World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May 7: The miracle of heaven! Constantine Doomsday!

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“No! Ten Million does not work!” After hearing the Constantine command, Yin Ji ignored the abnormalities on his body and quickly stopped and said: “This is a conspiracy of Lan Ling. He is just to provoke you, is to come out for your army ! “

Although she exists as Shaman Priest, she has always regarded herself as Alfonso’s military division.

“You shut up for me!” Constantine shouted, and then coldly pointed at Yin Ji and said: “Shut up for me, shut up!”

Since these days, Constantine‘s attitude towards the female Shaman Yin Ji has been very kind, even better than Alfonso. At this time, she suddenly changed her face and caught off guard.

Moreover, his gaze is completely full of distrust.

All along, the female Shaman Yin Ji has wrapped herself tightly, just to hide the identity of human beings. At this time, Lan Ling was publicly exposed to everyone, and immediately received countless crowded eyes and distrustful eyes.

Of course, Alfonso knows that she is human, but because of a special fate, he still trusts Yin Ji, but she also keeps her concealing her human identity, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable.

Southern Wild is so repulsive to Close Human Clan, not to mention that it is totally incompatible with human beings.

The existence of human beings in Rakshasa City is entirely due to commercial smuggling. These human beings have satisfied the luxurious life of Rakshasa Clan Top Level. At least, these humans never dared to get out of Heaven and Earth Pavilion.

And compared to the tolerance of Rakshasa City, the following wild tribes are extremely primitive and narrow.

Alphonse Ropeway: “Don’t you approve of full attack before? Why has it changed now?”

His voice was a bit cold, and his eyes were full of strange anger.

Female Shaman Yin Ji said: “I used to think that Lan Ling would definitely not sacrifice its own women to perform bitter schemes, so energy shield will definitely disappear. But now it seems that Lan Ling will do everything possible to anger Constantine chiefs, there must be traps ! “

Alfonso coldly said: “Wouldn’t it be your enthusiasm for Lan Ling, so have another thought!”

As soon as these words came out, the female Shaman Yin Ji was so cold.

She really has no ambitions for Alfonso, even though the wolf kiss from Lan Ling made her tremble and look strange.

But for the solicitation of Lan Ling, her heart is that sentence, you die!

However, at this time, Alfonso ’s reaction was not suspicion, but jealousy, anger, and even a kind of humiliation that was worn by green hat.

How could this happen? She has always regarded Alfonso as her righteous father. How could he have such an idea?

Suddenly, the female Shaman Yin Ji shuddered, and then solemnly said: “Your father, you can not trust me, but as Shaman Priest of Ankara Tribe, as your military division, I must say my thoughts. I must not devote myself to attack Flame Demon Tribe Will definitely fall into the trap of Lan Ling, now all we have to do is continue to besiege! “

“Continue the siege, and then let Lan Ling pee on our heads every day, kill people, show off their power?” Alfonso coldly said.


No one can stop Constantine now.

Full of anger, incomparable hatred, and the dignity of the man made him completely burned, forcing him to work hard with Lan Ling.

He stood in a high place and shouted loudly: “Brothers of the two tribes, can you tolerate a humble Close Human Clan shining on our noble Rakshasa Clan, **** and peeing?”

“No!” the Chimera Tribe soldiers shouted loudly.

Absolutely not. The previous External Clan Armed Force was completely dog-like in the tribe. Nowadays, people have built their own tribe in five people and six places. Why?

Constantine shouted: “Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of gold coins that Lan Ling cheap dogs moved out of Ghost Territory World?”

How can I forget?

The white flowers gold coins piled up into a hill, making Chimera, Ankara two tribes somehow played a fight, each with two or three thousand casualties.

But that time was also the biggest harvest for the brothers. Everyone grabbed four or five gold coinss, and some people even grabbed a dozen gold coinss.

Normally, the soldiers of the tribe have no chance to encounter gold coins. Only during the war, with head merits, can you exchange for gold coins, but that is at most one or two gold coinss, which may not be one in two or three years.

Constantine continued: “At this time, his pseudo-Flame Demon Tribe, right in the hole behind the fence, hides one million gold coins.”

One million gold coins?

Everyone ’s eyes are green!

How much this number is, great family is really not clear, but some people have already said that if you grab a tie, everyone can divide forty gold coins.

All of a sudden, everyone exploded!

Good boy, forty gold coins?

I ca n’t spend that whole life, what every day wants to eat and what to eat, every day changes different clothes, every day sleeps differently.

