World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 6.10: The death of Gou Li! cultivation breaks through again!

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“Why?” Lan Ling asked.

Gou Li knelt quietly on the ground, motionless.

She has no way to answer the question of Lan Ling, because she now regrets that she has reached the limit.

“Master, I have no way to answer. If I insist on a reason, it is my stupidity!” Gou Li said.

Lan Ling said: “What consequences will you encounter, can you think of it?”

Gou Li nodded, said: “I know that I am definitely going to die, but … I still want to give it a try!”

“Try it? What to try?” Lan Ling asked.

Gou Li said: “I still have a chance to live if you try me. Can you give me a chance.”

Lan Ling nodded said: “Okay, then you try it.”

He was even very calm. He could not say that he had expected the betrayal of Gou Li, but he would never be surprised.

The reason for leaving Gou Li‘s life is just an experiment, a test for Barbarian people.

After all, it is impossible for Lan Ling to kill all Rakshasa Clan.

Gou Li said: “Please bring my son over!”

Lan Ling waved his hand and Gang Tuo went out.

A moment later, Constantine II, the son of Gou Li, was brought in.

I have been captured for more than a month. Constantine II has lost a full circle, and his face is pale and bloodless.

When he was captured before, he was extremely fierce. Especially when he learned that his mother Gou Li had become a woman of Lan Ling, he wanted to kill Gou Li with his own hands.

But now, after seeing Gou Li, he immediately got knelt down on both knees down.

“Mom, save me, save me! Please plead with Chief Lan Ling and let him spare me.” Constantine II knelt on the ground and wept bitterly: “I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!”

Seeing this scene, Lan Ling was a little surprised, Gou Li was even more surprised.

His son has no other merits, that is, his bones are hard, but he has the courage to be ordinary.

I didn’t expect him to kneel down now and ask for surrender.

When my mother did n’t respond, Constantine II knelt in front of Lan Ling and hugged his thigh: “Chief Lan Ling, please do n’t kill me, forgive me, I ’m willing to be loyal to you, I ’m willing to be your slave ! “

Lan Ling asked: “Why?”

Constantine II said: “Because you beat my father, because you beat Master Nai Shu!”

This sentence tells all the truth.

Wild World, the strong one is respected. All pride and all dignity are nothing in front of the strong.

Lan Ling remained silent, looking towards Gou Li.

Gou Li, in order to save her life, said she wanted to give it a try.

Then Lan Ling depends on how she tries and how to save her heart.

Gou Li took a deep breath and came to Constantine II, gently holding him in his arms: “I’m sorry son, I have been spoiling your sister alone all these years, and I haven’t cared much about you.”

Constantine II howled and cried, saying: “Mother, please help me, help me!”

Gou Li sighed: “Soon, no pain at all!”

Constantine II was shocked.

Gou Li‘s arm gently clamped the neck of his son Constantine II, and then twisted violently!

“Click …” There was a clear sound.

Constantine II‘s neck was directly broken, and his face was directly twisted to the back.

He did not die immediately, but began to twitch, twitching …

After a few minutes, Constantine II died. His small eyes were now as big as cowbells, his eyes were full of blood, and he stared at his mother Gou Li.

He could n’t believe it even when he died, but his mother killed himself.

After killing his biological son, Gou Li did not shed a tear, and after tipping his son’s body to the ground, he still knelt on the ground motionlessly, waiting for the trial of Lan Ling.

When I saw that Gou Li personally killed his son, whether it was Suo Mo, Gang Tuo, or Duo Duo, his face shook and his eyes narrowed.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat children, even in Wild World, even if it is not a civilized Barbarian person, it is full of licking calves. I didn’t expect Gou Li to seem so cruel as to kill his son in order to survive.

And the other person in the field, another expressionless face is Lan Ling.

Indifferent to Gou Li killing his biological son, as if killing a mouse.

“Is this your attempt?” Lan Ling asked.

“Yes!” Gou Li said: “This is the slave-servant’s attempt. No matter what trial you make, I will have no objections. But I want to say that if you accept my allegiance, if you spare my life , I will be loyal to you all my life and will never betray! Heaven and earth are proof, Demon God is proof! “

Lan Ling said slowly: “I would rather believe you and give you a chance. But … for the betrayer, there will never be a second time. One time is death!”

