Womanizing Mage Chapter 544: Remorse

Linglong’s footsteps are lagging, she stretches her hands to hold Shui Ruoyan‘s small hands, and the other hand has a faint blue rays of light. www.qb5.c0m

At this time, Shui Ruoyan also noticed that something is wrong and is next to Shui Linglong.

Suddenly, Shadow flashed in the air, dozens of black robes surrounded Shui Linglong‘s grandchildren, the leader precisely blue-haired blue-eyed Pope Madame and her three henchmen.

“Mother-in-law.” Shui Ruoyan couldn’t help but look at Pope Madame and called with some surprise.

Pope Madame gave a glance at Shui Ruoyan indifferently, then set his eyes on Shui Linglong body, and smiled softly: “My good mother-in-law, how did you get into this miserable situation, I welcome you very much this time. “

slut, let the unfilial son come out to see me.” Shui Linglong coldly said.

Old Undying land, do you think you can still see him? Since you came to die, I will fulfill you today.” Pope Madame coldly snorted, his eyes shot cold killing intent.

Shui Ruoyan is stunned. This is a thousand miles away from her expected meeting. Why is her kind mother like a person?

“Mother, why are you doing this? You are my mother.” Shui Ruoyan Rumeng (like a dream) shouted at first waking, tears falling unbelievably one by one.

Pope Madame‘s eyes had momentary complexity, but soon returned to calmness, she said indifferently: “Yes, I am indeed your mother-in-law, but to blame you is too much like you **** Grandma, even the Aura of body It’s the same hate, so don’t blame me for being a mother-in-law. “

“No, you are obviously not like this in Miya Duchy. No …” Shui Ruoyan murmured in despair.

“Well, if you didn’t want to borrow your hand to deal with this Old Undying, do you think I would spend so much energy and time acting with you?” Pope Madame laughed, but this smile is even more gloomy and cold than this cold wind .

Shui Ruoyan froze for a long time, suddenly shocked, looking at the pale Grandma, did she say that Grandma became this because of her?

giggle, you are right. This Old Undying‘s behavior is all caused by you. She body Blood Curse Technique is your own.” Pope Madame cruelly said with a giggle.

“You bullshit, you bullshit, I didn’t …” Shui Ruoyan seemed to collapse in an instant. Exclaimed hoarsely.

Pope Madame‘s eyes were cold, and Jiao yelled, “Go ahead, I want them to disappear into this world.”

Dozens of Shadows turned into a black mang and rushed to the grandparents of Shui Linglong, while the rest of Dark Magician began to curse cast Magic.

Shui Linglong wand in one hand. In a circle of light blue, Protective Barrier surrounded her with Shui Ruoyan, blocking dozens of dark(ness) sword edge.

Ruoruo, be awake.” Shui Linglong anxiously called to paralyze in the snow on the ground Shui Ruoyan because he could not stand the blow.

Shui Ruoyan is like the last word, just muttering in dismay: “No. No, this is all false …”

Suddenly, Magic Element surges in the air. Various Dark Magic smashed towards Shui Linglong to Protective Barrier.

I heard only a crisp sound. Shui Linglong‘s Protective Barrier dissipates in the air. There was a hint of blood in the corners of her mouth, and she was at the end of the crossbow. Being able to walk here has been supported by one breath, because she has not seen her biological father with Shui Ruoyan, but now it seems that this wish already is unlikely to be realized.

Pope Madame saw the appearance of the grandparents of Shui Linglong, and a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. Although there was a tingling and nagging in her core, she deliberately ignored this feeling.

The dozens of Shadow rushed up like black lightnings after the destruction of Protective Barrier at Shui Linglong. Seeing that Shui Linglong was about to be divided by the chaos, these dozens of Shadow stagnated in the air, as if time was Suddenly the general stopped.

The pretty face of Shui Linglong becomes bright red, with bright eyes, and the whole body is shrouded in First Layer light blue.

“The field is frozen.” Shui Linglong said with a light sip, it was cold and foggy. The dozens of Shadow were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, and they fell off the air.

Pope Madame took a few steps back in amazement, looking at the Shui Linglong like rises high‘s inviolable fairy standing in the snow and ice, but she soon discovered that the Shui Linglong seven tricks began to ooze blood, and it looked extremely strange. Makes people panic.

