World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Seven-five-eight: Lan Ling takes the second step to the throne!

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How long did it take Princess Di Nie to lay the De Sha Clan line of defense?

There are two versions, six days and six hours.

Five days, because it took about six days from the beginning of the war to the full contribution of the De Sha Clan line of defense.

Speaking of six hours, it is because the time of the actual battle only took six hours.

However …

Officially speaking, only six days are admitted, not six hours!

For Crown Prince Tian Sha, it takes less than six days to break the Yun Ee Clan defense line to break this record.

So the battle of Yun Ee Clan is destined to be extremely fierce.

Crown Prince Tian Sha does not have Wing Clan, nor Demoness Country Warrior , because these two races are only willing to fight for Princess Di Nie. Although the Queen of Demoness is not respectful when facing Di Nie, in fact she is willing to fight for Di Nie.

However, Crown Prince Tian Sha has two major trump cards Strength, Ghost Bat Legion , Ground Monster Legion .

In his three million army, Airborne Legion exceeded 400,000 and cavalry exceeded 600,000.

Among them, Ghost Bat Legion exceeds 300,000, and the remaining Ghost Ray Legion , Griffin Legion, Goshawk Legion , etc. add up to 100,000.

In the cavalry, Ground Monster Legion exceeds 300,000, and the remaining Demon Leopard Legion , Thunder Wolf Legion , and Unicorn legions add up to 300,000.

Of the two million infantry, Man-Eater Clan Legion , Giant Clan Legion , and Stoneman Clan Legion add up to more than one hundred thousand.

All kinds of Monster Clan Legion , more than half a million.

Yes, most of the legions led by Crown Prince Tian Sha are all kinds of monsters. Of the three million troops, there are only more than one million real Tiancha tribes.

In order to show that he is stronger than Di Nie, Crown Prince Tian Sha is almost crazy to attack De Sha Clan‘s most vulnerable hundreds of miles of Great Wall.

In this battle, Yun Ee Clan and Crown Prince Yun E personally entered the Great Wall defense line.

This battle really frightened everyone, and the soul was scattered.

Although the army of Yun Ee Clan may not be as sturdy as De Sha Clan and Rakshasa Clan, it also has more one thread elegance. But he was also full of blood and bravery, and he didn’t know what to fear.

But this war has filled the Yun Ee Clan warriors with nightmares.

After the war, the entire Yun Ee Clan line of defense became hell.

In order to break the record of Princess Di Nie, Crown Prince Tian Sha attacked almost crazy.

On the first day, there were seven hours of fierce fighting without stopping for a minute.

The Yun Ee Clan‘s northern defense line has six million troops, killed 1.3 million in battle and 600,000 casualties.

In just one day, one third of the casualties.

Such terrible casualties are not the most terrible, the most terrible is the tragic battle, far more than the Princess Di Nie attack De Sha Clan defense line several times.

When Di Nie attacks the De Sha Clan defense line, each time it dispatches troops it will not exceed four or five hundred thousand, and the services will be changed in turns. It is more of a kind of training than a battle.

And Crown Prince Tian Sha is extremely fierce and cruel. His goal is only one, to kill all the soldiers on Yun Ee Clan.

Each attacking army has more than seven or eight hundred thousand.

The six million troops on the Yun Ee Clan Great Wall, five million from Yun Ee Clan and one million from Rakshasa Clan.

Rakshasa Clan‘s reinforcement Commander is Prince You Ming.

Of course, Rakshasa King did n’t fanfare the Prince You Ming to lead the army because he was afraid of defeat. Once defeated, of course he will be hyped.

Prince You Ming really did not expect that the battle could become so scary, so bloody, so shocking.

Ghost Ray Legion is already the trump card of the Air Force, because they are extremely fast, and their movements are strong, and even their own combat effectiveness is very strong.

Ghost Bat Legion of Crown Prince Tian Sha, the speed is not that, nor is it Agility.

However, when Ghost Bat Legion met Ghost Ray Legion , it was a one-sided slaughter.

Prince You Ming will never forget the scene of the duel between Demon Clan Alliance Air Force and Crown Prince Tian Sha Air Force.

The two air forces are getting closer and closer, when the distance is only 300 meters.

Hundreds of thousands of Ghost Bat Legion screamed terribly.

This kind of scream is not loud at all, and even very careful to hear it.

However … Demon Clan Alliance‘s hundreds of thousands of air forces fell like raindrops in an instant.

Whether it is Ghost Ray Legion or Dragon Eagle Legion , it is like being enchanted and seeing ghosts. It has lost all its combat power and fell directly. What’s more, the head exploded, the eyes exploded, and the death was extremely miserable.

This is an ultrasonic attack, although Prince You Ming does not understand the term.

