Warlord of Chaos: Group of 3

A dilapidated carriage came staggeringly from the east, and walked to Dismark’s u mountain, in front of the king’s gate. Suddenly it squeaked and stopped.

In the carriage, Guevara, Manager Gail, and Jie Qiusi looked at each other, Manager Gail stretched out his hand and opened the door, Jie Qiusi smiled and said, “I wish you two a good journey.”

“This should be said to Dismark.” Guevara replied lightly, and then picked up his dragon gun.

The guards in front of the Lord’s Mansion were very annoyed when they saw a broken carriage parked at the door. As the supreme ruler of the Holy Crown City, many people came to visit Dismark every day, but no one dared to stop the carriage. At the door, and on the east and west sides of the Lord’s Mansion. There are special places to park horse-drawn carriages.

Seven or eight guards surrounded them, and one of them shouted loudly: “Who told you to park here? Get out of here! Did you hear that?!”

Director Gail has released the invisibility technique, jumped off the carriage, Guevara is slowly carrying the dragon spear,

Slowly got out of the carriage, squinted his eyes, and quietly looked at Dismark’s lord’s mansion, once upon a time

When he was young, he tried every means, even tried his best, to become the master of this mansion, but in the end he always failed. There are a lot of emotions.

In fact, when he decided to assist Han Jin. I just hope that Han Jin can inherit his principles

Think. As for other things, he didn’t dare to think about them at all, because decades of suffering told him how much hope is.

Large. Disappointment can often be great, but Han Jin’s growth rate is too amazing, almost every day will be different, in a blink of an eye, he has changed from a small person who is running around to a leader who is around.

My lords are frightened, fearful and restless powerhouses! The rebellion of the elves and the small actions of Manager Gail are all strong proofs!

There is a saying that surprises always come inadvertently.

He struggled, he fought, but he was repeatedly defeated. In the end, I became discouraged and just wanted to choose a suitable young man to inherit my ideal, but in the past year or so, I saw one miracle after another! His dream came true inadvertently, and Zaguned has turned into history

The dust of history, now it’s Dismark’s turn, and how many years has he been fighting for this? !

The guards around suddenly became quiet because they saw a proud old man


That is the Dragon Knight Guevara, the Guevara with a gun in his hand, who is everywhere! !

Although he is very old, his demeanor is still as majestic as a mountain and as heavy as the sea

Magnificent. Outstanding, he is a natural commander! The divine light flickered between the opening and closing of the eyes, and the expression was leisurely and tranquil. The body is as strong and straight as the dragon spear in his hand. Guevara was wearing a very ordinary robe. It is said that people rely on clothes and Buddha depends on gold clothes, but Guevara’s robes are stained with his light, exuding a faint arrogance, no matter how expensive the clothes are, It is also impossible to achieve this effect.

In fact, the dragon scale armor has become the professional attire of Hanjin’s partners, even the magician Sasou

It’s a trick, but Guevara doesn’t need it. He thinks that young people need protection more than he does.

“Your Excellency, may I ask…who are you looking for?” A guard asked timidly, and what he asked was Waste

Words. Who can I turn to for parking at this place? But Guevara’s aura gave people a feeling of looking up from a high mountain, which made the guards realize that they were so insignificant. Under the influence of inferiority complex, they were inevitably at a loss and lost ground.

“Is Dismark there?” Guevara finally moved his gaze from the Lord’s Mansion.

“Your Excellency is receiving distinguished guests, please wait a moment.” The guard hurriedly said, turned around and left, he even ignored that the other party did not use honorific words, if it was someone else who was so rude, he would have kicked him a long time ago kicked over.

The other guard was more sober. He hurriedly grabbed his partner and asked Guevara, “Excuse me, what can you do with your lord?”

“Bensmark owed me a debt, and I should pay it back now.” Guevara said lightly


“Your tip””

“My name is Guevara, you just need to inform Dismark, he knows me.”

The guards didn’t dare to hold the other party accountable for parking the carriage in front of the lord’s mansion without authorization. They turned around and walked back until they reached the steps. A guard suddenly reacted and uttered a sharp cry

Voice: “Guevara? Dragon Knight Guevara?!”

The next moment, a burst of golden light enveloped all the guards inside. Guevara didn’t need to use fighting skills to deal with these guards. The trembling spear tip casually hit the guards. It will make their **** explode into blood mist, and in an instant, Guevara has finished his work

The action of gunning and closing the gun, and those guards all turned into **** mud, and then Guevara stepped forward and walked slowly towards the gate.

Enemy attack! Alarms sounded in the Lord’s Mansion. This is the heart of the Holy Crown City. Of course, the soldiers guarding the Lord’s Mansion are the most elite. Soon, groups of swordsmen and knights rushed out to meet Guevara.

Guevara shook his right hand lightly, and the dragon spear in his hand trembled violently, making an ear-piercing scream

Sound. The body of the gun seemed to be alive, like a spirit snake about to devour people, and then Guevara took a big step forward, the dragon gun moved, and the dazzling golden light exploded again.

