World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 904, Naxue Soul Warrior the whole army is destroyed!

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Once this level of war is started, it is like releasing a terrible beast, and it will almost never be recovered. ????

Moreover, this is a final battle.

Win, and get the billions of lands from Southern Wild. Lost, nothing, no place to die.

So whether it is Lan Ling, Naxue, or Tian Sha , there is no room for retreat.

Once the battle begins, it is destined to end with the total defeat of one side. There will be no draws, no retreats, and unsuccessful success will be a benevolence!

The five major cities are separated by thousands of miles and cannot be coordinated.

The five armies of Naxue and King Tian Sha have already been agreed, and the sunrise is used as a signal to start the war. There will be no order, the five battlefields start fighting at the same time!

It ’s still not bright. All the armies on both sides have already got up, eaten, picked up all my weapons, and returned to their fighting position.

Then, just wait for the sun to rise as the horn of the final battle!

Naxue stands on the square of the palace in the sky, overlooking the sea of ​​the east, waiting for the moment when the sun jumps out of the sea.

Inside and outside of Flame Demon City, whether it is the army of Lan Ling, or the army of King Naxue and King Tian Sha , all wait quietly.

In fact, Naxue is very unexpected. She knows that Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation can hit a hundred miles away, so Lan Ling can open fire yesterday, why didn’t he do it?

As far as she knows, the energy source of Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation comes from the Death Warrior group of Lan Ling, Golden Warrior Armed Force, so Lan Ling is probably not willing to waste Top Level Budo Strength, want to use to destroy the Soul Warrior group, even Naxue and Tian Sha kings Venerable Level and above Top Level force.

Time is lost minute by minute …

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, with red glow appearing in the sky to the east.

The sun is coming soon!

Over the Flame Demon City, dark clouds quickly condensed, and finally covered the entire Flame Demon City. This is Dark Energy of the Death Warrior and Vampire Demon Clan legions, used to block the sun’s rays.

Whether it is Soul Warrior or Death Warrior, they are not too afraid of the sun ’s rays, but they prefer to fight in the dark. But because the night is too dark to see things, you cannot fight in the night.

Everyone, looking to the east, the kings of Naxue and Tian Sha held their breath.

And Lan Ling looked east to the sea, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Huigu, Jiang Shang, Bai Lang all look directly at the sky to the east.

“Hoo …” The golden yellow sun suddenly jumped out of the sea, and the east of the sea was full of light.

The sun is rising!

“Go to war!”

“Go to war!”

The Naxue and Tian Sha kings ordered at the same time!

Just one second later, the four enemy Commander surrounding Northern Ning City , Black Demon City, Central Wild City , Southern Mu City shouted at the same time: “Go to war!”

A dazzling drum of war sounds!

In an instant, the peace was completely torn apart, as if a nuclear bomb was thrown into the tranquil lake and burst.

Soul Warrior strikes and destroys Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation of Flame Demon City!” Naxue ordered.

The Vampire Demon Clan coach of the other four big cities battlefield ordered.

“Shoot swoosh swoosh …”

One million Soul Warrior surrounding Flame Demon City, the ultimate Strength of the Naxue legion, turned into countless light and shadow, flew towards Flame Demon City, and flew towards the highest Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation.

This picture is really stunning and shocking.

It is really like countless meteor showers, and like countless fireflies, flying towards Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation, the highest point of Flame Demon City.

Millions of green lights!

This scene was also performed in the other four major cities at the same time, but it was only a hundred thousand light.

Soul Warrior is very fast, past any Top Level martial artist, because they are Energy Life, Soul Warrior , is a group of light and shadow. Moreover, they are not afraid of any energy attacks.

The space vortex energy shield from Flame Demon City is only thirty miles, fifty miles from the city wall, and seventy-five miles from Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation.

Under the pole of Soul Warrior , the degree per second reaches an astonishing 500 meters.

The Soul Warrior of the one million Naxue legion is getting closer and closer to Flame Demon City.

Princess Naxue could not help looking at Lan Ling on the Tongtian Tower.

Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation is built inside the Tongtian Tower. Lan Ling dared to stand at the top of Tongtian Tower, and there was only one person.

What is he doing? Alternative suicide?

After more than a minute, one million Soul Warrior will rush over. The Lan Ling area’s Demon Saint-level powerhouse is not as strong as the Soul Warrior of Top Level, and it will only disappear in the face of millions of Soul Warrior .

After breaking through Sub-King, Lan Ling has not actually fought, so Princess Naxue and Tian Sha Wang naturally do not know.

Facing the approaching Soul Warrior group, Lan Ling still stands at the top of Tongtian Tower, at the top of Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation.

Tian Sha Wang said on the edge: “This person of Lan Ling will act in a pretentious manner.”

Naxue reveals a disdainful sneer: “No matter how gorgeous and tragic death is, it is death!”

Whether it is Naxue, King Tian Sha , or even Divine Dragon Temple, we firmly believe that Flame Demon Empire absolutely has no means to resist a million Soul Warrior .

As long as Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation is destroyed, Flame Demon Empire will be vulnerable!

The ray of one million Soul Warrior is still flying fast in the air, crossing the long green light, and the degree of 500 meters per second is close to Flame Demon City.

No one can see the space vortex energy shield over Flame Demon City, not even Lan Ling. However, it really exists.

The enemy ’s million Soul Warrior is getting closer and closer to energy shield.

