Womanizing Mage Chapter 417: Bloody Kiss

Holding Elven Queen‘s constantly changing pretty face, Long Yi was uneasy, for fear that she would expel herself from Elven Forest with anger, that was not a joke. // www. qb5.com //

Long Yi, come here.” For a long time, Elven Queen then said out loud, expression restored a touch of elegance, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Long Yi touched her nose and walked uneasily. She wouldn’t be trying to teach herself.

Looking at Long Yi, who was disturbed by something wrong in front of him, Elven Queen couldn’t help but smile, and suddenly tiptoeed and kissed gently on his face.

“It’s just a good night kiss. Don’t think about it, otherwise you won’t come to Elven Forest again.” Elven Queen said staring at Long Yi‘s eyes, with unquestionable determination.

Long Yi is like a wooden chicken. How can I hear what Elven Queen is talking about? He only looks at the closed red lips of Elven Queen. There seems to be a devil there who is tempting him to go to the abyss. The fragrance on his cheeks and the feeling of numbness spread throughout his body. throughout.

Long Yi, did you listen … hmm …” Elven Queen saw the Long Yi cyanosis and said with annoyance, but before he finished speaking, he felt a gloom in front of his eyes, and then his mouth was covered with two warm lips. It was blocked, and a thick male Aura surrounded her in an instant, making her dizzy and heart beating, and she forgot to think for a while.

Long Yi feels floating in the clouds at this moment, he has no time to analyze the consequences of doing so, just looking at the infinitely tempting red lips, he kisses desperately, he greedily **** two pink Lip lips, the tip of the tongue wildly pushed open two rows of white teeth, with Xuan Ang’s domineering chasing the panicked little fragrant tongue.

Elven Queen‘s body is trembling softly, her lips and tongue lingering bring great pleasure to her, and Long Yi aggressively invades her can only passively accept or even respond.

I don’t know how long. For one minute, ten minutes or more, the consciousness of Elven Queen gradually came to mind.

heavens, how dare he? He kissed her so blatantly, she was the mother of Lu Xiya.

“Ah……” Long Yi shouted in pain, take two steps back, cover your mouth with big hands and stare blankly at Elven Queen.

Elven Queen has a complexion of flushed red. The towering **** rise and fall sharply. The eyes of Zhanruo Lake are blurred with anger, also is at a loss.

Your Majesty the Queen. I …” Long Yi tried to explain in vain, only to find out that it was here. No matter how to explain it, it seemed pale and weak, he didn’t understand it himself. Why was he so uncontrollable in front of Elven Queen that he kissed her irrationally?

“Nothing happened today, do you understand?” Elven Queen put away a complex expression, expression changes got cold.

Long Yi is a stimulus, knowing that it is irretrievable, he had to hold his head and responded weakly, his mouth full of salty blood. Really a **** kiss.

Elven Queen didn’t speak again. Disappeared in the hall with a chill.

“It’s a lot of fun now, what am I supposed to be.” Long Yi sat weakly on the chair. A big hand touched the corner of his mouth, and a few blood marks appeared. Involuntarily, he remembered the kiss that made him soul flew to the highest heaven just now. Everyone said that there was no thief in his heart, and he didn’t think that at that moment his courage would be so big that he would kiss it desperately.

“Oh, I kissed anyway, no matter what.” Long Yi stood up, the situation does not seem to be so bad at the moment, Elven Queen said that nothing happened, indicating that there is still room for recovery, he put the table He drank all the fruit tea and went to Elven Queen to arrange a yard for him. The three daughters of Wushuang (matchless) lived there.

Husband, why did you come back?” As soon as Long Yi returned to the yard, Nalan Ruyue greeted her, and she waited in the yard all night.

“Well, talked to Elven Queen about some important things, you don’t need to wait for me, fool.” Long Yi touched Nalan Ruyue‘s beautiful hair lovingly, a hint of warm also guilty in his heart. He was thinking, is human ambition really infinite? Of course, his ambition is not a right, but a beautiful woman. He is still not satisfied with so many beauties. He also has to touch some taboo romances. Isn’t this asking for trouble?

although thinks so, but the shadow of Elven Queen is always lingering in Long Yi‘s mind. Her temptation to him seems to be a kind of spiritual attraction, which cannot be controlled by reason.

“But you ca n’t sleep without me. I always feel like something is missing.” Nalan Ruyue smirked, and she was so close to Long Yi that she no longer held her back when she spoke.

“Well … it’s better if we go to Wushuang (matchless) room, you know that it’s more lively if three people sleep together.” Long Yi grabbed the small hands of Nalan Ruyue and squeezed it gently, that evil mind has been revealed.

Nalan Ruyue Can’t understand Long Yi‘s intentions, breathing suddenly rushed, she quiet as a mosquito said: “But Elder Sister Wushuang is meditating.”