After Han Jin and Stillberg’s long-term and careful conditioning, Guevara’s body has long been complete

Full recovery, his combat power can definitely maintain the peak state of the current age, no one can stop Guevara’s spear style, every time a spear is pierced, there will be a cloud of blood blooming, and a life will disappear


Guevara’s style is passionate and courageous. To be precise, Guevara is not inferior to the world

Force. At least he is definitely not Nikola’s opponent. But he has the will to be invincible! Back then when he entered Black Crow City alone and fought against the entire city with one man’s power, even though he had killed Zaguned so frightened and embarrassed, at this moment, he would not pay attention to the small Lord’s Mansion. What’s more, he is no longer alone now. With Han Jin and Jie Qiusi, he has many comrades-in-arms who can trust each other and live and die together!

Finally, the belated magicians rushed to the front hall, but before they could see clearly

Potential. A cruel figure suddenly appeared between them, flickering from east to west, reaping their lives recklessly! The speed of the figure’s swimming was so fast that the mages couldn’t use their mental power to lock the enemy at all. Their eyes just caught the figure, but the shadow suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in another place, and they couldn’t even lock it, let alone

Take a look at the magic

Jacius got down from the carriage, in fact he didn’t need to intervene, but he was unwilling to bear it

Being lonely and bored with everything, Jie Qiusi raised the scepter in his hand and blessed Guevara and Chief Gail respectively with the blessing of God to prove his existence. The fact that those magicians were unable to lock down Chief Gail did not mean that he could not do it either. There were only two archbishops in Pangea, and now he may be the only one left. Of course, the noble title must be matched with corresponding strength.

The three people, Guevara, Jetchus, and Director Gail joined forces, not only formed a brilliant think tank, one person was in charge of the main attack, one was in charge of surprise attack, and the other was in charge of support, and cooperated with each other There is an extremely tacit understanding. If they are willing to surrender their identities and form a mercenary team, it will definitely be the most terrifying mercenary team in the world.

Guevara strode forward on the **** ground, yes. That is blood! Guevara’s gun style is too fierce and vicious, and every soldier who fell under his gun has become incomplete. As long as it slightly touches the jerky tip of the gun, the gun will explode. It turned into a rain of blood, and in a short period of time, more than 40 soldiers had used their lives to prove Guevara’s strength, and the blood that flowed out turned the entire front hall into a blood red.

The door of the hall was kicked open, and an angry Dismark strode out, seeing Guevara, he was immediately stunned.

Dragon Knight Guevara is not only Zaguned’s nightmare, but also his Dismark’s nightmare!

Scenes and scenes of the past that endured humiliation and humiliation emerged in Dismark’s mind, and finally turned into an unbearable roar: “Guevara!!!”

“Is he Guevara?” Yadonis’s slightly stooped body straightened suddenly, and a pair of dizzy old eyes became sparkling.

“He is very powerful.” Ord said slowly.

“Master Dismark, don’t worry, leave it to us.” Amy Jie smiled.

“The three of us? This is a bit unfair.” Odd looked a little hesitant.

“Fuck it, it’s fair.” Yadonis held the war chest with his hands full of age spots

Gun: “History is always written by the victors.”

“The three adults can make a move. Today, this is the place where Guevara lost his life!” Dismark’s spirit was lifted, and the fear hidden in his heart disappeared.

The figure of Wei Dou blocked Dismark’s sight. If he could see Jie Qiusi standing silently outside the gate of the mansion, if he was lucky enough to know Jie Qiusi’s identity, maybe he would not be so confident .

“It’s fighting! It’s all fighting! It must be very lively…” Harley couldn’t help shouting. Harley, which is completely composed of fog, has many conveniences that others cannot match. For example, he can extend his neck. It can even reach a height of more than ten meters, and now he uses

This method observes the surroundings, but in order not to attract others’ attention, he only puts his neck

Extended to a few meters, the scene of fierce fighting cannot be seen.

Han Jin leaned lazily on the tree trunk, ignored Harley, and followed Gail’s original plan. He was supposed to deal with Dismark, but after Han Jin made a trip back to the God of War, the plan was changed.

“Oh! We have nothing to do here. I’m so anxious!” Harley’s neck turned in one direction, turning around and around: “Master, why hasn’t that guy come out yet?!”

“It will come out.” Han Jin said lightly: “Because of the scruples of the three paladins, it is impossible for Dismark to let that guy and the paladins appear on the same battlefield. Sneak out to see what’s going on, Harley, you’ve got to keep an eye on me!”

“Master, don’t worry about it.” Harley said with a chuckle, “Don’t worry about those three paladins

Master? Hehe…, “This is also where Dismark is incompetent.”


Master “Spider”, if I don’t walk by now, okay? What did Jie Qiusi dare to say? Harley’s tone was full of complacency: “So, Dismark is far, far behind you

Already. “As a wise ghost, Harley will never let go of any chance to flatter him.

Han Jin shook his head and did not speak.

“Master, are you really not in a hurry?” Harley called again.

