Womanizing Mage Chapter 572: Trapped

One Inner Strength and Spiritual Force penetrated Sea of Consciousness of Giant Dragon and circulated to her Dragon Power, which moisturizes her damaged internal organs. This is not an easy task. Full / this / small / speaking / net

Liu Li and a few others stood behind Long Yi, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, for fear of disturbing the Long Yi, but they all knew that Long Yi could not be disturbed in any way.

Looking at Long Yi‘s pale face and the sweat dripping from the eyebrows as they rained, several people were anxious and worried.

Little Xing Xing clutched Liu Li‘s hand tightly, palm was wet, and it was not clear whether it was her own or Liu Li.

Suddenly, the pale handsome face of Long Yi twitched, and the closed eyes opened suddenly. Light Spirit Tablet was shot from forehead. The soft Holy Light rippled on Giant Dragon body, and submerged into Giant Dragon‘s body.

Holy Spirit is brilliant, broken.” Long Yi sipped softly, trembling on the finger of Giant Dragon forehead, and the arrogant Proud Heavens Secret Art Inner Strength surged in like a tide. Several people of Liu Li standing behind him felt the air turbulent and stood unstable. Take a few steps to retreats.

Giant Dragon There was a painful convulsion in the body of more than 100 meters. The dragon’s mouth spit out blood, but the fluctuations in life suddenly became intense.

Long Yi takes back Light Spirit Tablet, and stands up. The strength of his whole body slumps on the ground as if evacuated. He wants to scold his mother, and he doesn’t know which metamorphosis is the ghost restriction. If he doesn’t have Light Spirit Tablet to help him, then it will be unlocked. stars (Xing Xing) Her mother must die.

Young Master, are you okay.” Liu Li came over and took Long Yi to the side and sat down, watching his weak appearance, almost tearless.

Long Yi shook his head, watching stars (Xing Xing) squatting in front of Giant Dragon with tears in his eyes, and pulled out a smile: “stars (Xing Xing). Don’t worry, your mother-in-law already is all right, and I will wake up in a while.”

“Really? Big Brother Long.” stars (Xing Xing) just watched her mother vomit blood, and thought she would never see her mother again. At this time, hearing this was surprised.

“Of course, how could Big Brother Long lie to you?” Long Yi laughed. Proud Heavens Secret Art Inner Strength circulated around the body, and he felt some energy recovery.

stars (Xing Xing) came to Long Yi, wiped off the sweat on his face with small hands, and thanked: “Thank you Big Brother Long. stars (Xing Xing) will repay you in the future.

silly girl, you all call me Elder Brother. Elder Brother helps Younger Sister make sense. How can it be rewarded?” Long Yi smiled. He loved this poor little girl in heart.

“Yes, my mother said it. The grace of being dripped will be reported to Yongquan. Elder Brother Just stars (Xing Xing) Loved ones. Elder Brother Let stars (Xing Xing) What stars (Xing Xing) Just do it. ” Little Xing Xing The immature little face was solemn and seemed to be making an oath.

Long Yi froze, giggling pulled stars (Xing Xing) into his arms, nod said: “Okay, stars (Xing Xing) will listen to Elder Brother in the future?” Honestly. There was some shock in his heart. A little girl said that the grace of being dripped with water should be reported to the spring, and everyone knew that. But there are so many people in this world who have crossed the river and broken bridges.

“Well, stars (Xing Xing) will listen to Big Brother Long in the future.” stars (Xing Xing) smiled cheerfully, as if he had a big gift.

At this moment, bodyRR’s Giant Dragon moved, and laboriously opened eyes, and they saw a few concerned eyes looking at her.

“Mother, are you awake?” stars (Xing Xing) smiled innocently and bloomed.

Giant Dragon blinked, watching her daughter snuggle next to a handsome young man, there are two men and a woman standing next to them, body although has Aura of Divine Dragon Clan, but they don’t look like Divine Dragon Clan.

Giant Dragon body a golden light flashes, transformed into a beautiful woman wearing a golden long dress, golden long hair draped around the waist, a deep profile, the features are very exquisite, mild temperament, but pretty face has a trace of sick pale.

stars (Xing Xing) ran to the past, and fell into the arms of his mother.