As soon as these words came out, Gou Li‘s body shook, then he lay prone on the ground, motionless.

Lan Ling said: “So, I am willing to give you a chance to go to trial, depending on whether God wants you to live!”

As soon as this word came out, Suo Mo immediately got up and said to Gang Tuo, Duo Duo and others: “Go, let’s go out!”

A few people went out, leaving only Lan Ling and Gou Li.

Duo Long wondered: “Isn’t the chief enough? Is this going to die Gou Li?”

Suo Mo and Gang Tuo were treated as if they had n’t heard it, but Duo Duo was intolerable. He slapped him on the back of his younger brother and shouted, “Do n’t talk nonsense!”


“You stand up!” Lan Ling said.

Gou Li stood up, his eyes still on the ground.

Lan Ling stepped forward, holding her beautiful face, biting it fiercely towards the arteries of her neck.

His teeth grew sharply, with terrible fangs.

Sharp fangs easily broke Gou Li‘s neck, then Lan Ling desperately Bloodsucker!

“Ah …” A painful hiss!

The Gou Li, which has been prepared for any thought, sends out an extremely screaming cry.

In order to survive, she personally killed her son in front of Lan Ling, saying goodbye to the past. But Gou Li has already prepared for death, so at least this moment there is no fear.

However …

When Lan Ling bit her neck and was crazy Bloodsucker, she still felt terrified fear.

This feeling is terrible, as if all energy, all vitality, is passing by quickly.

Lan Ling swallowed the blood of Gou Li crazy!

A powerful wave of energy poured into the blood of Lan Ling, and finally all poured into the depth of his heart.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …” with the screams of Gou Li became more and more sad, more and more terrifying, making people shudder.

Duo Long outside couldn’t help but say: “It seems that Gou Li is really going to be killed by the sun, how hard is the chief?”

At this time, Duo Duo couldn’t help it anymore, grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and stuffed it into his brother Duo Long‘s mouth.

Duo Long is also not annoyed, and even chewed a few bites before spitting out the soil in his mouth.

“You are such a fool!” Suo Mo laughed, and then walked towards his residence.

“Farewell!” Gang Tuo also left.

Duo Long said: “Brother, why should I stop my mouth, what can’t I say? I also said before, and I didn’t see the Chieftain angry!”

Duo Duo said: “You idiot, you will not be allowed to joke with the chief in the future, do you know?”

“Why?” Duo Long puzzled: “I think the chief speaks well.”

Duo Duo said: “Human State has a sentence called companion like a tiger, have you heard of it?”

Duo Long said: “No, but the tiger is not terrible, I punched me with a punch!”

Duo Duo is speechless, and then changed the way: “Are you kidding Black Demon Banner Lord? Will you kidding Rakshasa King?”

“Of course I dare not, people slapped me with a slap.” Duo Long said.

Duo Duo said: “Then you will regard the chief as Black Demon Banner Lord and the future Rakshasa King.”

Duo Long stunned and said: “No, chieftain … so amazing?”

Duo Duo slapped again on the back of his younger brother’s head and said: “You idiot, what do you know?”


The screams of Gou Li have stopped, she is dead.

Her beautiful and full-bodied, hot and **** body is directly sucked into a corpse!

Lan Ling does n’t know what is kiss kiss!

He only knows desperately Bloodsucker, but he does n’t know what the kiss of the Bloodsucker royal family is like?

So, he asked Demon King Jing Zi!

Demon King Jing Zi is almost omniscient, but unfortunately it has never captured an Vampire Demon Clan, so it gave Lan Ling a rough idea.

That is Bloodsucker, at the same time, inject your own energy into the body of the person being Bloodsucker.

So, after Lan Ling drained all the blood from the body of Gou Li, it injected some of its own Demon Blood !

At this time, Lan Ling only really noticed that his fangs are really like venomous snakes. They are really porous, not only can be absorbed and swallowed, but also released!

It’s a pity that my Embrace and Kiss Ritual failed!

The Gou Li, which became a corpse, is dead and dead!

Lan Ling kicked lightly, and ignored it. If you die, die!

Then, he sat down next to the plate, because he had just devoured the blood of Gou Li and devoured her Demon Blood energy, so he had to start to refine Physique and transform the power of the bloodline into the power of Physique .

