World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Seven three two: the destruction of the whole army! Vicious Lan Ling!

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With the orders of Lan Ling, two thousand five hundred Death Warriors spread like wild flowers, encircling the martial artist group of Misfortune Cave Mansion.

“Shoot swish …”

Then, then one after another, the energy attacks and pays madly.

Horrible Sword Light , horrible Demon Force shock.

In a short time, a very gorgeous picture appeared in the air.

Thousands of energy beams burst into the air, hitting the martial artist of Misfortune Cave Mansion with great precision.

The Death Warrior group of Lan Ling has a very terrible feature, that is, it is uniform, precise control, and precise attack.

As we all know, the greater the number of troops, the lower the offensive efficiency.

When a person is fighting, the combat effectiveness can be 100%. When ten people are fighting, their combat effectiveness can be exerted to 90%. When a thousand people are fighting, the combat efficiency can be exerted to 50%.

Therefore, there is a word to describe the command system of the army, that is to say that it is just a command.

This means that controlling an army is like controlling your own arm and body. Therefore, there are some elite troops in the history of Earth. Ten thousand people can defeat one hundred thousand people.

And the Lan Ling control of these two thousand five hundred Death Warrior can’t be described at all. His commands have no time delay and can accurately control any Death Warrior.

So, the combat efficiency of this Death Warrior regiment is astonishing 100%, and even every attack is not wasted.

This situation is really like a master brain, controlling countless robots fighting.

In this case, the battle is completely one-sided slaughter!

There are 3,000 martial artist in Misfortune Cave Mansion, all of which are above Great Demon Warrior.

After the war, Great Demon Warrior of Misfortune Cave Mansion fell like raindrops.

Because the effect pursued by Lan Ling is a spike …

An average of two Demon Grandmaster shots against a Great Demon Warrior of the other party, the real thing is a spike.

Two energy attacks hit the body, and the other party instantly killed.

The Misfortune Cave Mansion command system is completely unsightly. Unexpectedly, the three thousand Great Demon Warrior had no command at all, and they were fighting each other in a mess.

“Shoot swish …”

In less than a minute …

Yes, in only one minute, all the 3,000 Great Demon Warrior martial artist of Misfortune Cave Mansion were killed.

It ’s only over half a minute!

More than half a minute, Death Warrior of Lan Ling also suffered a little offensive. However, they are Undying Unextinguish, and unless they encounter an infinite number of powerful energy attacks, their Energy Heart are directly extinguished.

However, Lan Ling has an anti-sky command system. He used Demon Venerable to resist the attack of Demon Venerable and Demon Ancestor to resist the attack of Demon Ancestor.

The remaining Demon Grandmaster, all to slaughter the other party’s Great Demon Warrior.

So, this amazing result has been created.

Neither Misfortune Cave Master nor Huo Yunpo even responded.

This result is not only amazing, it is completely trembling, it is really like a nightmare.

Whether it is Misfortune Cave Master or other people, I do n’t know how Lan Ling did it. The battle between thousands of people actually achieved a point-to-point spike.

When they responded, there were only more than a thousand martial artist around Misfortune Cave Master.

One thousand two hundred Demon Grandmaster, one hundred eighty Demon Ancestor, fourteen Demon Venerable.

After killing three thousand Great Demon Warrior of Misfortune Cave Master, the first stage of the battle is over!


“Narrow the encirclement and set up!” Lan Ling ordered in consciousness.

Two thousand five hundred Death Warriors suddenly changed like a person.

The second stage of the battle begins!

The goal at this stage is 1,200 Demon Grandmaster.

Ca n’t kill, just abolish it, because Bloodsucker will be swallowed, and they will all be transformed into new Death Warrior.

“The demon Venerable Level strong defends against the strong at the same level.”

Demon Ancestor level strong defends against the same level strong.”

Demon Grandmaster, two fight one, each target simply, go to war!”

With the order of Lan Ling.

Two thousand five hundred Death Warrior attacks, like the most accurate machine.

Every two Demon Grandmaster fight each other a Demon Grandmaster.

“Shoot swish …”

Countless energy attacks are frantically output.

The entire sky is split into three battlefields, all fighting separately.

Demon Venerable vs. Demon Venerable.

Demon Ancestor vs. Demon Ancestor.

Demon Grandmaster vs. Demon Grandmaster.

The enemy ’s Demon Venerable, Demon Ancestor tried to support their own Demon Grandmaster. However, it was completely in vain. They were completely locked in by Lan Ling Death Knight‘s Demon Venerable and Demon Ancestor-level strongmen and could not escape.

The Demon Grandmaster of the Lan Ling Death Warrior group is all Peak Level , which is only half a step away from Demon Ancestor.

Two Demon Grandmaster fight each other with a Demon Grandmaster, an average of thirty attacks, you can abolish the other a medium Demon Grandmaster, but not to kill the other.

This scale is very, very difficult to grasp.