Old Undying, don’t die anymore. If you don’t have physical damage, this field can’t be so small.” Pope Madame laughed with trembling flowers, but fortunately, she didn’t kill her with her own name. Otherwise, one of the corpses lying on the ground was herself, and the power of a Water Attribute Master Archmage before dying could not be underestimated.

Shui Linglong laughed twice, holding down the right hand of Binglan magic staff, and suddenly the pressure disappeared.

“噗” Shui Linglong spurts a blood, seeps into the white snow, like blossoming plum blossoms, desolate and beautiful. Immediately after her body was soft and weakly lying in the blood, the vitality in both eyes was flowing quickly, just like her life.

Pope Madame‘s venomous viper was so eager to see that Shui Linglong had fallen, and he slashed in the shape of a sword towards the still-swept Shui Ruoyan.

At the same time as the snake’s body was moving, Ku Gu (dried bones) also moved, but Pope Madame and other men did not care too much, both thought that they wanted to compete.

But when the serpent’s great sword was only one centimeter away from Shui Ruoyan‘s forehead, sword edge suddenly stagnated, blood dripped from the serpent’s mouth, and he looked down unbelievably. At that point, a **** heart was dragged into the fist.

Wow, the hand of Ku Gu (dried bones) was shaken, the body of the poisonous snake was thrown up, and heavily fell in front of Pope Madame.

Ku Gu (dried bones), how dare you betray the church.” Pope Madame sharply.

“I have never betrayed the church. If Pope knew that I saved his daughter, he would not blame me.” Ku Gu (dried bones) laughed hoarsely.

“Kill him.” Pope Madame ordered his teeth gritted.

At this moment, Ku Gu (dried bones) suddenly threw out a black bead, which exploded in mid-air. black mist was pervasive, and huge Magic fluctuations swept in all directions.

Ku Gu (dried bones) pulled Shui Ruoyan to run, but who thought that at this time Shui Ruoyan suddenly broke free from Ku Gu (dried bones)‘s big hand and screamed angrily and rushed towards Pope Madame.

Ku Gu (dried bones)

Sound, the branch-like magic wand swipes in the air. Two Golden Armor corpse Corpse King suddenly appeared in front of him, and rushed forward with him.

And now. The strong Magic fluctuations caused by Ku Gu (dried bones) throwing earth beads will wake up in meditation Dark Pope. When he woke up, he didn’t see Madame Ye’er. He was shocked, and gathered everyone to fly away in the direction of Magic waves.

Shui Ruoyan madly chasing Pope Madame after Magic one by one. Regardless of other people’s attacks. Had it not been for Ku Gu (dried bones)‘s careful protection of her safety, I’m afraid she would have fallen.

Pope Madame A few flashes avoided a few freezing cold mists, and a black mang flickered in her hands, dozens of Dark Warrior were lined up behind her.

Dark Magician, which was just beaten by Corpse King of Ku Gu (dried bones), immediately shrank behind Dark Warrior. Just one round they had lost several people.

Pope Madame looked at the Shui Ruoyan regardless of the rushing over, and his eyes condensed, his body suddenly became illusory, and a few traces of Black Qi were hidden in the snow and rushed to Shui Ruoyan silently. precisely Nine Heavens Dark Magic Technique‘s killing trick is hidden.

“Be careful.” Ku Gu (dried bones) has seen Pope Madame use this trick. When he saw Shui Ruoyan, if he didn’t feel it, he yelled and rushed away to knock Shui Ruoyan away. And a ray of Black Qi rushed out of the snow and hit his door.

Ku Gu (dried bones)” and “Madame” At the same time, two calls sounded in the air, and an invisible airflow would lightningly strike Black Qi, the front door of Ku Gu (dried bones), and dispersed.

And a bunch of black awns were like a meteor, and a black phantom that appeared strangely behind Pope Madame was defeated.

Dark Pope face was gloomy shows his figure. At this time, Long Yi was holding Ku Gu (dried bones) and Shui Ruoyan, and stood firmly in front of the weak Shui Linglong.

“Thank you Master for saving your life.” Ku Gu (dried bones) was relieved when Long Yi appeared.

