World Destroying Demonic Emperor: One eight two: defeated, Zhi Ning coalition doomsday!

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The shocking drum drums are deafening.

The walls of Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass are only a few hundred meters long, with amazing cliffs on both sides.

The Strength Warrior of the Yan Yan army is wearing hundreds of pounds of armor, carrying a siege ladder nearly 20 meters high and desperately moving forward.

“Let, put, put …”

Thousands of Black Cloth Armed Force archers on the city wall, under the command of one sound, the arrows fell like rain.

“Shoot swish …”

Countless arrows shot at Strength Warrior , igniting the ignition star.

Each of these Strength Warrior s is nearly two meters high, three or four hundred pounds, each of which is infinitely powerful, wearing hundreds of pounds of armor, and ordinary bows and arrows cannot be shot at all.

In the rain of the sky, hundreds of Strength Warrior kept approaching the city wall.

Behind them, thousands of elite swordsmen hid behind the huge wooden shield wall, advancing step by step.

In spite of this, under the dense arrow rain, screams continued to ring, and people continued to fall.

“Suppression of bows and arrows.” Yan Yan ordered.

Suddenly, hundreds of large crossbows and thousands of archers shot at the city wall.

Shooting from bottom to top is very passive in itself. Therefore, only seek to suppress the opponent’s archer, and do not expect much casualties.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang …”

The drums are deafening, and Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass is in flames.

After a full quarter of an hour, hundreds of Strength Warrior finally lifted the first batch of siege ladders under the wall, and then roared, placing the siege ladder on the wall of nearly 20 meters.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang …” Hundreds of hundreds of siege ladders hit the wall and erected up.

Then, the four big Strength Warrior , desperately pressed the siege ladder against the city wall.

“Tear down, push down the siege ladder …” the officer on the wall shouted loudly.

But the siege ladder made by the Yan Yan army is terrible, and its height is almost flush with the city wall.

“Rush up …”

Nearly 2,000 elites. Climbed the siege ladder.

The first to climb the siege ladder were all elite warriors. They held a huge shield in their hands to block the arrows, stones and wooden logs under the ladder. So it is called the shield samurai.

These shield warriors ca n’t die. Once they die, no one can stop the arrow rain and the rolling stones for the soldiers behind.

“Smashing stones, falling logs …”

With an order. It rained like stones on the wall, and a hundred pounds of stones fell fiercely.

Hundreds of pounds of rolling wood, rolling down wildly.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang …”

Silver Wolf Corps‘s shield samurai braved the amazing stone rain and rolling wood, climbing up step by step.

From a distance, dozens of siege ladders resemble giant snakes, all of which are densely packed with people. Climb up like an ant.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

One stone after another, hitting a large steel shield, but these shield warriors are just a wave of shaking, the huge shield still protects the soldiers behind him.

Zhi Ning and Nu Erdan were shocked. don’t tell me‘s first round of attack, they should be allowed to rush to the city wall?

“Are you ready for oil?” Nu Erdan shouted loudly.

“Almost, almost …”

Zhi Ning said: “You don’t have to wait for it to burn, just break it now. Then ignite.”


Then, pots of pot of oil end up on the wall.

Yan Yan glanced at Fen Mo to the side, and the two bent their bows and arrows.

“Shoot swish …”

Yan Yan is amazing cultivation, aiming to shoot with Spiritual Force alive.

Fen Mo is born Divine Shooting Talent. There is hardly any need to aim, which means to play.

Suddenly, the soldiers who lifted the oil pan and had no time to drop it, one after another, the huge oil pan turned over. Splashing everywhere.

“Ah …”

The oil burned to half a roll is also amazing, and immediately cooked people alive.

Yan Yan shot a Fire Arrow.

“Boom …”

Suddenly, the oil spilled on the ground was ignited, causing a raging fire.

Tuling Duo was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him, and the battle was so amazing at the beginning.

Looking at the posture, it seems that the first wave of the Yan Yan army will rush to the city wall.

“Sword Archer, suppress.” Tuling Duo ordered.

This time she came to Tianshui City and only brought a hundred people. The elite officers have been transferred to the 10,000 rebels of Nu Erdan to command every 100-person team to fight.

In addition, he also brought three Archer , all of which are Dragon Archer, which is the treasure of Tuling Family.

