Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 441: What’s left

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Jiangning City was shrouded in the dark night, and a few dog barks came from an alley, and then a knock on the door rang. A small door creaked open, and a voice said: “General Gu, General Ma, how come the three of you visit at this time?”

The person who spoke was Lin Renzhao, and there were three big men standing outside the door, all in cloth robes without a hat. The big man Hu Yanyan in front of the station said: “This is not a place to talk.” Lin Renzhao suddenly said: “Three brothers please come inside.”

Lin Renzhao introduced a few big men into a room. He knew these people. They were all military commanders of the Southern Tang Kingdom. They were Su Yan, Ma Chengxin, and Ma Chengjun.” As soon as Su Yan entered the door, he sat down in a chair grimly , The other person walked to the back window and looked out on tiptoes.

“Huangfu Jixun was killed, did Brother Lin know?” Su Yan asked.

Lin Renzhao nodded alertly.

Guyan moved his butt, sneered, and said, “The one we arranged.”

When Lin Renzhao heard this, the eyes of Su Yan and others changed drastically, “You and I are just indifferent acquaintances, but General Gu told me about these important matters! Huangfu Jixun’s dereliction of duty and misconduct and misunderstanding of the country is a crime of ten thousand deaths. , Death is not a pity, why do brothers such as General Gu, do it yourself?”

Gu Yan shook his head and said: “If we don’t kill, Huangfu Jixun will not die!”

Lin Renzhao looked unbelievable and was taken aback.

Gu Yan glanced at him, “I have already inquired clearly about the battle of quarrying. Huangfu Jixun has not succeeded enough to fail. He puts the country at risk. If you don’t kill, it’s a disaster! If you don’t kill, you can comfort the battle. Soldiers and brothers who died!”

Lin Renzhao deeply agreed, but then said: “Huangfu Jixun is a general. Brother Yu will kill him, I am afraid the court will blame it.”

Su Yan said: “Brother Lin dares to tell the truth in the temple, won’t you be blamed by your majesty?”

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Lin Renzhao felt a little bit of sympathy for each other for a while, so he sighed and complained with a few big guys, and it was easy to get along. After talking for a long time, Su Yan said with a serious face: “It’s time to talk about the business tonight. I am guilty of killing Huangfu Jixun, but I am not worried about my life. There are many people involved, and the law does not blame the public. In addition, Huangfu Jixun was supposed to die, and the court killed us for this. It is suspected of being Huangfu Jixun’s order, which will arouse dissatisfaction among many people… But Brother Lin is different. We have received reliable information. Someone will arrest Brother Lin and put him in prison tomorrow morning. If you are a general, once you are humiliated by the knife and penman, the consequences will be worrying; not to mention that your comments in the hall are disrespectful. We all concluded that once Brother Lin enters the prison, I am afraid that he will not be able to come out again.”

After hearing this, Lin Renzhao was frightened and said: “Your Majesty will not kill Huangfu Jixun, but will kill me?”

Guyan sneered, and did not answer. Lin Renzhao thought about it with great concentration, and he also felt that this kind of thing should be the reason for the struggle for power, but he really couldn’t understand what happened for a while, and he didn’t understand the moment of defeat in the Battle of Quarry. The country is in danger of ruin|the country, why is there still this kind of struggle?

At this time, Su Yan said: “Brother Lin is leaving tonight. It is our brother who is guarding the south gate. It has been arranged.”

Lin Renzhao clasped his fist and said: “Brother Yu and other brothers’ kindness, Lin accepted it. But I can’t leave. My family is still in Jiangning Mansion, I can’t leave it alone.”

“Brother Lin’s family members should have no life worry, and your Majesty is not a cruel person.” Su Yan said, “…Or Brother Lin doesn’t believe what I said?”

“I don’t want to escape like this, or what else would I do when I come back?” Lin Renzhao said directly without explaining too much.

After hearing this, Su Yan stood up and said: “In this case, it is useless for us to stay and leave. Brother Lin, take care of yourself.”

Lin Renzhao said goodbye to his family that night. After bathing and changing clothes, he couldn’t sleep all night, waiting for the court’s interrogation. Early the next morning, several eunuchs and a team of guards arrived, declaring that Lin Renzhao should go to the government.

He is ready to confess the ins and outs of the quarrying battle in detail, and when he bears the sin of losing his teacher, he must also let people understand the root cause of the defeat.

Unexpectedly, just after entering a prison, a few big men suddenly rushed up, kicked Lin Renzhao to the ground, and then put him on an anklet and bracelet, regardless of the green, red and white, it was a beating! He yelled: “Lao Tzu is a general of the Forbidden Army, who has been convicted? Shi can be killed but not insulted…”

His shouting drew only a contemptuous ridicule, and a heavier fist. He was beaten to death and thrown into an iron cage. Half-awake and half-conscious, the iron door slammed open again. Two people came in, grabbed Lin Renzhao’s hand and pressed it in a clammy box, and then pressed it on a piece of paper.

Lin Renzhao was still clear at this time, and immediately understood: This is considered to be the end of the interrogation…

Outside, he is a general. As soon as he enters here, he is inferior to a dog, and he will die in a dark corner.