Long Yi waved his hand, holding Shui Linglong on the snow and sitting up, she couldn’t help but be surprised. Inner Strength rushed into her body to protect her heart. Spiritual Force inspected the body. It was found that her internal organs were ulcerated, and the gods could not be saved.

Grandma. It was me that killed you, it was me that killed you …” Shui Ruoyan knelt on the snow, crying sadly, such as cuckoo crying, it was heartbreaking.

Long Yi held Shui Ruoyan in his arms while holding Shui Linglong in one hand, but his eyes shot like ice on the one-sided relationship Pope Madame. This woman is really hard-hearted. Shui Linglong is her mother of Husband, and Shui Ruoyan is her biological daughter. This kind of person is simply an animal that annihilates humanity. No, she is not as good as an animal.

“Mother-in-law.” Dark Pope stared blankly at the blood-stained Shui Linglong, a scum under her feet, and walked towards her step by step.

With a snap, Dark Pope heavily knelt before the ground of Shui Linglong and touched her cheek with a trembling hand. The voice trembled: “Mother … mother, you wake up, you wake up.”

“Don’t you pretend to be a murderer.” Shui Ruoyan yelled and clawed and bite at Dark Pope.

Dark Pope, but if he isn’t aware, tears are flowing in his blue eyes, he murmured, “How can this be? What the **** is this?”

“What’s the matter? You ask your good wife to go.” Long Yi said coldly, pulling Shui Ruoyan back into his arms, he could see that Dark Pope was unaware of the matter, and Shui Linglong should be also deeply affectionate .

Dark Pope turned her head to look at her wife, but she unnatural avoided his gaze, turned her head and looked silently elsewhere.

Dark Pope suddenly remembered what Misty Fairy had brought to him from Raphael, saying that he should look at his wife well, and don’t let her do anything beyond regret. Is this the thing?

At this moment, Shui Linglong‘s eyelids trembled, and he opened his eyes with difficulty.

Grandma, you’re awake.” Shui Ruoyan suppressed the cry and held Grandma‘s cold hand tightly.

“Mother-in-law.” The Dark Pope‘s body trembled more and more. A generation of heroines was about to die in the face of a mother-in-law who had broken for many years, but was weak like a child.

Qing’er, do you … Do you still hate your mother?” Shui Linglong‘s distracted eyes brightened after seeing Dark Pope, mental/spiritual seemed to be better.

“No, the child has hated his mother in the end, and the child hates himself …” Dark Pope ‘tears finally couldn’t help falling, weeping and remorse in front of Shui Linglong, the current Shui Linglong snoring, he did hate for a while She, but over time, all he had left was guilt. The reason why he didn’t go back to see her was because he felt no face to see her again.

Shui Linglong has a hint of relief in her eyes, and she said, “Qing’er, my mother always misses you all the time, thinking of … remembering you from childhood to age, you often depended on sleeping with your mother when you were ten years old. Mother sings a nursery rhyme to coax you … “

Shui Linglong told with a smile, and fell into the good old days.

“Baby remembers, baby remembers everything, mother, don’t leave me.” Dark Pope felt a tear-like feeling in her heart, tears falling on Shui Linglong‘s face, washing the blood on her face, as if in Washing away his filthy heart.

Shui Linglong looked at Shui Ruoyan tightly, and trembled his lips. “Ruoruo, promise … promise Grandma, no … don’t hate your father.”

Shui Ruoyan looked at the Dark Pope with tears in his face, and tried hard to nod.

Qing’er … I used to sing … I sang children’s songs to coax you to sleep, now you … I sing to my mother, will you?” Shui Linglong said weakly.

Dark Pope shakes his body, sings with a trembling voice, and sings, “The north wind blows, the sky is full of snow … whose dolls refuse to sleep …”

Dark Pope choked. The previous scene flashed in his mind. He had no father since he was a child. He could not recall his father’s generous and safe back like everyone else, but only the memories of his mother’s warm embrace.

Shui Linglong smiled and seemed to be fascinated. Her pupils gradually collapsed, her head tilted, and she slept forever in the arms of Dark Pope.

“Mother-in-law, mother-in-law …” Dark Pope suddenly raised his sad cry, holding the body of Shui Linglong tightly, regret in his heart.

While Shui Ruoyan watched Shui Linglong die, his chest was blocked, his eyes turned pale and passed out.

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