Womanizing Mage Chapter 414: Last name B

“Boss, here we are, the Barbarian Bull Clan tribe is in front. www.qb5, com” Barbarian Bull shouted loudly at the Long Yi in the air, his legs flew forward with the hot wheels installed. The speed is a lot faster than when he escaped, it seems that the potential in the body is fully realized, this is the Magic Power of love.

Long Yi smiled and followed Barbarian Bull with a few girls, and he was really happy for him.

Yin Wa, I’m back.” Barbarian Bull shouted with his super loud voice from a distance, the leaves of the trees next to it shook and fell, as if welcoming his return.

Barbarian Bull‘s roar of excitement thundered, and many Barbarian Bull Clan people rushed out of the tribe. Barbarian Bull is the first warrior of Barbarian Bull Clan, naturally loved by the people.

“I’m back, Tie Niu, you’re strong again, Xi Niu, who did you fight with again? …” Barbarian Bull greeted with excitement all the way.

Hello, Niu Huan looked around, murmured strangely: “Did Yin Wa go out? Why didn’t you come out to meet me?”

Barbarian Bull Big Brother, congratulations.” The Barbarian Bull Clan man named Tie Niu smiled and said to Barbarian Bull, and other Barbarian Bull Clan people also smiled and said.

“Congratulations?” Barbarian Bull looked blank.

Barbarian Bull, you are going to be a father right away. We will have an extra warrior in Barbarian Bull.” A slightly older Barbarian Bull Clan person patted Barbarian Bull on the shoulder and laughed.

Barbarian Bull did not return to God, it seems that it was unable to digest this sudden surprise for a while. In Barbarian Bull Clan, the succession of the heirloom was an extraordinary event.

“You stupid cow, what are you still doing, don’t hurry back to look at it.” Long Yi sneered at Barbarian Bull‘s **** with a curse. I was so happy in my heart that I wanted to have an extra nephew.

“Back … Go home, yes, go home.” Barbarian Bull Rumeng (like a dream) woke up for the first time. Excitedly turned over a few somersaults on the ground, and then yelled while running: “Hahaha, I am Barbarian Bull to be a father, son, I am your son.”

Long Yi Hehe laughed. Looking at her, she saw that the women were also smiling, apparently infected by Barbarian Bull.

Husband, when will we have one?” Nalan Ruyue is next to Long Yi, blushing pretty face is whispered in his ear.

Long Yi is stunned. Asked, “Do you want children?”

Nalan Ruyue is in a hurry for nod. In fact, she doesn’t understand. She also has a lot of fun with Long Yi. But I just don’t see any reaction in my stomach, and I blame myself for not being upset.

“When the situation in Blue Billows Continent stabilizes, let’s give birth. Is it better to have one or two?” Long Yi said with a smile. He has been coming to Blue Billows Continent for several years. There are many red faces around him, but none of them is pregnant with his child, not because there is something wrong with his body. Probably because he controlled the ground in a way. In the previous life, Dragon Group also often had to play scenes when going on a mission. It was common practice to go to bed with a woman. In order to prevent the other party from getting pregnant, Dragon Group people have a set of secret methods to control pregnancy.

The reason why Long Yi doesn’t want children now is because of the Blue Billows chaos. It is very unwise to have children at this time. In case of any accident/surprise, you ca n’t cry.

“One or two are too few. I will have ten or eight.” Nalan Ruyue smiled softly, thinking of being a mother, and body even showed the brightness of motherhood.

Long Yi. People can also make a living for you.” Bertha drilled from one side, bashful thought looked at Long Yi with a full face.

“Smelly Bertha, you are not allowed to **** it from me.” Nalan Ruyue glanced angrily at Bertha.

“Hum, do I need to grab you? You and Long Yi haven’t seen anything for so long.” Bertha made a face at Nalan Ruyue.

“You … Husband …” Nalan Ruyue looked at Long Yi with aggrieved look.

“It’s not your problem. It’s my secret control. When the war ends, will we be born?” Long Yi smiled and squeezed Nalan Ruyue‘s face.

“Hmm.” Nalan Ruyue heavily nod, then smiled proudly at Bertha.

Long Yi looked at the two living treasures, shook his head with a smile, and turned to look at Wushuang (matchless) and Nika.

Wushuang (matchless) smiled a little back, but the smile was a little bleak, apparently distressed because he couldn’t give him the whole Long Yi, let alone give birth to a child for Long Yi.

Nika ignored the glances of Long Yi, carrying the elf bow and walking lightly and hurriedly following behind.

Long Yi sighed, and then already came to the house where Barbarian Bull lived. The painful voice of Yin Wa was coming from the house for a while, and Barbarian Bull was anxious to go straight in the yard because the door guarded the Yin Wa A few good Sisters, they blocked Barbarian Bull outside.

Yin Wa, I’m back, you must hold on.” Barbarian Bull shouted into the room with a throat, and the cow’s face burst into sweat.

