Womanizing Mage Chapter 26: Fragrance treatment

Silver Wolf King took a deep look at Long Yi, turned his head and ran to the depths of the forest with his child. www. qΒ5, com

In the setting sun, the afterglow warms the world with the remaining heat. The wind rose, the leaves rustled, and the shadow of one person and one horse pulled out two long shadows in the setting sun.

Long Yi first threw himself a Light Healing Technique to stop the back wound to stop bleeding, and by the way, the unconscious chick and her Unicorn also threw two, but he only used this Light Attribute Beginner Level cure. The effect was Not very ideal. Long Yi took Unicorn to find a stream nearby, and then hugged the young girl down and lay flat on the grass. Watching the girl ’s still brows and her cheeks still sullen in a coma, Long Yi smiled and patted her face and said to herself: “Even coma is so arrogant, girls are still arrogant Be gentle. “

Long Yi sees that the girl body has several wounds still bleeding, and the flushing on her face is getting more and more. It seems to have started a high fever. If you are late, you may become an idiot. Long Yi stood up, and the pain from the wound on his back caused him to crack his teeth. He looked around, and suddenly his eyes lighted up. He strode to the creek and pulled up a small grass of purple, chewed it in his mouth, and then smiled happily. He was half an herbalist and was an expert He was sure that this purple grass had the effect of stopping bleeding and muscles.

Mash a lot of purple grass into a paste, Long Yi first put a random mess on his back to stop the blood. When it was her turn to apply medicine to the girl, Long Yi was in trouble. The girl body had two deep wounds, one in left breast and one in inner thigh. These two places are the most sensitive places for girls. What if this girl wakes up to die or live?

Long Yi hesitated for a while, reached out and began to untie the girl’s skinny leather armor. It’s important to save lives. For the time being, I’ll make a guest appearance to the doctor. The parents of the doctor are well. Long Yi said to herself.

However, Long Yi soon discovered that the doctor’s parents are full of shit, he did not believe that those doctors did not have any thoughts when they examined the beautiful young girl Young Woman, at least they had … Long Yi Looking at the two strong puppets who collapsed after losing their restraint, they didn’t know how much they swallowed. It may be due to the practice of Battle Qi. The girl ’s breast milk is extraordinarily tall and compact. Even if you do n’t have to touch it, you know that it is absolutely super strong. The powdered nipple standing proudly trembles slightly in the wind. Even if the saint sees it, it will immediately become a beast.

Long Yi is not a sage, but in addition to his shortness of breath, the Little Long Yi below is a bit harder, and he is basically still awake. It is not his extraordinary sanctification, but the wound of the girl left breast reminds him at all times. Long Yi took a deep breath, stabilized his swaying heart, grabbed the mashed herbs and applied it to the wound of left breast. The big hand touched the creamy and elastic skin on the girl’s crisp chest. The Long Yi shivered, and her heart was screaming.

Long Yi’s hand was pressed on the girl’s left breast, and the herbs were slowly spread evenly. The soft touch made Long Yi feel addicted, only to wake up with a fizz of Unicorn. Long Yi looked straight at the girl’s **, looked at the slightly trembling nipple, and flicked her fingers twice gently, looking at the cherry that quickly stood up because of the stimulus, Long Yi chuckled sensually. : “What a lovely little thing.”

Laughing at the behavior of her satyr, Long Yi grabbed the rag of the girl’s thigh wound with both hands, and tore open a big opening, exposing a large white and delicate skin except the wound, The **** smell mixed with a unique fragrance drifted into the nose of Long Yi.

“As the saying goes, it smells like a man, a woman, it’s true, the smell of this woman body can’t even cover the **** smell.” Long Yi murmured.

Separate the girl’s legs a little for medicine, Long Yi suddenly stayed awake. It turned out that he just ripped off his trousers and might be a little stronger. Even the girl’s underwear cracked, and a few dark curly hair. Playfully nudged from the edge. Seeing this fragrant beauty, the nose of Long Yi almost sprayed with nosebleeds.

“Don’t pay attention to indecent assault, don’t pay attention to indecent assault.” Long Yi halted eyes while muttering while rubbing the herbs on his hand to the wound. Long Yi didn’t know if it was intentional. His hand was a little bit off. Most of the palms were pressed against the center of the soft and mysterious thigh. The slightest heat passed through the palms to the heart. The slight current touched the Long Yi array. Tremble. It seems instinctively that the **** of the Long Yi was pressed down, but the button actually fell, and it turned out to be directly pressed into the mysterious gap.

It’s so cool and comfortable. Long Yi has moaned in mind, and some big hands are reluctant to take it out. With the power of fighting tigers and fighting lions, Long Yi spit out a sulky air pressure and fell into the mind.

“This chick has too much firepower, it is better to make a quick decision.” Long Yi quickly applied the herbs to the wound on the girl inner thigh, and then tore off some rags and bandaged. After everything was processed, Long Yi was comfortably long. With a sigh of relief, he hurriedly took out a long shirt from storage ring to cover the girl ’s beautiful body that was full of spring.

As for the high fever, Long Yi has no good way. He can only use Inner Strength to protect the vitality of the girl, and then use Cold Ice Technique to make some ice cubes and put it on the girl’s forehead.

The sun already completely sinks into the horizon, and the night breeze blows gently, as if the loving mother’s hand is stroking gently. The eyelashes of Yu Feng moved, and the eyes was opened slowly. The starry sky is in the eyes. The vast feeling makes people seem to be in the Yu universe, and the mind seems to be much wider.

“Am I still dead?” Yu Feng thought of the tingling sensation of body, remembering for the first time the upright back that appeared in the devil wolf group before the coma, and he saved himself. .

Yu Feng looked up effortlessly, and saw a figure lazily lying on a boulder near the stream, with two legs hanging upside down, his hands resting behind his head, and his mouth seemed to be biting a grass. The face is a bit hazy because it is too dark.

“It’s such a beautiful moonlit night that really makes me prosperous.” The figure suddenly became somewhat vague. softly said.

Yu Feng for a while, is he a bard? How can he save himself from the wolf pack?

At this time, the figure cleared his throat and suddenly said: “Ah … the sea, you are all water; ah … steed, you have four legs.”

Yu Feng listened for a moment, “pffft” sneered at pleasing to the ear, echoed softly in the night sky.

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