Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty Chapter 141: Mrs. Gao

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After the night of the Yuan Festival, I never saw Ermei Fu again. There was no news of her, as if she had never existed.

Spring seemed to come suddenly overnight. On the 16th of the first lunar month, the weather was clear, and the breath of spring was already in the wind. The snow on the streets, on the roofs, and steps gradually melted. Pay attention to the greenery on the branches. The garden is a little far away. Look, you can find a layer of fresh green.

Everything has recovered, everything seems to have a new beginning; but Guo Shao is nostalgic for the snowy night stagnant in the winter and the stars are like rain.

He found out that he was missing the second sister Fu…this familiar and unfamiliar woman. Familiar, because she is too similar to the queen of talisman; strange, only met one side, and only the moment the hat fell off, half of her face is unforgettable. Fuhou and the second sister intertwined and merged in Guo Shao’s heart, making him a little confused. However, Fuhou and the second sister are still very different, the second sister is more playful and pure, and less heavy; probably because of different experiences.

If Guo Shao remembers correctly, the Fu empress in history fell ill and died during the Battle of Huainan, and Fu Ermei was the second empress of the emperor. Perhaps only the emperor can protect such a woman, because she is easy to be remembered when she shows up.

She is really a loved and caring woman, and a little irritating. Is she going to pretend to be a dancer and fool and tease herself?

Guo Shao is in the ceremonial hall outside the palace. Fu Yanqing’s house is really boring. It’s better to be with a group of brothers and Zuo You.

He was thinking boringly, and suddenly he heard the sound of “Da Da Da…” very rapid horseshoes in the street. The sound of horseshoes in the city feels like something urgent.

Guo Shao walked a few steps out of the gate, followed the sound, and saw a tall and fierce man riding a horse with a dark face. Isn’t that Lu Chengyong who went to Youzhou with the Qidan general?

The brawny man also saw Guo Shao. He just stopped the horse before the horse stood firm, so he turned over and clasped his fists and said: “Master! I have found Mrs. Gao’s location…”

Guo Shao was overjoyed and hurriedly took his arm and said: “Come in and talk.”

The strong man Lu Chengyong said solemnly: “Xiao Jin, a Khitan native, risked his death in Youzhou to find the Liao general he knew before, and after inquiring about Mrs. Gao, he just learned the whereabouts of Mrs. Gao after many twists and turns. She was being robbed by a Liao general. As a concubine, the Liao general was transferred to an army village in the south of Waqiao Guan. We were hiding in a mountain forest at night and day. Xiao Jin could speak the Khitan dialect, and pretended to be a Khitan trader to explore the village. , There are dozens of Liao rides, and hundreds of Xi Ren’s pawns.

Xiao Jin decided to lead the crowd to attack the camp, and leave after robbing someone. But we only have eighteen riders, and we can only hope that we are unprepared and we do not know the success or failure. “

“Snatch people in the Liao Army barracks?” Guo Shao felt a little uneasy, feeling that the gang was a little bit fierce. Mainly even if it breaks through the military village, it is not easy to get out.

Guo Shao paced up and down in the corridor. At this time, Zuo You, Yang Biao, Luo Mengzi and others also came out, and Lu Chengyong had to repeat what had just been said.

If Ermei Fu is not considered, only alliances and rights are considered. Mrs. Gao and Ermei Fu are equally important… Marriage can form an alliance, and the sister who rescued Gao Huaide can also form an alliance.

With Guo Shaoli’s strategic thinking, he has an intuition: Chai Rong is a little ignorant of invisible strength… Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin have the highest status, and they are very defensive; but Guo Shao feels that these two strengths are actually not comparable. Go to Zhao Kuangyin, what precautions and restrictions does Zhao Kuangyin have in front of the palace?

Guo Shao feels that his current status level does not need to be deliberately improved. On the contrary, wooing people everywhere and laying a solid foundation and connections is the most important direction he should digest.

Mrs. Gao must be rescued! Otherwise, how to win over the large crowd of Gao Huaide? There is nowhere to speak.

“I want to go to the north to meet Xiao Jin and them.” Guo Shao said.

Zuo You hurriedly discouraged: “Most people in Liaoning are useless. They can only be defeated unless a nationwide war is launched. The lord must not take unprofitable risks.”

“If we don’t go to the Liao region, we will go to the border of Hebei and wait to know the news sooner.” Guo Shao said urgently, “There is nothing to do in the Daming Mansion all day long… If Xiao Jin fails and someone is captured, he will not Will they confess their purpose of attacking Junzhai?”

Everyone is silent, and they will obviously confess. As long as a person is caught, there is always a way to make people confess… Then Mrs. Gao will not go to the southern part of the Liao border again, and will lose the next chance to rescue.

Guo Shao couldn’t sit still, so he asked to see Fu Yanqing through the steward of the ceremony hall.

Fu Yanqing also persuaded a few words, but seeing that Guo Shao was eager to respond, he revised a book and gave a letter of recommendation from the Jiedu Envoy of the given state, “General Guo can go to Dingzhou, and the Jiedu Envoy Sun Xingyou and the old man For several reasons, you are a military commander of the Forbidden Army. He should send troops to respond if necessary. Dingzhou is separated by a river and the border is the nearest place to Waqiao Pass in the Dazhou area; but occasionally Qidan rides across the river. Caogu, General Guo must be more careful. I will send you two people to lead the way.”

Guo Shao thanked him, and took the printed letter of recommendation and left the Palace of Wei.

He and the others made preparations, and borrowed 21 sets of armor from the officials of the palace, put on uniforms, took dry food and water bags and left. All of them are people who are used to military careers, but they are very neat.