Ah…Barbarian Bull … you guys who have no conscience.” Yin Wa shouted in pain, then began to scold Barbarian Bull.

pffft, Bertha covered her mouth with laughing, softly said: “It’s so fun. I used to hear that someone at Fox Clan had scolded her man while giving birth, Ruyue. Will you do the same after giving birth? “

Long Yi chuckled, if you want to come to Nalan Ruyue, it will not be so, unless the Lena also is possible. Long Yi shakes her head, the girl who is not in the right direction is not her own woman, even if she would call her a man.

“Will you be able to do it, if I have too much time for my child to be happy?” Nalan Ruyue gave Bertha a glance.


Long Yi stepped forward and patted the anxious Barbarian Bull, and laughed: “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Old Bull knows, but why hasn’t that guy come out after so long?” Barbarian Bull said rubbing his hands.

Barbarian Bull, we just came back for five minutes. You think it will take you a long time to squat in that pit, not to mention having a baby.” Long Yi said with a smile.

Barbarian Bull takes it seriously, but the next few women simultaneously laughed and scolded Long Yi disgustingly.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps at the gate of the courtyard, but precisely Barbarian Bull Clan hurried over.

“Father.” Barbarian Bull hurried up to see Li.

“You stinky boy is still willing to come back, but it hurts my poor daughter, but fortunately, she could rush back when she gave birth to midnight.” Barbarian Bull Clan stared at bull’s eye, quite a bit of the majesty of his father-in-law.

Patriarch, we met again. Seeing that Patriarch is still so full of gas.” Long Yi laughing forward.

Barbarian Bull Clan smiled at Long Yi and greeted him warmly. He knew that Long Yi was equivalent to Barbarian Bull‘s brother, and his strength was outstanding, and he was naturally very kind to him.

Because the Beastman Race army attacked the western border of Nalan Empire a few months ago, the relationship between * humanity and Beastman was extremely deteriorated. If it was n’t for the Barbarian Bull lead and many people had a deep impression on Long Yi, I am afraid that Long Yi will be stopped before they reach the tribe. Already.

yi, aren’t you the Little Princess of Fox Clan? At that time, you also stabbed Barbarian Bull at the contest, and you are now good friends?” Barbarian Bull Clan and elf, Nika, found Bertha and learned He lost a lot of Fox Clan Invisibility Technique‘s small Fox Woman but gave him a deep impression.

Bertha smiled apologetically, eyes secretly glanced at Long Yi, and Barbarian Bull Clan was a savvy figure in Barbarian Bull Clan. Naturally, I can see the ambiguous relationship between Bertha and Long Yi.

At this moment, the Yin Wa in the room suddenly screamed exhaustedly, followed by a loud baby cry.

“I was born, I was born, I am going to be a father, boss, I am going to be a father.” Barbarian Bull was dizzy when excited, clutching the shoulders of Long Yi was shaking, and gave Long Yi a big bear hold. If it wasn’t for Long Yi‘s understanding that he was a father today, he would surely kick him to the sky, and he would be fatal to death.

At this time, the door was wide open, and Barbarian Bull rushed in immediately, followed by the grandfather’s Barbarian Bull Clan leader. There was nothing to say about Beastman Race, regardless of whether the child was born by the son or daughter. .

“It’s a kid, congratulations.” Wen Po of Barbarian Bull Clan passed the newly born little Barbarian Bull to Barbarian Bull.

Barbarian Bull hugged his son in excitement, strode to the Yin Wa bed that was a bit weak after production, trembling said: “Yin Wa, I am back, thank you for giving me a son.”, Yin Wa is gone The ferocious screaming during production, bull’s eye cried in tears: “It’s okay to come back, let me see our children.”

At this time, the four girls Long Yi and Wushuang (matchless) also entered the room, curiously looking at the newborn Barbarian Bull. He is one size bigger than the baby of humanity, and the body surface is covered with the light body hair of First Layer. The characteristics of the bull face are not very obvious, but the two newly emerged Little Bull horns are particularly cute.

Big Brother.” Yin Wa saw Long Yi come in, sat up and wanted to salute, and was held down by Long Yi with True Qi.

Yin Wa, don’t be rude. I have worked hard for you in the past two years, because Big Brother has kept you apart from Barbarian Bull for so long.” Long Yi said apologetically.

Big Brother do n’t say that, thanks to you Barbarian Bull and I can come together, Barbarian Bull followed his Big Brother is his blessing.” Yin Wa said, quite well-known, let Long Yi sigh for a while, than some vixen Is much stronger.

“Yes, boss, please give me a name for my son.” Barbarian Bull came up holding the small Barbarian Bull and said that the names of newborns are usually given by the elders, but Long Yi can also be regarded as the elders of Barbarian Bull. When he got married, he and Yin Wa also worshiped Long Yi.

Long Yi took the small Barbarian Bull and teased it with his hands for a while. Suddenly flash of intuition, said with a chuckle: “You Barbarian Bull Clan have no surname, and my nephew will be surnamed cattle, Niu Bi is his later name.” Niu Bi is fucking awesome, This kid will definitely be very fucking awesome in the future …

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