Hundreds of thousands of Ghost Bat Legion gathered together and launched an ultrasonic attack at the same time, this effect is invincible, it is a BUG.

In just half an hour, Demon Clan Alliance lost 100,000 Airborne Legion .

Fortunately, these Ghost Bat Legion s have limited energy and cannot emit terrible ultrasonic attacks indefinitely. Otherwise, on the first day of the war, the air coalition forces of Yun Ee Clan and Rakshasa Clan will be destroyed.

The ground legion led by Crown Prince Tian Sha is equally terrifying.

Those Stoneman s are six or seven meters tall and weigh ten thousand pounds. The whole body is hard and horny, just like a stone. They are completely invulnerable, wielding huge fists, and the Strength of each blow exceeds ten thousand pounds.

A wall that is more than a dozen meters thick has been smashed into many huge holes.

If not burned with fire, these thousands of Stoneman have smashed the entire city wall for thousands of kilometers.

The terrible food Human Clan and Giant Clan are monsters on the battlefield.

Each eats Human Clan, is over ten meters tall, and weighs over ten thousand pounds. Their weapons are javelins. Each ogre is carrying hundreds of javelins behind it, and each javelin is four to five meters long.

These terrible ogres easily throw the javelin thousands of kilometers away.

Once they are stabbed, their javelins can pierce a dozen soldiers.

The ogre is huge enough, but the bigger one is Giant Clan . These Giant Clan s also have a name called Mountain-man Clan .

For this race, many people have heard and seen it.

They live in very remote mountains and are very gentle. They do n’t like to hurt other creatures. Moreover, they are basically vegetarian, and the number is very scarce.

The Giant Clan that most people have seen will not exceed a height of 13 meters,

However, the Giant Clan brought by Crown Prince Tian Sha has a height of more than 18 meters, and even a super giant of 20 meters.

Each giant has more than 20,000 to 30,000 catties. Moreover, their eyes are blood red and their behavior is extremely brutal.

More scary is that the number is more than five thousand. I really do n’t know where there are so many giants, and how did the Tian Sha king make them loyal? You know, these Giant Clan would not have contacted any Demon Clan, let alone allegiance.

The only weapons of these giants are boulders. They are completely moving giant catapults.

The super giant trebuchet made by Lan Ling can only throw three or four hundred pounds of stone out of 500 meters.

And these Giant Clan can throw a 500-kilometre boulder out of 600 meters.

And five thousand giants is equivalent to one thousand giant trebuchets. What a horror is this?

When five thousand giants threw boulders together, it was almost broken, the end of the world.

Fortunately, these Giant Clan throws are very, very inaccurate, and they are cast as they please, otherwise the wall of Yun Ee Clan will already suffer from the destruction of the roof.

Moreover, these Giant Clan s will stop after throwing fifteen stones, and then sit on the ground no longer.

The Ground Monster Legion is the biggest and biggest casualty of Yun Ee Clan and Rakshasa Clan.

Prince You Ming cannot describe the ugliness, nausea, cruelty, and perversion of the creature Ground Monster in any words.

On the first day of the war, of nearly 2 million casualties, more than seven CDs were brought by Ground Monster .

The soldiers killed by Ground Monster were terrible. They were first pierced by their tongues from their mouths to their buttocks, and then eroded into rotten flesh, and finally bitten into pieces, which became the delicious meal of Ground Monster .

Anyone who sees the Yun Ee Clan battlefield will be sick of madness, unable to eat or sleep for days and nights.

It’s bloody, it’s terrifying.

Broken corpses are everywhere, blood is everywhere, and meat is everywhere.

Although there are still four million in the Rakshasa Clan and Yun Ee Clan coalition forces, they are on the verge of collapse.


The day after dawn, Crown Prince Tian Sha struck the drum of war and once again fought cruelly and frantically.

On this day, the two armies fought for four hours.

The Yun Ee Clan and Rakshasa Clan coalition forces suffered 1.2 million casualties.

On the third day, the two armies fought for two hours, and the Yun Ee Clan and Rakshasa Clan coalition forces almost … the whole army was destroyed.

Originally, it was not so miserable.

But one hour after the battle started, after hundreds of thousands of casualties, the Yun Ee Clan and Rakshasa Clan coalition forces collapsed.

The Demon Race Legion , which will never surrender and will never run away, have begun to run away.

Thousands of miles on the front line, the 2 million army rushed back crazy, causing a huge collapse.

If you do n’t run and rely on the Great Wall defense, you wo n’t lose so badly.

And once you start running away, leaving your back to the enemy, you are destined to die.

Because they simply ca n’t run Ghost Bat Legion , Demon Leopard Legion , and Ground Monster Legion .

The escaped Rakshasa Clan Yun Ee Clan allied forces were scattered all over the mountains, and they were almost killed.

