Way of Heaven Chapter 237: The Might of Heavenly Tribulation


   Xuan Yuanzi faced the first thunder of Nirvana Real Thunder, and did not dare to neglect, the huge big sun dazzling light flashed, the sun really cremated into the flame python to face the bombarding thunder.

   The purple thunder, which is strong enough to inflict heavy damage to ordinary sixth-order powerhouses, undoubtedly blasted the flame python, but it also consumed nearly half of its power. The remaining thunder power attacked the Da Sun law, and the injuries suffered in a blink of an eye. Was repaired.

   But this is just the beginning.

   Just when this purple thunder disappeared, eight purple thunders carrying the supreme divine might fell in the spiritual energy vortex, bombarding the great sun, hoping to kill Xuan Yuanzi in it.

   But in the end, the latter was wiped out under the vast ocean of true essence, and re-transformed into heaven and earth aura, some of which would return to the aura vortex on the sky.

   And some of them are constantly tempering Xuan Yuanzi’s body, true essence, and spirit, making him stronger.

   One after another, the terrifying thunder thunder came, making an ear-splitting roar, like the roar of God, resounding hundreds of miles in a radius.

   Xuan Yuanzi’s big sun is blazing, the real fire of the sun burns the sky, and a large array of spiritual patterns light up under his feet, gathering the only aura that remains between the heavens and the earth.

  The violent power of thunder and the domineering power of the sun collided and annihilated, erupting a terrifying energy wave, spreading around, and I don’t know how many mountains were turned into ashes.

   The real fire of the sun and purple arcs of thunder splashed down from the sky in all directions, smashing huge pits and gullies on the ground, all over the sky.

  Many warriors who watched the battle were killed by the sun’s real fire and purple thunder arc because they couldn’t avoid them, and there was no bones left.

   If the Xuan Yuanzong below hadn’t opened the protective array before Xuan Yuanzi crossed the Tribulation, the situation at this time would definitely not be much better than the surroundings.

   The civilians who watched several large cities far away had already stared blankly. The scene before them was beyond their imagination. Xuan Yuanzi was like a **** and demon in the world, and he could destroy the mountain with his gestures.

   They didn’t expect the horror of this day to be so terrible, and they could feel the coercion of horror at such a distance, making them feel palpitation.

  ”Is this the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it is so terrifying.” A grand elder from Zhenwuzhou Sanxiu Alliance sighed with emotion.

  Even if his cultivation reaches the triple realm of power, but if he is allowed to face this Nirvana real thunder, the first thunder can severely wound him, and in the second round, he will be broken to pieces and dead. .

   At this time, Nirvana Real Thunder has reached its eighth level. The purple thunder with eighteen grinding discs thick and golden in color rushes out from the center of the aura vortex, carrying violent energy dozens of times stronger than the most powerful. Xuan Yuanzi.

   Xuan Yuanzi no longer has the free and easy appearance of the former Dao Bone Fairy Wind. The white hair that was bound by the spirit silk is scattered, flying with the wind, and there is a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. Obviously he did not resist the seven thunder tribulations before. easy.

   Facing the eighteen thunders that struck together, Xuan Yuanzi yelled, his heart moved slightly, and the large array burst out with dazzling light, burning the eyes of countless warriors, as if fighting against the sun and stars in the sky. .

   He madly knotted his hands and displayed a secret method, and a series of real fire barriers from the sun appeared in front of Xuan Yuanzi, trying to consume the power of Thunder.


   Like a praying man’s arm blocking a car, these barriers were not blocked even for a moment, and they were defeated by the Thunder of Heaven’s Punishment, and then these thunders directly bombarded the big formation.

   Suddenly, the spirit lines were broken by the violent power, and the light bursting out of the large array quickly dimmed, but the power of the Heaven’s Punishment Thunder was also crazily diminishing.

   After ten breaths, the large formation Xuan Yuanzi carefully arranged was completely destroyed by Heaven’s Punishment Thunder, and the remaining thunder power, which was less than one-tenth of its power, was wiped out by him.

   Yuanhao and others looked very dignified. The rank of the large formation that Xuan Yuanzi arranged had reached the sixth rank. Even after the seven-fold thunder tribulation, it still had a strong defensive power.

   But the eighth thunder tribulation easily destroyed it. It can be seen that this heavy thunder tribulation only kills the powerful people of the eight or ninefolds.

   What’s more, there are nine tribulations in this day…

   “I wonder if Xuan Yuanzi can survive the catastrophe today?” The warriors of all races around watching the battle stared at the sky, and looked at the Xuan Yuanzi standing in the void.

   The ninth level of Nirvana Real Thunder did not blast towards Xuanyuanzi with almost no time interval like the previous eighth level of tribulation, but he refused to come.


   The deep thunder sound vibrated, and the aura vortex shrank again, and the thunder within it “slowly” wandered, and a sense of depression of death began to appear in everyone’s minds.

  After half an hour of brewing, the aura vortex has become less than twenty miles in radius. It turned out to have countless purple thunder aura vortexes. At this time, only a hundred-foot golden thunder dragon is looming in the sea of ​​clouds, emitting more than six. The much more powerful and terrifying aura of the powerhouse makes everyone feel terrified.

   Countless creatures below looked up at Xuan Yuanzi and the golden thunder dragon, a trace of tension rose in their hearts, and they couldn’t help wondering whether Xuan Yuanzi could successfully survive the first calamity.


   The golden thunder dragon opened the huge dragon eyes, without a trace of luster, hollow and ruthless, it roared to the sky, and the violent energy sound waves shattered the sea of ​​clouds, trees, and rocks, terrifyingly terrifying.

   The golden thunder dragon wandered in the sky, swallowing all the remaining aura of the aura vortex into the abdomen, and the aura on the body suddenly became more and more terrifying~IndoMTL.com~The empty eyes of the thunder dragon suddenly fell on the Xuanyuan On his body, roar came to kill him.

   The Ninth Nirvana Real Thunder is Coming!

   Facing the golden thunder dragon, Xuan Yuanzi’s flesh and bones were instinctively shouting, calling him frantically to flee here and avoid the thunder dragon.

   But Xuan Yuanzi knows that once the disaster of heaven and earth begins, there is no other way except to survive or fall.

   So… now that you can’t avoid it, try your best!

   Xuan Yuanzi yelled, his whole body cultivation erupted, and the huge big sun behind him rapidly reduced and merged into his body.

   Under the eyes of everyone, with the influx of this majestic energy, his white hair was instantly black and shiny black, and the blood that was originally declining also returned to the peak period, burning like a furnace, scorching the surrounding aura.


   Xuan Yuanzi’s eyes were electric and fierce. Facing the golden thunder dragon, he didn’t retreat but moved forward, covering the real fire of the sun, turning into a ball of fire and colliding with the latter.

   boom! !

  The violent energy swept thousands of miles, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the rivers were cut off. I don’t know how many lives were killed.

   Many high-ranking warriors who rely on their strong cultivation base are also embarrassed under such circumstances, or fall deep in the ground, or spit blood out of their flank bones.

   But no one cares about this now, they just want to know if Xuan Yuanzi has survived this terrifying energy, and if he has survived the catastrophe!

  ps; Four more ask for monthly ticket, ask for recommended ticket! ! !


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