At a short time, nearly 30,000 troops Burning with righteous indignation of the two tribes screamed, and the weapons in their hands desperately beat their chests.

Only Alfonso gave Constantine a disdainful look. One million gold coins was really a big flicker. In this Constantine anxiety, what kind of cowhide would dare to blow?

Constantine is really flickering and bragging.

It’s just that he’s really guessed right.

“One million gold coins is yours.” Constantine shouted: “As long as the fake Flame Demon Tribe is killed, everything is yours! The gold coins of the Lan Ling cheap dog is yours, and the Lan Ling woman is also yours, you You can devastate … “

“Rush in, kill, burn, grab, and rape!”

With the roar of Constantine, the two tribes of 25,000 coalition forces rushed towards the mountainside Flame Demon Tribe like a tide.


If there is no Demon King Jing Zi conspiracy, then Constantine‘s strategy is right.

The Flame Demon Tribe castle is on the mountainside, easy to defend and difficult to attack, plus Lan Ling skyward shooting.

Sending 3,000 people to attack at a time is totally meat sending, and there is no return.

The only way is to use human life heaps and human tactics.

You do n’t even need 20,000 or 30,000. One army is enough.

Ten Thousand Army Wu Tiaoting rushed directly to the city wall, which was victory.

Lan Ling is awesome, no matter how powerful, how many people can be shot? One thousand people? Two thousand people? Three thousand people?

His Spiritual Force is extremely powerful, but not endless.

Thirty consecutive bead arrows, he can erupt thirty times, fifty times, what about one hundred times?

So, let ’s not talk about 7,000 people at that time, even if three or four thousand people rushed under the city wall and started to overturn the wall, starting to meet shortly, Flame Demon Tribe will definitely be broken.

Flame Demon Tribe‘s brothers are desperate, not afraid of death, and have high morale.

However, it is true that the personal combat effectiveness is not as good as the soldiers of the two tribes. Taking advantage of the city walls, one enemy and two are already amazing.

If there is no Lan Ling conspiracy, if there is a Demon King Jing Zi conspiracy, the face of Constantine‘s human tactics, Flame Demon Tribe will definitely be broken.

Even if you send 10,000 people, you will be able to break Flame Demon Tribe.

But … no if!

Constantine is such a person, either inexplicably cautious, or more inexplicably bold, there seems to be no intermediate value in his mind.

He was completely irritated and fell into the deadly trap of Lan Ling easily!


“Bang Bang Bang Bang …”

After twenty-five thousand people rushed into Ghost Territory World, the mountains and the wild were full of people, like ants, like the tide, rushing towards Flame Demon Tribe on the mountainside.

The Flame Demon Tribe brothers behind the city wall could not help but take a breath.

Chief, is this playing big?

This … how to fight this?

And Gou Li sneered: “Lan Ling, you are really looking for death!”

Duo Ning was also frightened by this scene, and his body continued to tremble and secretly cursed: “Crazy man, this madman, who only cares about his prestige, results in the death of the entire tribe.”

And Constantine and Alfonso were still worried, lest energy shield rose immediately after entering Ghost Territory World.

As a result, nearly 30,000 people unimpededly entered the Ghost Territory World, and after charging towards the Flame Demon Tribe, both men were relieved.

Almost 30,000 troops rushed out of the nest, and beside Alfonso and Constantine, there were only three thousand warriors.

These are the chiefs ’personal guard team. They cannot leave the chiefs at any time. The only mission is to protect the chiefs’ safety.

It’s just that at this time, the samurai of the personal guard team were extremely jealous, and they watched the soldiers rushing to Flame Demon Tribe with enthusiasm. These people are about to make a fortune. And they want to protect the security of the chieftain, can not participate in the war, and really depressed.

Seeing the tide of 25,000 people flooded, it seemed that the little Flame Demon Tribe castle would be submerged.

Alphonse Ropeway: “Lan Ling is over, this short-lived Flame Demon Tribe is over.”

Constantine said: “He must be crushed to death, torture her to death!”

Next, Constantine glanced at the female Shaman Yin Ji behind her back, and coldly said: “Alfonso, the heart of the non-my family must be different!”

Alfonso’s face twitched: “Yes!”


“This is really over, this is really over …” Duo Duo landed from the air and came to her daughter and said, “Little Ning, when the enemy rushes in, you run directly on Griffin Beast and run The farther the better. “

Duo Ning‘s face twitched for a while.

