Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 334: The overlord lifts the tripod

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Two days later, Guo Shao found that the forging hammer workshop could not operate.

“Hurry up and let the donkey stop!” Artisan leader Luo Jiye shouted, “I’m stuck.”

Guo Shao looked up and watched the cast iron lump as a forging hammer hung in the air and couldn’t fall down. The chain was pulled “clicks”, as if ten thousand grass mud horses whizzed past. This workshop has been busy for a month, and his depression can be imagined just like this.

After a while, the donkey in the cellar next door was driven to reverse, and finally the forging hammer was slowly put down. Fortunately, nothing was damaged… If it was the first test, it would be broken, I’m afraid It hurts even more.

The craftsmen have been working for so long, seeing that it is useless, and occasionally someone complains from a distance. Someone muttered quietly, thinking that Guo Shao couldn’t hear, “Why don’t people just pull the rope and pound up and down, like pounding rice, but want to fix such things…”

Luo Jiye hurriedly turned over the picture he had drawn, frowned and looked at it, bending over and said to Guo Shao: “I did everything according to General Guo’s meaning, and didn’t dare to cut corners.”

There was an official from the Jiafang Administration next to him. The official said, “What’s the matter?”

Everyone looked blank, except for a few officials, most of them were craftsmen. This thing seems to be out of the knowledge of craftsmen, and people don’t quite understand the problem. The Jiafang Department official turned to Guo Shao and said, “General Guo, I know someone who built a waterwheel. Why don’t you call him here?”

“Okay.” Guo Shao nodded.

He gradually calmed down from the depression of failure, knowing that there will always be setbacks in attempts. Scientists have also tried countless times to build light bulbs… Although the structure of this “mechanical forging hammer” is relatively simple, it mainly consists of transmission belts, pulleys, etc. The principle, the principle is not unfamiliar to Guo Shao; however, he has no practical experience where he used to work around this stuff.

It is indeed too novel for the ancients; the ancients are also creative, but the technology exhibition is based on previous experience, occasionally making one or two details of progress, which is a slow process. Suddenly something completely new comes, and it takes a process for them to accept it… Just as there is a word that is separated like a mountain, this is true for the unfamiliar.

Guo Shao walked back and forth between the two rooms several times and said: “The design of the opening and closing pendant connecting the forging hammer and the chain is problematic, and the intention cannot be realized during the operation. I have to think about a new solution.”

The experienced blacksmiths and shipbuilders around him are also confused, and no one can answer Guo Shao’s topic.

Guo Shao asked someone to put paper and ink in the workshop, and then he drew a sketch based on the structure in front of him and pondered it. I feel that the “semi-automatic” design steps are too large to be realized temporarily, and the structure has to be simplified. The simpler the process, the less likely to cause problems.

He found that the chain on the edge of the grinding disc was diagonally upwards leading to the hole in the wall. Intuitively, such an orientation would reduce the distance that the chain can pull (the hammer cannot be pulled too high). I drew a triangle on the paper and calculated it with trigonometric functions to confirm my judgment.

The officials and craftsmen stared blankly at Guo Shao’s drawing pictures, writing various symbols that were completely incomprehensible, all of them in the mist.

Guo Shao didn’t want to bluff them, let alone explain. Now, starting with Arabic numerals and formula symbols, how can I explain it clearly to everyone? There were also mathematicians in ancient times, such as those who wrote nine chapters arithmetic and the Pythagorean theorem, but they were a minority after all. There were no more than a few thousand officials in Tokyo alone, and no one knew who was good at…Anyway, most people included civil officials. I don’t know how to understand the more complicated geometric rules. Perhaps the officials of the Qin Tianjian will be more expert.

“These two grinding discs need to be repaired and raised.” Guo Shao said to Luo Jiye, “Don’t put the donkey pulling the grinding discs in the cellar, get them to the ground; the’grinding discs’ are raised and lifted up.”

Luo Jiye gestured to ask a few words and understood what Guo Shao meant.

Guo Shao took out the redesigned simplified pendant installation diagram, walked to the forging hammer, pointed at those things on the spot, and explained to Luo Jiye. Part of the structure has to be reassembled, nothing can be done.


“Guo Du checked the office early every day. I heard that I was with a bunch of civil servants and craftsmen?” Shi Yan was doing nothing in the office in front of the temple, so he sat there chatting with Yuan Yan.

Yuan Yan said: “Last time the Secret Envoy Wang mentioned it, it seems that Guo Du checked and wanted to build a new armor.”

Shi Yan was stunned, and then smiled: “I almost forgot. I heard that General Guo was a blacksmith before! Haha…”

Yuan Yan was a bit more stable. He didn’t follow Guo Shao when he heard something joking about Guo Shao. He sat there and said nothing.

Shi Yan said: “I don’t understand. Guo Du asked the imperial army general to do a good job. What did he do to supervise the military equipment? If he didn’t let Xiang Gong go to Hanzhong, he would choose a good person. Hanzhong has already become our territory…now it is comfortable. Stealing chickens can’t lose rice. It cost a lot of money and food, but nothing was grabbed. The court did a loss-making business.”

