World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 801: Bingren, Sub-King! Conference!

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Note: In this chapter, there is a detailed explanation of the highest martial arts level, thank you.



This character who has almost changed the entire history of Southern Wild.

For thousands of years, there have been a total of five Demon King bloodline invaders, and the other four have all died. Only one Bingren survived, and he joined the Tian Sha royal family and successfully reached the top.

Of course, although he has not really been a Tian Sha king for a day, the Tian Sha royal family has his name on it. The entire Southern Wild and the entire Demon Clan Territory have recognized his throne.

Lan Ling said: “What is the level of cultivation of Bingren?”

Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: “Me, Father, De Sha King , Venerable Huo Mo cultivation should all be around Top Level Demon Saint, Peak Level Demon Saint.”

Lan Ling nodded.

The cultivation of Small Rakshasa King has almost reached the peak of his bloodline, and so is his father Rakshasa King.

It’s just that Rakshasa King is the pinnacle of reaching sixty years old, and Small Rakshasa King is the pinnacle of thirty years old. The blood talents of the two people are similar, but the understanding of energy is completely different.

Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren belongs to the kind that went to college at the age of twelve and graduated with a doctorate at the age of eighteen.

So why did Venerable Huo Mo reach the peak of Demon Saint? The remaining four Venerables have also arrived at Top Level Demon Saint?

In this way, Rakshasa Royal Family seems to be nothing remarkable, cultivation has been caught up by the five great respecters.

Yes, the truth is so embarrassing.

Rakshasa King, De Sha King and other populations have voiced Demon King bloodline invaders, but they themselves lost Demon King bloodline thousands of years ago.

Look at De Sha King , look at Rakshasa King, look at Yun E King , and then look at the three major Demon King in the south. Which one can summon the power of heaven and earth? When Lan Ling is still Demon Ancestor, it is to summon Hell Lightning . The six Demon Clan Demon King cultivation do not know how many times it exceeds Lan Ling, but none of them summoned Hell Lightning .

They are already awed by everyone.

Therefore, there are Venerables in every field, and even Yun Ee Clan has three Venerables. Rakshasa Clan has five respecters, De Sha Clan has seven respecters, and the three southern Demon Clan have ten respecters.

The cultivation of these people is the same as the six major Demon King, so what should I do? If there is no way, they can only form an ally and give them the same status.

Otherwise, how could Demon Clan Alliance appear to resist the king of Tian Sha , and Rakshasa King appealed to the five great respecters, but only a few small members were sent.

Whether it is Venerable Huo Mo or Venerable Chong Lou, you can push your nose against Rakshasa King. There is no way, you can’t manage others on Strength.

For the entire Southern Wild, only two Demon Kings can summon the power of the world, King Tian Sha and Queen Demoness.

And among these two Demon Clans, it is also the race with the most strong Demon Saint and the most strong Demon Venerable.

The Tiansha tribe has a total of 13 Venerables, but these 13 Venerables are completely kneeling at the feet of the Tian Sha King.

Because Tian Sha Wang can suppress them on cultivation.

“King Tian Sha , Queen of Demoness, cultivation should be in Sub-King Level.” Tang Ren said.

Sub-King Level?” Lan Ling stunned.

Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: “You should know how different our Martial Arts level is from the ancient times?”

Lan Ling nodded, the ancient Demon Clan is much stronger than it is now.

Tang Ren said: “Originally, there was no Sub-King level. After Peak Level Demon Saint, it was Demon King level. But countless years have passed, the entire Demon Clan Territory cultivation is getting lower and lower. cultivation is low but the level is not low. So Demon Saint is more ancient The Demon Saint and cultivation are really different, but you ca n’t lower the level to Demon Venerable or even Demon Ancestor. “

Lan Ling nodded.

Tang Ren said: “Therefore, there is a huge vacuum between Peak Level Demon Saint and Demon King. This gap, just like Land of Falling, traverses between the two and is completely insurmountable, so the level of Sub-King appears. . “

Lan Ling understands that there is a seamless connection between Demon Saint and Demon King in ancient times.

But countless years have passed, and the title of Demon Saint is still there, but the gap between the corresponding cultivation and Demon King is getting bigger and bigger, so I have to create a Sub-King Level, which means that it is above Demon Saint and below Demon King.

“And more ridiculously, the cultivation between Sub-King and Sub-King is also very different.” Tang Ren said: “For example, the lowest level Sub-King and the most High Level Sub-King, the gap between the two should be equivalent to Demon Grandmaster and Demon Saint! “

Lan Ling was amazed. This, too, is ridiculous.

Apprentice Demon Warrior, Demon Knight, Great Demon Warrior, Demon Grandmaster, Demon Ancestor, Demon Venerable, Demon Saint.

The gap between Demon Grandmaster and Demon Saint is really not that big.

