Way of Heaven Chapter 338: The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth

The void storm caused by the upgrading of the world swept this void area, and the violent energy was enough to destroy everything. Many seeds of the world that were not born soon returned to void under such circumstances. Eight. Eight reading, ..o

Only the eternal realm is like a flat boat in the emptiness storm, as if it will be destroyed in the next moment, but it is still so strong!

Tian Dao Mu Yuan’s will, rules, concepts, etc., are constantly undergoing transformation under the impact of the emptiness storm, and marching to the middle-thousand-world level.

At this moment, part of his will to resist the void storm around the crystal wall of the world, while also simulating and borrowing its power characteristics to interfere and block the power of the reincarnation hall lord divine light ball to contact the reincarnation.

“The Lord of the Samsara Palace”

At this moment, Mu Yuan’s will is free from sorrow or joy, fair and righteous, and does not contain any emotional thoughts possessed by creatures, but some are just calm to the extreme reason.

“It was because the brand of the golden bead in the land of reincarnation was broken that allowed him to find the eternal world. It seems that the bead has a great effect on the temple of reincarnation. It is extremely important and should not be lost!

Otherwise, the Temple of Reincarnation will not send reincarnations to come when the emptiness storm covers the eternal world, he can wait for my world to come after it is upgraded! “

Mu Yuan is no stranger to the power of Samsara Palace, because when he was on the earth in his previous life, he did not less read novels about Infinite Horror, Nightmare Space, and so on.

“According to the memory of Emperor Zhenwu, millions of years ago, the Samsara Palace was suspected to have been subjected to a tragic battle. It was almost shattered and its strength was not a single trillion. The Lord of Samsara Palace is even more likely to fall.

Otherwise, this Samsara Hall will not be reduced from being the most powerful existence in the heavens and all realms, almost on par with the system clan, to a thousand worlds on one side, besieged by hundreds of ninth-tier powerhouses, and suffered again. , Even being knocked down by Emperor Zhenwu that extremely important golden bead, he walked away in a miserable state! “

“Having suffered such a severe damage, even after millions of years of restoration, the strength of the Samsara Palace and the new Lord God will reach up to Tier 11!

After all, from the memory of the true spirits of those who reincarnate, the Temple of Reincarnation in the 33rd Heavenly Realm of the Great Thousand World only dared to hide and develop in the dark, and did not dare to confront the seven immortal emperors of that world! “

Under the operation of Mu Yuan’s vast and majestic will, through the little traces of the Samsara Temple in the eternal world, the rules of cause and effect, the rules of fate, etc. are used for deduction and calculations. Each piece of information about the main **** is obtained by him, and it is infinitely close. The truth of the facts!

Under the situation of unequal information, the new reincarnation temple lord never thought that one of the quasi-thousands of worlds possessed wisdom and deduced the information that he had hidden for hundreds of years!

“Thirty-three Heavenly Immortal Territory!” Mu Yuan moved his will and landed on the huge figure in the Ten Thousand Realms Ruins, “That Xuanque also came from that Fangxian Dao, and it seemed that I was deeply entangled with cause and effect. Studying in eight or eight, ..o

In the future, I will encounter the two definitions of the 33 Heavenly Immortal Territory, maybe it will be when I confront the Samsara Palace head-on! “

“However, the most urgent thing is to make me successfully promoted to the world of China!”

Mu Yuan will look at the ants who want to make trouble in the eternal world, “The endless blood sea has accumulated thousands of years of calamity and evil aura. Open it in the hands of these reincarnations!”

“Who will be the protagonist of this era?”

Yingcheng and other reincarnations are constantly tearing apart space, traveling through space in the Eternal Continent, looking for suitable races to complete their layout, and setting off a war among all races in the Eternal World.

With their eighth-level mixed cave realm cultivation base, in this small thousand world, apart from being discovered by the heavens, other creatures can’t cause them harm at all, it can be described as an invincible existence!

“Captain, we have to choose which race to support and let it start a war.” A reincarnation asked the corresponding city.

Ying Cheng pondered, the eternal world possesses so many intelligent races that they can’t help but look at it. As a great world, the world of the 33 Heavenly Immortal Territory may not have so many intelligent races.

Each race has its own characteristics and advantages. As long as they are willing to use a lot of resources and give them enough time, they can make any race one of the best in the eternal world!

But the time left by the Lord God for them is only five years, so it is impossible for them to choose those weak people to support.

In the end, Yingcheng slowly said: “We choose the sea clan!”

The sea race is the collective name of many ocean races. Thousands of years ago, it was one of the ten strong races on the Eternal Continent. Its overall strength can be compared with the Human Race, Feather Race, and Three-Eyed Race, and dominate the endless waters of the Eternal Continent. .

Thousands of years ago, there was an internal change in the marine clan. The marine races such as the mackerel tribe, the Jiao tribe, and the sky whale tribe were unified marine tribes, occupying more sea areas, and set off a deep sea battle~IndoMTL. com~ After the war, various marine races were hit hard, countless strong men fell, and countless interests and territories were also occupied by other races, which made the marine race fall from the position of the top ten strong races, and the orcs after being unified by the Bimon tribe. The race was replaced by the first-class race on the Eternal Continent.

In the subsequent world wars between the Eternal Realm and the Mountain Sea Realm, the Sea Clan’s cultivation resources were far less than those obtained by the Human Race and Feather Clan due to the terrain, and the overall strength growth was slower.

However, the Sea Clan still has a deep racial heritage. With the support of Yingcheng and other reincarnations, it would be possible to compete with the human race again.

“Let the war of annihilation in this world begin in the deep sea first!” The reincarnations in Yingcheng looked indifferent, and moved towards the nearby Yuren Clan underwater city.

As for the other three reincarnation teams, the reincarnations are also planning to disrupt the eternal continent in five years to complete the mission of reincarnation and destruction.

One of the reincarnation squad wants to interfere with the world’s promotion through other means and complete hidden tasks, such as destroying many spiritual root secret realms used to stabilize space in the eternal world, especially the ten innate spiritual roots!

Yuanzhou, originated from mountains.

The four reincarnations came here, looking up at the towering Tongtian Mountain in front of them, vaguely they seemed to see the supreme sacred tree on the top of the mountain, exuding a strong Taoist rhyme.

The headed Samsaras’ eyes were shining brightly, and said with emotion: “What a powerful and peculiar spiritual root tree, it can actually help practitioners to understand the laws of heaven and earth!

I didn’t expect such a small thousand world to have such a treasure of heaven and earth, this is considered a treasure in the 33 heavenly immortal domain! “

“With it, I am waiting for the chance of becoming immortal right before my eyes!” said another reincarnation with gray and black evil spirits.

After that, everyone resisted the horrible world on the Tongtian Mountain and swept towards the Bodhi Enlightenment Tree. 11

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