After resting for an unknown period of time, Lin Renzhao was in pain and finally recovered some strength and sat up, still unable to move because of the heavy shackles. At this moment, the iron door opened again, and a dark figure walked in.

He stared at the dark figure in a daze, knowing that it is useless to argue and resist now.

When “Shadow” spoke, it was a familiar Yan Yan’s voice: “Brother Lin, do you believe me now?”

Lin Renzhao was speechless, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, surprised: “How can you get in here?”

Said Yan’s voice said: “The court is treacherous and gangsters, but the loyal and upright people have not died. Now we are trying to keep the only loyal and upright people left.”

Lin Renzhao shook his head in the darkness and sighed: “At this point, I am disheartened and there is nothing to do… It’s better to die, so as not to hurt the family members in the capital. Brother Yu quickly leave here.”

There was a moment of silence in the dim light, and Yan Yan said: “Even if Brother Lin waits to die, I’m afraid the family will not be able to live.”

Lin Renzhao said immediately: “What big mistake did I make? Isn’t it enough for your Majesty to kill me, and to implicate the family?”

Gu Yan said: “If Brother Lin is worried about his family and waits here for nothing, it is no different from running away… Maybe it’s better to escape. The court didn’t catch you, but would not easily move Lin’s family.”

Lin Renzhao was silent for a long time without speaking.

Guyan urged: “It should not be too late. Brother Lin will make a decision early. This is your last chance. After you leave the city, Brother Lin can go south and go to the old land of Fujian. At this time, Jinling was threatened by several sides. Do not go to the south to search.”


Lin Renzhao escaped!

When Li Yu heard the news, his face was white…it was not the threat Lin Renzhao would have if he escaped, but how did he escape? Being locked in the death jail of Dali Temple, coming and going as easy as entering his own door, how did he run!

Lin Renzhao is not alone, there is a force behind him, who treats the prestige of the country and the dignity of the court as if nothing, trampling on him wantonly!

A feeling of powerlessness, a kind of humiliation, a big rock, like a quilt, covering Li Yu’s face. He couldn’t breathe, his chest was tight, and he felt darkness in front of him. He could see nothing and no way out.

“My lord, what’s the matter with you?” Zhou Xian walked out from the back of the bedroom and asked in surprise when he saw Li Yu’s desolation.

Li Yu seemed to be a drowning man who grabbed the straw, and suddenly fell to the ground, clutching Zhou Xian’s leg tightly. Zhou Xian was shocked and bent down to pull him up, but Li Yu clung to him. Zhou Xian had no choice but to kneel down and said anxiously: “My lord, you are so impolite, if you are seen by others, how should you give birth? Get up first, and say something slowly…”

Zhou Xian’s words of comfort at the moment made Li Yu hug tighter. He almost broke down, “Everyone is pushing me, they want me to die!”

Zhou Xian hurriedly said: “Your Majesty, you are the most powerful person in the entire Southern Tang State. No one dares to force you.”

Li Yu shook his head desperately, tears and nose came out, rubbing against Zhou Xian’s skirt. He choked up and said: “It’s no use! Zhou Jun is about to fight in, and I’m about to subdue my country… No one below listens to me, they are all on the surface, they have their own plans in the interior, just waiting for me to follow When the throne rolls down, they turn their faces and retaliate… They sighed and waited for that day to humiliate me, laugh at me, trample on me! I am about to lose everything, there is nothing I can trust, Ehuang, I only have you. People…”

…When Zhou Xian heard this, she didn’t persuade Li Yu, and she was also stunned.

She was initially depressed and numb, but suddenly she felt a little conscious… She couldn’t help thinking, when a person is completely devoid of anyone to care about and care about, what is left? What’s the point of being alive?

At the beginning, when I vowed to each other with Li Yu, the reliance on each other came to my heart. Zhou Xian suddenly became very gentle, her pure white face, bright eyes full of love and indulgence, she stretched out a trembling hand on Li Yu’s cheek: “Husband, I understand your feelings.”

After Li Yu was agitated, he was a little colder, froze for a while, and said: “I know you still hate me…”

Zhou Xian said: “People make mistakes, I forgive you. Can you forgive me…that infidelity?”

Li Yu got up from the ground at this time and said: “I still care about what to do with that kind of thing, my situation…Emperor E knows.”

“I have said that what I care about is not that kind of thing, as long as we make up for the rift in our hearts.” Zhou Xian’s mood also fluctuated, grabbing Li Yu’s palm and looking at his face, “Shang Wang , You are not Guo Shao’s opponent, and the situation of Nantang Kingdom is not saved. You surrender!”

Li Yu’s eyes rounded: “surrender?”

Zhou Xian said: “There is no way, surrender now, maybe you can get the tolerance of the Zhou court, you see that the lord of the Shu Kingdom Meng Chang is all right…Let’s not be a king, don’t be in power!”

Li Yu stretched out his hand and patted his robe, sat on the chair, and said calmly: “Then what am I left?”

Zhou Xian chased up and said, “You still have me. I know what you think, and I don’t think you can hold me if you don’t have power. Don’t worry, I understand Guo Shao’s character well, and he will not force it. , Also can’t do it; otherwise, I won’t be released before. As long as I persist, I will never abandon my husband… Do you believe me?”

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