Womanizing Mage Chapter 340: Breaking Thunder God Forbidden Area

Long Yi‘s waist starts to move faster, although really goes in, but it has a peculiar thrill. www.qΒ5, c0m, and Nalan Ruyue has collapsed in the arms of Long Yi and let him at the mercy of him, sending out a low soul-eliminating moan in his throat.

Husband, hold me tight.” Nalan Ruyue said with a moan, under the ubiquitous teasing of Long Yi, she just felt like a fire all over her, just like she couldn’t extinguish it in this cold water pool, she felt empty, She needs Long Yi.

Long Yi hugs Nalan Ruyue and kneads her plump and elastic two-petal snow-white buttocks. Little Long Yi pumps vigorously between the increasingly wet valleys.

“No, no, Husband.” Nalan Ruyue trembled like sieve bran. slim waist, like a snake, actually matched the rhythm of Long Yi. The water in the pool started to be choppy under the action of the two.

Ah… looks like I am dying.” Suddenly, Nalan Ruyue screamed, Jiao’s body trembled, and a heat stream was radiated from the honey hole, so Long Yi almost surrendered.

The Wushuang (matchless) in the tent shuddered, its strong **** were violently undulating, and the small underwear already was soaked. Wushuang (matchless) tenderly panted, meditation is no longer possible. Her small hands trembled and stretched between her wet legs. When she touched the mysterious Forbidden Land, a crying moan sounded from her throat.

“Asshole.” Wushuang (matchless)‘s frozen pretty face has a hint of shame and nine points of anger.

At this time, Long Yi can’t wait to hold Nalan Ruyue ashore and lay her on her fallen clothes.

Ruyue, give it to me tonight.” Long Yi dropped her body in her ear softly said, holding her white firm with one hand unkindly ** and kneading various shapes.

Nalan Ruyue lightly un’ed, the jade arm wrapped around the neck of Long Yi, pink lips kissed on his face in a confused manner.

The foreplay has already been done, and Long Yi no longer wastes time. He separated his Nalan Ruyue‘s legs, and the charming square-shaped place is immediately visible.

“Don’t look.” Nalan Ruyue shyly clamped his legs.

“No, Ruyue‘s body is so beautiful, I have to appreciate it, be good, spread your legs.” Long Yi is a little hoarse with a ** voice, and his fingers caught the nipple of Nalan. Beauty moan again and again.

“Look, look, it’s all for you, all for you.” Nalan Ruyue yinged~, spreading out the **, small hands has taken the initiative to stroke Long Yi‘s strong back and hips.

Long Yi stands up and prepares for drive straight on to the enemy’s den.

But at this moment, barrier of Nalan Ruyue sent a violent wave, and Holy Light Barrier broke.

Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue were shocked. Long Yi took the jade people to roll on the spot, and the clothes spread on the ground wrapped them up.

A dim shadow appeared in front of the two, but precisely was full of shame on Wushuang (matchless). If you look closely, you will find her pretty face bright red and her breathing is extremely rapid.

Seeing Wushuang (matchless), the two breathed a sigh of relief, and Nalan Ruyue noticed how they looked at this time, and shouted into hiding in the arms of Long Yi.

“You bastard, you are too bullying, believe it or not, I stabbed you below to feed the dog.” Wushuang (matchless)‘s angry eyes glared at the somewhat embarrassed Long Yi.

Long Yi looked at Wushuang (matchless) in depression. He couldn’t think of anything that would make Wushuang (matchless) so angry, but the duck in his mouth flew away and it really didn’t make him feel good.

At this time, Nalan Ruyue recovered from the original bashful thought. She was ready to go to Wushan with Qinglang. Who knows that the critical moment was interrupted, naturally she was also unhappy.

“Have I happily interfered with my family Husband? although You are also Husband’s woman, but what power do you have to stop us.” Nalan Ruyue said unabashedly.

Wushuang (matchless) took two deep breaths to calm his mood and bit his teeth: “I never admit it is his woman. As for why I stop you, you ask your good Husband to go.”

Long Yi froze. Suddenly flash of intuition, it seems that there is some strange response between herself and Wushuang (matchless), especially when she is happy with other women, she will also feel pleasure, may it be just …

It seems that the expression of Long Yi is clear. Wushuang (matchless) suppresses the meaning of shame in the heart. coldly said: “As long as I am nearby, if you dare to deviate, see how I can clean you up.”

After finishing Wushuang (matchless), a space shift disappeared, leaving only Long Yi with a bitter smile holding Nalan Ruyue in a fog.

Husband, what is going on?” Nalan Ruyue asked.