After the order of Tuling Duo, three Dragon Archers began to draw bows and shoot arrows.

The arrows made by Dragon Archer are of course extraordinary.

Suddenly, Yan Yan and Fen Mo were completely suppressed, and it was almost impossible to show their heads and shoot.

At this time, you can see the difference between Divine Shooting Talent and Elite Archer .

The arrow of Yan Yan is more accurate and stronger, but it is entirely based on Spirit and Strength. Now that the other three Dragon Archers of the other party have begun to suppress, Yan Yan can hardly fight back.

Because Yan Yan archery requires Spiritual Force to aim, it takes time and needs to show up.

But Fen Mo is different. He doesn’t show his head, but he can still shoot arrows by feeling. Shooting an arrow, you can almost hit it.

“Shoot swoosh …”

Moreover, he shot even a bead of arrows and shot five consecutive shots. Almost every time, he could hit the soldier carrying the oil pan.

Tuling Duo sees, in a stern voice said: “Why not suppress the other party ’s Archer ?”

Young Miss, the other party is a Divine Shooting Talent.” A Dragon Archer said: “He completely shoots arrows by feeling, he doesn’t need to aim at all, and he doesn’t need much Spiritual Force, it is difficult for us to suppress him.”

Tuling Duo said: “What is his shooting skill?”

“Look at the speed of his arrow and Strength, it should be intermediate rank Archer .” Dragon Archer said.

Tuling Duo was furious and said: “Two Dragon Archer, can’t suppress one intermediate rank Warrior Archer?”

The fact is that Divine Shooting Talent is against the sky.

However, Fen Mo and Divine Archer are not enough.

There are still many oil pots splashed down, splashed on the shield, on the siege ladder.

Then a Fire Arrow came down and suddenly burned.

Huge shield burning, siege ladder burning.

“Hoohoo …”

In the blaze, the warriors holding their shields finally could n’t bear it, shaking a little.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The terrible boulder fell down fiercely, and this samurai who held up his shield finally couldn’t bear it, and fell straight down from a ladder that was more than ten meters high.

Then …

“Shoot swoosh …”

Countless bows and arrows were shot, and the boulders rolled down. The hot oil splashed down.

“Ah …” Howling sounds kept coming.

In just a moment Kung Fu Hustle, all the soldiers on this siege ladder died tragically.

Either burned or killed. Either he was killed.

Almost all soldiers on each siege ladder are sheltered by the shield warrior at the front. Once this person falls, basically all the people on this siege ladder will die.

It looks like Dono, after the first shield warrior fell. The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth …

Yan Yan watched, one shield warrior fell after another, one siege ladder after another was destroyed, dozens, hundreds of people died.

However, he didn’t even twitch his eyes.

This is a siege battle, which is completely dependent on human life. There are hardly any bells and whistles. Whoever is stronger, who is less afraid of death, who can win.

“The second wave, rush up!”

With his order, hundreds of Strength Warrior s in the second wave season, braved the sky and rain, and rushed up the huge siege ladder.

The shocking drums are still deafening.


The entire Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass has become a meat grinder.

From fighting in the middle of the night to Foxiao, then the sun rises. Then it was noon.

Several hours have passed.

The whole battlefield, I do n’t know how much arrow rain was shot. On the ground outside Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass, arrows were inserted into every inch of the land.

Yan Yan no longer knows how many times to lift the ladder to siege. Wave after wave of Strength Warrior rushed up, wave after wave of siege ladders went up.

One after another, the shield samurai couldn’t support falling down, and all the people in the whole siege ladder died.

There are more and more corpses under the wall.

Hundreds and thousands. Two thousand, three thousand … ……

Finally, corpses are everywhere.

The army of Yan Yan has never been able to rush to the twenty-meter-high city wall.

Looking, this last wave of siege troops will no longer work, Yan Yan looks at Iron Han Road: “The next wave, rush up.”

Tu’an trembles: “Master, there is no next wave. Almost all the shield samurai are killed in battle, and there are not many left in the big Strength Warrior .”

Yan Yan twitched his eyes: “How many casualties?”

“Five thousand.” Tu’an said: “We are the most elite troops, but more than 30% of the casualties, the collapse is in sight. We are field mercenaries, not good at siege.”