Tang Ren said: “About Sub-King Level, it was formally decided at the Demon Clan Alliance meeting three thousand years ago. Just like you Human State, Divine Dragon Temple, in order to suppress the private Martial Art, monopolize Top Level Martial Art, even put the most High Level to Dragon Warrior. What a ridiculous thing. “

For the absurdity of Dragon Warrior classification, Lan Ling definitely feels the same. It can be said that setting Dragon Warrior as the most High Level is equivalent to completely castrating all the advanced Martial Art of Human State. Even more shameless, Divine Dragon Temple blocked all energy attacks, energy Martial Art.

It can be said that the energy Martial Art is like Pandora’s Great Gate, and it can enter another realm immediately after opening. Without opening this Great Gate, Budo cultivation will always be suppressed on Strength Martial Art.

In Human State, apart from East Distance Country and Divine Dragon Temple disciples, anyone else ’s cultivation will never exceed Demon Grandmaster and will never be able to enter Demon Ancestor.

It is ridiculous that, according to the level of Human State, it is likely that the High Level demon warrior is Dragon Warrior, the peak Demon Grandmaster or Dragon Warrior. So there was Ashi Liren, Princess Zhi Yan this kind of sword, you can kill 20-30 Dragon Warrior.

The inadvertent energy attack of Ashi Liren can kill dozens of Dragon Warrior in seconds.

According to the rules specified by Demon Clan Alliance three thousand years ago, Sub-King is divided into three orders of heaven, earth and magic.

Tang Ren said: “So King Tian Sha , Queen Di Nie, Queen Demoness, Princess Naxue, Di Ming, Di Motuo, Mo Tuo Crown Prince , Mo Tuo Empire royal family, Divine Dragon Temple Sky Priest, Eastern King Jiang Shang, etc. are all Sub-King, even our Corpse Ghost Peerless, before it was Sub-King. The Bingren lying down is also Sub-King. “

Lan Ling said: “What about the four major Secret Island masters?”

Tang Ren Road: “Their level should be equivalent to the Flame Capital temple master, equivalent to the alternate Sky Priest, cultivation should be the same as Shui Hongshao. However, once the highest Divine Dragon Temple decides to lift part of the martial arts authority, or even lift the blood, then the four major Secret Island master Will have the opportunity to be promoted to Sub-King. “

Lan Ling said: “But I met the young master of Hidden Island, their cultivation can be said to be not strong, and should not exceed Demon Grandmaster.”

Tang Ren said: “That’s because they were banned from energy attacks, so only Strength Martial Art, only Demon Grandmaster. Of course, even if they are banned from energy attacks, they should not exceed Demon Ancestor. Because Divine Dragon Temple does not put powerful The bloodline of them gave them, only the death of the four major Secret Islands would pass on their bloodline to the next generation, and by that time their cultivation would be turned upside down, equivalent to inheriting the energy of their fathers. If you want to escape this fate, just Only if you become a disciple of Sky Temple, you can get a powerful bloodline. “

No wonder Huai Bingyi and Ji Mengbai cultivation far exceed Fang Qingshu.

“Among the countless years since ancient times, could cultivation really reach the Demon King level?” Lan Ling asked.

“Yes, it is the emperor of the previous generation Flame Demon Empire, the emperor of Flame Dragon Empire, His Majesty Dragon Emperor!” Tang Ren said: “His cultivation is above the whole world, even Sky Temple.”

Up until now, Lan Ling has finally figured out the martial order in this world. Before, it was really blind to touch the elephant, especially the martial chaos of Human State and Demon Clan Territory, which gave Lan Ling a huge illusion.

First of all, he felt that Demon Clan Territory‘s martial arts were much stronger than Human State, so he naturally despised Fang Qingshu, Zhi Yan, and even cultivation of Ji Xiuning and others.

And then I realized that Divine Dragon Temple has always mastered the commanding heights of martial arts and energetics in this world.

It seems that the cultivation of Zhi Yan six years ago should be around High Level Demon Ancestor, Ji Xiuning, Huai Bingyi, Ji Mengbai should be equivalent to the peak Demon Venerable. And Zhi Li is also a Demon Grandmaster-level strongman, because he is not the core disciple of Divine Dragon Temple, and he cannot touch the energy Martial Art.

In fact, Lan Ling‘s guess is correct.

Because of the battle on Misfortune Sea, Blue Sea Banner Lord in Demoness is Top Level Demon Venerable, plus dozens of Demon Ancestors defeated Ji Xiuning.


Lan Ling said: “Which order should cultivation of Bingren be Sub-King?”

Tang Ren shook his head and said: “I don’t know, because I didn’t enter this level, so it is like a heavy mountain. But I think Bingren‘s cultivation should be comparable to Di Motuo, it is the highest strong of Demon Clan Territory.”

Lan Ling said: “Then I will devour his Bloodsucker now, how?”

Tang Ren said: “No, Ten Million, because he will not be your Death Warrior, even Shui Hongshao cannot be your Death Warrior, let alone Bingren?”