However, Lan Ling has a sky-turning brain, just like the most sky-turning supercomputer on Earth. It can lock every target of the enemy and can clearly sense their vitality.

In the most straightforward words, in the brain area of ​​Lan Ling, you can clearly see the blood and blue bars of the enemy. Can accurately know the cultivation, life status of each enemy. You can accurately assign opponents and output accurately.

So, the weird, amazing, terrible scene appeared again.

The enemy ’s Demon Grandmaster once again fell like raindrops, but each one did not die, but lost its combat power and ability to move.

And what ’s scary is that before they hit the ground and fell to death, they were immediately caught by Death Warrior, and then placed neatly on the ground, waiting for Lan Ling to devour.

After three minutes!

At the end of the second phase of the battle, 1,200 enemies of Demon Grandmaster were all abolished, none of them died, and they lay neatly on the ground motionless.


At this point in the battle, only four minutes have passed!

However, there are only 200 people around Misfortune Cave Master, 14 Demon Venerable and more than 100 Demon Ancestor.

In just four minutes, more than four thousand martial artists have fallen on his side.

Whether it is Misfortune Cave Master, Huo Yunpo, or other Demon Venerable, Demon Ancestor. At this time, my heart was cold and trembling all over.

They can’t believe their eyes at all.

This … what kind of martial arts army is this?

On the power, they are not stronger than their own side, even Demon Venerable, Demon Ancestor level strong, there are still lacking.

How come the battle is completely one-sided slaughter.

More than 4,000 people have been lost on one side. The Lan Ling side is unscathed.

The martial artist legion of Lan Ling can’t be described by the sky.

More than two thousand Death Warrior regiments of Lan Ling surrounded the enemy’s two hundred regiments.

Start the third stage of battle!

During this stage of the battle, destroy 190 enemy Demon Ancestor!

“Twelve strong Demon Venerable, dragging the other 14 Demon Venerable.”

“One Demon Ancestor with twenty Demon Grandmasters to form a combat team and destroy an enemy Demon Ancestor!”

With the order of Lan Ling.

In just a few seconds, the battle formation changed instantly.

Two thousand five hundred Death Warrior regiments instantly formed one hundred and twenty combat groups.

“Go to war!”

With the order of Lan Ling, the battle broke out again.

It is still Demon Venerable and Demon Venerable.

A dead Demon Ancestor, with twenty dead Demon Grandmaster, formed a team to attack an enemy Demon Ancestor.

“Shoot swoosh …”

Every Death Warrior is fighting frantically and output frantically.

Every battle of Lan Ling ensures the use of overwhelming force and an absolute advantage on the target battlefield.

Each battle group has an average of 55 energy attacks to destroy an Demon Ancestor of the enemy.

Demon Ancestor really deserves Demon Ancestor. It was able to withstand 55 energy attacks from 21 people before it collapsed completely.

Of course, the Death Warrior of Lan Ling has only 120 combat groups, and the enemy has a total of 190 Demon Ancestor, which is more than 70 Demon Ancestor.

These Demon Ancestor seize the opportunity to attack Death Warrior of Lan Ling insanely.

This can slow down the fight.

However, it makes no sense that Death Warrior of Lan Ling is Undying Unextinguish.

The most important thing is that the original Black Demon Banner and Princess Shayan Palace together, there are forty Demon Ancestor, you can temporarily drag them.

However, at this stage, Lan Ling finally suffered casualties.

Not the casualties of Death Warrior, but the martial artist of Princess Palace, and some of the Ghost Ray mounts were shot down.

But even so, after five minutes …

The third phase of the battle is over, and all of the enemy ’s 190 Demon Ancestors are destroyed, losing all combat power and falling directly to the ground.

But none of them died, all waiting for Lan Ling to gobble up Bloodsucker.


At this time, there are only fourteen people on the Misfortune Cave Master side, all of whom are strong Demon Venerable.


Lan Ling ordered.

Suddenly, more than two thousand Death Warrior, dozens of Princess Palace martial artist and Flame Demon Banner strongmen, surrounded fourteen Demon Venerable enemies of the enemy!

The eldest sons of Misfortune Cave Master, Venerable Huo Mo and 14 other Demon Venerables could n’t believe it. The battle only took more than ten minutes, and almost all of the army was destroyed on their side. Only 14 Demon Venerables were left.

Endless shocks and fears enveloped them.

At this time, the Eeye elders of Misfortune Cave Mansion really regretted it. Lan Ling clearly gave them a way of life. As long as Eyun (misfortune) went to Flame Demon City to blame, Misfortune Cave Mansion could be preserved.

However …

Because Prince You Ming came with more than a thousand Top Level martial artist to support, it gives Misfortune Cave Mansion different hopes.

So that Misfortune Cave Master madly cut off Hei Nai Wu‘s limbs, and wrote a battle book to Lan Ling, which brought Misfortune Cave Mansion to the top.

And Huo Yunpo and others regretted so much, why should they obey Prince You Ming‘s encouragement to help Misfortune Cave Mansion, now they drag themselves into the abyss.

