World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May five five: Rakshasa City! Yan Nai’Er!

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Note: The information in the previous chapter is very important, don’t miss it, thank you.


After the ancients Divine Dragon and Demon King have died together, the gods of this world have fallen completely.

The place where the two gods fight is the Land of Falling that devours all vitality and life. Legend has it that even light cannot survive in Land of Falling.

The Land of Falling, which is tens of thousands of miles long and thousands of miles wide, completely isolates the northern and southern wilderness.

For countless years, the North and South Wilds despised each other.

Northern Wild dislikes Southern Wild ’s backwardness and brutality. The tribal chief with 100,000 people does not even have a silk shirt.

And Southern Wild dismissed Northern Wild as a hybrid, living in the homeland of human beings, Demon Clan has also become like humans, otherwise how can Northern Wild have so many Close Human Clan.

Now Northern Wild will be dominated by Mo Tuo Empire.

While Southern Wild is still scattered, they almost exclude everything from Northern Wild, including everyone who fled from Northern Wild.

Mo Tuo Empire swept the entire Northern Wild and wiped out countless Barbarian tribes.

Countless Barbarian people bypassed Land of Falling, crossed the sea, and crossed glaciers, trying to be sheltered in Southern Wild.

However, they encountered complete exclusion and slaughter.

But even so, in the past few decades, at least a few Ten Million Barbarian people escaped from Northern Wild, and successfully entered the Southern Wild ten steps to save one, but at least there are more than millions.


For countless years, Southern Wild has adhered to the primitive and backward tradition. The eight barbarian kings have adhered to their own territory, and the well water does not violate the river.

In the ancient times, Demon God King ‘s thirteen Demon King, all forces are in Southern Wild, and Human Kingdom is bordered by the existing Land of Falling.

That is to say, tens of thousands of miles of the current Northern Wild was once the territory of human civilization.

Demon God King led the Ten Million Demon Clan army northward, invaded Human State, and wiped out countless nations, making the territory of Human State only one tenth of it.

Therefore, only Northern Wild is available, which is the territory of Demon Clan New Extension.

Thirteen Demon King, eight Demon King territories are enclosed in Southern Wild, and five Demon King territories are enclosed in Northern Wild.

After Demon God King and Divine Dragon have been put together, thirteen Demon King will also fall, and all Ancient Demon Clan will be wiped out.

Countless years have passed, and the five major Demon King of Northern Wild are almost gone. Today, the entire Northern Wild has been swept by the Peerless powerhouse Di Motuo, which has not been encountered for thousands of years, and created Mo Tuo Empire.

The eight major Demon King of Southern Wild, except for the one hundred years of Ghost King Empire, have been hit hard, and the rest are still intact.

To date, the eight major Demon Kings are still complete, but many times they are called the eight major barbarians.

Because, with the fall of the ancient demons, there are no real demons, and naturally there is no real Demon King.

Southeast Barbarian King Rakshasa is the most open one of the Eight Great Barbarians. Facing the influx of Northern Wild, he basically held his eyes open and closed one.

Constantine is also a little overlord, but in order to marry her daughter to the son of Southeast Barbarian King to be a concubine, it can be said that it takes a lot of effort.

So, how far is Constantine and Rakshasa King?

Constantine is the chief of a tribe. Thirteen tribes form a tribe alliance, thirteen tribe alliances form a flag alliance, and thirteen flag alliances form a tribe. The highest leader of this tribe is Rakshasa King.

Southern Wild adheres to traditions and still strictly follows the tribal thirteen flag system.

That is to say, Constantine and Rakshasa King are equivalent to the distance between a county head and the head of state.

Of course, tens of thousands of years have passed, and no tribe can make up the thirteen flags, or even each flag ca n’t make up the thirteen tribal alliance.

Especially thousands of years ago, the rise of Ghost King Empire made some tribes disappear forever.

But even so, there are still nearly two Ten Million square kilometers of territory in the southeast of Rakshasa King, and a few Ten Million people. His status and power are completely equivalent to those of the human Four Great Kingdoms.

It’s just different from Human Kingdom. In Southern Wild, the only thing you want to become a tribal barbarian is to use force.

Every generation of Barbarian King’s competition is bloody. It is easy to become a Barbarian King, and use force to destroy all your competitors.

All the elders and talents are all bullshit.

Which royal family has the strongest Martial Arts and who has the largest Strength will be the tribe Demon King.

Of course, if Young Barbarian King feels that his Martial Arts is strong enough, then he can kill his father now and become the Rakshasa King.

So how strong is cultivation of Rakshasa King?

Then only God knows!

There is one thing that may be able to spy on Leopard. This generation of Rakshasa King killed his father at the age of 33 and became king!

Now, Rakshasa King is fifty-nine years old.

So his Martial Arts can no longer be described as a peak.


Five thousand miles from Ghost Territory World to Rakshasa City.