Yan Yan said: “There is nothing good and bad, siege is to kill people.”

Tu’an said: “However, our people do not have as many enemies. The casualties of the enemy troops in Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass are very few.”

Yan Yan fell silent.

Tu’an said: “retreat, in a few hours, the army of Suo Lun will come, and then attack again.”

Yan Yan closed his eyes and said: “No, now retreat, all the previous sacrifices are in vain, and the previous achievements are abandoned. Now the fight is blood, it is will.”

Tu’an said: “However, we have no one. Look at the brethren, too many people have died, there is no morale.”

Yan Yan looked at the soldiers around him, and indeed everyone’s face had begun to frighten.

The battle of these few hours is completely a meat grinder, no matter how many warriors and soldiers are sent, all are dead.

No one can successfully climb the wall!

The remaining 10,000 troops are indeed on the verge of collapse.

With more than 30% casualties in any army, the consequences are very fatal. A slight scratch will cause a big crash.


At this time, in Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass, it was especially exciting to sweep away the decay of yesterday.

Because the waves of the enemy’s offensive were repelled.

Lin Hai Armed Force and Black Cloth Armed Force are really elite, and I do n’t know how many times the Yan Yan army has repelled.

Now, the momentum of the Yan Yan army has been exhausted, and almost no new attacks can be organized.

This battle is really thrilling, the first wave of Yan Yan attacks is so amazing, almost rushed to Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

It hurt Zhi Ning, thinking that Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass would fall.

I didn’t expect that the first attack of Yan Yan was the only one close to the city. In the subsequent offensive, he barely climbed fifteen meters and was completely killed and injured.

“How about our casualties?” Zhi Ning asked.

“Less than a thousand.” Nu Erdan said.

“What about the casualties of the Yan Yan army?” Zhi Ning asked.

“More than five thousand.” Nu Erdan said: “If the casualties exceed 30%, the battle will not be fought, and the enemy will be retreat.”

Zhi Ning sneered: “It seems that mercenaries are not really good at siege warfare. Once Yan Yan retreat, they will immediately go out and chase them up. Then, Yan Yan will be defeated.”

Nu Erdan said excitedly: “After the destruction of the main force of Yan Yan. Thousands of people in Suo Lun ca n’t accomplish anything. The defeat is a foregone conclusion.”

Excited smile on the face of the group of four, the victory is in sight.


“Master. retreat.” Tu’an said: “I will break it.”

Yan Yan shook his head and said: “No, once retreat, he will definitely give up his efforts. And after this anger is removed, the enemy will seize the opportunity to chase up and we will be defeated.”

Tu’an said: “But. We can no longer organize a new attack, all the shield warriors are dead. As long as the enemy pushes a little, our army will collapse.”

Yan Yan‘s eyes twitched again.

The mercenaries he led did not have much experience in siege battles. The real siege battle is far more terrible than imagined.

No wonder they say that siege warfare requires at least two or three times the military power. Because this is entirely up to the corpse.

The military strength of Yan Yan is only 15,000, which is less than 19,000 of Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

Five thousand deaths and injuries have now been made. Obviously, this kind of blood consumption is only half, and I want to win Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass. At least 20,000 people are needed, and at least thousands of people die.

However, he has no charge samurai on hand.

“Unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent!” Yan Yan cuts the railroad: “Now retreat, will definitely lose.”

Tu’an said: “However, we no longer charge samurai, no shield samurai.”

Yan Yan took a huge shield and shouted: “All Hundred Man Captain , Thousand Men Captain , all Middle Rank Warrior. High Rank Warrior, dequeue!”

Suddenly, nearly a hundred people stepped out of the army array, and these people were all officers of Silver Wolf Corps. All in High Rank Warrior.

“All Strength Warrior , carry all the remaining siege ladders.” Yan Yan then ordered.

The remaining Strength Warrior suddenly carried out dozens of siege ladders.

This is already the last siege of the Yan Yan army Strength.

Yan Yan shouted loudly: “This is our last Strength, and all officers of Silver Wolf Corps and I will take the lead in charging! Today, it is unsuccessful. It will be Chengren! Rush up and win Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass!”

When I saw the leader and all the middle and high-ranking officers take the lead in the charge, the morale of the original depression was suddenly lifted.

The blood of all the soldiers is boiling again.

