War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens Chapter 2160: Fear!

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Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord is a tall and burly middle-aged man wearing a white robe with a fiery red flame embroidered on it, similar to Fire Worship Cult Elder, the exclusive apparel of disciples.

Of course, it ’s just similar, because the flame embroidered on his white robe is unique!

If you look closely, you can find:

The flame embroidered on the robe on Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord‘s body, from top to bottom, seems to form a long divine dragon, revolving around his body, just like “True Dragon Guard”!

Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord, although tall and burly, features is extremely upright, without the rough feeling.

Whether it ’s body or face, every point is just right, almost perfect.

Between his eyebrows, it seems to be filled with majesty, as if to make everything obey.

“It seems that the noise I made this time is not small … even the three guardians and the hostess are here.”

Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord smiled slightly between his mouth, and his body leaned.

In an instant, a vast and majestic invisible force swept out and rushed to the people bowing to him.

But it didn’t hurt the people. When approaching the people, they turned into an invisible force of gentle without losing power, holding them up.

“This is the power of‘ Holy Fairy 9th-Transformation powerhouse ’?”

For a time, everyone was shocked.

“Congratulations to Cult Lord Sir stepping into Shengxian 9th-TransformationImmortal Ascension Transformation ’!”

Finally, the three protectors of Zifeng, Qingxuan and Hongyun were the first to return to God. After returning to God, they also congratulated Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord for the first time.

The sounds of the three major law protectors also awakened Leng Ying and others.

“Congratulations Cult Lord Sir!”

For a time, Leng Ying and others followed him to Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord.

Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord, named ‘Tang Xuan’.

When the former cultivation base only had “Sixth Immortal Eighth Change”, it was already the first powerhouse of Fire Worship Cult.

At the same time, it is also recognized as Dao Martial Holy Land “the first person under the sage 9th-Transformation“!

Before that, his ranking on the “Pole Holy List” was “Fourth Place”!

In front of him, only three ‘Holy Fairy 9th-Transformation ’s exist!

Today, he has been closed for a long time, and he made a strong exit. He successfully broke through the cultivation base to the 9th-TransformationImmortal Ascension Transformation’, which has officially become the first-class powerhouse of Dao Martial Holy Land Peak!

Tang Xuan smiled and nodded to the Fire Worship Cult senior executives, and then asked: “What happened during the period of my retreat?”

Cult Lord Sir!”

As soon as Tang Xuan’s words fell, a deputy host of the Law Enforcement Hall took the lead and said solemnly: “Our missing” Holy Lady “of Fire Worship Cult in those days has now returned to teaching …”

The deputy host of the law enforcement hall is no one else. It was the deputy host of the law enforcement hall, Jiang Qin, who sent the mother and daughter of Ke’er to the law enforcement hall.

in those days‘s missing” Holy Lady “?”

Taking the words of Jiang Qin, Tang Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he appeared ecstatic, and asked in a very disturbed and excited tone: “This is the truth?”

Tang Xuan’s gaffe, Tang Xuan’s excitement, but scared Jiang Qin again.

Let Jiang Qin dumb as a wooden chicken, a long time fail to recover.

Others, including the three Fire Worship Cult guardians, also looked at Tang Xuan in amazement.

They can’t figure it out:

I heard that ‘Holy Lady’ came back, why is Cult Lord so excited!

For a time, they could n’t help but think of:

After the disappearance of the ‘Holy Lady’ in the past, there was no time to teach the ‘Holy Lady …’

It seems that most likely is also Cult Lord who has no intention of setting up a new saint.

“Is it because the Innate Spirit Root of the Holy Girl is‘ purple Spirit Root ‘… so, Cult Lord Sir thinks she is unique? “

“Maybe it is because … what is the” reincarnated goddess “?”

For a time, they could not help secretly guessing.

Of course, the so-called ‘Goddess Reincarnation’, but they do n’t believe it, they just think it ’s nothing.

“It is true.”

At this time, the law enforcement host ‘Leng Ying’ took the lead to recover and nodded.

Following it, he hesitated for a while, after all he continued to say: “But … the saint, in the period of disappearance, violated the canon of our Fire Worship Cult … not only her husband, He gave birth to a daughter. “

“She and her daughter, now …”

Just when Leng Ying wanted to say that the two saints were temporarily detained in their law enforcement hall, he was interrupted by Tang Xuan before he said, “What? The saint has a husband? That man gave birth to a daughter?! “

When Tang Xuan’s words came later, they became more and more high, and contained extreme anger.

When the anger rises, the almost unmatched breath of overbearing reappears on him, raging and sweeping away.

This time, even some of the weaker Jinyan Elder felt great pressure.

In the “Holy Island” under clouds and mist, a group of elite disciples who were just relieved suddenly felt this more terrible breath than before, and were once again overwhelmed by breathlessness.

This time, the weaker presence of cultivation base was crushed to bleed seven apertures, either sitting on the ground, or lying on the ground, or kneeling on the ground.