The beautiful woman gently touched stars (Xing Xing) to beautiful hair, and felt her own body. Suddenly she was surprised. She pulled away her daughter and performed a humanity etiquette. somewhat agitated said, “My name is Teresa. Thank you a lot. Bit of life-saving grace. “

Long Yi Hehe smiled and said, “Thank you stars (Xing Xing) already just now, you don’t need to be polite.”

“My dear, this Big Brother Long saved you, he is amazing.” stars (Xing Xing) jumped into the arms of Long Yi, small hands caressed him fresh stubble on the chin with some captivated, and I do n’t know why, she just likes him fresh beard stubble.

Teresa saw her daughter so attached to Long Yi, her heart was a little bit sour, this child was too lonely, and too lacking in parental love. If these Dragon Islands are not malicious, she hopes that stars (Xing Xing) stays with them, but Dragon Island is in the depths of the sea and has not set foot in humanity for thousands of years. These people have suddenly visited and do not know whether they are friends or foes.

At this time, the sky outside is already full of stars, and the waves are whining, quiet and peaceful.

Teresa led a few people with Long Yi back to the chalet in the garden, and stars (Xing Xing) was already asleep in Long Yi‘s arms.

Long Yi put stars (Xing Xing) on in bed, but she woke up just after letting go, holding Long Yi‘s neck tightly and not letting go, even if her mother said nothing.

“Let me hold her, anyway.” Long Yi laughed, there was an impulse in my heart to spoil the little girl.

Teresa Helplessly nodded, once a child who lacks parental love feels the long-awaited warmth, how can he let go easily? But these people will eventually leave, what will happen to stars (Xing Xing)?

Teresa brewed a few cups of scented tea for four people, and she sat quietly on the main seat, and said, “I just want to know why you came to Divine Dragon Islands, and it looks like you are sneaking in.”

Long Yi nodded, groaned and said for a while: “Yes, we did sneak in, but we are not malicious, presumably you should know about Demon Dragon Clan Prince and Divine Dragon Clan Princess falling in love more than a thousand years ago.”

Teresa froze, golden‘s pupils freeze, staring at Long Yi and saying, “Are you here for this matter?”

“To tell you the truth, the two of them gave birth to two daughters during their elopement run. The eldest daughter, Liuxu, is my woman, and the younger daughter is me … Uh … The daughter who came here is also Midier and Gelucia brings us, we all hope to be imprisoned in Dragon Race

Fandi and Salianya rescued, and I hope you can help. “Long Yi Sincerely:

so that’s how it is. Did you just say Liuxu is your woman?” Teresa looked at Long Yi‘s eyes slightly.

“Yes.” Long Yi took a sip of tea. In fact, Liuxu is not his woman, but it means something.

“Do n’t you know that the combination of humanity and Dragon Race is destined to be a tragedy? The life of humanity is too short. Once it dies, it will leave a lover to spend it in loneliness. Have you ever thought about this? When the child is born, the child will never get the father’s love. Have you ever thought about it? “Teresa tone somewhat agitated.

“So … do you regret it?” Long Yi asked with black eyes flashing.

Teresa was shocked, pretty face was confused. nod said for a long time: “Whenever I see the eyes that stars (Xing Xing) desires, I will regret it. I regret not giving my child a happy childhood, and regret not giving her a complete home.”

“And in other words you regret that you fell in love with an humanity?” Long Yi asked.

“No, I have never regretted falling in love with him, only. I am ashamed of my child.” Teresa‘s eyes were a little confused, and he talked lightly about the past.

Speaking. Teresa is also a cousin of Salianya. After Salianya and Demon Dragon Clan Prince Fandi eloped, maybe it was affected by the love of heaven shaking to weep ghosts. At the age of rebellion, she sneaked out of Divine Dragon Islands and came to Blue Billows Continent. It was eight hundred years ago Things up. She traveled in human form. In the Dongfang (Eastern) country of Blue Billows Continent, I met a young Sword Saint, and the two talked very well. In the past few years, they have ventured around in Blue Billows Continent. After a long time, the two will have a relationship with each other. The man was born in a noble home, handsome and elegant, and very good at enjoying life. Many of her current habits are derived from his subtle influence.

