World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May 18: A month, even breaking Eighth Level !

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Ominous person?

Ninian heard a heartbeat!

Constantine said: “Why didn’t you refuse when he was rushing to you? You know that losing him is a huge mistake and a huge loss.”

Ninian is silent.

Constantine said: “Did he give you medicine?”

Ninian said: “After he came out of the magma, his whole body was slick, where can he put the medicine? At that time, I couldn’t resist the inner impulse and desire.”

Constantine sighed: “You still like him.”

Ninian nodded said: “I like him very much, he has a crazy temperament that fascinates me. But after the crazy burning, I returned to calm again, and I killed him again by hand.”

Constantine said: “He did not resist?”

“No, I haven’t resisted both times.” Ninian said: “He said that he was tired of living long ago. His wife had killed him before. Now I have killed him again. It’s the same.”

Constantine said: “He said he would rather die with Dina and Suo Mo than would betray each other?”

Ninian nodded.

Constantine sighed: “There are people of this kind in the world. They do n’t care about anything for feelings. They are really a fool.”

Ninian did not speak.

“You are doing right, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you may be afraid of Demon God.” Constantine said: “You give Lan Ling a month, let him fight with Du Yan, and let Du Yan kill him, it is not an offense. Demon God. And, when the time comes, Suo Mo ca n’t blame us, so we wo n’t find us desperately. ”

Ninian said: “Are you still going to kill him?”

Constantine said: “Do you think that after the duel of Lan Ling and Du Yan fails, will you compromise? Will you choose to break with Suo Mo?”

Ninian thought for a while, then shook his head and said: “It is impossible, he will never compromise, he will not betray Suo Mo.”

Constantine said: “That’s it, then let Du Yan kill him. And I immediately sent someone to Rakshasa City to bribe and try to marry you to Young Barbarian King as a concubine. Then find a female Shaman to repair your body Become a son. “

Ninian said: “Are you really considering accepting Lan Ling?”

Constantine said: “He is an ominous person, and do you want us to compromise? After he lost to Du Yan, he still does not betray Suo Mo, and then I will compromise with him? Obediently marry his daughter to him, and let him go Allegiance to Suo Mo? “

Ninian lowered his eyes and said: “I know!”

Constantine went out, came to the castle hall, waved towards Suo Mo and Dina: “Go back.”

All of a sudden, Suo Mo took a long breath.

This level has finally passed.

However, Dina didn’t respond, just said to the little girl: “Yaya, we’re home.”

“Oh …, aunt meet again/ goodbye.” The little girl waved at Second Madam Si Si.

“Good …” Second Madam Si Si kissed her small face, then let go of her hand reluctantly.

The little girl took Griffin and ran into the arms of Dina.

Dina hugged her soft body and sniffed the smell of her body greedily.

This is not my own flesh and blood. I just loved it for more than ten days. If I really gave birth to my child, then Dina really ca n’t imagine how much I love my baby?

Then, Dina remembered himself as a child.

All three of their families fell into magma. In order to protect her, her parents lifted her on the magma until they died.

Suo Mo took Dina and Little Yaya to leave Chief Castle and returned to External Clan Armed Force camp.

While Constantine opened the curtain, I saw Second Madam red eyes.

He was so compassionate in his heart that he stepped forward to stroke her belly. said in a soft voice: “Baby, one day, we will have our own children?”

Second Madam Si Si shook his head and said: “No, I should n’t be in this world at all. I am a different kind of Snake Clan, and there can be no children at all.”

Then she burst into tears!


With the order of Constantine, Chimera Tribe lifted the martial law.

The tribe soldiers lifted the blockade of the External Clan Armed Force battalion, and most of the soldiers on the wall of the tribe retreated.

When I saw Suo Mo and Dina, they returned to External Clan Armed Force camp. Du Yan looked slightly sighed and relieved, but his eyes became complicated instantly.

The mind of Du Yan is really complicated.

He knew that the chiefs Constantine had to start at Suo Mo and Dina, so he was full of uneasiness and inexplicable excitement.

Because Suo Mo died, the chief of External Clan Armed Force was his Du Yan, and when Lan Ling died, the husband of Ninian was basically his Du Yan. (He really thinks so)

Of course, he is not so bad that he wants Suo Mo to die.

For Suo Mo and Dina, he still has feelings.

Suo Mo brought him up with one hand, and he grew up with Dina green plum bamboo horse, it is impossible to have no feelings.

So, in front of Constantine, he also pleaded for Suo Mo.

However, it is just a plea, more like a peace of mind.

