Way of Heaven Chapter 172: Haotian (5)

“This is the Tianyuan Valley, the ancestor of the Human Race, the Sui ancient period when the Human Race was born?!”

Yuan Hao’s divine sense covers the entire valley, looking at the terrain that is almost the same as the Tianyuan Valley of the later generations, and reacting to the scene of this faction in the barbaric period.

The current Tianshigu is not like the later generations. There are traces of the ruins of the temple. There are just a few simple thatched houses that can barely shelter from the wind and rain. Even the statue of Haotian is only placed at the entrance of a cave.

On the contrary, the idol of Haotian that Yuanhao had come out of the gods was exactly the same as the idol in the temple that survived later generations, except for a slight difference in temperament.

At the moment, this idol is full of sacred aura, with a trace of the artistic conception of a true god, while the later generations are full of vicissitudes of life, and have stood tall after thousands of years!

Yuan Hao’s divine consciousness “looked at” the dim idol in front of his face, his thoughts were chaotic, “I am really Haotian, or am I just a clone of Haotian?”

Previously, Yuan Hao had heard the sounds of prayers and prayers in the space within the statue of God, and there was a trace of speculation in his heart, but now that the facts are in front of him, Yuan Hao is a little bit unbelievable.

“If it is really a Haotian god, or just a clone of him, why would I become a real human race, from weak to strong step by step, instead of waking up like gods of other races!”

Yuan Hao’s thoughts turned rapidly, “Or maybe the scenes I experience now are just an incomparably real illusion!?”

Yuan Hao clearly remembers that before his consciousness fell into a coma, Tian Yan Baiqi upset his sea of ​​consciousness and sucked his consciousness into his body.

Maybe all this is just an illusion derived from Tianyan Baiqi!

Since practicing, Yuan Hao has also encountered some warriors who practiced the illusionary mood, and experienced the illusion set by the latter, but they were all easily pòjiě by Yuanhao.

If it is really an illusion created by Tianyan Baiqi with the power of Tianyan, it is not impossible to achieve this kind of authenticity.

After all, it is impossible for him to truly return to the Suigu period. How great it takes to reverse time and let people go back to the past!

Thinking of this, Yuan Hao’s consciousness fell silent, and he tried his best to communicate with the white chess of Tian Yan who evolved into an illusion.

“Sure enough, is it still not working?”

Half an hour later, Yuan Hao’s spiritual consciousness moved, revealing a disappointed mood, and it was clear that the communication with Tianyan Baiqi had failed.

In fact, Yuan Hao also wanted to communicate with Tianyan Baiqi in the space among the gods, but it had no effect at all. It seemed that Yuan Hao was really located in the early days of the ancient times, the wild era!

“Since I can’t communicate with Tianyan Baiqi, then I have to see when this illusion is broken!”

Unable to actively communicate with Tian Yan Baiqi to cancel the illusion, Yuan Hao can only wait for the power of Tian Yan Baiqi to evolve the illusion to disappear, and the illusion is self-defeating, and his consciousness can naturally return to his body at that time.

Before that, Yuan Hao can see the development of the human race in the Suigu period that Tianyan Baiqi evolved from in this illusion!

Yuan Hao’s divine consciousness watched the human race in Tianyuan Valley tie the wild beasts under the Haotian idol, everyone worshiped the idol, prayed and praised…

After that, Yuan Hao, who was unable to communicate with Tianyan Baiqi, continued to devour the power of refining faith and slowly strengthened his spiritual consciousness, while exploring and observing the Metaverse Continent in the wild period.

Under certain restrictions, at the beginning, Yuan Hao’s divine consciousness could only linger in the Tianyuan Valley area, unable to leave Tianyuan Valley for half a step.

In desperation, Yuan Hao could only observe the human race in Tianyuan Valley.

He watched them go hunting, returning home with scars and rich prey in the evening;

Seeing the extremely injured human race man dying in pain, watching the plague and disease take the life of an individual, but he has nothing to do.

Yuan Hao had also thought of communicating with the human race in the Tianyuan Valley with a powerful spiritual sense, but he couldn’t communicate the spirit of the latter at all.

Yuan Hao is able to understand the meaning of the words spoken by these human races at the beginning of the ancient times, an unsystematic language of the ancient human races.

Later, Yuan Hao also saw that the first great sacrifice “Xi” found suitable herbs to restrain the spread of the disease, and the human race did not become extinct.

Yuan Hao watched them build wooden houses step by step, build the original temple, and move the statue at the entrance of the stone cave into the temple;

Making rough weapons and tools, hunting beasts with higher efficiency, in order to feed the growing human population.

The increase in the number of human races has led to more and more faith aspirations, Yuanhao’s divine consciousness has also become stronger, and more aspirations that can be absorbed every day.

Yuan Hao also witnessed the disagreement between the human races, divided into several tribes, and went to the vast wilderness beyond Tianyuan Valley, looking for new suitable living and settlement places, establishing new tribes, and expanding the territories of the human race.

The area that Yuanhao’s spiritual sense can reach has also expanded with the establishment of the new human tribe, and finally walked out of Tianyuan Valley.

After that, Yuan Hao watched the human race start to plant mulberry, domesticate wild animals and raise livestock, burn pottery to make sacrificial rituals, and build stone buildings, officially transforming from a hunting civilization to an agricultural civilization;

Looking at the establishment of the first city, Tianyuan City, one after another city is spread over the territories of the human race, and there are classes in the society…

The long years almost made Yuan Hao forget his previous name, only remembering that he is the Haotian believed by countless people of the human race!

One day, when the aura between heaven and earth descended, Yuan Hao was awakened as a result, and finally remembered his former name-Yuan Hao!

Yuan Hao sighed with emotion: “It took too long for the illusion that Yanbaiqi to evolve on this day, and it almost made me lost in the illusion, this illusion is really terrifying!”

Yuan Hao’s divine sense looked at the endless aura of heaven and earth emerging from the sky, “his eyes revealed” the color of expectation: “The first great change of heaven and earth, the aura comes! This is the first appearance of the martial arts road in the Yuanjie mainland Era!”

Yuan Hao clearly felt that the power of faith in the idols skyrocketed during this period of time. A lake of faith has appeared in that space. Obviously all beings regard this great change of heaven and earth as a gift from the gods!

Opening up the realm of martial arts…

The emergence of the Great Cang Dynasty…

Tianyuan City was changed to Cangdu…

The second great change in the world~IndoMTL.com~The expansion of the Metaverse Continent…

The connection between Yin and Yang…-

Yuan Hao “experienced” all the major events in the history of the Yuanjie mainland and the human race.

He watched the human race from the wild civilization through the agricultural civilization, the slave civilization, the city-state civilization, to the dynasty civilization, step by step development, and grow into one of the ten strong races in the Yuanjie continent!

Looking at the step-by-step development of martial arts civilization, countless ancestors fell on the road of martial arts, opening up a grand avenue for future generations!

Finally, when the time is about to reach Yuan Hao’s birth, Yuan Hao’s consciousness is once again in a coma…

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