Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 253: Consummation

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The big scenes of the past are gone, and the army is no longer in sight. In the last days, there was only one woman in front of the emperor.

Fu Jinzhan’s face suddenly blushed, and he lowered his head in shame, no longer explaining the reason for making up the “staff”. After a moment of silence, she sighed: “Whether the official family is a hero or Mingjun, I was called to admire at first, but how did I come over this year, and how much do your scenery have to do with me?”

Resentment resurfaced in her beautiful face, and she coldly said: “If the officials didn’t treat me like that, how come it is now.”

At this moment, she suddenly heard a few “cough” sounds. When she looked up hurriedly, she saw Chai Rong spit out a mouthful of blood, and her outstretched hand dropped. Fu Jinzhan hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to see that his breath was very weak and his eyes closed.

“Come here!” Fu Jinzhan hurriedly called.

First, the **** Cao Tai brought some women in, and Fu Jinzhan called the doctor to see.

The imperial doctors were busy for a while, and one of the old men knelt down on the ground: “Weichen speaks boldly, it is time for the official to make a will!”

Fu Jinzhan’s face changed slightly and said, “The official was talking to me just now! It looks much better.”

The imperial doctor said: “Does the queen do not hear “Return to Light”? People who are sick and weak suddenly wake up without medicine, which is a sign of dying!”

Fu Jinzhan said: “Except for officials, I have never served seriously ill people.”


Outside the Jinxiang Temple, in a military camp where Tiger Jie troops are temporarily stationed inside the city gate, Guo Shao is chewing on a dry cake.

At this time, a soldier walked in and whispered beside him: “The humble post had just learned from the Privy Council that Zhang Yongde came to the Privy Council alone.”

Guo Shao breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard the news. He turned his head and looked outside, it was another sunny day. It rained for a long time, and it was refreshing.

Most things are going well now. With the support of Zhang Yongde, the inspectorate in front of the palace, the Privy Council can calmly adjust the defenses and divide the cavalry. Next, from the center to the forbidden military generals, who would oppose the queen’s ruling? Some people may be dissatisfied, but it is just a few small characters who have no strength and cannot turn a prodigal son.

Guo Shao feels he can finally relax. Although he was still a little unhappy about the Queen’s affairs… But considering the pattern of the Zhou Dynasty for a long time in the future, the queen will play a central role, Guo Shao immediately put aside some personal unhappiness.

There are more people who rely on him to live safely. He has a responsibility and can’t just care about personal emotions.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I suddenly saw Cao Tai hurriedly entering the barracks, looking at the soldiers in the house. The soldier clasped his fist with interest and said: “Retire from the humble duty.”

Cao Tai came up and whispered: “The official family is critically ill, and the queen called the miscellaneous family to inform General Guo.”

Isn’t the emperor always critically ill? Seeing Cao Tai’s appearance, Guo Shao asked: “How far is it?”

Cao Tai said: “The imperial doctor said it was time to return to the light, not much time… But the queen did not dare to let the official see the minister easily, how can I get a child if something goes wrong?”

Guo Shao suddenly became nervous and paced back and forth in the room: “The ministers must be summoned a little bit later, I can’t go in, I have to avoid suspicion…” He asked again, “What is the last wish of the official after seeing the queen? Have a legacy?”

Cao Tai whispered: “The officials don’t believe in the queen at all, so what can I do before the queen… But before coming, the miscellaneous family heard the queen say that the official wanted to see the fourth prince (Chai Zongxun).”

Guo Shao said casually: “The queen should be seen by the official, a child does not understand big things.”

Cao Tai said: “The officials and the queen have a deep grievance, I am afraid that General Guo doesn’t know. Before yesterday, the queen was in danger, and now her anger has not subsided.”

Guo Shao pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered someone who came and said: “Duke Cao is going to Kaifeng Mansion, and he called Huang Binglian, the official of the left hall of Kaifeng Mansion, to the palace.”

Who is Huang Binglian? It was the officer who investigated Guo Shao when he was assassinated by Zhao Sanmou, who was sought by Wang Pu. In that case, Guo Shao felt that this person was very professional in judging an autopsy, and he was not an official in the imperial city. Calling him to participate would only benefit and not harm…because the emperor had died of illness.

Cao Tai asked, “Left Hall of Kaifeng Mansion? In this limelight, what name did the Zajia pass on him? The Zajia has not yet asked the Queen for an order.”

Guo Shao said: “I made a decree in the name of the queen, and reported it to the queen afterwards, and said it was my idea.”

… Outside the emperor’s bedroom, Fu Jinzhan waited for Chai Rong to breathe, and then rushed to summon the minister to “face saint”. She felt the bruises on her wrists, and she couldn’t rest assured. As long as the official breathe out, who knows what will happen to him? Maybe he was pretending to try to comeback?

The officials of the Southern and Northern Wars are very powerful, and there are almost no opponents in the world. But in the court, he was trying to conspiracy, and he didn’t seem to be Fu Jinzhan’s opponent. Anyway, now Fu Jinzhan didn’t even trust him at all, and would not give him any chance.

Fu Jinzhan sat in silence for a long time, and suddenly there was a very strange epiphany. She felt that she and the official couple for so many years, in the end, turned out to be strangers!