Long Yi can only say this thing in depression, it seems that I still have to find a way to restore the memory of Wushuang (matchless) as soon as possible, otherwise it will be miserable, and I ca n’t see it, which is not important Are you old?

After listening to Nalan Ruyue, laughs got up. She gently said in the ear of Long Yi: “Husband, I will sleep with you every day in the future.”

When Long Yi rolled his eyes, Pitt said, “I want you Husband to become a eunuch, then come.”


The virgin forest in the early morning, the air is very fresh, the petals and grass are covered with dew drops, and the cool morning breeze rushes on. This is the best time of the day in this season.

Long Yi four-man already was ready. Earlier, already had two groups of people armed Thunder God Forbidden Area. Although many people have died since the release of the SS Level mission, there is still a continuous flow of Adventurer. The temptation inside is too great, so big that it can make people take risks and ignore their lives.

Long Yi thought about it, took out the map that Hongniang’zi gave him from storage ring, and the four of them gathered around and looked at it again.

“I still decided to pass by the sea of ​​death. The situation of the sea of ​​death should be known to everyone. The floral fragrance is very toxic. There are weird cannibals in the flowers. Besides, I do n’t know that also is not dangerous. There is no other danger. I think flying through this sea of ​​flowers on our strength is not a problem. “Said Long Yi.

“But what if there is danger in the air?” Nalan Ruyue asked.

“That ’s no help. I do n’t think the new road on the map is easy to walk. It ’s too far away from the entrance. It ’s not clear whether it ’s true or not. Even if it ’s true, the danger is probably not lower than the sea of ​​death. “Said Long Yi.

“Well, then go through the direction of the sea of ​​death flowers.” Nalan Ruyue has no other objections, and Wushuang (matchless) has no opinion. As for Barbarian Bull, only the order of Long Yi is obedient.

“Okay, then we set off, but we have a look at what Thunder God Forbidden Area is terrible.” Long Yi waved with arrogance, four people shot towards the entrance of Thunder God Forbidden Area.

At this time, all the adventure groups camping outside the entrance of Thunder God Forbidden Area have basically risen. They are either preparing or waiting for the opportunity. They saw that the Long Yi four were preparing to enter Thunder God Forbidden Area, and all were surrounded by surprise.

“Seen not, the man is Wild Dragon Empire Ximen Family Second Young Master, the woman is the newly married Nalan Empire Princess and Saintess. This Second Young Master Ximen is hidden. Yesterday, completely beat Light Church, the guardian knight with the field, farted. The skinny young man is talking with his companion, but in fact he is just listening to others.

“Is it true? Is he better than Sword Saint?” one questioned.

“You pighead, you see that the four of them dare to break into Thunder God Forbidden Area. Do they dare to have no real skills? Do you think they are as stupid as you are?” The thin young man despised.

The crowd felt very reasonable at first hearing. The four people who broke into Thunder God Forbidden Area either had a problem in their brains or they really had this strength. However, these people did not look like people with a problem. It must be a stick. Anyway, this courage is also worth admiring.

At this time, the four of Long Yi have come to the entrance of Thunder God Forbidden Area. Looking at the four large characters of flamboyant on the boulder on the right side of the entrance, Long Yi just felt that every cell in his body was shaking with excitement.

“Ready, let’s go in together.” Long Yi held down his emotions. The four looked at each other tacitly, and secretly stretched their nerves to the tightest, not even the Wushuang (matchless) which was already Magic God realm.

“In.” Long Yi gave a low drink, and the four rushed into Thunder God Forbidden Area neatly.

Long Yi only feels dark in front of him, and suddenly opens up in less than a breath. There is no thunder and lightning in imagination, only suffocating oppression and acrid burnt taste.

The passageway between the entrance and the sea of ​​death flowers is not many miles away, but it is filled with numerous thick black bodies. The Long Yi also found that the accumulation of corpses was not just a straight line, but also extended up and down to the end, and many people tried to find other ways.

“Why is there no thunder and lightning? Do we have better luck?” Nalan Ruyue wondered, the barrier pearl she held in her hands was soaked by the sweat of palm.

“Thunder and lightning are not regular, we take advantage of this opportunity to hurry over, everyone pays attention to the situation at any time.” Long Yi said.

Several Swift Wind Technique cast in the four of body, Long Yi four began to run forward. Maybe it ’s a better character. The four of them did n’t have a thunderbolt until they reached the passage of death and flowers. But when they entered the passage, the gray sky immediately gusted with clouds, and the lightning bolt that smashed the sky with the momentum that destroyed everything Came down.

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