Warlord of Chaos Chapter 397: Vent

The young orc suddenly became stiff, and the orc warrior with the missing arm yelled: “Be careful…” Then he rushed forward.

The orc warrior’s figure had just moved, and an extremely strong fluctuation flashed away, and the orc warrior exploded like a bomb, countless blood clots, big and small, and bone fragments splashed everywhere. Around Pingqiu, there were hundreds of elite orc warriors. They drew their scimitars at the same time, but just as the scimitars were half drawn, they collectively turned into statues.

The face and body of the young orc was splattered with blood. He felt that something was blocking his view, so he slowly stretched out his hand and wiped it around his eyes, only to realize that there was a soft, Sticky minced meat, he couldn’t help shivering, and quietly rubbed his hands on his soft armor, his eyes became erratic.

Although Han Jin’s mental power is not as good as that of the ancestor of the blood race, Arquette, it is not far behind. The fluctuation of his mental power just now was too strong, which made all the orc warriors understand his strength! In fact, there are many top-level creatures in the mainland, but there are very few super-level powerhouses. The scope of understanding has exceeded the limit, and even has the power to challenge the law!

It can also be said that there are many ways to deal with a top-level powerhouse, such as crowd tactics, sneak attacks, etc., but if you want to deal with a real super-level powerhouse, those methods are a bit ridiculous. In most cases, it can only be dealt with by another super powerhouse or a few super powerhouses.

What’s more, Han Jin was standing on the platform, and the nearest orc warrior was 20 meters away from the platform. No one thought that they could rush over to protect the two masters in time before a super strong man made a move. At such a time, it’s better not to act rashly. The young orc also remained silent. Obviously, he also didn’t think his guards could save him.

Han Jin walked forward slowly, the upper body of the orc warrior had been blasted into pieces by his divine sense, but the lower two legs were safe and sound, lying alone on the ground, Han Jin looked , suddenly turned his head and asked the young orc: “Does this guy have any children?”

“No…no.” The young orc didn’t want to answer, but he didn’t dare not to answer.

“Unfortunately, your promise is destined not to be fulfilled.” Han Jin smiled, then raised his head and quietly looked at the orc warriors around him.

“I’ve never heard of an elf like you.” A voice came from the large armchair.

“I’ve never seen a fat man like you.” Han Jin smiled again. He was wearing a hat made of branches and leaves to block his ears. His leather armor, except for a pair of black eyes that are extremely rare among orthodox elves, is no different from an elf, and he is also handsome enough, so he was mistaken for an elf.

The old man sat in the chair and stopped talking, his body was shaking violently, like a wave of the sea. That old man is too fat! Han Jin is telling the truth, his world media is very developed, but he has never seen such a fat guy! The old man no longer looks like an orc. To be precise, put a pumpkin on the ground, fill it with wax, and pour it down slowly until the shape of the pumpkin can no longer be seen, and the outside will be covered with layers like waves. Like folds, the old man sitting on the armchair is similar to this thing. It can be described as a seat, a pile, or even a lump. Anyway, you can’t use ‘a’.

“Don’t let your soldiers come back to save you?” Han Jin’s eyes fell on the young orc again: “Do you want me to help you?” The horn grabbed it, looked at it for a moment, and held the giant horn in front of him.

Suddenly, a bugle sound that does not sound like a bugle resounded throughout the world. If another traveler from Middle Earth came out, he would probably be dumbfounded, because everyone knows that melody.

The little snail, beep beep, the seagulls spread their wings and fly…

The orc battle formation in front was a bit chaotic, they had never heard such a strange horn sound, and some orc warriors turned their heads and looked around.

“My lord!” Athena grabbed Sunier’s arm and said anxiously: “We should retreat!!”

Xianier was about to shoot her second arrow towards the gap in the city wall, Athena felt very panic, because with the current situation of Xianier, after shooting the second arrow, she would lose all her strength, and now there are people everywhere The siren sounded, which proved that the orcs were besieging Yehliu City from all sides. The enemy on one side could no longer hold back, and the fall of Yehliu City was inevitable. Therefore, she must protect the relationship between Sunier, the elves, and Holy Crown City. It’s very complicated, only a living Sunier can resolve the conflict between the two parties, otherwise, God knows what the human lord will do? !

“Let go!” Sunier snapped.

“Senier!” Blanche grabbed Sunier’s other arm. She and Athena had the same idea: “Don’t be impulsive, we can’t hold it anymore!”

Xianier’s arrows did not scare the Gale Wolf warriors, a new frenzy surged in from the gap again, the Gale Wolf warriors waved their sharp scimitars, showed ferocious smiles, and scrambled to kill the elves The clumps of vines will shriek and shrink back when they come into contact with the Gale Wolf warriors for a little while. At this time, the ancient tree of life is no longer able to play any role.