From Damingfu to Dingzhou, it takes about six hundred miles, farther than Guo Shao and others from Tokyo to Hebei. Fortunately, most of the roads are relatively spacious and flat. The Hebei Plain is a good place for horseback riding. Guo Shao was also anxious, and he arrived at Dingzhou in three days… If he hadn’t found a ferry to cross the river a few times, it might be faster.

It seemed relatively peaceful along the way. I didn’t see the grass-throwing valley mentioned by Fu Yanqing. The Liao and surrounding areas were peaceful. There were even farmers and cattle working in the fields in the spring.

Guo Shao asked about the route for the soldiers to return, and they rode nearby; this is a dilapidated ferry, with only three small ferry boats, which should be used by cargo merchants and civilians, and only a few old and weak Zhou military equipment Sentinel. When the assignment was done, Guo Shao and others went to Dingzhou City to send a greeting.

The Dingzhou Shogunate hosted Guo Shao and his entourage, and there was a banquet that night, accompanied by officials. Guo Shao has experienced this kind of occasion many times from Guanzhong to Hebei, and at least the first drink is inevitable for others to do with the friendship of the landlord. Guo Shao handed Fu Yanqing’s letter to the shogunate official, and he saw Sun Xingyou the next day.

Fu Yanqing has worked in Hebei for many years, and his name is quite useful. Sun Xingyou was willing to send troops to assist Guo Shao at the boundary of Dingzhou, but did not want to go to Liao to provoke a conflict, and then sent a general to assist Guo Shao.

As soon as the group left the shogunate, they saw a soldier waiting there anxiously: “Someone in Xiao Jin’s department has arrived at the river bank!”

Guo Shao was busy riding out of the city, and soon two unfamiliar men came riding. Guo Shao Mance immediately asked: “Just a few of you? Have you rescued Mrs. Gao?”

One of the guys said: “We have spotted the place. In the early morning, we suddenly smashed into the village and snatched some people, but we could only run away. In order to disperse the Khitan and the pseudo-Han soldiers, General Xiao divided the troops. As a Sanlu, Mrs. Gao is not in our hands. Several of us were pursued all the way, and three people were shot and killed!”

Guo Shao took people to the ferry, and saw that there were already about 20 or 30 enemies riding there on the other side, but no one else was seen.

“Can the general mobilize horsemen to disperse the Khitan Rangers on the other side?” Guo Shao asked, “Madame Gao will probably also take this ferry all the way.”

General Dingzhou said: “I’m going to report to Jieshuai! When Jieshuai gives an order, the general will bring troops over.”

At this moment, the Qidan riders on the other side suddenly turned around and rode their horses. Guo Shao looked into the distance and saw three riders vaguely rushing from the end of his sight. He said in a hurry: “No!” /

Guo Shao wants to cross the river to meet, Zuo You persuades. Seeing whether this matter had failed or not, the achievement was the last step. He couldn’t care too much, so he got on the three ferry boats with Yang Biao and the others. The first ferry was only nine rides. No one was blocking the river, and those Liao Qi had spread out to the two wings and outflanked people in the distance.

Guo Shao ran away on horseback after he went ashore.

With a dash of horsepower, Guo Shao has already seen one of the horses sitting on a man in white. There was a thud in my heart: Mostly Mrs. Gao! Xiao Jin waited for a raid on the Liao camp in the early morning. Only Gaofu might run away wearing white shirts. Who is all right to wear white clothes?

He stared at the man in white, rode his horse and ran. The Sanqi ran in the opposite direction, seeming to find that Liaoqi was blocking the road before turning around.

The three horses galloped back and forth, and suddenly I saw that the distance was dusty and the Liao army cavalry came again! The Sanqi quickly turned around and rushed out to the west, as if the Liaoqi on the west was sparse. Upon seeing this, Guo Shao also led his army to the left.

Suddenly heard a horse cry, and a knight fell from the horse. Han Bing and Mrs. Gao have a total of three horses, and only two horses remain.

The situation is very critical, and he rushed closer, Guo Shao shouted: “Mrs. Gao, I am here to meet your own person, go this way!” He heard the “pop…pop” string again , The situation is very critical.

Guo Shao took a bow and arrow within a hundred paces from a liao ride, and shot it with one arrow, but he missed it!

The brothers beside me, Yang Biao and Luo Mengzi’s archery skills are poor, Guo Shao knows them too well. There is also a group of soldiers with the most senior qualifications, wounded soldiers collected in Wufu Town. At that time, these people belonged to the infantry of the Xiaodi Army (Iron Cavalry), and most of them were incapable of riding and shooting skills. I knew I was here with Li Chuyun or Luo Yanhuan!

“Pop!” There was another chord, and one of the Khitan cavalry was very sharp and shot another horse to death. In the end, Mrs. Gao left for a ride and hurriedly ran towards Guo Shao.

But the Qidan soldiers who followed by did not shoot her, but shot her horse to the knees with another arrow. Another Khitan knight was only a few dozen steps away from Guo Shao. Zhang Gong shot two arrows and missed. Shuqi surrounded Mrs. Gao who fell to the ground.

Guo Shao stretched his bow while running. He counted his arrows off the track. The horse swayed a lot, but he didn’t find that feeling. The arrow out of the string was a little bit off. It was farther away after dozens of steps. Up.

Seeing that three or four Liao Cavaliers have rushed to the front of Mrs. Gao…More cavalry from the right wing came to Guo Shao’s side, and the situation was very bad.

A soldier shouted: “Master, we are going to be encircled, let’s retreat first!” rg

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