Three hundred miles of ground south of the Yun Ee Clan Great Wall, all stained with blood!

Prince You Ming, Crown Prince Yun E, Yun E King led tens of thousands of Airborne Legion to retreat to the second line of defense.

At this point, in just three days, the Yun Ee Clan line of defense has fallen.

Crown Prince Tian Sha really broke the Princess Di Nie record, and the first stage of the Yun Ee Clan battle is over!


Two days later!

Reinforcements of all ethnic groups finally arrived at Yun Ee Clan one after another and joined the second line of defense.

Where is the second line of defense, Skyscraping Mountain Range !

This mountain range almost runs through the entire Yun Ee Clan. The lowest place is three kilometers above sea level and the highest place is more than nine kilometers. It is like a huge wall that protects the heart of Yun Ee Clan.

From the south of Skyscraping Mountain Range , Yun Ee Clan is mostly alpine terrain, and many cities are built on high mountains, such as Yun E Imperial City.

After the fall of the northern defense line of Yun Ee Clan, Demon Clan Alliance placed all hope on Skyscraping Mountain Range , hoping to use the barrier made by heaven to block the Crown Prince Tian Sha legion.

In recent days, Demon Clan Alliance has discussed many more topics.

For example, where did the Giant Clan of Tian Sha King come from, where did Man-Eater Monster Clan come from, and where did the Stoneman family come from.

The most important thing is where did Ground Monster and Ghost Bat Legion come from? How could there be … so many?

And why do these demon clan obey the orders of Tian Sha king?

Crown Prince Tian Sha also took a short break after occupying the Yun Ee Clan‘s northern defense. The army of casualties needs to be supplemented from the Tiancha tribe base camp.

Demon Clan Alliance took advantage of this precious time to build a second line of defense in Skyscraping Mountain Range .

Over five million troops are stationed in these thousand miles of mountains, and reinforcements are constantly entering the defense line.

All Demon Clan Alliance people are thinking that the 18-meter-long city wall cannot block the Crown Prince Tian Sha legion. The mountains that are thousands of meters high can always be blocked?

The terrible and dangerous high-altitude terrain of Yun Ee Clan can always stop the Crown Prince Tian Sha legion?

Nine days later, Crown Prince Tian Sha took a rest and led a 1.2 million army south.

Yes, only 1.2 million, he left all Giant Clan , Man-Eater Monster Clan , and most of the infantry.

Only bring all Airborne Legion , Thunder Wolf Legion , Demon Leopard Legion , Ground Monster Legion .

There are 1,200 miles from the Yun Ee Clan northern defense line to Skyscraping Mountain Range .

The legion brought by Crown Prince Tian Sha can either fly or run for more than two hundred miles every hour.

So, in just one day, the 1.2 million army led by Crown Prince Tian Sha has reached the Skyscraping Mountain Range line of defense.

After a restful night, the sky is not bright, the war is on!


This time, Yun E King and Crown Prince Yun E have maintained a relatively optimistic attitude.

Because, mountains that are thousands of meters above sea level will always work. Moreover, the strength brought by Crown Prince Tian Sha is only about two-fifths of the previous, so even if it is unbeatable, it can be a deadlock.

And the result … it is desperate, scary, trembling!

Only one day, only one day, the Skyscraping Mountain Range defense line with great hopes by Yun E King and Crown Prince Yun E was completely penetrated and fell!

Although these mountains are very high, the army brought by Crown Prince Tian Sha can either fly or climb the mountains to the ground.

Fighting on the mountain ranges of several thousand meters above sea level is more like their home ground.

Instead, the Rakshasa Clan and Yun Ee Clan coalition forces are passive everywhere, and there are too few castles in this mountain range to fight in trenches and build earth walls.

But these are not comparable to the twenty-meter-high city walls. In just one day, the direction of the five million troops was completely broken down.

Countless people fled and countless people were killed.

The Skyscraping Mountain Range line of defense has officially fallen, and the five million troops on this line have almost completely collapsed.

The fall of the second line of defense means that the next target is Yun E Imperial City.

1,700 miles from Skyscraping Mountain Range to Yun E Imperial City, there are hardly any lines of defense and no barriers.

The day after the fall of the Skyscraping Mountain Range line of defense, Crown Prince Tian Sha led the army and headed south, targeting the Yun E Imperial City, the headquarters of Demon Clan Alliance, and the seven-inch vital point of Demon Clan Alliance!

At this point, the situation of Demon Clan Alliance has fallen into absolute pessimism and despair!

The time for Demon Clan Alliance Wan Maqi is here, the second step of Lan Ling‘s fight for the throne, the darkness is officially opened.


Note: The second more than four thousand words will be sent, please ask for support, thank you great family!

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