World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 1051: Lan Kou is now! Zhi Yan kill it

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Note: The plot in the previous chapter is very important, don’t miss it.


The Dragon Demon Island in front of me is really very barren, there is no life.

But …

It is full of extremely thick energy. Every inch of air and every inch of rock here are full of energy.

Or, this is not rock.

It is similar to a kind of Crystal Stone, except that it is black Crystal Stone. The energy breath is more intense than other places.

There is no doubt that this Dragon Demon Island does not belong to any corner of this world. Every inch here seems to come from an alien planet. But the strange thing is that Lan Ling has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Zhi Yan and Yan Chao’er still remain in the sky hall, Lan Ling slowly falls, standing on the Dragon Stone Island.

The entire island is about tens of square kilometers, leaning down, no longer seeing the ocean, as if you were on an alien planet.

Lan Ling gently sniffs the ground here, so strong energy, just this little one Dragon Demon Island, the energy contained may exceed the mainland of thousands of miles.

Lan Ling reached out and touched it, as if it was over-powered, and clearly felt that there was a surge of energy under the ground.

The moonlight shone on the whole Dragon Demon Island, and Lan Ling unexpectedly sounded a poem.

Landian is warming and jade smokes!

Of course, this is not very appropriate. But the moonlight shining on Dragon Demon Island does indeed seem to have a burst of energy smoke rising. Then, the entire island became colorful and strange.

Lan Ling narrowed his eyes slightly!

I suddenly saw a very familiar and strange voice.

Elder Sister Lan Kou!

She is sitting right in front of a piano, playing gracefully and briskly. The track she plays is “Exodus”. She plays very attentively and has a beautiful back. This is a picture of the past, on Earth.

Lan Ling walked over to her front.

I thought that the entire screen would suddenly disappear, but it didn’t. Elder Sister Lan Kou looked up and smiled softly and charmingly towards Lan Ling.

The eyes of Lan Ling blinked, and when they opened their eyes again, the picture had changed.

The second screen is a huge temple with Divine Dragon statues everywhere.

A slender figure, shrouded in energy armor, steps up.

She stepped up step by step, as if she would never reach the end. When she reached the halfway point, she turned her head and looked back, full of sadness and nostalgia.

This is also Lan Kou, which is the picture of her betrayal of Demon Clan and inheritance of Dragon Emperor.

It’s just that this dragon temple, Lan Ling hasn’t seen it until now.

She kept walking up, and after walking into the Dragon Temple, her back disappeared. The picture in front of me disappeared.

The eyes of Lan Ling blinked again, and the picture changed again.

The third screen.

This time, it was still Lan Kou, not Dragon Emperor.

She is full of despair, anxiety, and pain. She shuttled back and forth through countless plane prisons and could not escape.

At this time, she is saying goodbye to Demon Star.

“Go, go, bring it back.” Lan Kou is gentle.

A moment later, a mass of light and shadow flew out of her body, circling a few times around her delicate body, and then flew away like a meteor.

The moment Demon Star left Lan Kou, Lan Kou fainted.

Of course, at this time, Demon Star has never been in the brain of Lan Ling. Since he inherited Demon Emperor heritage, Demon Star has been outside the body. However, this makes no difference.

Because Demon Star and it are still one, he is still the master of Demon Star.

At that time, Lan Kou completely separated Demon Star and went to Earth to bring Lan Ling back, which is equivalent to let Demon Star completely change the owner, which is very different.

Lan Ling‘s eyes blinked again, and he couldn’t wait to see the next picture.

Because that will be the status quo of Elder Sister Lan Kou.

See you! The fourth screen.

She was wearing a snow-white tight-fitting costume, sitting quietly on a snow-white chair with no expression and no fluctuations in her eyes, as if it were a sculpture, motionless.

But then, the picture changed again, and there were four strange people, carrying her body up and walking step by step, as if carrying a tribute.

And at the end of the steps is a terrible devil, as if there is a giant planet.

Lan Ling saw this picture, and suddenly there was a sudden chill.

“Have you seen what you want to see? Your majesty Lan Ling.” Suddenly there was a voice behind him.

Lan Ling turned suddenly!

When I saw a woman, she had no body, only a faint light and shadow, as if formed by the condensation of moonlight, and had no face, only the outline of a woman’s body.

“You are October?” Lan Ling asked.

Women’s Road: “Yes, I am October.”

“What’s the matter? Say!” Lan Ling said.

Women’s Road: “Your Majesty Lan Ling wants to attack Moon Temple?”

“Yes!” Lan Ling was straightforward.

“Why?” Women’s Road.

Lan Ling said: “Because my Elder Sister is in your hands, and I don’t want fate to be controlled by others.”