After the energy of Gou Li was completely swallowed by Lan Ling with the blood, all of them went deep into the heart.

Then, these energies flowed out of the heart and injected into the limbs of Lan Ling.

“Booming …”

In the inner world of Lan Ling, powerful energy bombards his limbs and bones over and over again, bombarding his Physique muscles.

He clearly felt that his body became hot, became hot, and began to swell!

Energy is constantly bombarded and continuously refined …

A quarter of an hour … half an hour …

An entire hour passed, and the smelting Physique was over.

Lan Ling opened his eyes and looked at the Gou Li around him. It was still a corpse, without breathing and heartbeat, and he could not die anymore.

Lan Ling went out and found the scale Death Wood, he depends on how much his cultivation improved.

Know that Gou Li is cultivation of Demon Grandmaster, Lan Ling sucked her blood and devoured her energy, cultivation should have a big improvement.

Black Ghost Old Monster was devoured before. His Strength was raised by 800 jins and 5,500 jins. He was promoted to Seven Star Great Demon Warrior.

Add the weight of Death Wood to 5,700 pounds, and snap your teeth, your right arm is raised!

Simply this Strength, cultivation has broken through Eight Star level Great Demon Warrior!

Increase Death Wood to five thousand and eight hundred pounds and take a deep breath. Lan Ling still lifts up, but it is already very difficult.

Lan Ling did not continue, and now it seems that the blood of Gou Li and cultivation have been consumed, which has only increased Strength by three hundred pounds.

This result made him a little surprised, this improvement is too low.

You know, Gou Li is a strong Demon Grandmaster.

Strength increased by 800 before consuming only a small part of the energy of Black Ghost Old Monster. And swallowing a complete Gou Li, only raised three hundred pounds?

What’s going on? Not so much!

Lan Ling thought for a while and could n’t find the answer, so he did n’t bother to take a walk in the night Flame Demon Tribe.

Except for the sentry, everyone in Flame Demon Tribe has fallen asleep!

In the past month, it has been too hard to work almost day and night. In the past few days when the war came, it was even more bloody.

Now, we have finally won a huge victory, and the entire Flame Demon Tribe soldiers and people can finally sleep peacefully.

So, the whole Flame Demon Tribe is silent, except for countless grunts.

Lan Ling walked around the destination, and then saw a huge figure on the city wall. It was a giant horse with a height of four meters and a length of eight meters.

This is Xie Li II!

At this time, it was looking up at the moon in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking, maybe he was recalling what he was when he was still Centaur.

From Centaur to a horse, it almost killed his soul and his future!

Lan Ling said: “You come down!”

Xie Li II who became a giant horse jumped directly from the ten-meter-high city wall.

Such a behemoth, after jumping down, he didn’t make much noise.

Juma Xie Li II came to Lan Ling, under knelt down on both knees, it thought Lan Ling was going to ride it to Mercedes.

Lan Ling held the antidote to Exorcism Return Pill in his palm. It was this Exorcism Return Pill that made Xie Li II a horse.

Then Lan Ling took out a dagger and gently pierced the top of Xie Li II ’s head, and blood flowed out. Then he cut his palm again, and dissolved the antidote of Exorcism Return Pill in the blood.

Slightly scratch the wound on the forehead of Xie Li II with **** palms!

Suddenly, the wound on Xie Li II ’s forehead healed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The Demon Blood of Lan Ling and the antidote of Exorcism Return Pill entered the body of Xie Li II!

Giant horse Xie Li II shuddered violently, then knelt down completely on the ground and kissed Lan Ling‘s boots with his lips.

It knows that this is Lan Ling using his own blood to give him the blood of Moon Demon God!

I do n’t know why, Xie Li II felt hot all over, as if overflowing in the energy of God.

It can’t speak, but it vows that after changing back to Centaur, he will surely loyal to the Moon Demon God in front of his life and become World Extermination Whip in his hands!


The next day, the sky glowed!

The dead Gou Li suddenly sat up suddenly.

She is no longer a corpse, but a white body.

However, she was as white as blood all over her body, without any trace of blood.

Her eyes turned green like Ghost Fire.

She still has no breathing and heartbeat!


Note: The second more than four thousand words will be sent, please beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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