World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Five Eight Eight: Three Deadly Swords! Ashero Soul!

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Nai Shu rides the royal family Griffin Beast, hovering slowly in the air, a person whose eyes fall on the ground.

He recognized almost at a glance that this person was Lan Ling.

Even when he saw Lan Ling, his pupil shrank suddenly. His eyes were long and narrow at first, and at this time he shrank and became even colder.

He smelled a special energy breath from Lan Ling, which made him very disliked, even disgusted with energy breath.

Because of this energy breath, it is very mysterious, very powerful, and has a fatal temptation for women.

He doesn’t like this very much, Nai Shu has a strong possessiveness.

He has a high sense of self-esteem, and he has a very domineering feeling, that is, all women must have sexual impulses at the first sight of me.

Yes, he is so narcissistic and proud.

This is Wild World. The people here are closer to animals and rely entirely on special breath to attract the opposite sex.

And Nai Shu has the energy that makes the opposite **** sink, and the attraction for women is almost unmatched.

When Rakshasa King was recruiting son-in-law for Princess Shayan, the heirs of thirteen Banner Lord in the entire Rakshasa Clan field, and even the Demon King sons and nephews of other fields came to compete for Princess Shayan, wanting to become the son-in-law of Rakshasa King.

And Princess Shayan fancy Nai Shu almost at first glance, relying on his unique energy breath.

Not only that, Nai Shu has been a woman since the age of sixteen, as long as no woman he likes can escape his palm. So the woman he has slept in has far exceeded three figures.

Every woman, no matter how beautiful, he abandons after sleeping up to four or five times.

Of course, except Princess Shayan. Not to mention her special temptation, and her unmatched beauty. What is more important is her identity. She is not only a woman, but also a glory.

But now, he feels a breath in Lan Ling, which is even more mysterious and stronger than him, and it is more fatal to women.

Not only that, the appearance of Lan Ling can almost be described as stunning.

Many boys on Earth have once circulated a joke, men who are handsomer than me are damn.

And on the Nai Shu side, this is not just a joke, but a true inner portrayal.

“You are Lan Ling?” Nai Shu coldly asked.

Lan Ling said: “Yes, I am Lan Ling.”

Nai Shu said: “Then please head your head and put your hands on it, believe me, this is the most benevolent result for you!”

At this time, the warrior of Flame Demon Tribe surged, aiming the bow and arrow at the Nai Shu in the sky.

Nai Shu sneered, pulled out the sword and volleyed for a day, then quickly squirted into the sheath, so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

However …

The sky is like a lightning bolt.

Hundreds of Flame Demon Tribe soldiers were in a different place in an instant.

In less than 0.1 second, after a hundred meters, Nai Shu killed hundreds of people in one move.

Lan Ling‘s whole body of hair flew up.

This is the strongest enemy he saw after he came to Wild World, and his Martial Arts is simply suffocating.

Nai Shu smiled faintly: “I said, you cut off your head and put on your own hands, this is the best result, you just don’t believe it.”

Lan Ling: “Who is your Excellency?”

Nai Shu said: “Ask my name? Sorry, you are not qualified to know. Stop, you ca n’t bear to die, let me take your head.”

Then, he swooped down sharply, and lightning flashed across the top of Lan Ling‘s head, pulling his sword …

“Uh!” The sword is like a rainbow, and the sword is like lightning.

Lan Ling uses Spiritual Force to slow the perception time by 20 to 30 times. The opponent ’s movements are still so fast that they ca n’t see clearly and ca n’t avoid them.

Yes, the opponent’s cultivation is a crushing level against him, a spike level.

So, Lan Ling can’t avoid it at all, nor can it.

With a sharp sword, you must take away the head of Lan Ling.

However, the next second …

“When …” There was a loud noise.

Nai Shu‘s sword was split on Suo Mo‘s sword.

Suo Mo crit with blood power and finally rushed to Lan Ling.

Seeing someone who can stop his sword? Nai Shu was very shocked. Didn’t think that in this place where the bird is not shit, there are people who can block their swords?

Moreover, Martial Arts of Close Human Clan is notoriously low.

The Close Human Clan in front of me is so good.

“Who are you?” Nai Shu looked at Suo Mo, his eyes full of curiosity.

Flame Demon Tribe, Suo Mo!” said Suo Mo.

Nai Shu said: “Your cultivation is so high, there is no future in this kind of garbage place, follow me, and by the way, kill this waste behind you as a name!”

The waste in his mouth is of course Lan Ling.

