Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 558: Dragon City 2

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The Northern Han Kingdom is smaller than the Southern Tang and Shu Kingdoms, but when this small country moves, it attracts more attention than any other country.

The heavy eaves towers and architectural streets in Youzhou are all signs of Han civilization, but there are a large number of Hu people in the city. People with hair, animal skins, and big earrings can be seen everywhere in the world. Even Han’er’s dressing is different from that of Zhongyuan, and the direction of handing over is the opposite. People have long been accustomed to Hu people, and they will never be surprised by the strangely dressed Khitan people and Xi people; even many Han’er saw such a scene when they were born… ) The Jin Dynasty has been twenty-six years. Even Hebei Huhua took longer. At that time, Datang intended to complete the general trend of national integration, but it was not completed in the end. In the end, the national policy completely collapsed and the national fortune declined.

In the mansion of the Great King of the South Court, it was the same scene.

A Nanyuan general named Xiao Abudi said coldly: “The’Southern’ is healed, the scar is forgotten to hurt, so soon he forgot about the Jin Dynasty being annihilated by the Liao Dynasty and attacked the Northern Han Dynasty. , Is to provoke Daliao openly. If sweating profusely……”

Xiao Siwen immediately interrupted the words of the same clan: “Guo Blacksmith and Shi Zhonggui are still different. Even if it is an enemy, we cannot underestimate the enemy.”

The Liao Kingdom is now slack in everything, and its toughness is not as good as before. Many nobles are unwilling and resentful in their hearts, but Xiao Siwen cannot let his fellow clan express dissatisfaction with the emperor in front of him. Xiao Siwen had suffered from Guo Shao’s losses in Zhuozhou before, which caused the Liao army to suffer heavy losses, so he could scold and hate Guo Shao, but he would never say that Guo Shao was weak…If he was defeated by a very weak man, wouldn’t he say Are you weaker? !

Although Xiao Siwen is a military commander in charge of the Southern Court, his father is the prime minister of the Liao Dynasty; the Xiao clan is the designated clan of the prime minister of the Liao Kingdom, and he is naturally not a person who does not know how to strategy.

“No one in Shangjing came to make an order, let’s take care of this (the Northern Han Dynasty was attacked)?” A Khitan general murmured.

Xiao Siwen said in a serious tone: “Remember, the national power of Daliao is connected to everyone! If there is no power of Daliao, let alone enjoy the output of Youzhou, Bohai and other lands, I am afraid In the world, there is no place to stand. Since the Northern Han Dynasty was founded, we have regarded our dynasty as the suzerain. The loss of this land is not good for the entire Liao Dynasty. Moreover, the position of the Northern Han Dynasty is important, and it is related to the long-term offensive and defensive momentum. If Tiesmith Guo takes the Northern Han Dynasty today, can he not peek at Youzhou?”

Abdi said angrily after listening: “The Liu Family of the Northern Han Dynasty cannot fight, and will ask for help almost every year, which drags us down, but secretly just wants to use the Daliao to protect ourselves. Han’er is unreliable!”

Siwen Xiao listened, looking back at the Han officials present, most of them were silent. Now he said: “This is a bit of a bias. How can you become a big country if you cannot tolerate people? How can you have today’s great Liao? How can Youzhou live in harmony with all races?”

As soon as he expressed his opinion, the expressions of the Han officials changed.

Xiao Siwen felt that many Khitan aristocrats just couldn’t control people. They had occupied Youzhou for many years. They were still the same. After the Liao State continued to improve the system, the aristocrats still stood still and treated Han’er as slaves, but they often backfired. Xiao Siwen has been trying to change these tactics as the Queen of the South Campus. He feels that he can’t press on anyone anymore. It is a long-term way to benefit from grace… This kind of experience is just like the woman he snatched from the Bai family. Because Xiao Siwen showed an attitude of acceptance, didn’t Bai’s stay in the mansion for so many years, and gradually accept the habit of Qidan with continuous hair style clothing? If she were to be imprisoned and tortured as a livestock, she would have been thinking about escaping!

These Han officials are all people who live in Youzhou. Xiao Siwen gives them a way to survive. When they can’t change the situation in Youzhou, they don’t want to kill them at every turn. As long as people have not reached the dead end, they know how to make mistakes.

What’s more, Xiao Siwen understands Chinese and reads poems and books, so he can win over Han children.

At this moment, a Han official clasped his fist and said: “The lower official has a word…”

Xiao Siwen immediately made a humble attitude and asked: “Mr. Fan, but it doesn’t matter.”

The Han official was named Fan Mingyi, and he said with a loyal expression on his face: “The lower official agrees with the great king’s foresight. Baobei Han Liu clan is of great benefit and vitality to the Daliao Youzhou! It is the best strategy to let them constrain the civil war. Shu Kingdom and Nantang are too far away to help, but the Northern Han Dynasty cannot easily be lost; if the Central Plains are unified, the lower officials’ foresight is the same as that of the king, the next step is our secluded The state faced Zhou Jun’s threat!

Although the Liu family of the Northern Han Dynasty was weaker than the Zhou State, Jinyang City was a strong city. It was strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it had been a major disaster in the Central Plains for decades; its role was not as unbearable as General Abudi said. The disaster of the enemy country is the advantage of Daliao. The next official said, thinking about the overall situation, the king should write to the emperor, while sending troops from Youzhou to reinforce Jinyang; on the other hand, requesting troops to reinforce Youzhou, in case the Northern Han Dynasty is unexpected, prepare for Youzhou defense as soon as possible! “

After hearing this, Xiao Siwen was greatly admired, and said in a sincere tone: “Youzhou is the state of Youzhou people. Although you are not a Haner, it is different from the Haner of the Central Plains. Today, the king is waiting for you. Own people, in the Central Plains dynasty, can they really treat you as their own people without being guarded? To tell the truth, you can be officials in the South Court and enjoy wealth, but you may not have your position in the Central Plains court.”