Looking at the enemies with black pressure and rushing upwards, there are 20,000 to 30,000 people, 20 to 30 times that of Flame Demon Tribe.

In this battle, the fairy won’t win!

The fairy ca n’t save Flame Demon Tribe.

Duo Ning suddenly had sore nostrils and hot eyes, and finally settled down for a few months. Although these three months have been very hard, every Heaven Capital followed the training and work together, but they were very happy.

Now, the dream is about to be broken again, to be displaced, and to run away again.

“Now blame Lan Ling, it wouldn’t be the case if he didn’t provoke Constantine with prestige!” Duo Ning resented.

Duo Duo sighed: “What’s the benefit of saying this? He is a lunatic, don’t you know?”

Next, he remembered Lan Ling and his bet.

Duo Duo feels that this battle is impossible to win, and Lan Ling feels that it must win.

So both parties bet that if Duo Duo wins, then it is naturally Flame Demon Tribe destruction, so do n’t talk about anything.

If Lan Ling wins, Duo Duo leads more than one hundred Wild Horse Tribe residual forces to join Flame Demon Tribe.

It seems that this gamble is really going to be a joke!


As the tide-like enemies got closer and closer, they shouted, burned, robbed, and even the whole ground was shaking.

The faces of the brothers on the city wall were completely discolored, and even breathing became difficult.

“What are you afraid of, are these three-month fairy days enough?”

“Yes, this life is worth living only for these three months!”

“Being a slave for a lifetime is better than being a master for one day, let alone being a master for three months, worth it!”

“The head is gone, that is, a big scar, what are you afraid of? Brothers, kill one enough book, kill two and earn!”

“Yes, kill, kill!”

More than a thousand Flame Demon Tribe brothers behind the city wall are full of sorrow and blood, but they are not afraid.

Yes, it ’s a big deal, what ’s so scary?

Constantine watched his 25,000 troops get closer and closer to the Flame Demon Tribe, and his gaze became more and more fierce.

Are you finally going to avenge? Did you finally kill the cheap dogs under Lan Ling?

As for his wife Gou Li, who is also on the city wall, he may be killed by Flame Demon Tribe, but he does n’t care, it ’s best to kill.

This wife has become a shame for him.

However … at this time …

Suddenly …

The sky seems to be a fascinating piece of music.

The sky seemed to appear a beautiful phantom, flashing by.

Then, the entire 25,000 army of crazy charges suddenly stopped.

Yes, all 25,000 people stopped.

These two or five thousand people are all confused, sometimes struggling, but they soon become confused again.

Then, these 25,000 people, like puppets, began to line up on their own, neatly arranged.

The combat strength of these Barbarian troops is very strong, but it is never easy to keep them in line.

At this time, the team of 25,000 people was not commanded by anyone, and they were quickly arranged, as straight as the ruler measured.

After the lineup …

The tidy team of 25,000 people changed their direction and walked neatly towards the east.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Every step is neat and tidy.

The 25,000 people are really like puppets, and it seems that they have heard the mouse of the magic flute and walked neatly in a certain direction.

Seeing this scene, Constantine was horrified and shouted: “No, what do you do? What do you do?”

Next, he said to the samurai around him: “Go, call them back and attack Flame Demon Tribe!”

Suddenly, a team of dozens of cavalry rushed out quickly and entered Ghost Territory World, trying to wake up the puppet-like army.

However …

They have just entered the Ghost Territory World range, and they seem to have lost their sanity as if they heard the magic flute.

Moreover, the whole Mirror Mountain doesn’t seem to have energy shield at all?

But who told them that energy shield must be visible? Can’t don’t tell me be completely transparent?

That’s it, 25,000 people walked towards the super giant pit hundreds of meters away.

And the huge pit is full of water, and the surface is covered with a layer of branches, which looks no different.

Lan Ling roared loudly in the air: “It’s too slow, start running!”

Then 25,000 people started running neatly.

“Bang, bang, bang!” Even running is as tidy as a person.

A short distance of thousands of kilometers, it will be soon.

Then, an amazing scene.

A weird scene.

A near miracle happened.

The person running at the front collapsed directly and fell into a huge pit.

Plop, plop!

Countless people sank directly into the water.

But even so, the people in the back are not afraid at all, and continue to run towards the death pit in the front.

One after another, row after row, fall into the pit of death.

Twenty-five thousand people, one by one, are dying!

Strange miracles, suffocating!


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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