Ten thousand meters, five kilometers, three kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters …

“Shoot swish …”

Countless Soul Warrior lights and shadows slammed into the space vortex energy shield of Flame Demon City.

Then …

They just disappeared!

Yes, it just disappeared!

There is no sign, no battle, no explosion, no destruction.

It just disappeared!

It seems to disappear in the air, disappearing into everyone’s vision.

Not only the sky above Flame Demon City, but also the other four big cities of Flame Demon Empire staged this horrifying scene.

Countless Soul Warrior s are really like moths!

No, it ’s more exaggerated and shocking than moths fighting fire and flying nets.

The moth puts out the fire and there is a burning process. Flying mosquitoes flutter the net, and there are still struggling processes.

And in front of me, countless Soul Legion disappeared into the air out of thin air without any screaming.

Seeing this scene, there was a sudden roar in Princess Naxue‘s brain, a blank!

Then, all sense is lost!

Completely joyless and sorrowless, the whole body seems to be imprisoned, unable to move at all.

The mouth cannot speak and the eyes cannot move.

It ’s like … being nightmared!

It’s like everything in this life is just a dream.

It’s too unreal!

Not only Princess Naxue, but also Tian Sha King, Crown Prince Tian Sha, Di Ming, Snake Spirit Clan Queen Girl Du Shu, all watched this scene without sound, as if they were unable to move as a result of lightning strike.

This … how is this possible?

This scene in front of me is so unbelievable, even in a dream.

After a full second or two, Tian Sha King, Di Ming, Du Shu and other talents came to sober and shouted towards Princess Naxue: “Order retreat, Soul Warrior retreat!”

And Princess Naxue seems to be unheard of, completely inaudible and unresponsive!

The space vortex energy shield over Flame Demon City is really dense with great. The entire huge energy shield is like a dome with a diameter of hundreds of miles, completely covering the entire Flame Demon City, with hundreds of thousands of space vortices, almost no dead ends!

And the Soul Warrior group of Naxue is too fast. These ghost warriors are just a group of light and shadow, with a degree of more than 500 meters per second.

They have no self-intellect, and they are totally obeyed to the Spirit command of Naxue!

As long as there is no stop, they will continue to rush forward.

In less than three seconds …

From the first Soul Warrior to the last one swallowed by the space vortex, only three seconds from beginning to end.

This big show is over!

Not only the Flame Demon City, but also the battlefields of the other four big cities are exactly the same, even ending faster.

Within three seconds, Naxue cannot even come out of a trance like a dream.

Although Tian Sha King, Di Ming and Du Shu shouted desperately and asked her to withdraw Soul Warrior , it was as much as she could save. But everything was born so fast that there was absolutely no chance to end it.

People are suddenly hit too hard, and the entire Spirit brain domain will instantly fall into downtime.

Not just Naxue, even the Tian Sha king, or even Lan Ling, the same reaction!

The Soul Warrior group is the ultimate Strength, trump card, core Strength, and the trump card in the trump card of Naxue. It is equal to the Demoness Country Warrior plus Death Warrior group in the hands of Lan Ling.

If you change to Lan Ling, the Demoness Country Warrior and Death Warrior regiments will be wiped out instantly, and Lan Ling will be completely numb and unable to sober.

Deathless silence throughout the battlefield!

After half a minute, Naxue felt that his perception gradually recovered!

Then there is a burst of ridiculous feeling, so unreal.

Her trump card trump card and millions of Soul Warrior regiments were completely wiped out in less than three seconds.

Naxue looked at King Tian Sha with disbelief, nodded and Di Ming, and nodded.

Everyone told Naxue that everything that was born just now is real!

The endless pain, the endless coldness, poured out from the depths of the soul.

At this time, Naxue‘s physical mechanism should start to protect her, let her vomit blood and relieve pressure, and let her pass out completely.

However, this blow was too big and too big, and it exceeded the limit in an instant.

“Ah … ah … ah … ah …”

The Princess Naxue made a terrible roar, like a wounded female beast, with a terrifying wailing.

Then, she can no longer suppress the magic within her body.

The skin of the whole body began to tear, **** wings burst out of the back, the sharp angles on the head grew, the magic lines of the whole body burst out, and the body continued to become taller and taller.

The eye sockets become deeper and the nose becomes longer.

Naxue instantly transformed into a terrible demon daughter!

The terrible energy that burst out, let the Di Ming, Tian Sha king, Du Shu and others around him evade.

The air hall can’t bear her burst of Devil Aura and bursts.

The dark clouds in the sky swept wildly, surging!

Facing all of this, Lan Ling narrowed his eyes and smiled!

Then directly ordered: “All strong men above Demon Grandmaster, start to condense Strength, project!”

“All Purple Sun Crystal Stone Energy Array, Radiant Crystal Stone Energy Array, ready!”

“Fire on …”

With the order of Lan Ling, five Inferno Condensing Demonic Formations of Flame Demon City burst into an amazing light ball of energy.

Dozens of Crystal Stone arrays, shot dozens of shocking fireballs!

Five spheres of light with astronomical digital energy, dozens of huge fireballs, through the gap of the space vortex energy shield, and projected toward the millions of troops outside the city 80 miles away!

“Shoot swish …”

With an amazing roar, five energy light balls, and dozens of huge fireballs, the five million army array of the kings of Naxue and Tian Sha is smashed down!


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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