Venerable Huo Mo‘s eldest son Huo Yunpo looks uncertain, looking at Lan Ling slowly: “Your Excellency Lan Ling, we led the martial artist group to inspect Misfortune Cave Mansion, why do you attack me for no reason!”

Lan Ling did n’t even bother to react, reaching into Princess Shayan ’s waist and playing with her charming jade cellulite.

Princess Shayan glared at him, but his eyes were blurred.

The behavior of Lan Ling is undoubtedly an extreme contempt. As the eldest son of Venerable Huo Mo, Huo Yunpo has never suffered such shame.

However, at this moment, he could only swallow this breath alive.

“Your Excellency Lan Ling, your wife of Hei Zhou is my sister, and you and I Fire Demon Mountain are also related.” Huo Yunpo said: “However, if you let us go, we will assume that nothing happened. Moreover, from now on you can get the friendship of Fire Demon Mountain. “

As soon as these words come out, Misfortune Cave Master and others change color, which means to completely abandon Misfortune Cave Mansion.

“I don’t have your brother, I don’t have a father like Venerable Huo Mo, you are all beasts.” Huo Fenghuang (fire phoenix) said with sorrow and anger: “You are Nai Wu‘s uncle, but you can’t help but watch him cut off his limbs. Beasts are not as good. “

Beside, a 13th Chong Luo Demon Venerable strongman said: “Sir Lan Ling, what do you also represent behind us? Representing the five great Venerables, is the pinnacle of martial arts of Rakshasa Clan, and is almost the same as His Majesty Rakshasa King in martial arts Let’s go side by side. If you do something against us, you will be enemies with the Five Great Venerables, and the consequences of this should be imaginable! “

Lan Ling is silent.

Thirteen Venerable Chong Lou said: “How about this? If you let us eleven leave, we will assume that nothing has happened, and you can also get the friendship of my thirteen Chong Luo. The previous past issues was cancelled! You should know , Although the Strength behind you is powerful, it is completely uncomfortable compared with the five great respecters. “

Lan Ling looked to Misfortune Cave Master and said: “Send Hei Nai Wu over!”

Misfortune Cave Master resisted, but Elder Eeye hurriedly sent over Hei Nai Wu with his limbs cut off. Then he kneeled directly in front of Lan Ling and said, “Old is guilty, please Flame Demon Monarch to punish!”

Lan Ling said: “Fire Demon Mountain, thirteen Chong Luo, do you want to go right?”

Demon Venerable of Huo Yunpo and Thirteen Chong Luo said: “Yes, you can easily get the friendship of the five Venerables, do n’t miss Ten Million!”

Lan Ling said: “In this way, eleven of you join forces to abolish the three Demon Venerable of Misfortune Cave Mansion, and I will let you go. Remember, it is abolition, not killing!”

The words of Misfortune Cave Mansion‘s three major Demon Venerables changed.

Misfortune Cave Master in a stern voice said: “Huo Yunpo, do n’t be fooled by you Ten Million!”

However, it is too late …

Eleven Demon Venerables including Huo Yunmo immediately launched a crazy attack on the three Demon Venerable of Misfortune Cave Mansion in order to escape.

Lan Ling led more than two thousand people, just like watching a monkey play, watching the enemy kill each other.

The battle is not fierce. The Sword Light in the air is criss-crossed, shaking like a rock.

The burst of Sword Light impact almost shielded the sun.

“Booming …”

Sounds of loud noise, like a giant bomb exploding.

The battle between Demon Venerable is terrible!

Eleven Demon Venerables such as Huo Yunpo really got it.

Just five minutes later, the three major Demon Venerable of Misfortune Cave Mansion lost, and they lost their fighting power completely, and were put in front of Lan Ling.

“Cut off all the muscles and veins of these three people!” Lan Ling ordered.

The three major Demon Venerable veins of Misfortune Cave Mansion are all abolished, and they have completely lost their fighting power.

At this time, the eleven Demon Venerables, such as Huo Yunpo, looked a little ugly. In order to escape, they had to obey the orders of Lan Ling and proceeded to the three major Demon Venerables of Misfortune Cave Mansion.

This is a matter of no dignity and no bottom line, but they still did it.

“Farewell, there will be a date!” Huo Yunpo said coldly.

Lan Ling cold road: “Slow down, do I let you go?”

Huo Yunpo changed his face drastically: “Your Excellency Lan Ling, what do you mean? You have said personally that as long as we win the three Demon Venerables of Misfortune Cave Mansion, you will let us go and you will not go back on your own?”

“Thank you for winning the three major Demon Venerable Misfortune Cave Mansion.” Lan Ling said: “But … letting you go, this is impossible.”

Huo Yunpo said: “You, are you going to turn the corner?”

“Yes, I turned my face and I do n’t recognize anyone!” Lan Ling said: “Sometimes I said, just like a fart, I turned my face ruthlessly!”

“Come and fight, abolish these eleven Demon Venerable!”


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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