In order to give Demon King Jing Zi enough Spiritual Force, in order to eliminate the 30,000 coalition forces of Constantine and Alfonso in one fell swoop. Lan Ling took the three treasures given by Demon King Jing Zi and went to Rakshasa City to buy Eye of Ghost King.

After leaving Ghost Territory World, Lan Ling traveled day and night, staying awake every day, sprinting every day, and came to Rakshasa City, the capital of Rakshasa Clan seven days later.

In the tens of miles away from Rakshasa City, Lan Ling take got Deformation Pill given by Demon King Jing Zi.

Suddenly, his body shape changed within a certain range.

The magnitude of this change is not large, but he has the characteristics of Rakshasa Clan, such as eyes, nose, ears, and that flexible tail.

This kind of Deformation Pill is also one of the treasures of Demon King Jing Zi. It is also worth the price. It was originally selected and sold to Heaven and Earth Pavilion in exchange for Eye of Ghost King. But unfortunately, this baby Lan Ling will use it by himself.

Each Deformation Pill has only seven days of effect.

And in the treasure of Demon King Jing Zi, there are only three Deformation Pills, and if you use one, you will lose one. Lan Ling is certainly not willing to sell it.

This baby is so useful.


Standing in front of Rakshasa City, Lan Ling was completely shocked by the wild city for the first time.

Really … really … really huge!

The city wall is at least 30 meters high.

There are also rare mounts in the air in Human State, look up here, densely packed.

Countless Griffin Beast, and various other countless flying beasts.

Not only that, but at the huge City Gate stand guard, a team of two-headed giants, five-meter-tall giants, with fists bigger than Lan Ling ’s head, the mace in his hand, at least a few Thousand catties.

The people who come and go in City Gate are of course Rakshasa Clan.

But there are all kinds of tribes, Lan Ling has never seen so many Demon Clan people, Barbarian people, Beast Clan people.

Snake Clan, half-human and half-snake; completely a giant lizard, a Lei tribe without any human face; it looks like a bright red stone, almost a fissured clan on the ground every step of the way.

Lan Ling is really eye-opening.

The inclusiveness of Rakshasa King is indeed much larger than the tribes below.

Countless tribes can enter and exit Rakshasa City in a stately manner.

According to level conversion, Rakshasa City is equivalent to King City Zhi Capital of Raging Wave Kingdom.

Entering and exiting Zhi Capital is very strict, and you need to search one by one to verify your identity. However, at Rakshasa City, no inspection is required and anyone can enter and exit at will.

Lan Ling had been deliberately preparing his fake identity, but the result was completely useless. The gate-keeping giant did not look at Lan Ling.

When walking through City Gate, I believe anyone will feel their insignificance.

The City Gate, which is 20 meters high, is really magnificent.


After entering Rakshasa City, Lan Ling still feels big!

All houses are incomparably huge and the roads are incomparably wide.

Zhi Capital is one of the Human Kingdom cities, but in terms of area, Zhi Capital is far behind Rakshasa City.

It’s just that the city of Wild World has nothing to do with gorgeousness.

The house here is large, without jade carvings, gardens, or gorgeous decorations.

In addition to stone being wood, it is at most a few totems.

The road is extremely wide, but there is no order at all.

Of course, the supplies here are much richer than the tribes below, but most of the supplies are related to force.

Fine costumes like Human State, treasures of calligraphy and painting, porcelain and jade are few and far between.

Of course, Lan Ling finally sees silk here, and occasionally women wear silk clothes. And without exception, behind this woman, dozens of Barbarian Warrior followed.

There are many green houses in Zhi Capital, but there are no green houses in Rakshasa City, only jiyuan.

Because here only sell body, not art.

There are so many ji here, almost all ethnic women have.

However, Lan Ling was bought from Eye of Ghost King. Time is running out. Wuxia appreciates the scenery of Rakshasa City.

He found a Rakshasa Clan patrol samurai: “Where is Heaven and Earth Pavilion?”

The Rakshasa Clan warrior glanced at Lan Ling and stretched out his hand.

Lan Ling took out a gold coins and put it in his hands.

The Rakshasa Clan soldier pointed at a distance, and then left without looking back.

The Lan Ling is speechless, so who can be found at random?

Then Lan Ling looked in his direction and found that it was really found because the building was so eye-catching.

The entire Rakshasa City building is silly and thick. Only this building is extremely gorgeous. Although it is also made of wood and stone, it is carved with jade and painted with gorgeous colors. It is simply called Rakshasa City. Standing tall. As if standing among a group of primitives, a slim beauty dressed in cheongsam.

This is Heaven and Earth Pavilion, Rakshasa City‘s richest place, the most gorgeous place, and the most treasured place.


Lan Ling walked into Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

Once again, I feel the gorgeous, soft carpet, exquisite chair, carved jade cup, exquisite silverware.

