Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 337: I understand

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On the white road, there is a winding black belt in the middle, which is the coal (coal) **** falling from the cart. Along the way, you can see Dingfu pushing a wheelbarrow or driving a donkey cart. A steady stream of things sent to the south of a house. Those pallets contained iron ore, iron nuggets, wood, coal, charcoal, etc.

There was a constant “ding, ding, bang, bang,” noise in front of me. Guo Shao sat on the carriage and opened the curtain to enjoy the scene in the snow with great interest. The quaint architecture, white snowflakes, and another artistic conception, but the black smoke and noisy clanging noise from the roof chimneys completely destroyed the poetic and pictorial feeling… Maybe the ancient poets would not like these scenes. Guo Shao felt a kind of inexplicable kindness.

“Guo Du check.” “Guo Du check is coming, and there is a long miss…” A group of officials, artisans chiefs and others greeted the door and paid homage.

Guo Shao got off the carriage and waved his hand. An official came forward to praise him, and Guo Shao directly said loudly: “From today to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the officials and craftsmen on duty will be paid three times as much. In the future, when you keep accounts and ask for money from the servant, you can write me clearly. Mean.”

He deliberately speaks loudly, and the artisans who are working are all looking at him. Guo Shao walked up to a dark man who was adding coal and said, “Although there is no rest during the New Year, if you can make more money to buy new clothes for your family, everyone is happy too?”

“Yes…” The officials nodded and bowed.

“Hey!” There was a loud noise, which shocked the inattentive crowd. When Guo Shao turned his head to look, he saw a heavy forging hammer just dropped and smashed it. He heard the friction of the chain at any time, and the upper part of the forging hammer hit the “v”. In the connecting piece, it was pulled up by the chain again.

A craftsman hurriedly took the iron tongs to clamp out the things on the anvil, and then picked it up with his hands. It was a helmet. Guo Shao also walked over and stretched out his hand to come and see…A thin wrought iron plate was stamped into a hemispherical helmet; however, because the iron plate was slightly larger in size, there was a ring of brim on the hemispherical plane.

“It looks different from the helmets worn by the soldiers. This is an iron helmet with a wide edge.” Guo Shao looked back on the left and right. He pondered for a while, “If the two sides are made of movable lock armor to make a circle of ear protection , The head protection is quite good.”

The Jiafang Department official said: “Guo Du’s point of inspection is that the two sides of the hat can also be pierced with a belt to tie the chin to stabilize the helmet… But we can’t make chain mail. We don’t have enough staff. It is made by a master called the military supervisor.”

Luo Jiye, the artisan leader, took over the topic: “The most skilled craftsman can make a chain mail that is bigger than a palm in a rush of work all day. That job cannot be done without craftsmanship, so he has to slap wire and burn Red punch to make a ring, hammer flat; then punch holes, connect the iron ring with rivets to become an’iron cloth shirt’.”

Guo Shao nodded after listening: “Customize some chain mail ear protectors for military commanders and elite soldiers, and use hard leather armor instead of others to save trouble.”

He turned his head to look at some annealed and hardened helmets on a door panel, then went up and took one, and handed it to Dong Er who was accompanying him to take it away.

They went to another workshop again, this is where the breastplate was made. Forging hammers and anvils are cast and polished into a radian shape and become molds; also like stamping iron helmets, one hit is a plate… However, it takes more time to process thin iron plates, and the wrought iron must be repeatedly folded, stamped and forged Dozens of times, later forging and carburizing (increasing hardness), and then the blacksmith forging the corners by hand. After processing a certain size of iron plate, it is easy. Put it in the anvil mold and hit one piece; if it is not pressed, press it again.

Guo Shao took a pair and checked it over and over again. It was almost in line with his design intent. The appearance was different from what he imagined, but it was enough to have defensive power.

Luo Jiye said: “Only the front and sides can be protected. Only the chest and abdomen can be protected. The back is empty, so I have to wear hard leather bunting. A pair of breastplate has three parts. One side is the front breastplate. Wrap the edges with a hammer to protect the side waist; the user can also tap and adjust the size by himself. The larger body is pulled apart and the smaller one is closed. The other two pieces are hanging shoulders and are connected to the breastplate with rivets. , Mainly plays the role of fixing the breastplate. There are three small holes on each side, which are used to shuttle the chain to bind the breastplate and make the armor more tight.”

Guo Shao said with a smile: “It’s enough to prevent the front, and you can’t use your back to attack the enemy when fighting; if you are defeated and flee, it will be useless if you wear it thickly, and it will affect the degree of escape and run quickly. .”

After listening, everyone laughed for a while.

The design of this breastplate is also quite simple. It is actually an iron vest, but the back is empty.

The shoulder armor is a bit more complicated, because the arms need to move, so it takes a few curved iron armors to be inlaid with iron rings to achieve the purpose of movement; otherwise, there is still resistance when the arms want to lift. It’s really hard to do activities like a swallow wearing iron armor.

This batch of “plate armors” has four sets of armor. The last one is the arm armor, which is a semi-cylindrical iron plate with large and small upper and lower sides with perforated edges. When using it, just tap it to adapt to the size, and then tie it to the arm with a twine… still a part of the inside is empty.