He clearly knew what was going to happen, but he pretended to be an ostrich, as if he knew nothing.

At this time, seeing Suo Mo and Dina coming back unharmed, it means that Lan Ling is not dead, which means that his position as External Clan Armed Force leader has temporarily froze.

For a while, Du Yan just felt very lost.

Even, he felt like a clown and was full of hatred.

“Right Father …” Du Yan shouted.

Suo Mo did n’t want to care about him, but after a little hesitation, he patted his shoulder and smiled: “It’s late, go back and rest.”

Du Yan nodded, left External Clan Armed Force camp directly.

Although he is a member of External Clan Armed Force, he is trusted by Chief Constantine and has a house on the top of the mountain.

He had been living in the camp of External Clan Armed Force before, and now he is no longer pretending.

Because the house on the top of the mountain is much more beautiful, and it is also much closer to Ninian.


Nini, why not kill Lan Ling?” Du Yan asked in front of Ninian.

Ninian has changed clothes, replaced by a tight fit suit, back to the curve of Du Yan, extremely hot and sexy.

She first brewed a smile, then turned her head and said: “I told my father, Du Yan let you kill.”

Du Yan shuddered, and then said: “Okay, I can cut off his head at any time.”

Ninian said: “In a month, he will fight with you to fight for the heir of External Clan Armed Force. Of course, ten of them are not your opponents, you can take the opportunity to kill him.”

Du Yan was stunned, and then laughed heartily said: “He actually agreed? I can crush him with one finger, like killing an ant. He and I duel, really exalt him.”

Ninian said: “He had to agree, in this case he would die alone, otherwise Suo Mo and Dina would also die!”

Du Yan soon realized that if Constantine or Ninian killed Lan Ling, Suo Mo would desperately.

Now that Suo Mo Martial Arts has not recovered, if you choose to rebelliously, you will definitely die.

And once Lan Ling is killed in a duel with Du Yan, then Suo Mo has no half words, after all, Du Yan is his righteous son, and both sides are normal duels.

“The thing about Lan Ling will be given to you.” Ninian looks at Du Yan with emotion.

Du Yan has a soft heart and a hot body, saying: “For our love, for our future, I am willing to give everything.”

Ninian‘s eyelashes flickered slightly, and she felt the words disgusting.

You say that Du Yan is falling apart, but you can’t even fight for her.

And Lan Ling is willing to give his life for him at a critical moment. He only said no, and Du Yan only said no.

The two of them were really condemned.

However, her Ninian chose to be with despicable .

Thinking of this, Ninian‘s mood is more complicated and even uncomfortable.


Early the next morning, Chief Constantine came to camp External Clan Armed Force and announced an explosive news!

Because there is a dispute about the heir of External Clan Armed Force, he decided to use the competition to decide the candidate.

One month later, Lan Ling and Du Yan will duel, and the winner will become the heir of the External Clan Armed Force chief.

Life and death duel, regardless of life and death!

As soon as the news was announced, it was as if a large stone had been smashed into a calm lake.

All the brothers of External Clan Armed Force exploded violently!

In this battle, Lan Ling performed extremely amazingly and gained the hearts of many brothers.

But even so, in the hearts of External Clan Armed Force‘s brethren, Du Yan is more likely to lead External Clan Armed Force.

After all, Du Yan has been in External Clan Armed Force for more than ten years, and Lan Ling has only come for a month.

Despite all the problems, Du Yan is fair, after all, the most important thing is that he has a high Martial Arts, enough to be a strong leader.

However, as soon as this news was announced, all the balances in my heart suddenly slipped toward Lan Ling.

It’s too mean, it’s too bully, it’s too shameless!

Who does n’t know that Lan Ling Martial Arts is low? Not even the devil warrior broke through.

What about Du Yan? It is already Four Star Great Demon Warrior, which is more than a dozen levels higher than Lan Ling.

This kind of competition is no longer unfair, but ridiculous, completely naked murder.

Even if the sun comes out from the west, even if the river flows backwards, Lan Ling will definitely die.

In just one month, he will fight with a expert more than a dozen stronger than himself, even if the fairy comes, he will definitely die.

Du Yan was so shameless that he murdered his righteous brother for power.

In a short time, everyone ’s eyes on Du Yan are full of hostility and contempt.

Looking at Lan Ling is full of sympathy and support.

As a comrade-in-arm of Lan Ling, Lei Tong hesitated for a moment and then stood up suddenly: “Master Suo Mo, you cannot agree, this is not fair, this is a naked murder!”