“What about meditation, she won’t have to wake up later, Ruyue can’t patronize herself.” Long Yi teased Nalan Ruyue ambiguously, and the other hand touched her swollen perky butt. Wushuang (matchless) and he have Telepathy Nalan Ruyue already knew, he thought evil anyway Wushuang (matchless) is also uncomfortable, not as good as together on the bed, although can not really eat Wushuang (matchless), but have to help her, maybe she will help herself, this is not the best of both worlds Beauty of it?

“How can there be others, then … then let’s go to Elder Sister Wushuang.” Nalan Ruyue blushed, this is not the first time anyway, let Husband make trouble.

Long Yi lewdly chuckling, picked up Nalan Ruyue and rushed into Wushuang’s room.

At this time, the Wushuang (matchless) was sitting on the unique wooden bed of Elven Race, and the whole brilliance flowed, but it fluctuated with the invasion of Long Yi.

Long Yi directly held Nalan Ruyue in Wushuang’s side, and kissed fiercely. He believed that after a while, Wushuang (matchless) would automatically wake up from meditation.

Sure enough, when the delicate body of Nalan Ruyue ** was covered with First Layer‘s light marriage fat under the skillful provocation of Long Yi, Wushuang (matchless) opened autumn eyes and her breathing was not stable. She was severely rolled the eyes at Long Yi, but the consequence was being pulled by Long Yi In her arms, completely stripped her into a big white sheep, and the towering ** stood up proudly, like a flipped jade bowl, two bright reds made people think more.

Long Yi swallowed a spit and pushed Wushuang (matchless) down to Nalan Ruyue’s body. The two beautiful ** s were tightly attached together.

Wushuang (matchless) and Nalan Ruyue ** ‘s body face to face pressed together, both felt the softness and fragrance of the other’s delicate body, and a strange feeling appeared in the hearts of the two women, but not annoying.

Long Yi looked at Wushuang (matchless)‘s two white fat buttocks. His heart was restless. He reached out his claws and grabbed it. He felt the amazing elasticity and smooth feel of it. The evil fire was exuberant and he fluttered with a strange noise. Go up …

In the yard, Bertha stood for a long time, listening to the whispering moan and rough panting, the strange pa pa sound of also, lightly sighed resentfully, and then disappeared into the air silently.

While the two women Long Yi and Wushuang (matchless) and Nalan Ruyue are turning upside down, that box Elven Queen can’t sleep on the other side of the bed. The culprit is naturally Long Yi, the bad guy intoxicated in land of warmth and tenderness.

Surely, Elven Queen sat up from the bed, and the long beautiful hair, such as like a waterfall, fell down and murmured, “Maybe I was wrong from the beginning.”

Elven Queen‘s mind has become complicated. For Long Yi, there is no doubt that she has a strange feeling that surpasses the elders and juniors in general. This is definitely an unforgivable evil. She had already decided to completely cut off this unscrupulous relationship, but after seeing Long Yi again two years later, she felt extremely happy, so she could not help finding an excuse to be alone with him.

It was always well controlled, but who finally lost the collapse and Long Yi over-requested her to agree to it, thinking that it was just a comforting goodnight kiss like that year, but it was absolutely unexpected. Long Yi kissed desperately, and she was even lost in shame.

Remembering the scene of Long Yi entangled with lips and tongue, Elven Queen felt hot and the heartbeat began to accelerate.

“No, absolutely not, otherwise Lu Xiya will hate me all my life.” Elven Queen forced himself to think of her daughter Lu Xiya, the feeling of restlessness really dissipated, motherhood was greater than everything, in order not to harm Lu Xiya, and to Violating that last moral bottom line, she must sort out her feelings completely, and her relationship with Long Yi can no longer be tolerated. Once the ambiguous feeling is broken, there is no need to save this humble one.

Elven Queen has no sleep all night, but the same sleepless person is never more than one in Elven Forest, such as the Long Yi trio of the first break, such as the grieving Bertha, also upset Nika.

It’s already bright outside, the birds are singing, and a group of Elven Race children are playing on the grass.

pa pa has two crisp sounds, and a red mark appears on both plump and smooth-skinned full snow-white buttockss.

“It’s time to get up, two little lazy bugs.” Long Yi said with a smile, looking at the two beautifully lying down with admiration **.

“Don’t worry, let people wait for a while.” Nalan Ruyue lazily while playfully pouting said, was turned over by Long Yi last night, the whole body was still weak and weak, where would I get up.

Wushuang (matchless) actually turned over and sat up, staring at Long Yi with a grin, and blushed him with a blush, thinking of some ridiculous things last night, and he was embarrassed.

(There is only one chapter today. The inflammation of eyes of paradise has become worse, and it is painful and astringent. I will go to the hospital tomorrow, sorry.)

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