The original Teresa was a girl who loved on the ground Dragon Race. Once she got trapped, she lost everything to Beyond the Nine Heavens. The two combined desperately, and she soon got pregnant, but it took at least two hundred years for Dragon Race to conceive until giving birth. Can her man wait? Not long after, someone from Dragon Race found her, forcibly took her back to Dragon Island, and gathered several Great Elder forces to restriction against her, then threw it on this small island, her Dragon Power was sealed, and it was impossible to leave.

Two hundred years later, when she was about to give birth, she begged Dragon King and the elders to let her the see again/goodbye man and let him see his child. At that time, Dragon King was Salianya‘s Elder Brother and her cousin. Dragon King softly agreed and instructed a family to go to Blue Billows Continent to bring the man, but was told that the man had given up already a month ago, and he was already full of children.

“The reason why I say so much to you is that I don’t want you and Liuxu to take my old path. As for the rescue of my cousin and Brother-in-Law, I will do my best to help you.” Teresa sighed softly.

“Thank you for your concern, but Liuxu and I will never go the same way, because my life will be longer than Dragon Race, and I will not let my woman grow old.” Long Yi sighed after listening , But at this time wearing the three major Main God brand Thunder God, Water God, Wind God, life is no limit to him at all, as long as it is not killed to make body and soul entirely exterminated, it can be turned into a future Undying old Monster in the mouth.

Teresa looked at Long Yi in amazement and saw that he was full of confidence. He didn’t want to talk about it, but how could the life of humanity be longer than Dragon Race? But she didn’t ask any more.

Young Master, it’s almost midnight.” At this time, Liu Li pulled the sleeve softly said of Long Yi.

Long Yi looked at the sky nodded, midnight is the time they agreed with Midier‘s sister.

Long Yi transferred the stars (Xing Xing) in her arms to her Teresa in her arms. The stars (Xing Xing) in her sleep twisted uneasily, but the Aura that smelled of her mother’s fragrance also quickly settled down.

“Be careful, there is an induction Magic Formation on the main island. If an outsider breaks in, it will alarm Dragon King and the elders.” Teresa instructed.

“Thank you, we will be careful.” Long Yi said and then hurried to the chaos rocky beach on the west side of the island with the three of them.

midnight soon arrived, starry sky and waves, but not even a ghost.

Waiting for another hour, Midier‘s brother and brother still haven’t come, Long Yi frowned: “We don’t have to wait, it seems that Midier and Gelucia are in trouble. I can’t come tonight if I want to come.”

“What then?” Barbarian Bull asked, scratching ox horn on his head.

“What else can we do? Let’s go back to stars (Xing Xing)‘s home and wait.” Long Yi shrugged. Without a familiar person to lead the way, he didn’t dare to break in. In case of hitting the grass, the task of rescuing Liuxu parents will be more difficult.

At this time, a huge dark cave on the side of the main island of Divine Dragon, Midier and Gelucia are frantically moving around in the cave.

“Sister, you have to think of a way. Father Wang said that we would close our face for two months, then Brother-in-Law they would not think we were intentional.” Gelucia hurriedly.

“He’s not your Brother-in-Law, nonsense, don’t you want to live?” Midier is also upset, seeing Gelucia repeatedly calling Long Yi for Brother-in-Law can’t help coming out of his wrath, kicking his kick to his ass.

“I call him Brother-in-Law, and Liuxu is also my sister. Do you think I say you? I don’t think he looks at you at all.” Gelucia covered her **** and looked resentful.

“You … you still say.” Midier threatened with a fist, staring at Gelucia and then said, “If it wasn’t for what you said, there was a chance to steal Dragon King Seal, but the father was shocked. We are now It wo n’t be incarcerated. “

“It was a chance, but it was Big Sister that broke the Liu Li to alarm the father. If I hadn’t made up a lie, I might have suspected the father.” Gelucia muttered.

“Okay, even if it was my mistake, now we have to think of a way to go out.” Midier waved his hand impatiently, this cave is covered with strong barrier, outside also Dragon Race guards guard, it is not ordinary to want to go out Difficulties.

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