The Moon Temple messenger October said: “You cannot attack Moon Temple.”

“Why?” Lan Ling said.

October Road: “Because Dragon Demon Planet is on the verge of destruction.”

Lan Ling said: “I would like to hear the details, but I am not used to talking to a light and shadow, you still have to show up.”

October: “As you wish.”

Then the crystals on the ground began to shatter, condensing into a woman ’s body, but the whole body was black. Moonlight baptized bursts, and suddenly the black body became white.

A brand-new body appeared in front of Lan Ling, visible, touchable, and smooth. However, there is no space between the legs, there is no gender characteristic, there is a bulge on the chest, but no bumps, a perfect face shape, but no facial features.

“This is my true face. If you still feel unnatural, I can barely become a normal human woman.” October said.

“No need.” Lan Ling said.

“I believe you already know from memory of Zhi Yan, how did E Tian Great Emperor go missing?” October said.

“I know.” Lan Ling said: “Jump into Dark Void to control countless Void Creature, as the soul master of Void Creature, no longer devour Dragon Demon Planet.”

October said: “Yes, he is a very great person, sacrificed himself, and saved Dragon Demon Planet. But … this was something that was twenty-nine thousand years ago, and E Tian Great Emperor controlled these Void Creature is also 29,000 Thousands of years. Even if he is great, he has reached the end of the soul’s will. He has gradually been unable to control these Void Creatures. You should find out that there have been many dark fissures in these years, and a small part of Void Creature has poured out. “

Lan Ling remembered the small Dark Void discovered by Di Motuo, and the group of Void Creature was not controlled by E Tian Great Emperor from the beginning.

October said: “And the most important thing is that E Tian Great Emperor‘s own will and soul are gradually lost. You have seen the appearance of being swallowed by Void Creature, endless pain and torture. E Tian Great Emperor persisted for 29,000 years, It ’s amazing, but he ’s almost at the end. ”

Lan Ling said: “So, you mean, should I replace him?”

“Yes.” October said: “And, the original E Tian Great Emperor can still persist for thousands of years. And you can also develop your empire for thousands of years, and then replace E Tian Great Emperor to control these terrible Void Creature. But the very sad news is that you used Moon Temple‘s control of Peaceful Continent plane to escape from Peaceful Continent plane at the time of the total lunar eclipse. And destroyed the four World Monster Towers that suppressed the crack of Dragon Demon Planet plane, resulting in numerous plane tears. These huge cracks have been repaired, and the reconstruction of World Monster Tower has been opened. However, there are many plane cracks that cannot be repaired, so more and more Void Creature have escaped, this time not from the geocentric space, but from within World Barrier Overflow. So, your Dragon Demon Planet will be completely destroyed in one or two years at most, and it will be completely swallowed by Void Creature. The entire planet and all life on the planet will be lost. “

Lan Ling said: “Go on.”

October said: “What else can you say? Your primary goal now is to save Dragon Demon Planet, not to attack Moon Temple.”

Lan Ling said: “How to save? Like E Tian Great Emperor, sacrifice yourself to save the entire planet?”

“Yes!” Moon Temple messenger said: “Give your soul and life to control these Void Creature.”

Lan Ling said: “What then?”

Moon Temple messenger October said: “Demon Star will leave with your energy to find the next host. And we will save your Chaos Bloodline for you, for the next heir.”

Lan Ling narrowed his eyes sharply and smiled: “Do you think I will believe?”

Moon Temple messenger October said: “You can see for yourself, is it like I said, more and more Void Creature has escaped?”

Lan Ling said: “Even if it is, then what? If the world is going to be destroyed, then let him be destroyed. Of course I will try my best to save, but want me to sacrifice myself? Sorry, that is not possible at all. Yes. Noble is the epitaph of the noble, I am not a noble, I do n’t want to use my life to complete something. “

Moon Temple messenger October said: “Once Dragon Demon Planet is destroyed, all your wives and children will die. You ca n’t save don’t tell me?”

Lan Ling said: “I said, I will try my best to save, but don’t try to let me sacrifice myself to save. It’s really good to die together.”

The Moon Temple messenger October looked at Lan Ling for a long time and said: “It seems that the way Demon Star chooses the host has changed.”

Next, Moon Temple messenger October said: “Since you are not willing to sacrifice yourself to save the entire planet. Then we will help you sacrifice yourself.”

October sighed softly: “Zhi Yan, or Jing Wubian, should let you do the same thing again. Let’s do it, kill your husband. If someone doesn’t want to be great, then let him be great.”

With October‘s order, Zhi Yan‘s delicate body fluttered like a fairy, and landed slowly.


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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