She used to be under cold violence for a long time, and she was still afraid of worry and resentment; but now, when she saw Chai Rong’s desperate, powerless and regretful final situation, she didn’t bother to care about all the grievances she received suddenly. Fu Jinzhan realized that his hatred for Chai Rong was not so deep, as long as he died, she would be able to let it go… After all, it is not easy to hate a dead person.

But indifference, maybe more sad than hatred?

I saw Chai Rong’s appearance today and was told that he was really going to die. As a result, her mood gradually began to change in the morning.

Wei Wei put down her resentment and revisited the past. When Taizu was willing to accept her as a righteous daughter and insisted on marrying her, he might indeed appreciate her not being afraid of danger; but the official marrying her was purely for the purpose of marriage…At that time, Taizu just ascended the throne and became the adopted son of Taizu. The official family married Fu Yanqing’s daughter and Li Shouzhen’s daughter-in-law, and the marriage can most directly resolve the contradiction with the Fu family, and can be wooed. For officials, they still obey the filial piety of their adoptive father.

In Fu Jinzhan’s view, her remarriage can allow the Fu family to transition from the (later) Han Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty. At the same time, individuals can also get rid of the fate of being forced to commit suicide and become a monk.

It was a relationship of political mutual need, mutual compromise, and mutual use. It’s no wonder that Fu Jinzhan suddenly felt that he didn’t hate him anymore. He didn’t have much real feelings at all, and only considered the pros and cons. How could he really hate him? Resentment can only make her alienate, disappointed and helpless.

After thinking about it for a long time, Fu Jinzhan felt that she should avoid owing others and feel a little guilty in the future…This is her temperament, and she is more willing to let go and relax, and don’t want to have any mental burden; she can often do it At this point, even big things can always convince yourself. Always been this way.

What Chai Rong did a few days ago was to get her to death; then Guo Shao mutinously supported her and was necessary to do something. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with such a thing.

…Fu Jinzhan turned around to see Mu Shanggong standing silently, and said: “Go and bring the Fourth Prince over.”

After figuring it out, Fu Jinzhan waited for Chai Zongxun to come over and told Mu Shang Palace to hold all the way to the emperor’s palace. The child seemed to like Fu Jinzhan very much, and when he saw it, he said: “Hold her mother.”

Fu Jinzhan said kindly: “The queen didn’t sleep well enough and the strength is not enough, let Mu Shang Palace hug you, and we will take you to see the father.”

She really doesn’t like children, she finds it annoying, and she doesn’t like to hold children, not because of her prejudice against Chai Zongxun.

The three of them entered the palace, and Fu Jinzhan asked a woman: “How is the official family?”

The man replied: “There is nothing serious yet.”

Fu Jinzhan stepped forward and called: “Officials, Zongxun is here.”

The official family suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his son. But the child was very scared when he saw his appearance. Instead, he turned his head around Mu Shang Palace and wanted to hide… The official family spent the years in the North and South wars, not only did not care much about the harem, but also rarely accompanied his own son. Zong Xun is really not very close to him, nor sensible.

But at this time, the emperor’s eyes on the child were extra different. He seemed to see the continuation of his life.

Fu Jinzhan said indifferently: “The officials want to see the minister. For the sake of safety, the concubines cannot be forgiven; but if you want to see the prince, the concubines must not be mean. Not because I forgive you, but let go.”

Chai Rong said with difficulty: “Let him… Zongxun, succeed to the throne!”

Fu Jinzhan said: “The officials and concubines will follow the official’s will.”

Chai Rong nodded and closed his eyes slightly.

Fu Jinzhan saw this and said: “Mushang Palace, you can stay here with Zunxun for a while.” After that, he turned and left this dark palace.

Stepping out, the sun was shining brightly, and the expression on Fu Jinzhan’s face gradually calmed down. No matter how bumpy the road came, the result now is more satisfactory.

She has no sadness, no guilt. The officials were seriously ill and had no medicine to cure. They didn’t prevent the imperial doctor from treating him with medicine or treating him wrongly. Everything was fate. I did everything I could, and brought Zongxun to him, leaving no regrets as far as he could.

Fu Jinzhan immediately raised his head to look at the sky and let out a breath. Let go of others and let yourself go; forgive others and forgive yourself.


By noon, the Privy Council, the Political Affairs Hall, and the military commander Guo Shao all received the decree and told them to enter the palace immediately.

Guo Shao waited for a while in the military camp inside the palace gate, and saw Wang Pu, Wei Renpu, Wang Pu, Li Gu, Fan Zhi, and many others coming, followed by Wang Pu and Huang Binglian, the official from the left office of Kaifeng Mansion. Only then did Guo Shao go in with them through the tunnel of the Jinxiang Palace.

The **** Yang Shiliang led everyone to the palace, and saw the empress kneeling in front of the bed with Chai Zongxun, and the doctors and maids inside and outside also knelt on the ground.

Cao Tai said on the ground: “The official has issued a will this morning to pass on the four princes. The queen hurriedly sent people to summon the minister, but it was one step too late.”

Suddenly everyone in the room burst into tears. r1058


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