“Kill …”

Yan Yan led hundreds of High Rank Warrior, hundreds of Strength Warrior , and thousands of elite infantrymen for the last charge.


In the Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass, there was a sudden shock, but I didn’t expect Yan Yan to be so decisive.

“Block them, block them …”

“Archery, archery …”

“Smashing stones, falling logs …”

“Pour oil down, oil down …”

The last drum of battle sounded again.

Yan Yan and High Rank Warrior in the hundred, holding a large shield and protecting the soldiers below, along the siege ladder, braved boulders, arrow rain, rolling oil, and desperately climbed up.

This is the final attack Strength.

Yan Yan burst into a roar, and the whole person walked on the siege ladder.

“Shoot swoosh …”

After a few minutes, he rushed directly to Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass and pulled out Great Sword.

For the first time, the Yan Yan army attacked the city for the first time, even though that person was himself.

“Uh …” He snapped a sword.

Suddenly, the first dozen Black Cloth Armed Force were all cut off by the lazy waist.

Because of the breakthrough of Yan Yan, a gap appeared in the defense of the city wall. The Silver Wolf Corps behind came up like a tide.

“Block, block, kill Yan Yan!”

Suddenly, countless expert in the Zhi Ning coalition forces desperately rushed towards Yan Yan.

Three Dragon Archer, crazy archery.

Yan Yan is based on one enemy ten and one enemy one hundred!

The Great Sword and the giant shield in his hand have completely become his weapons. His whole person seemed to become a war machine, and everything he passed was completely crushed, and the Dragon Force in his body was also consumed frantically.

The second person to climb onto the city wall is Tu’an.

Then, the third, the fourth, the fifth …

There are more and more High Rank Warrior in the city wall, and more and more Silver Wolf Corps behind them.

Hundreds, thousands, two thousand, three thousand Silver Wolf Corps flooded Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

I do n’t know how many people died. Silver Wolf Corps finally rushed to the city wall and engaged with the enemy troops.

“Block, block … kill them …”

Not far away from the castle, Zhi Ning was shocked when he saw all this.

“Press up, everyone presses up.”

Suddenly, more than 10,000 coalition forces swarmed up.

The two armies are fighting wildly on the walls of a few hundred meters.

At the same time, a burst of smoke appeared behind Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

After a short while, Suo Lun led two thousand cavalry into view.

The Zhi Ning was aghastly: “Suo Lun should n’t be here at night? How come it came so fast?”


Why does Suo Lun come so fast? Of course, he threw down three thousand infantry and directly led two thousand cavalry. He was completely horsepower and desperately Mercedes-Benz, so he arrived at Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass half a day in advance.

I looked up and saw that Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass was already fighting, and murderous aura was in the sky.

Suo Lun pulled out the giant sword and screamed: “We are not late, our comrades are fighting in the blood. Fight up, reap your gold coins.”

Suddenly, Yan Nai’Er made a slight jump and also rode on Lion Tiger Beast, sitting in front of Suo Lun.


Suo Lun took the lead, and the following two thousand cavalry waved Great Sword and swept toward Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

At this time, defending the back of Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass is the lord rebels of Nu Erdan and others, a total of four or five thousand people.

But …

Despite the rejection of horses and fences, Lion Tiger Beast jumped abruptly and Yan Nai’Er Great Sword slashed wildly.

A row of wooden walls collapsed immediately.

Then, Lion Tiger Beast carried Suo Lun and Yan Nai’Er, directly turned into murderous machines, and plowed directly.

“Shoot swoosh …”

Countless blood splashes, countless head flying wildly.

From this gap, two thousand cavalry surged in.

The 4,000 lord lord rebel formations in the front, only blocked for five minutes, and only two hundred people were killed and wounded, they completely collapsed, crying and howling, and turned to escape.

Second-line troops are second-line troops.

Suo Lun leads two thousand cavalry, like a sword, stabs the back of Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass.

After seeing this scene, Princess Zhi Ning in the castle suddenly felt a sudden pain in his heart.

She was only one step away from victory, but now, it is completely over.

The end of the Heavenly Wolf Mountain Pass army has officially arrived!

The end of the Zhi Ning coalition is here!


Note: The second one is sent to you. Today it is still updated with almost 4D characters. Please ask for support. Thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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