World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Eight-nine-two nine: devour Sub-King Di Ming!

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This scene of Di Ming‘s crushing of bones and bones is actually not stunning or shocking, but it is very quiet.

A dark flame burst into his body.

Then it was quiet for a while,

Then it became quieter, and then his body burst open.

The whole body is instantly crushed.

Di Ming only leaves a light and shadow, Energy Heart, Energy Veins, and the light and shadow of the brain domain.

Lan Ling coldly ordered: “The second attack, open!”

“Shoot swoosh swoosh …” 17,000 Death Warrior, Golden Warrior release energy attack.

The energy vortex of the pseudo-Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation began to rotate and began to devour more than 10,000 channels of energy.

And the madness of Corpse Ghost Peerless continues, the dark flames from his Ghost Fire eyes continue, and the energy vortex created by Energy Tower swallows frantically and condenses.

Time passes by minute and second.

The light and shadow energy body of Di Ming first floated motionless in the air in shock, then immediately fled quickly.

Fleeing at a speed of nearly a kilometer per second, because it has become a pure energy body, the speed is extremely fast, it is completely a shuttle of light and shadow.

Fleeing desperately, fleeing, fleeing in the direction of the Naxue legion north.

However …

He is fast, but the energy attack from the pseudo-Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation is faster, reaching an amazing four or five kilometers per second. A Sub-King Level, more than ten thousand Death Warrior condensed energy, how powerful, it was compressed into a fist-sized dark flame.

“Whoosh …” There was a strange roar.

This horrible dark flame slammed into the shadow body of Di Ming.

In an instant, endless energy poured into his Energy Heart and into his veins.

“Boom …”

In an instant, the body of light and shadow of Di Ming instantly stayed in place.

Then, violently disappeared.

His energy and shadow disappeared, and his entire body Energy Veins disappeared. Only the smashed Energy Heart is left, and there is a group of Spirit brain domain energy. Between the Energy Heart and Spirit brain domains, there seems to be a non-existent energy connection.

Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao immediately rushed forward, using Energy Coffin to imprison the broken Energy Heart and Spirit brain fields of Di Ming, and then flew back.

Lan Ling ordered: “Jingzi(Mirror), stop the madness of Corpse Ghost Peerless.”

Demon King Jing Zi immediately appeared in a phantom in Spirit of Corpse Ghost Peerless. His daughter Tian Haiqiong did not die, and gradually grew up, smiling towards her, giggling.

The exquisite and beautiful face is full of happiness and sweetness.

The crisp laughter, like the spring water in the snowy mountains, made the violent heart of Corpse Ghost Peerless quiet gradually. His madness gradually stopped.

In a moment from madness to quietness, his mind seemed to be clear for a moment.

“I’m going, let me go …” After Corpse Ghost Peerless said this sentence, he fainted.

The Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren immediately put away the shield made up of Dark Energy, and retrieved these Dark Energy back into the Crystal Stone bottle.

His face was a little white, and he smiled at Lan Ling: “I, take a step!”

Then, he quickly rushed into the castle, into his room, and lay directly on the bed, closing his eyes, unconscious.


Tang Ren is not dead yet, but in the end, manipulating Dark Energy to shield Corpse Ghost Peerless really overdrawn his vitality.

Over 90% of his Energy Heart has been occupied by Black Hole Energy.

If you still have half a year of life before, it is probably only a month or two at this time.

Concubine Nishang sits on the edge, crying softly.

“I will try to save him at any cost.” Lan Ling said towards Concubine Nishang.

Concubine Nishang raised her beautiful eyes. She should have blamed Lan Ling. It was precisely because of his appearance that Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren had repeatedly consumed Shou Yuan. But Concubine Nishang really can’t blame, not because of her loyalty to Lan Ling, or because of her friendship, but because Lan Ling is his husband’s only confidant.


A Crystal Stone coffin was placed in front of Lan Ling.

The broken Energy Life of Di Ming is imprisoned in this Crystal Stone coffin, and it is gradually changing.

Accurately, he is healing himself.

The Energy Heart, which was originally smashed into pieces, is gradually condensing and gradually healing.

It can’t find any energy source. All the outside energy is shielded by the Crystal Stone coffin, but his Energy Heart is still condensing and healing, which is really amazing.

After Di Ming ’s body was crushed, the incarnation turned into energy and light and fled quickly. What did this scene look like?

Yes, after Lan Ling exploded, it turned into energy and light and flew away.

In some ways, Di Ming is a bit like the veins of Lan Ling.

Bloodsucker royal family …

What kind of race is it? How can it be so unfathomable?

Who is Di Motuo? With just one person, the entire Bloodsucker royal family was created, and the entire Mo Tuo Empire was established.

Lan Ling put aside this idea, the most important thing next is that Bloodsucker devours Di Ming!

This is a strong Sub-King Level.

But like Venerable Huo Mo and Venerable Chong Lou, if you want Bloodsucker to devour him, you must revive him first, or even make him heal, and restore it to its original state.