Lan Ling has imagined that if Bloodsucker now devours Bingren, he is likely to wake up and become stronger. Moreover, he will not become Death Warrior of Lan Ling and will have a free independent will.

What will happen to Bingren after waking up? Of course, the Tiansha tribe will help his son Tian Sha king.

At that time, Lan Ling created a powerful enemy for itself.

Tang Ren said: “The most important thing is that you ca n’t devour the energy of Bingren now. Your Golden Bloodline can bear it, but your Energy Heart ca n’t withstand it, it will be wiped out directly and it will form a huge waste. You can now devour Bloodsucker The limit should be Demon Rank Sub-King. “

Sub-King is divided into heaven, earth and magic third order, Demon Rank is the lowest.

So this frozen Bingren, Lan Ling cannot move. Cannot be released, cannot be swallowed by Bloodsucker. Unless one day, his cultivation reaches the level of Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren, and even higher to devour the energy of Bingren.

Because, no one knows what cultivation is for Bingren.

It stands to reason that he should be on par with Ghost King and Di Motuo.

As for why Bingren appears here, the ice is frozen on the third floor of the Divine Dragon Temple secret laboratory, it is really unknown.

The next step is to choose whether to move the Bingren coffin to Flame Demon City?

“No …” Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao said: “There is an energy core deep in this secret laboratory, which maintains the energy operation of the entire laboratory. Once the crystal coffin is removed, there is not enough energy to suppress Bingren, he Maybe it will wake up, by that time … “

Lan Ling said: “Where is the energy core of this secret laboratory? Will it have anything to do with Starry Sky Demonic Force Reactor Core?”

Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao said: “In a hidden space, we don’t want to unlock it for now, get it.”

Lan Ling understands this very well.

This is equivalent to people in the nineteenth century still using steam engines. They only have the most superficial understanding of electricity, and they still use the most basic DC power. The only electrical appliances are electric lights.

At this time, they discovered a nuclear power plant. The power from this nuclear power plant was enough for the world to use at that time, so they were very curious and blasted the nuclear power plant directly, trying to get the energy core inside.

The result can only be a complete disaster, even devastating. Because of the huge radiation, it can destroy everything.

Unless Lan Ling enters the fourth stage of Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite‘s decomposition and exploration, it is only then that it will be able to unlock the energy core of this secret laboratory and begin the deepest research of Starry Sky Demonic Force Reactor Core.

“Let ’s start disassembling the materials here, even if it is empty, it will not detonate the energy core.” Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao said: “And the energy materials here are enough for us to build five pseudo-Inferno Condensing Demon Great Formation .”

Lan Ling and Tang Ren began to work, and the fourth floor laboratory was demolished, except for the Bingren crystal coffin, and everything in the fourth floor secret laboratory was removed.

After disassembling, there are too many energy materials. Lan Ling and Tang Ren moved back and forth dozens of times.

And I had to order hundreds of Death Warriors in the brain to ride Ghost Ray to help transport the astronomical energy materials back to Flame Demon Empire.

It took a few days and nights to ship millions of pounds of energy materials back to Flame Demon City.


After three days!

Small Rakshasa King is wearing a brand new robe suit, which is a brand new Flame Demon Empire Prime Minister official suit.

Tang Ren came to his Crown Prince Palace once again, and here is already crowded.

Because Flame Demon Empire issued thousands of notices a few days ago, they announced that they would hold a press conference in Rakshasa King city three days later, and explained the destruction of Fire Demon Mountain.

The people of Demon Empire United Battlefront, the major Demon Kings of Demon Clan Alliance, the dozens of Lords of the Magic Banner, and the venerables of all fields, all gathered in the original Small Rakshasa King house, waiting for the Flame Demon Empire conference.

When Tang Ren appeared, it instantly caused a huge sensation.

Lan Ling is very horrible. People prepared a table and a chair in the hall of Small Rakshasa King, and Tang Ren was sitting behind Yoshiko.

“First, I Flame Demon Empire announced that I was responsible for the destruction of Fire Demon Mountain.”

“Second, His Majesty ’s Lan Ling ’s gambling agreement made it clear that 13 Chong Luo was wiped out from the world within five days, but the result wiped out Fire Demon Mountain. I believe that great family is very difficult to understand . “

It’s more than confusing, it’s a lot of expectations.

Tang Ren paused, then scolded the dog for two days in his heart. Such a shameless declaration, even let him announce, really want to destroy his image once.

“Because Flame Demon Empire used the wrong map, the target of the attack was deviated. The original Chong Luo was supposed to be destroyed, but the result was Fire Demon Mountain, which led to the destruction of Fire Demon Mountain. Here, on behalf of Flame Demon Empire, I express my deep apologies to Venerable Huo Mo, and I am willing to Venerable Huo Mo compensates one hundred thousand gold coins. “


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