Suo Mo coldly said: “I was born Flame Demon Tribe, and death is a ghost of Flame Demon Tribe. Chief Lan Ling is my Lord, if I want to hurt him, I will step over my body!”

Nai Shu said: “Three tricks, if the three tricks are still Undying, and I will not retreat, I will spare this waste today!”

Then, Nai Shu flew in the air, gathering energy, and slashing at Suo Mo!

“Dang!” The first sword!

Deafening loud noise.

Suo Mo shuddered violently, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked.

“When!” Nai Shu cut off the second sword.

The land at the foot of Suo Mo burst into flames. Moreover, the shirt on his arm burst, and the skin on his arm bleeds from inch to inch.

But Suo Mo is still standing still.

Nai Shu‘s eyes are astonishing. This Close Human Clan middle age is so powerful. It’s amazing.

Take a deep breath and Nai Shu condenses energy.

Blood energy crit!

The sword in his hand, as if carrying the sound of thunder, screamed and cut off.

“Boom …”

A loud bang.

The ground beneath Suo Mo blasted a huge hole, and his body seemed to be two feet shorter.

However, he still stood motionless.

Nai Shu looked at Suo Mo in amazement, then looked at Lan Ling again.

At this time, Gou Li and your Duo Duo are fast, and Gang Tuo is also coming soon.

Nai Shu frowned, and today it ’s impossible to kill the Xiao Bai face of Lan Ling.

“Waste, you are cheaper today, don’t have to die.” Nai Shu said coldly: “However, this may not be a good thing!”

Nai Shu flew in the air on Griffin and began to circle around Flame Demon Tribe.

“The following so-called Flame Demon Tribe listens to me. You dare to stop me from killing Lan Ling, which makes me very angry and the consequences are very serious.”

“I will give you a month to cut off the head of Lan Ling and deliver it to me. Otherwise, the whole Flame Demon Tribe, the chickens and dogs will not be left, and the slaughter will be clean!”

“Remember, hand in Lan Ling‘s head within a month, otherwise you will all die!”

“As soon as the deadline expires, I will lead a hundred thousand troops and kill the entire Flame Demon Tribe without leaving one person, one plant and one tree!”

The sound of Nai Shu resembles a thunderbolt, resounding for dozens of miles, and resounding over the entire Flame Demon Tribe.

The entire Flame Demon Tribe has tens of thousands of people, quietly looking at the sky.

The arrogant arrogance of Nai Shu makes almost everyone dare not speak out.

He continued to hover over Flame Demon Tribe, and then saw the gorgeous face of Gou Li and the spicy figure of Ghost Fire. He suddenly looked at him and stared at the chest peak of Gou Li, saying: “Beauty, I am the heir of Black Demon Banner Lord , How about following the Rakshasa King‘s pony? “

Gou Li‘s beautiful eyes shuddered, his chest fluttered with horror.

In the end, she still does not have open mouth.

This woman is selfish and self-interested and greedy. Loyalty is very doubtful, but his life and death are completely in the hands of Lan Ling, and naturally he dare not speak out, nor dare to betray.

Hahaha …” Nai Shu laughed heartily, which went away and disappeared into the west sky.

“Remember, donate the head of Lan Ling within a month, otherwise Flame Demon Tribe, chickens and dogs will not stay!”

His voice seemed to be filled with echoes, ringing in everyone’s ears.

“Poof …”

At the same time, a bit of blood from Suo Mo spouted and fell back to the ground!


After half an hour, Suo Mo woke up, his face pale as gold paper.

“I’m fine …” His voice changed, like sandpaper.

Next, Suo Mo coughed and vomited some blood.

“This person of Nai Shu, cultivation has reached the peak of Demon Grandmaster, only one line away from Demon Ancestor!” Suo Mo said: “Even when I was at the peak, cultivation was lower than him by a half grade, not to mention the overdraft before , cultivation is still not fully recovered, so it is farther away from him. “

There is no expression on Lan Ling‘s face.

Because he felt an unprecedented shame!

Before, even if he was caught by Tuling Duo, he was not tortured to survive, not to die, and he did not feel ashamed.

Later, his wife Zhi Yan killed him with a sword, and he felt no shame.

Because, in Human Kingdom, it’s more fighting wit.

Now, he deeply feels the shame, let him deeply understand, Wild World, the truth of force.

The Nai Shu is only one person, rushing among the tens of thousands of Flame Demon Tribe, overriding everyone.

Only one person has deterred tens of thousands of people.