But …

After all, he is a strong Sub-King Level. Once he was resurrected, no one in the whole Flame Demon Empire could overpower him. Once he opened the killing ring, no one could stop it.

So, Lan Ling asked Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao to use the material removed from the Divine Dragon Temple waste laboratory to build a large energy prison, and it was far away from Flame Demon City.

Then, Lan Ling and Di Ming are all locked in this energy prison.

Because even if Di Ming is resurrected, it is completely out of control, but Lan Ling kills Undying, and he ca n’t rush out of energy prison to harm others.

Flame Demon City will be handed over to you for the time being.” Lan Ling said toward Blood Wolf King: “First of all, the Vampire Demon Clan army of sixteen Demon Saint venerables dare not come, if they come, you continue to bombard with pseudo Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation Yes, without Di Ming, these Vampire Demon Clan group dragons have no head, which is not a fear. “

Lan Ling and Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao, carrying the Crystal Stone coffin, and many other materials, flew towards the sea in the southeast.


The bottom of the East Sea area, inside the energy prison.

At this time, the Energy Heart of Di Ming in the Crystal Stone coffin has been completely restored, only about 10% of the gaps and cracks.

This Bloodsucker royal family is really tough.

It is still the same reason, resurrected first, and then swallowed by Bloodsucker.

Lan Ling takes out the Crystal Stone dagger, stabs into his heart violently, and takes out some Golden Demon Blood.

Open the Crystal Stone coffin and drop a few drops of Golden Demon Blood into the Energy Heart gap of Di Ming. That is already the only gap of Di Ming Energy Heart.

“Boom …”

After dropping, a golden light flashed.

In an instant, Di Ming ’s Energy Heart is completely restored.

In an instant, Energy Veins of Di Ming fully recovered and grew completely.

In an instant, the bones, muscles, and skin of Di Ming are fully grown.

In less than five seconds from start to finish, Di Ming is completely resurrected and restored to its original state.

This is terrible, too fast! You have to know that before Di Ming was alive, it was bombarded into slag, Energy Veins is gone, Energy Heart is broken into countless pieces. In less than five seconds, it was completely resurrected and returned to its original state.

Next, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Thunder was not as good as covering his ears. Lan Ling opened his mouth, extended his fangs, and snapped at Di Ming‘s neck.

At the same time, Di Ming stretched out his hand violently, grabbed the neck of Lan Ling, and instantly shattered the head of Lan Ling.

But …

After all, he was a little late.

The fangs of Lan Ling have been bitten down, and the Bloodsucker has already begun crazy.

Once Bloodsucker started, the energy of Di Ming‘s whole body rushed out quickly, rushing toward Lan Ling from the blood on his neck.

This is the first time Lan Ling has devoured the blood energy of the Sub-King Level strong.

In an instant, the bombardment of incomparably powerful energy flashed the golden light in front of Lan Ling, and his mind was blank. He almost immediately fainted and suffocated, and even felt that the whole person had to be crushed and broken.

Fortunately, Demon Star continues to control everything.

Swallow, swallow, swallow frantically.

The Di Ming swallowed by Bloodsucker instantly lost all the ability to act, and could only watch his vitality and energy continue to flow away.

“Ah … ah … ah …”

He was crying wildly in his heart.

Of course he knows the consequences of being swallowed by Lan Ling Bloodsucker, but he is unwilling, absolutely unwilling.

The moment when the endless Demon Blood poured into the Lan Ling body, it became a horrendous energy, pouring from every tendon in the Lan Ling body into the Energy Heart and into the depths of the blood vein.

This amazing energy has almost torn apart the Lan Ling tendons.

Even, his Energy Heart appeared a crack.

Because of his veins, his Energy Heart is after all the magic Venerable Level , it is really difficult to withstand the influx of other energy of Sub-King Level.

But fortunately, his Golden Bloodline is like a bottomless black hole, no matter how much energy, it can completely swallow and absorb.

Swallow, swallow …

The environment within the entire energy prison trembled madly, trembling …

This crazy devour lasted for half an hour!

Finally, everything is calm.

Crazy Bloodsucker swallowed!

Sub-King Level Di Ming, lively sucked into a corpse, condensed there motionless.

For Lan Ling, his blood was blurred, and during the process of swallowing, almost all the blood in his body burst.

The whole body seems to have been ripped open by countless cracks.

“Shoot …”

In an instant, the blood traces on Lan Ling‘s body completely disappeared and were completely absorbed by his body.

The cracks on his body completely disappeared and healed.

Sit down next to him, close your eyes, and begin a crucial temper.

Energy bombards the whole body to improve cultivation!

Demon Star controls the energy in the deep veins, the energy of Sub-King Level, condenses the city, and then bombards out, pouring into every corner of Energy Heart.

“Boom …”

The body of Lan Ling shuddered violently, and the energy prisoners shuddered violently.

The sea water of the entire area also shook violently.

“Booming …”

Sub-King Level energy, continuous bombardment, continuous tempering, continuous transformation.


Note: The first is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family.

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