Womanizing Mage Chapter 605: The master and servant meet again

Sea Race Princess sees Long Yi lie on the mattress she just slept on, and her legs are unrefinedly swaying. She is calm on the surface, but in her heart is a stormy sea, speculating the purpose of Long Yi appearing here. www.qΒ5. com // In the history of Sea Race, humanity is only legendary creature, which suddenly appeared here at this time, and she couldn’t help thinking about it. She even thought that Shark Clan had colluded with humanity living on land.

“What on earth do you want?” Sea Race Princess asked softly, seeing that Long Yi had not refuted, she thought he was the default.

Princess, do you know that you are very charming? By the way, I don’t know the name of Princess yet.” Long Yi smiled inexplicably at the corners of his mouth, but he answered inexplicably.

Sea Race Princess glanced suspiciously at Long Yi. The speculation just now could not help but shake. If this humanity really colluded with Shark Clan, wouldn’t she know her name. But if not, why does he appear here, look at his relaxed expression, saying that he and Shark Clan have nothing to do with it is really not credible.

Ma Sha, how about you?” Sea Race Princess turned his thoughts and hesitated for a while before answering.

“My name is Long Yi, Hehe. You do n’t need to use any idioms. I have nothing to do with Shark Clan. It ’s just a chance to come here. I came across you by accident, but … I just want to ask you some questions. It’s why I appeared in front of you. “Long Yi sat up and laughed from the bed.

Ma Sha in the eyes flickers was alert, the jaw said: “Please say.” Long Yi was indifferent to her defense and said: “I heard that Shark Clan Patriarch tried to catch you because I wanted to use you and be chased 500 years ago I made something from the Mermaid Imperial Family descendants of Seabed City, and I ’m curious, what exactly does Shark Clan use you to make? What use is this thing? “

Ma Sha From the beginning vigilance to stunned at the back, obviously the problem of Long Yi surprised her.

After watching Long Yi, carefully watch the change of Ma Sha‘s expression. The startled expression doesn’t seem to be a fake. He frowned, “Don’t you know?”

Ma Sha calms down. Shaking his head: “I always thought that Shark Clan arrested me to deal with my Imperial Father. I heard for the first time that the original arrested me to make something.”

Long Yi is contemplative, and his finger is gently tapping along the edge of the bed.

“You asked me a question, can I ask you a question now?” Ma Sha stared at the handsome ground of Long Yi, but he couldn’t hold back.

“Huh?” Long Yi raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. His black eyes were like two black gems, which suddenly made Ma Sha‘s heart burst suddenly.

“I want to know, how did you find Seabed City? What’s the purpose of coming here?” Ma Sha asked.

“I have found a way to find Seabed City. As for the purpose of coming here, it is useless to talk to you. It only makes sense to talk to Sea Emperor.” Long Yi replied with a chuckle, eyes looked at Ma Sha, in his heart Thinking about how she can help her meet Sea Emperor.

Ma Sha The bare feet of as if jade (Ru Yu) are bare, and the bells on the ankles make a crisp sound when they move around. But it was this beautiful Princess who was pacing in contemplation.

“I know, did Mermaid Imperial Family, who was exiled five hundred years ago, bring you here?” The blue eyes of Ma Sha sparkled with a clear glow, and he kept his eyes fixed on Long Yi and asked, humanity the world is far from Sea Race, ten There has been no news for 10,000 years. If anyone leads the way, it must be banished from Mermaid Imperial Family of Seabed City for 500 years.

Long Yi smiled nod. Although this guess is not correct, it is not far off. If it was not for the introduction of Liu Li, he would never have thought of looking for Seabed City. He said: “Since you guessed it, I will not deny it. I want to find something. You Imperial Father, I don’t know if Ma Sha Princess can let me see him? “

Ma Sha laughed: “Of course, but you have to prove your relationship with Mermaid Imperial Family first.”

This Princess is quite smart, Long Yi thought, he took out the golden scales that Bi Fei gave him from storage ring. “I wonder if this person can prove it?”

“Sacred scale! Yes, this is a token that has been passed down from generation to generation in Mermaid Imperial Family.” Although Ma Sha has seen the Mermaid Race token in the end, she still sees at first glance whether the token is true or false. As Sea Race Princess, she has a method of identifying .

Ma Sha stepped towards Long Yi, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed, his little head came towards him.