Xiao Siwen can judge whether the Han’er officials’ plan is loyal, and he deeply agrees with Fan Mingyi’s statement that “Jinyang Xiongcheng is a major disaster in the Central Plains”. Since there is a strong city to hold Zhou Jun, how can he not try his best to keep that one? nail?

He immediately resolutely said: “I will go to Beijing immediately, please order to send troops! The generals should summon soldiers and horses as soon as possible to prepare for the expedition.”

This time Xiao Siwen didn’t dare to cut first and then play. The last time he sent troops to plunder, he saw little risk and was also thinking about Li Yun for the overall situation, but he immediately sent Yang Dang to visit Beijing, which made Xiao Siwen had to Attention. On the other hand, he also wanted to plan ahead to increase troops in Youzhou in advance. Naturally, the troops will depend on Beifu (Shangjing) for reinforcement.

He paused and said: “Jinyang is the outpost of Youzhou; to save Jinyang, you are guarding Youzhou!”


The gathering of troops outside Jinyang, the capital of the Northern Han Dynasty, made the monarchs and ministers of the Northern Han Dynasty feel tremendous pressure. This time the war to preserve the country was no lighter than the siege of Jinyang by Chai Rong’s hundreds of thousands of troops after the Gaoping War.

The last time the “Xianjun” of the Northern Han Dynasty died after the war because of being haggard under siege. This time, Liu Jun, the ruler of the Northern Han Dynasty, is still not easy. He has been working day and night. Since he became the throne, he has not been so diligent until now. Perhaps people have been forced out. He kept convening ministers to discuss countermeasures, desperate to protect himself! But until now, it is nothing more than “guarding the city and waiting for the rescue of the Liao army”. There are really not many choices.

Zhao Kuangyin, who is also in Jinyang City, tried his best to get reuse. He approached Feng Jinke and met Prime Minister Guo Yuanwei, but there was no news. I had to feel the tense atmosphere of Jinyang’s life and death at this time, but waited at home.

In the old house, there was light rain outside the window, and the torn paper from the cold wind blew “crashing”, just like Zhao Kuangyin’s mood at this time.

Since I was born to the present, there are really few such bad moods. He was a man who could control the army, and even saw higher power. The most unbearable thing for him is that he cannot control his own destiny! It’s about his own survival, but he can only watch by the sidelines, and the feelings placed in the hands of others make him restless.

Zhao Kuangyin stood in front of the window for a while, then sat on the chair with a dark face, rubbing his hands and doing some trivial movements.

At this moment, the great Zhou army is separated by a city wall, Zhao Kuangyin can’t help but think: If he is caught, what will happen?

It can be reasonably inferred that you will definitely not survive, and then you will be killed|Family! When enmity accumulates to a certain level, and there is no need to worry about being punished in revenge, few people will be so tolerant… Zhao Kuangyin recalled Guo Shao’s behavior and didn’t feel that he should be deceived by the superficial benevolence. Guo Shao did not kill the Zhao family for the time being. The people, it is nothing more than a lesson from the previous car!

Back then, Emperor Han Yin was Hu Gan. The most threatening Guo Wei had not been arrested, and he had brought his soldiers, so he killed Guo Wei’s family|! How did it turn out?

Zhao Kuangyin raised his head and looked at the gray sky outside the window, trying to figure out Guo Shao’s mind. This person must hate himself very much, and there is also a vague sense of awe… But it is precisely those who are the most terrible! Guo Shao is very calm and knows the timing; if he thinks that he can’t put the enemy to death with one blow, he can’t fight back with vengeance, he is never willing to take it lightly.

He frowned, stretched out his hand and scratched his bun, and muttered in a complicated emotional voice: “I really missed my eyes. People should look at small things… I look back today and think about this man’s first murder case. You should understand his character…”

Zhao Kuangyin usually treats people very kindly, and he is able to win over people around him. He is a natural elder brother, but he is not a kind old man in his bones. He can’t look at what he says or play, but what he does; this is the same as Guo Shao , Then Guo Shao is benevolence and righteousness when he opens his mouth. Is it a good thing?

(In history, the first thing Zhao Kuangyin did after ascending to the throne was to copy Zhao family’s feud and Yan family.)

So Zhao Kuangyin understands Guo Shao very well to a certain extent, because the so-called enemy is the real confidant.

He really didn’t want to sit and wait for death, he was very unwilling. But after the failure, he still maintained his own style of being a person for a long time, taking into account his status and reputation. This is probably because he has not fully realized his situation and is reluctant to break away from the state of mind of a promising future.

Now, Zhao Kuangyin finally truly realizes…It is absolutely impossible to find the way forward! I’m over!

Under this situation, he suddenly realized that he had done something wrong and regretted it: The little strength left in his hand is of no avail, because there is no chance to stand up again and it is not worthy of nostalgia; In this life, at most, you can only hide and hide! Like a wanted criminal with a murder case in hand, it is more serious than that.

And now, once Jinyang is broken, the catastrophe will be lost when he is caught! What did you stay here to do because you took care of the remaining brothers and people? r1058

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