“Yes, this is a naked murder.” The next person also shouted.

If in Human State, this kind of thing guarantees that no one will dare to speak out.

But here is Wild World, all Barbarian people are full of blood, and the character is full of dying and unyielding.

But …

When Chieftain Constantine comes up with the duel book, Lan Ling is the first to sign on.

The second one is Du Yan!

The third one is Suo Mo!

Because he has the right to appoint who is his heir, of course, Chief Constantine also has this power.

When the two disagree, they use a duel.

After signing, Lan Ling bowed violently towards the External Clan Armed Force brothers and said, “At that time, no matter whether it is life or death, I have no regrets fighting with your brothers!”

In a short time, the eyes of all the brothers of External Clan Armed Force were hot, and the tears almost fell.

They even regarded the bow of Lan Ling as a farewell to life and death!

At this moment, everyone at External Clan Armed Force is contempt for Du Yan and supports Lan Ling from the heart!

Du Yan became a murderer, usurper!


At night, the little girl has fallen asleep!

The Lan Ling, Dina, and Suo Mo discussed.

Little Ling, what level do you think cultivation has advanced to overcome Du Yan in a duel?” Suo Mo asked.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and calculated, said: “Seven Star Demon Warrior!”

Suo Mo said: “In other words, within a month, cultivation will improve Eighth Level ?”

“Yes!” said Lan Ling.

Suo Mo said: “Although you have been creating miracles, this is really impossible. Once you break through the magic warrior, the direct limit test is no longer valid. And above the magic warrior level, the way of fighting It ’s different. It ’s more about using gas than direct force. ”

Lan Ling nodded and said: “I know that even the way of cultivation is different. It is not purely cultivation strength, but also cultivation of Qi path, killing people in the sky!”

Volley kills, Lan Ling has seen a lot in the human world.

Especially in the battle between Black Widow Meng Tuo Luo and the spider spirit, the sword was completely used!

This time on the battlefield, Lan Ling seldom encountered gas combat, that is because of luck volley killing, it is very costly Dragon Force, not suitable for battlefield.

And in the duel field, basically kill life and death with qi.

Of course, the Wild Horse Tribe demon warrior class Berserker duel with Lan Ling did not use Qi path.

That’s because he just broke through the magic warrior, Qi path is still very weak, and when his body is transformed into invulnerability, his veins are damaged, and Qi path is no longer smooth.

However, Du Yan is undoubtedly a Qi path expert.

For Princess Zhi Yan, Qi path has never been fought, because she has never met a real opponent, and none of them.

When the Ashi Liren kills, it often uses the ice Dragon Qi to instantly freeze a dozen people.

Dina never spoke.

This pass Lan Ling passed through smoothly and was put to death.

However, in the next level, she really can hardly see hope.

It is completely impossible to break through Eighth Level for a month, even if daydreaming.

“Yes, or else … After the duel is lost, you will break with us.” Dina trembles: “Marry Ninian, it is also very good to be the son-in-law of the chief, and have the opportunity to master the entire tribe.”

Lan Ling originally wanted to say a rogue, for example, I broke before you slept, impossible! But Uncle Suo Mo is not good on the side open mouth.

Suo Mo said: “Little Ling, do you have any ideas?”

Lan Ling said: “Not yet, but at night.”

Suo Mo stunned.

Lan Ling said: “There are some secrets, I am not good at speaking, I will tell you tomorrow.”



The cave where Lan Ling lives cracked an opening.

Then a Green Snake swimed in and turned into a dazzling beauty, without a word, directly wrapped around the body of Lan Ling, opened a fragrant little mouth, biting Lan Ling‘s lips.

She is of course Second Madam Si Si.

“You devil, you must have poisoned me, you are addicted to me, and the time of the attack is getting shorter and shorter.” Si Si trembling: “What is my plan for you? How does Ninian taste?”

“Very good.” Lan Ling‘s palm was bent, and it had sharp claws, piercing into Second Madam‘s white body, and the bright blood flowed out.

“Next, we are about to start a real deal.” Second Madam Si Si said: “You said that if you want to defeat Du Yan in a duel, you must at least reach the level of Seventh Level Samurai. Do you need to rise Eighth Level in a month, right? “

“Yes, everyone thinks this is impossible, even if the river flows backwards.” Lan Ling said.

Second Madam Si Si said: “But here I am, I have a way to let you break through Eighth Level in cultivation a month, but I have a condition!”

Lan Ling said: “What conditions?”


Note: The second one is sent to you, please ask for support, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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