It seems that every place reveals luxury.

Lan Ling really feels like returning to Human State.

The entire Heaven and Earth Pavilion has three buildings, the tallest one is nine floors.

Moreover, there is a large garden.

After Lan Ling entered, I felt that Yingyingyanyan, as if all the beauties of the whole Rakshasa City came here.

Not only that, but silk garments, which are rarely seen outside, have become standard here.

Every counter here is full of people.

The contents of the counter, Lan Ling were very surprised after reading it.

Because … almost all from Human State.

In one sentence, all are luxury goods for the rich and wealthy.

Not only that, but people who stand behind the counter selling things also have human figures.

Lan Ling was really surprised. Barbarian, tens of thousands of miles away, was able to see humans.

Humans and Barbarian are irreconcilable, kill them when they see them.

However, here not only saw the Human State goods, but also saw the human hospitality.

This mysterious and extremely powerful Rakshasa King is really unremarkable.

However, now that Eye of Ghost King is important, temporarily put these doubts aside, and Lan Ling is very worried that Eye of Ghost King has been sold.

After all, it has been more than three years since the last owner sold it to Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

Lan Ling selects the oldest shopkeeper and asks, “Is there, is Star Tear Gem still there?”

Because no one knows that Eye of Ghost King contains an extremely powerful Strength, only thinking that this is a rare gem, it is named Star Tear Gem.

The elder shopkeeper looked at Lan Ling in amazement, and then nodded said: “Are you, customers want to buy?”

Suddenly Lan Ling surprised, nodded and said: “Yes, I want to buy!”


The time goes back two years!

In this world, if only the love of men and women is discussed, no woman ’s love for Suo Lun exceeds Yan Nai’Er. ,

Suo Ningbing loves Suo Lun the most, but this love is mixed with sister and brother’s affection, not just pure love.

Suo Lun was brought to the sea by Princess Zhi Yan for a long time, and Yan Nai’Er and Zhuang Zhixuan were extremely uneasy, so he left Tianshui City and went to East Sea to find Suo Lun.

However, when Yan Nai’Er and Zhuang Zhixuan reached the beach, they just saw the back of Divine Dragon Temple Airborne Legion leaving.

Black and black, endless, like a cloud, flying towards the direction of Tianshui City.

In an instant, Yan Nai’Er only felt that there was blackness in front of his eyes and dizziness in his mind.

The most terrible thing happened!

For the identity of Suo Lun World Destroying Demonic Emperor, Nai’er does not know, but it is not know nothing, after all, it is the most intimate person on the pillow.

Suo Lun cultivation does not rely on martial arts, but directly kills and devours, and he has a lot of singularities. He can’t hide others, but he can’t hide Nai’er.

Next, Yan Nai’Er is crazy and generally jumps into the sea and swims towards the east, looking for Suo Lun.

It ’s still Zhuang Zhixuan a little calmer. I found a boat by the sea and forcibly rowed the boat out to sea.

After a few hundred miles.

Yan Nai’Er and Zhuang Zhixuan are cold all over.

Because the sea here is full of ruins of warships, it floats for dozens of miles.

There are countless corpses, hundreds of thousands of corpses, floating and sinking in the sea water.

In fear, Yan Nai’Er jumped out of the sea and rummaged desperately.

She was terrified that she would find the body of Suo Lun, but … still looking desperately.

Then she met a Suo Family warrior who didn’t die and hugged driftwood.

When the Divine Dragon Temple air force came, the samurai of Suo Clan was very alert and jumped off the ship in advance, evading the fatal blow of Divine Dragon Temple on this warship and surviving to the present.

However, even if it is a few hundred meters away, he is still swept by this powerful energy shock wave, and now he is dying.

“How about my husband? Is my husband?” Yan Nai’Er clutched the shoulder of the Suo Family samurai tightly.

“Mother …” The Suo Family warrior’s eyes lit up and exhausted his last effort Qi path: “Hurry, go back to Tianshui City and let everyone run, let the little host run, and you run as fast as possible . “

Yan Nai’Er cried: “What about my husband? What about Suo Lun?”

This Suo Family samurai said: “Master … dead! Killed by Princess Zhi Yan.”

Suddenly Yan Nai’Er felt a heartache, and a spit of blood spurted out and died.

Zhuang Zhixuan burst into tears, trembling: “So, what about Master Suo Lun‘s body?”

The Suo Family Bushido: “Burned, drifting south along the sea … run, run, mother run …”

Then the Suo Family warrior could no longer support him, and he closed his eyes and died.

After waking up, Nai’er‘s face was so pale that there was no blood, but only two eyes, burning like flames, as if life was burning.

“I do n’t believe that Husband is dead, I ’m going to find him, I ’m going to find him!”

Then, Nai’er and Zhuang Zhixuan, paddled the boat, going south, going south, going south …


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, please beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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