The head, chest, shoulders and arms are protected by plate armor on all sides, which can avoid most of the damage. Guo Shao himself started from a young age and has been fighting in battle for several years, and he is very experienced in this. These four areas are particularly vulnerable to injuries. The head and chest are fatal, and the chest and abdomen are pierced; the shoulders are resistant to slashing; the arms are also vulnerable to attacks when using weapons.

But it’s not enough for generals to use plate armor, because for the sake of simplicity and efficiency, protection is very incomplete; qualified generals and wealthy soldiers must be equipped with lock armor, especially movable parts, so that the protection is only It’s quite high… But for ordinary soldiers, who are not even a piece of armor, with this kind of protection, they will definitely be able to increase their courage, because it is not easy to be killed.

Guo Shao walked around, most of the workshop facilities are still under construction, only two or three yard forging hammers have been put into use. The noise is quite loud. If the whole workshop in the city starts to operate in the future, I don’t know how noisy it will be… But Guo Shao doesn’t bother to care about it. He can’t stay here anyway.

A group of people walked out of the workshop and saw a pallet truck carrying half of the pig in. Guo Shao greeted on a whim: “Chop the pork into two pieces.”

At the moment, Dong Er was asked to take off his chain mail and wrapped it in a piece of pork and hung it under the dead tree in the yard. In addition, he was asked to take out a breast plate and tie it with a rope. Hang on the tree together.

Guo Shao had some activities and asked someone to take two strong bows.

Everyone finally understood what he wanted to do. An official flattered: “I have heard that Guo Du has been checking archery like a god. Today I am waiting for an eye-opener. It is a blessing for three lives!”

Luo Jiye said in a serious manner: “Back then, Guo Du inspected and shot Zhang Yuanhui on the battlefield, and became famous with one arrow. It was definitely not a fame.” Another person said: “Tsk! Two-stone strong bow, most people can’t even pull it. Open, let alone archery…”

Guo Shao ignored them, but it sounded smoothly. Everyone knew that it was useless not to mention compliments, but even if it sounded great, he couldn’t avoid it.

Now I open my bow and shoot arrows, and within fifty steps, I draw the bow and shoot at the two armors “crackling”. Of course, the arrows are all. Everyone shouted: “Good, good! Guo Du’s inspection is indeed archery like a god.”

Guo Shaola had a strong bow several times, and was indeed exhausted. He dropped the bow and arrow and said calmly: “It’s not a problem to wear Yang with a hundred steps, but in order to increase the strength of the armor, I got close and shot so close. The big goal is nothing…Go get that thing and check it.”

Officials from Jiafang Administration rushed over and carried things over, and everyone helped pull out the arrow and took out the pork inside. Upon seeing this, Guo Shao said: “Sure enough, the defense of the plate armor is better!”

In the end, it was a steel plate that was repeatedly forged and carburized. It was shot with a two-stone strong bow within 50 steps, but a pit was recessed, and the top of the arrow cluster pierced a little and broke the pigskin; imaginable, battle formation The eight-doubow that is often used on the board, there is almost no way to use this kind of plate armor, and it can’t even break the skin.

He looked at another piece of pigskin protected by chain mail, Shigeya pierced it completely, and there was still broken wire remaining on the wound. He drew a dagger from his waist and looked at the pork carefully. The arrow completely pierced the skin and fat, and had penetrated into the lean meat. The chain mail’s defense against arrows was good, but Guo Shao was close and his arm strength was strong, so he shot through the armor.

The people around looked in their eyes, congratulated and praised New Jia.

Guo Shaodao: “As soon as the surrounding workshops are built, they will be on duty day and night to make armor! The required money, food and raw materials are drawn up and submitted to the court. I will send someone to help you approve it.”

An official immediately took out a booklet and presented it. Guo Shao smiled and took it and put it directly into his sleeve pocket: “The court is very tight now, and the money has to be spent. I will check this account carefully. Is there any problem?”

The official glanced at Guo Shao’s expression quietly, but Guo Shao was staring at him with a smile. The official looked sad, and finally bent down and looked at Guo Shao’s sleeves and said: “Guo has checked, he hasn’t checked the accounts carefully for a while. There may be some omissions in the previous copy. It is better to give it back to the official. Check again…”

Guo Shao showed a slight smile, but it looked a bit like a wicked smile: “I gave everything, it wouldn’t be nice to take it back. You re-draw one, and I want both.”


Guo Shao stepped forward and stroked his back and said nicely: “It’s okay, you just picked up the pork, and looked at your hands. You still got oil on your hands, didn’t you?”

Guan’er stretched out his hand to look at his palm, Yin Tang was black, nodded and said: “Yes, yes…”

Guo Shao said: “It’s human nature, I can’t see that you have oil in your hands, so I should chop your hands?”

“General Guo spared his life.” Guan’er suddenly thumped to his knees.

Guo Shao helped him and said: “I said that he can’t chop his hands, but it’s better to add a pair of gloves. The king’s office has worked hard, why can’t I remember?” He immediately turned back, “Come on, that piece of pork is cut. Half of it will be awarded to the Royal Department. What is the point of getting some oil on your hands?

Guan’er thoughtfully said: “I understand, I understand…”

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