Womanizing Mage Chapter 325: Illusion Technique

His Holiness the Pope, you seem to be a little too much. Today is the day when I celebrated with Ruyue. If I remember correctly, she is also one of the three Saintess of Light Church. www, qВ5.com ” Long Yi wryly smiled.

Charles smiled and said, “This is just my concern for my daughter as a father. I haven’t shared the favors, or else I won’t come to preside over the ceremony of your two tonight.”

He is hosting? Long Yi suddenly, just heard Nalan Wuji said to wait for someone, it turned out to be Charles, no wonder a smug smile.

“Let’s all get up, it’s almost time.” Charles silently withdrew from barrier that enveloped him and Long Yi body, with a majestic voice of indifferently said, and his third conversation with Long Yi was not heard.

“Today is the day when I teach the ceremony of Saintess Nalan Ruyue and Ximen Yu. This is a sacred moment. It is the will passed down by adult Light God. After today, under the cover of adult Light God Holy Light, Blue Billows Continent will have a better tomorrow. “The Charles‘s neutral and clear voice echoed in the hall, and the physical aperture of his body Light Magic Element became even more brilliant. It seems that at this moment, Light God is really in person.

Long Yi secretly pinches his lips, what damned thing, it is not just a big wand.

At the end of this remark, all the people folded their hands religiously, muttering something. Long Yi turned to look at Nalan Ruyue, and she was even more devout. Light Aura of body was circulating, and she looked extremely holy.

“Forget it, it is not a good thing to have the end of faith. At least there is a mental/spiritual trust.” Long Yi sighed in the heart, of course, there are some concerns, Light Church what she would do to her, I’m afraid she will look back, in case she and Light Church come back What will happen when that happens? Enemy or betrayal of the church? Although unwilling to admit it, Long Yi still feels that the former is the most likely.

At this time. Charles raised his hands, and made a few dazzling movements in the void, only white light flashed, and the entire banquet hall suddenly became foggy. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in the mist, and the Light God idol with eight wings appeared in front of everyone’s ground.

Now, everyone knelt down.

Illusion Technique?” Long Yi frowned, Inner Strength was transported to both eyes. When the pupil was in the inner brake, the light was clear, and the illusion of eyes completely disappeared.

such insignificant ability. Long Yi disdain, although Charles strength is strong, but playing Illusion Technique is obviously not yet home. I think there was an expert playing Illusion Technique in the previous life Dragon Group. That ’s the real Illusion Technique. If it is true, killing is invisible, but it can trap thousands of troops in the battlefield. What a power.

Charles sees Long Yi unmoved. both eyes also revealed the disdainful expression, his expression could not help but froze, but soon returned to normal. heart is hesitant. This boy is deeply secretive, and his strength is beyond his expectation. Not only can he avoid his mental/spiritual coercion, but he also disdains his Illusion Technique. Guys are definitely not so easy to control. Moreover, what Charles taboos most is that Long Yi is still in its growth stage, and he has such strength in his early twenties. There is no limit to the future.

Kill him? The killing intent in Charles‘s mind can’t help but emerge. Once he opposes himself, it will be a very troublesome thing.

But soon, his killing intent was hidden in heart, because after he heard the rewards of the people under him, he decided to draw him in, that is to tie him firmly to his own camp, Nalan Ruyue can Marrying Long Yi so smoothly, Charles contributed. As long as the Nalan Ruyue is under control, can her husband’s Long Yi still run? Thinking of this, Charles felt relaxed for a while. If an Nalan Ruyue is not working, he doesn’t mind adding a Dongfang Kexin.

Light God is above, please give your holy blessings to this faithful pair of believers, wash away all doom and sorrow, Nalan Ruyue, Ximen Yu, kneel please Light God blessing.” Charles gentle voice became a little erratic.

Long Yi‘s mouth twitched. This old guy must be deliberate. He had to kneel on his own. Just now he could refute him on equal grounds, but now he is pressed down by a big mountain of Light God. If he doesn’t kneel, he will resist Light God. . although Long Yi has nothing to do with the bird man with eight wings, but now it is very unusual, he doesn’t want to be the enemy of the entire Blue Billows Continent, which is very unwise.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and slowly bent his knees, but if you look closely, you will find that his knees are still a short distance from the ground. He doesn’t want to actually kneel.

Charles discovered the trick of Long Yi, but he was not ready to entangle it, only to see his hands move slightly, then the Light God phantom suddenly opened both eyes, and sprayed tens of thousands of Holy Light with his hands, and directly shined on Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue’s body.

Everybody is fascinated by illusions, all lingering on the ground, worshiping with utmost piety. Many of them are masters, why are they so easily fascinated by illusions? It is not that their willpower is not strong enough, but they have never thought that this would be false, because they believe in Light God, and they will never doubt Light Pope Charles.

For a long time, Light God slowly weakened like Holy Light with both hands, and gradually began to fade, and eventually annihilated in the air. The banquet hall was restored to *** brilliance, and everything seemed to have not changed. Everyone started to wake up at Rumeng (like a dream). one by one was so excited that he thought he had witnessed the arrival of miracles with his own eyes.

“We will meet again, Ximen Yu.” Light Pope Charles sounded in the ear of Long Yi, and his people disappeared in the banquet hall along with the phantom of Light God.

Of course I look forward to seeing you next time, Charles. Long Yi said in his heart, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Everything on the departure of Charles reverted to the normal track. At this time, the traditional ceremony of Ganglan Empire began.

The ceremony although is cumbersome, but it is much better than Wild Dragon Empire. This night, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. It was the second altar Sea Soul from Nalan Wuji, which was drunk by Long Yi, which made him distressed.

Ye Weiyang, Long Yi lay on the bed of Nalan Ruyue‘s boudoir. The sound of waves crashing and rushing, the sea breeze blew the curtain curtain on the balcony, and the salty ocean Aura came. Is a very pleasant thing.

“Can’t you go to sleep? I don’t know if the taste of your body is annoying?” Suddenly, Nalan Ruyue‘s nervous voice sounded from the corner of the big bed.

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