“What am I in a hurry for?”

“Ah, I understand. The last ones to appear on the stage are all real big shots! This is in line with your identity as the master.”

“Shut up.” Han Jin simply closed his eyes. He wasn’t worried about the battlefield elsewhere. Dominique and Yalena went to deal with Gerald, Guevara, Jie Qiusi, and Gail. Yes, “Yan Ting Mark has an absolute advantage, especially the latter, Jie Qiusi has only… contacted three paladins, and gathered the power of six strong men, let alone Dismark, Even a demigod will flee.

The only possible accident is that Kane can’t control the magic army, but as long as he can delay for a while, when the magic army comes again, the battle is already over.

Harley was only silent for a moment, and suddenly called out: “Master! Over there! I sensed it

That breath! ! “

In the southwest corner of the lord’s mansion, there is a lonely small room. The door is opened, and a vague figure slowly walks out. There is a faint mist floating around his body. The face is looming.

If it is a skull, but he has a nose, eyes, lips, and all five senses

All. If it is a face, but he is so thin that he can’t get any thinner anymore. Every time he exhales, his nose sways like grass in a strong wind. When he inhales, his nose shrinks into a ball again, and even his nostrils are blocked It made people worry that he would suffocate to death in the next moment.

The figure listened carefully to the shouts from a distance, then raised the magic wand, but hesitated for a while

Engraved. Put down the magic wand again, his pet can act as the best scout, but the paladin is very sensitive to the pet’s begging, the light grudge is the same as the terrible sunlight, it can kill his pet in an instant, and there is also It may reveal your identity and cause big trouble!

The figure pondered for a while, then took out a metal mask from the space ring and put it on his head, the mist surrounding him also collapsed into his body at the same time. In appearance, he has become almost normal, but too thin, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

The figure took a step and walked slowly outside the courtyard. But as soon as he walked to the middle of the yard, a narrow voice sounded behind him: “Hey, stand, where are you going?”

The figure froze suddenly, then turned around a little bit, and a calm and young figure jumped into his eyes. Compared with Han Jin, Harley looked extraordinarily noisy. Voice: “Yes, master! This is the guy! Get rid of

He! ! Ha ha “” kill him! “

“The enemy?” the figure asked in a hoarse voice.

Without waiting for Han Jin to speak, Harley shouted first: “Nonsense, are you a fool?!”

“Is this your pet?” The figure’s eyes fell on Harley, with two eyes showing

Point the red light, and the red light is getting brighter and brighter.

“Pets? That’s right.” Han Jin smiled.

“I’m sorry, from now on, he no longer belongs to you.” The figure slowly lifted up

Magic wand: “Because he is very useful to me.”

“Whatever.” Han Jin shrugged: “You can tell that he is very talkative and always annoying. I have never liked him.”

“Master”…You, “Why…” Harley said in a pitiful voice. He couldn’t believe that he had tried everything to please Han Jin, but he got such an evaluation.

“Thank you.” The figure was very polite. Obviously, he should have received a comprehensive education, but his movements were much rougher. The magic wand swung in the air, and a cone-shaped gray air wave shot out like a sharp arrow, hitting Harley right in the face.

To read the latest chapters, please go to Vimz Ding Jiapi. sun

Harley screamed, gray air waves pierced through his body, and then turned into swirling air currents, enveloping him inside, and the air currents were still tearing and devouring his body. But Harley is the ghost of the soul-eating strain, and he has a very strong devouring power, and the scene is very special

It’s very strange, Harley is devouring the airflow, and the airflow is also devouring Harley. Whoever wins depends on who can devour him faster.

Han Jin did not intervene. In fact, he is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. Compared with him, he prefers to cut first and then talk. Now he is so low-key, just to force out all the power of this mysterious person. This is him. The real purpose of changing the plan.

“I have many, many pets.” The figure did not attack again, and had been quietly observing Harley, but his voice changed. Full of deep joy.


“I have been looking for a way ~IndoMTL.com~ to make all pets unite and become one pet. Because the power of a single pet is too fragile and weak. But small… Decades have passed, I can’t do it all the time, which makes me more and more desperate.” The figure’s eyes turned to Han Jin:

“It’s only now that I know what I’m waiting for. So I’m waiting for him…hehe” Xin

“Really?” Han Jin always seemed very cooperative. When it comes to combat power, he knows that there are still many strong men who can pose a threat to him, but when it comes to the ability to deal with ghosts, no one in this world can compare with him, because he has inherited the skills that have been condensed by Taoism for thousands of years. Experience and wisdom! The mysterious strong man in front of him is certainly excellent, he has created another form, “Ghost”, but how can he alone compare with countless practitioners!

“Xie Mi, thank you so much, you let me see hope, haha”, haha…” The figure laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of uncontrollable ecstasy.

Han Jin stretched out his hand and made a gesture of, please. In fact, he was equally happy in his heart. Harley was just a clown before. If there are really so many ghosts, then from now on, Harley will become a clown.

As his reliable and trustworthy right-hand man!

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