Long Yi Once I smelled a fragrant fragrance, I also said that my charm was infinitely magnified, or else Sea Race Princess 咋 would give it away for the first time? He stared at a large piece of snow-white as if jade skin around the neck of Ma Sha. He even felt a little soft touch on his arm, his heart was about to move, but he heard Ma Sha whisper softly in his ear.

although Ma Sha The scent of orchid-like musk surrounds him. The warm Aura sprayed in the ear is very exciting, but the content of her words made him immediately break the thoughts and listen carefully.

Yes. Ma Sha tell Long Yi How to see Sea Emperor Method. She is not very convinced Long Yi But at this time she was behind bars. And she knows Mermaid Imperial Family Matters matter, because for hundreds of years, her Imperial Father Has been secretly sending his subordinates to look around Mermaid Imperial Family The ground fell, but the sea was vast and there was no news at all, she Imperial Father It is also gloomy for this matter.

Finally, the gems of blue light flashes and one piece of and golden in the hands of Ma Sha appeared in palm. She said, “You hold this gem, I will naturally believe you in Imperial Father.”

Long Yi took the gem, asked with a chuckle: “Why don’t you ask me to take you out?”

Ma Sha poked his mouth and said, “Why should I ask nonsense, you won’t take me out at all, and if I disappear, wouldn’t I fight the grass?”

Long Yi moved heartily and took a deep glance at Ma Sha. Only now did he really look at this Sea Race Princess. The wisdom of this beautiful woman should not be underestimated.

“You can rest assured that you will not be in danger here. If you don’t find the descendants of Mermaid Imperial Family in one day, Shark Clan will not hurt you in one day.” Long Yi said.

Ma Sha nodded, suddenly a bright smile, said: “If I go out later, can you take me to Human World to see it?”

Long Yi blinked and said: “Of course, Human World is a beautiful place, you will definitely like it.” The place where Er and Ya Mei are hiding, all of them are a little restless. Long Yi has not been a little moving for so long, several I was shocked when I saw a team of heavy armored guards entering and leaving.

Long Yi has been going for so long, nothing will happen, right?” said Sijatt with a big mouth.

“No way, Young Master will be fine.” Liu Li bites the lower lip glared at Sijatt.

“It should be okay. If Long Yi is found, how can he make a big difference with his strength, it will not be as calm as it is now.” Ya Mei thought for a while and said.

At this moment, three large armored guards appeared on the big stone light flashed not far away, but they went straight towards the place where the four people were hiding.

Four people are all in a tight heart, their nerves collapse and they are ready to fight.

I could only see the three heavy armored guards walking to the barrier where there was no trace from the outside, and the first person poked the grass with a spear in his hand, and the barrier broke with a bang. The four of them jumped to attack at the same time, but felt that the space was condensed and their whole bodies were unable to move.

Hehe, are you so welcome to my place?” The familiar low laugh sounded.

Young Master!” Liu Li felt the pressure of body reduced and immediately called out in surprise.

Long Yi rearranged an isolated barrier and took off the head on the ground helmet.

At first sight of Long Yi‘s familiar smile, all four were pleasantly surprised. Without Long Yi, they felt that they lacked the backbone. Now when they see Long Yi, they feel calm.

yi, Long Yi, who are they?” Carl asked, looking at the two heavily armored guards trembling behind Long Yi.

“They, they are the gifts I gave me Liu Li Little Princess.” Long Yi smiled with a smile.

“My gift?” Liu Li was somewhat inexplicable, and suddenly Jiao’s body started to shake, feeling two Aura familiar to her bones, and tears quickly filled her eyes.

Two heavy armored guards get the indication of Long Yi, blue light flashes emerged from the heavy armor, precisely is also the tearful Bi Fei and Xiao Mi.

Aunt Bi Fei, Xiao Mi …”

Princess …”

Three Beautiful Mermaids, named master and servant, cried together.

Long Yi stands side by side comfortably, his nose is sore, no matter what race, the family is always irreplaceable existence, and the reason why wisdom creature is wisdom creature is that they have rich feelings.

At this time, Ya Mei and Sijatt siblings may think of the tragic disaster that occurred in Mussel Clan, and thought of their tragic pro Human Race people, both of them burst into tears. Carl is also red under the eyes, and feels very hearty.

For a while, the three women began to calm down. Bi Fei kept asking about Liu Li‘s life during this period, but she never mentioned the suffering she and Xiao Mi had suffered since this time.

“Okay, everyone is fine, we need to get out of this The Land of the Holy Spirit as soon as possible.” Long Yi said.

In a weedy suburb, a group of seven people quickly disappeared at the end.

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