What is even more frightening is the more than fifty hill giants in the city. They are like tall steel warriors. The heavy armor and their own weight make the ground tremble when they run, and the five in their hands The meter-long iron rod brought out **** whirlpools, and every time it rotated, one or several elves would have their tendons broken and broken, and they would even be smashed into pools of unrecognizable blood mud on the spot. The hill giants don’t need hard training, they are tenth-order creatures from birth, and there are only a handful of elves with ranger strength in Yehliu City, not to mention that the hill giants are all wearing thick armor. They ignore the attacks of the elves and just walk around Harvesting slices of life.

Xianier also knew that Yehliu City could no longer be defended, but she was a little unwilling to give up like this.

Suddenly, an extremely insolent laughter came from the front: “Quack… Quack… Children, welcome back to the embrace of God the Father…”

At the same time as the laughter came, a hill giant seemed to see something, shook his head suddenly, stretched out his giant palm and grabbed it in front of his eyes. The next moment, his palm and eye sockets exploded Two clouds of blood mist, and then he took two steps staggeringly, and fell down slumped.

Sunier is too familiar with that kind of laughter, she doesn’t know where the strength came from, she struggled to break away from Athena and Blanche, and screamed: “Raphael? Raphael?!”

Of course it was not Hanjin who laughed, but Harley! Streams of black smoke permeated and spread in the air, and finally condensed into a giant fifty meters tall, who stepped forward with one foot and firmly blocked the gap in the city wall.

In fact, Harley does not have the ability to fully materialize. If the orcs pretend they can’t see anything and keep rushing inside, they can penetrate Harley’s body. The giants turn a blind eye? What is even more frustrating is that Harley turned into the appearance of the beast **** Montai, which had an extremely strong impact on the orcs. The soldiers in the back line were stunned, and the soldiers in front hurriedly stopped and stepped back. , trying to avoid the giant leg that can’t see its head upwards, one of Harley’s toes is thicker than them, if he is stepped on, wouldn’t he be crushed? !

“Little guys, don’t be afraid, Quack…” Harley smiled even more proudly.

Han Jin came to save Sunier, but he didn’t want to disturb Sunier, he just wanted to come and go quietly, so he told Harley not to do it if he could, but he must do it quietly Just work, don’t talk nonsense! It’s a pity that it’s strange that Harley can control himself! Maybe, Han Jin was really negligent, maybe, in his subconscious, he didn’t want to go quietly, so he still let Halley take on the heavy responsibility even though he knew that Halley couldn’t control the heroic feelings.

“You failed.” Han Jin also saw the image of Harley. Put one foot out and step on the horn: “Do nothing? Just wait to die like this? This is not in line with your style.”

When the young orc saw his horn being crushed bit by bit, the expression on his face became very exciting. It turned into an ordinary question: “Who the **** are you?!”

“He’s Raphael…” The old man sitting on the chair softly answered his companion’s question.

“Master Yuridin is still smart.” Han Jin said softly: “Since you know my identity, what should you do? For example, the soul chain? Don’t tell me you are still reluctant to give up your life at this time Is it?”

“You… how do you know?!” The old man turned pale with fright, and his giant pyramid-like body began to tremble again. Without his control, if there is a slight disturbance, it will rise and fall like ocean waves.

“Of course I know, the soul chain is a magic that makes the upper dragons fear and fear, you don’t want to try it on me?” Han Jin smiled and said: “Do you want to try other methods? Forget it, Except for the soul chain, all the magic you have mastered has no effect on me.”

The old man looked at Han Jin with devil-like eyes, and he didn’t know how to answer. Seeing Han Jin appearing suddenly, he was very relieved, because he believed that Han Jin would not dare to hurt him. The soul chain is an extremely evil magic that can link two strange souls together. When he dies, Han Jin’s soul will wither quickly, but at this moment he understands that Han Jin doesn’t seem to care at all .

“And you, you can pull out your knives now.” Han Jin’s eyes fell on the surrounding orc warriors: “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt the two adults before I kill all of you.”

The orc warriors looked at each other, and finally looked at the old man. The more Han Jin said this, the more worried they were. Perhaps, this was Han Jin warning them with irony.

“It’s boring…it’s really boring.” Han Jin reached out and clasped the handle of the young orc’s waist, gently pulled out the scimitar, and put it on the young orc’s neck: “I’ll say it again , Draw your sword!” Hearing the orcs thinking about how to distribute Sunier in the future, Han Jin felt a **** desire in his heart, but the orc warriors didn’t cooperate with him at all, which made him very unhappy.

“Don’t!” An orc warrior exclaimed, then immediately pulled out the scimitar, and threw the scimitar to the ground.

Other orc warriors followed suit. In the blink of an eye, scimitars were thrown all over the ground. Some orc warriors took off their armor to express their sincerity. Beloved little son, if they are hurt, they will die, so they would rather choose to disarm, or even surrender.

