But it’s useless. They can’t be faster than Centaur. The escape can only be worse!

In the end, all eleven tribes fell.

Immediately, there are twelve tribes.

Because the most powerful and richest Silver Tribe is falling.

The resistance and massacre are over.

Now it is Great Tribulation sweeping.

Countless gold coins, countless silver, countless copper and iron, countless salts.

Silver Tribe is worthy of being the richest, and it takes more time to plunder.

The looting is complete!

Next, burn the house!

The house of Silver Tribe is the best. It ’s a pity to burn it.

However, Lan Ling ordered all the houses to be clean and clean.

You can start from scratch only if you burn them all!

Now, there is one last step left, this time the Great Tribulation sweep will draw a perfect period.

“Silver Alliance Master, do you surrender?” Lan Ling asked.

Gou Li placed the sword on his son’s head.

“I … I wish to descend!” Silver Alliance Alliance Master knelt down and knocked his head.

The entire Silver Alliance, a total of twelve chiefs.

There was no sacrifice for justice, no swearing, and finally he died generously.

All chiefs, all surrendered!

This makes Lan Ling a bit surprised. Barbarian people are very bloody, why do these chiefs surrender so easily?

The reason is very simple, the strong is the best!

In the minds of Barbarian people, there is no sense of sacrifice.

It is normal to surrender the strong and loyal to the strong.

Especially the powerful Centaur Army allegiance is under the knee of Lan Ling, which has brought a huge shock to these chiefs.

Centaur Army defeated and destroyed all Silver Alliance 70,000 Allied Forces in just one minute! This scene gave these chiefs an unforgettable impression for life.

Since the powerful Centaur can loyal to Lan Ling, why can’t they?

The whole Silver Tribe, the castle with the top of the mountain is not burnt!

The castle is very strong and gorgeous.

Lan Ling entered the castle!

On the square outside the castle, hundreds of Centaur warriors surrounded twenty-five people!

The twenty-five people are the strongest Demon Grandmaster of the entire Silver Alliance, including twelve chiefs.

Next, what Lan Ling needs to do is to **** all the blood from them and then inject it into their own Demon Blood .

If all succeed, his cultivation will be greatly improved, an unprecedented breakthrough.

Moreover, he will get a very powerful Death Warrior army!

A total of 26 Death Warrior and Undying Unextinguish Death Warrior with Gou Li added. How shocking will this fighting power be?

Xie Li Khan stared at these twenty-five people coldly. How can these people be able to be given by the master.

However, their noble Centaur is different after all, they do n’t need to be walking dead after getting the master blood, they are still warm and powerful Centaur, but they are also Undying Unextinguish.

Facts have proved that Centaur is the bloodline of Moon Demon God.

Death Warrior Gou Li, standing at the door, coldly said: “Constantine!”

Constantine got up from the ground, full of uneasiness, and walked into the castle!


There are twenty-five coffins in the castle hall.

Lan Ling stands in the center of the hall!

Constantine, you and I have grudges, but now these grudges are gone!” Lan Ling said lightly.

Next, he said to Gou Li: “Gou Li, pierce your heart!”

Gou Li didn’t say a word, a sword pierced his heart, Constantine suddenly startled.

However, she is still safe, not to mention not dead, not even a little convulsions.

Withdrawing the sword, the wound on the chest of Gou Li healed and the wound on the heart healed.

“This is my Death Warrior, and given my energy, not only cultivation skyrocket, but also Undying Unextinguish.” Lan Ling said: “Constantine, would you like to be my Death Warrior?”

Constantine‘s face trembled for a while.

Strength, longevity, is also an eternal pursuit for Barbarian people.

Although, the price seems very high.

However, he should have no choice.

“I … I will!” Constantine knocked out!

Gou Li held him down, exposing his neck.

Lan Ling stepped forward, protruding sharp fangs, and slammed up against Constantine‘s neck.

Crazy Bloodsucker!

The endless fear, Constantine wanted to scream, but couldn’t make a sound at all.

The body trembled frantically.

Countless energy, countless vitality, passing by quickly.

And Lan Ling swallowed frantically!

Powerful blood energy, more powerful energy than Gou Li.

After a full five minutes, Lan Ling sucked the blood of Constantine and then injected it into one thread ‘s own Demon Blood .

Constantine, turned into a corpse!

Gou Li picked up the corpse, placed it in the first coffin, and then covered the coffin plate.

Lan Ling withdrew its fangs, there was no blood sacrifice in the corner of his mouth, and the powerful energy in the body was surging, as if to explode.

He suppressed it.

After swallowing all the blood vessels of twenty-five Demon Grandmaster, it will explode again!

In this way, the breakthrough will be even more amazing and even greater.

Gou Li went out and said, “Alfonso!”


In this way, one after another Demon Grandmaster-level strongmen entered the castle hall.

All people ’s blood and energy are completely swallowed by Lan Ling,

Everyone ’s corpse was injected into Demon Blood of Lan Ling.

I do n’t know why, at noon, the sky above the castle is dark.

The blowing wind is full of coldness.

The peak of the mountain seemed to be crying and howling.

Swallowed to the end, the castle is already a **** sky, as if the sky is going to be blood.

The wind is blowing, and the ghost is crying!


Two hours have passed!

Crazy devouring is over!

Twenty-five Demon Grandmaster, all turned into corpses, lying in the coffin and waiting for transformation.

And Lan Ling, engulfed the blood energy of twenty-five Demon Grandmaster.

His eyes are blood red.

His whole body released a terrifying light.

A tremendous amount of energy was suppressed in his heart.

Fortunately, he is Golden Demon Blood, and fortunately he is Golden Demon Body.

Otherwise, he has been blown to pieces.

But he also felt that his heart had more than doubled, as if it would explode at any time.

Now, no more suppression!

Next, enjoy the explosion of energy.

Incomparably immense energy, refining his tendons and bones, refining his body.

Incomparably powerful energy, bombarding his limbs!

“Oh …” Lan Ling roared violently.

Incomparable energy rushed out of his heart.


Note: The second more than 4,000 words are sent, please beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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