Yuan Yan originally wanted to say that Xiang Gong was not mediocre, but Shi Yan didn’t seem to be pleasing to Xiang Gong, so he didn’t bother to argue with Shi Yan.

…… On the twelfth lunar month, Guo Shao came to the workshop in the outer city again, and the workshop is now operational.

There was a piece of felt on the anvil below, and the two big wheels next door turned “clicks” and made a loud noise. Guo Shao shouted: “Prepare some tung oil, and spread the oil everywhere, it will not be so loud!”

Seven or eight donkeys pull the big wheel to turn near the axis, and it doesn’t go very fast; but the other small wheel is several times smaller and turns faster. So the chain here moves up and down faster.

“Wow!” With a loud noise, the forging hammer weighing more than a thousand kilograms was violently pulled to the height of the beam, like a large sluice was violently pulled open. A wooden stick next to the forging hammer struck a copper bell with a “jingle” as it rose.

The craftsman standing next to hear the copper bell, and he pulled the rope forcefully. The hook of the oiled pendant was thick and flattened into a “v” shape, with both sides inclined; the chain moved towards The side is skewed… the pendant immediately unhooked, and the heavy forging hammer fell down with a “whoo…whee”.

There was a loud bang. Although the anvil was covered with felt, there was still a deafening bang when a forging hammer hit it over a thousand catties.

Said the time is late and then it is fast, and the end of the driven iron chain moves down very fast. The end of the chain also has an iron lump weighing several tens of kilograms, which stretches the “unloaded” chain straight. Because of the gravity pressure of the iron lump, the v-shaped iron hook directly pressed the inclined surface of the iron hook into the “door”-shaped hanger of the forging hammer.

The re-connected forging hammer was immediately pulled up by the iron chain. There were two sounds of “dingdong” and “dingdong”, respectively, the sound of the forging hammer rising and falling past the copper bell. “Hey’! Hit the anvil again, and so on.

“Haha…” Guo Shao couldn’t help laughing, and everyone laughed at the sight, cheering in the workshop for a while.

So the craftsman swept away the smashed felt grass, clamped a piece of red-hot wrought iron on the anvil with tongs, and hurriedly pulled an open square shield to protect the front. With a “clang”, the red square iron block was directly squashed. The craftsman carefully adjusted the position of the wrought iron with the tongs behind the shield, leaning less, and then being smashed.

After forging five or six times, he clamped out the already flat wrought iron; another craftsman clamped another red-hot iron block.

The thin piece of iron before was stuck in a crack in the stone, bend it with a hammer, and replaced it with folding and forging.

Guo Shao looked at it for a while and laughed: “It is said that Xiang Yu, king of the Western Chu Dynasty, can lift a tripod, but the Overlord is no match for this thing; let’s enlarge the wheel and use a few more mules to lift two thousand jin. A few thousand catties.”

Luo Jiye laughed and said: “Xi Bawang can’t carry the tripod to do the work of the blacksmith and forge iron in the shop.”

“Hahaha…” The crowd burst into laughter again.

Guo Shao turned his head to look at Jiafang Office Order Wang Hong: “I will ask Kaifeng Mansion to requisition land around here, you call the artisans who make armor, let Luo Jiye build more workshops according to the forging hammer and gear size here; There are three sizes of forging hammers that can be doubled and doubled. With this thing, we can build new armor.”

Wang Hong worshipped: “The officials take orders.”

Guo Shao said again: “All the craftsmen involved in this matter receive monthly salaries like elite soldiers in front of the palace, ordering them to keep the secrets of the craftsmanship, and those who leak it to outsiders should be cut!”

Everyone regained their senses from the laughter… Since Guo Shao often went between the workshops for more than a month, and didn’t have any pretensions to talk to the craftsmen, everyone really rarely felt his power.

Guo Shao took out a drawing: “The anvils and forging hammers cannot all be flat. According to these arcs, a few are cast and annealed first for cold forging and stamping. After the anvil is made, a few helmets are forged first. Try it.”

Currently, the helmets used by the Forbidden Army are not uniform. There are two main processes: one is the whole piece casting, regardless of the strength, the disadvantage is thick and heavy, and the cast iron cannot be light or thin; the second is forged iron inlay , Punching holes are connected with rivets, the disadvantage is that there are many procedures and laborious.

Actually, the shortcomings of the ring lock armor currently used are not mainly a defense problem. It is also very laborious to build, so the total armor rate of the imperial army raised by the nation is less than one-third; a pair of ring lock armor requires hundreds of pieces. It is made of connected iron pieces and requires experienced and skilled blacksmiths. It took about 20 or 30 people a whole month to build a full body armor… The efficiency is low and the cost is high, mainly due to the labor cost.

Guo Shao wanted to use cold forging to form a large area of ​​plate armor. The combination still uses the popular craftsmanship at this time, using rivets to beat the mosaic. However, design is the most difficult part. If some moving parts are monolithic, it will affect people’s actions.

So it’s not time to start producing plate armor, so let’s try a helmet first. The plate armor is slowly trying to design…Anyway, at least the technical basis of stamping has been realized.

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