“You misunderstood!” Han Jin sighed sincerely, and then lightly moved his right hand, blood burst out, a blood-stained head flew more than one meter high, rolled and landed on the ground, and the headless corpse also fell to the ground. Ruan Ruan leaned down: “I want you to draw out your knives and start fighting!”

The orc warriors were stunned. The orc who was taking off his armor also stopped moving and stared blankly at Han Jin. After an unknown amount of time, an orc warrior roared and bent down to pick up the scimitar. He rushed towards Han Jin with bloodshot eyes.

“Is that right…” Han Jin took a long breath, and then smiled comfortably.

The orc warrior came very fast, his blade was like a rainbow, and his figure was like electricity. Even if he was placed in Guya City, he was qualified to be a top mercenary, but Han Jin is a man who cannot be evaluated by common sense. A monster, he has the same talent as the abyssal demon, a powerful mental power that is incomparably different from Alquette, and his Taoism is no less than any traditional magician. Impossible monster!

In a flash, Han Jin appeared on the side of the orc warrior, and his fist hit the orc warrior’s cheek at the same time, with a muffled sound, the orc warrior’s head and helmet became bent and twisted, The body flew straight away for more than ten meters, knocking the other two orc warriors to the ground on their backs.

More orc warriors picked up their scimitars and rushed towards Han Jin fearlessly. Fossa’s beloved youngest son was killed by the enemy in an almost unreasonable way. They couldn’t survive anyway.

Tom…tom tom…a muffled crashing sound that seemed to come from hell, one after another, Han Jin’s figure flashed around, as if he had transformed into tens of millions, there were hundreds of shamans around, and a large group of thunderbirds Under their control, they began to dive to the low altitude, trying to release the group attack, but Han Jin never stayed in any place for more than half a second. At this moment, he was more terrifying than the abyssal demon, and the Thunderbird couldn’t lock Han Jin at all.

Tom tom tom… Han Jin is not killing the enemy, but using his tyrannical power and condensed divine sense to smash it! The body of every orc warrior he hit was distorted out of shape. From a rational point of view, Han Jin should release Taoism, quickly eliminate all enemies, and then support Yehliu City, but he must remain rational at all times, he is too tired, and people always need to vent. Now, Han Jin chooses Got to vent!

The orc warriors waved their scimitars in a daze, sometimes rushing east and sometimes west. They didn’t know where the enemy would appear in the next moment. Nothing else to do, like an ant facing a god.

“You go!” Yuridin howled suddenly: “Tell the king what happened here! Hurry up!!” He accepted his fate, others can escape, but he absolutely cannot escape.

“Let’s go?” Han Jin sneered, a little purple light appeared in Han Jin’s hand, and then turned into a bright and deep light group: “Get up!!”

As Han Jin shouted, thousands and thousands of purple light spots shot out, and each light spot turned into a flowing sword shadow, and the heavy armor worn by the orc warriors was like fragile paper They were pierced with thousands of holes like pieces, and their bodies were even more vulnerable. In an instant, they were twisted to pieces.

From a faint, almost infinitesimal point of light, the sword glow instantly covered the entire world, and countless sword lights even approached Yehliu City, which was a thousand meters away. Surpassed Longwei ~IndoMTL.com~ and the sword light did not disappear, kept swimming and circling, many orcs could not help but bend down, some elves who were still fighting **** the city wall screamed and jumped from the city wall go down.

Yuridin only saw a purple light cluster blooming in front of him, and the next moment, he found that the surrounding soldiers and hundreds of shamans were all lying in a pool of blood, not even a single body was intact.

The thunderbirds in the sky are also flying in panic. In the face of this kind of heavenly power, not to mention that the shamans are all dead, even if there are still shamans controlling them, they will not continue to fight Yes, they are monsters after all, they can’t be as fearless as orc warriors.

Han Jin approached Yuridin slowly, and kicked the leg of the armchair. Yuridin rolled over involuntarily, surpassing Qianjin’s body. It was really difficult for him to get up with his own strength. , Yuridin kept struggling and panting, but couldn’t sit up.

Han Jin grabbed Yuriding’s hair, dragged Yuriding abruptly, and walked towards Yeliu City. His speed was not fast, but it was difficult for Yuriding to keep up. He cried out in pain and was exhausted. Rolling and crawling, it is indeed too much to deal with an old man like this, but Han Jin has never regarded these orcs who trample and destroy various civilizations as their own responsibility, as adults!

All the orc warriors understood what was going on behind them. They stopped attacking the city and looked up to the rear. Soon, they saw a man dragging their respected great shaman from the bright nebula. Walked out, and their big shaman was crawling on the ground like a dog.

To an orc, this is an intolerable insult! Fosa is their king, and the great shaman Yuridin is their spiritual leader… )


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