Only one person, in front of tens of thousands of people, slapped the face of Lan Ling and trampled on his dignity.

Wild World, force is everything.

Moreover, just one Nai Shu is so powerful, not to mention Small Rakshasa King and big Rakshasa King?

At least in terms of force, Lan Ling is really very small at this time.

Lan Ling soundtrack: “Jingzi(Mirror), I want to kill this Nai Shu!”

The voice of Demon King Jing Zi sounded in the mind of Lan Ling: “Master, I know your trajectory of cultivation. You use Golden Demon Body, Golden Bloodline, which is the most anti-natural. So according to the most normal cultivation, you can be able to Kill Nai Shu! “

Three years later, Lan Ling is only 27 years old.

And when the time comes, Nai Shu must have broken through Demon Ancestor and advanced to the super power of Wild World.

The words of Demon King Jing Zi mean that Lan Ling can break through Demon Ancestor in three years, and it is the usual way of cultivation.

Only three years later, Flame Demon Tribe has already turned into ashes, and everyone’s bodies are rotten!

Lan Ling said: “I can’t wait!”

Demon King Jing Zi said: “If you know that answer, if you want to skyrocket cultivation in a short time, the only hope is Tomb of Ghost King, Sword of Ghost King!”


The time is back to two years ago.

Rock Clan Queen Yan Chao’er, led by Lan Ling, led 20,000 Rock Pirate Legion into King City.

Originally, this is because the lack of direct subordinate troops in King City requires a truly powerful army to deal with possible disturbances and crises.

However, I did not expect that the army of Yan Chao’er had not yet reached King City. The huge unrest was quelled by Suo Lun, and the gold coins crisis of Raging Wave Kingdom was also resolved by Suo Lun.

It’s just that Yan Chao’er still leads the army to King City.

On the day Suo Lun was killed, Yan Chao’er led the army of Rock Pirate several hundred miles away from King City.

After Suo Lun was killed, Airborne Legion of Divine Dragon Temple first entered Tianshui City for a massacre, arresting all the wives and children of Lan Ling.

Then one of the Strength rushed directly towards Yan Chao’er.

And Yan Chao’er still has no knowledge of all this.

Nearly 20,000 Rock Pirate troops are camping, singing and dancing while eating meat.

The reason is to celebrate the wedding of the highest Lord Suo Lun, although the wedding was last night, they have already celebrated, but only to celebrate three days.

And Yan Chao’er meditates with his eyes closed as usual.

At this time, the Airborne Legion of Divine Dragon Temple is only more than three hundred miles away from the barracks of the Rock Pirate army, and can be reached in more than half an hour.

Once the Airborne Legion of Divine Dragon Temple arrives, Yan Chao’er will almost certainly die.

At this moment, a shadow appeared suddenly.

Then, Yan Chao’er found that his entire body was completely imprisoned.

Then, a black tornado quickly blew past, and the body of the Queen Yan Chao’er disappeared without a trace.

Without any explanation, Headless Knight robbed the Yan Chao’er queen directly.

As for the 20,000 Rock Pirate Legion, he is really helpless. Moreover, if open mouth is at that time, Yan Chao’er is absolutely impossible to leave, she will definitely choose to stay and die with Rock Pirate Legion.

After saving the Queen Yan Chao’er, Headless Knight ran for five hundred miles.

With a special energy, the nerves of Queen Yan Chao’er were completely paralyzed, and then she was hidden in the coffin of a certain grave.

Then he left like a gust of wind and entered Divine Dragon Temple directly!

Yes, the Hell Knight leader has entered Zhi Capital Divine Dragon Temple, which is not just about being bold!


When Headless Knight appeared in front of Luo Ge, Great Judge Chief Luo Ge was almost shocked and could not believe his eyes.

But here is Divine Dragon Temple, Hell Knight dare to come here?

Headless Knight looked at Luo Ge and said, “I’ll ask a question! Where is Astro’s soul? Or, where is his soul fragment? I know he died by blasting, but you must not let it go The fragment of his broken soul, tell me … where? “

Astro is so dead that he has no body.

The only thing that survived was only a little bit of soul fragments. When he disappeared, he was caught by Divine Dragon Temple‘s secret technique.

To resurrect him, he must find his soul fragments!

Luo Ge and Ge Li were both present at the time, so he knew where Ashe ’s soul fragment was.


Note: The second more than four thousand words will be sent, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

It ’s still updated so late today, sorry, I ’ll fight for it earlier tomorrow. (To be continued.)

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