“What’s going on?”

“Break through the‘ Holy Fairy 9th-Transformation ’, the invisible breath is so terrifying … Then if the Sacred Fairy 9th-Transformation powerhouse full strength shot, how terrifying should it be?”

“Holy Fairy 9th-Transformation powerhouse is terrible! It is worthy of standing in the presence of Dao Martial Holy Land Peak!”


In the Fire Worship Cult holy place, a group of Elder Yin Yan, Tongyan Elder, and true disciples all showed their shock colors.

After a few breaths, the almost unmatched breath of overbearing disappeared again, which also made a group of Elder and disciples in the Fire Worship Cult holy place relieved.

Especially those elite disciples with weak cultivation base are relieved, as if they have recovered their lives.

Over the Fire Worship Cult holy ground, after clouds and mist.

“What’s going on?”

Tang Xuan’s sharp gaze seemed to penetrate everything, locking Leng Ying, and asked coldly.

Cult Lord Sir, the saint was missing in her baby … When the protégé disciples of the Fire Protection Law” Gan Ruyan “discovered her, she already had a husband and had children in her belly.”

In the face of angry Tang Xuan, Leng Ying said daringly.

“Later, the Gan Ruyan brought the saint back to teaching, but he didn’t tell anyone, including the” Green Fire Protection Law “, but directly hid the saint in the mansion where she lived alone … … And she also gave the saint to give birth to the baby in her belly. “

“Several years later, our deputy host of the Law Enforcement Hall,” Jiang Qin “, received a report from the pro-discipline” Wen Yan “of the Qinglongtan” Lu Tietan “, only to learn that the Holy Girl had already returned to teaching. … “

“Then, Jiang Qin took the saints and mothers and daughters back to our law enforcement hall and waited for the decision of Cult Lord Sir after leaving the customs.”

If you are an ordinary person, Tang Xuan, who is very angry at this moment, may be too scared to speak.

The ‘Leng Ying’, the law-encouraging lord, is clearly outlining the ‘Lailong context’ of the matter.

“The green fire protector, did Ru Yan’s girl discover the ‘Saint Girl’?”

After listening to the description of Leng Ying, Tang Xuan looked at Qinghuo and asked.

At this moment, his tone is also a bit calm, and I do n’t know whether it ’s because the green fire is the lofty ‘protector’ in Fire Worship Cult, or his anger has disappeared a lot.


Qing Huo nodded, “That girl discovered the saint in Dao Martial Holy Land ‘Xiayu’ … and she did it wrong! She didn’t report the matter, she hid the saint, and let the saint take the child Was born. “

Cult Lord, I had ordered the girl to surrender to the law enforcement hall … I accept whatever Cult Lord imposes on her.”

As the words fell, Qing Huo sighed, and the whole person seemed to be several years older.

“Ru Yan ’s girl is the twin sister of the saint, and it ’s normal to think about protecting the saint … It ’s not necessary for the green fire protection to be too concerned.”

Tang Xuan shook his head, and then looked coldly, and asked angrily: “I want to know now, who is the” husband “of the saint … who is such a heavy burden, dare to blaspheme our Fire Worship Cult saint Female !! “

When it comes to Tang Xuan’s tone trembles a little bit, it comes from the trembling of ‘fear’.

But listening to other people ’s ears, it seems to be a tremor from ‘anger’.

It’s just that Tang Xuan, as ‘Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord’, learned that the saint had a husband and had a daughter, she would have a feeling of ‘fear’.

This is something other people have n’t found.

Otherwise, they ca n’t understand it, and they will be shocked when they feel incredible.

Cult Lord Sir.”

At this time, Leng Ying said again: “We also asked the saint, who is her husband … But, she was reluctant to say. Before getting your order Cult Lord Sir, we did not Dare to torture the saint, and persecute the saint. “

“You are doing it right.”

Taking a deep breath secretly and temporarily calming down the “fear” in his heart, Tang Xuan nodded and said again: “Since Ru Yan’s girl is the saint found in” Xia Yu “… Then, that Man, most likely is also a person of ‘Xiayu’! “

“The saint is unwilling to say … we will start with Ru Yan’s girl and dig out the man’s ‘bottom detail’!”

In Tang Xuan ’s slightly anxious tone, he was confused with fear …

Yes, it is fear again!

I do n’t know, what secret was hidden in the former ‘Saint Girl’ of Fire Worship Cult, even one after another, one cultivation base has stepped into Fire Worship Cult Cult Lord ’s fear of ‘Holy Fairy 9th-Transformation’!

“Leng Tangzhu, now take me to see Ru Yan’s girl … After I pry the man’s” bottom “from her mouth, I will go to” Xia Yu “in person and bring the man back!”

Tang Xuan spoke again and said something inexplicable that made Fire Worship Cult‘s high-level executives horrified.

Cult Lord Sir, actually planning to go out in person? !

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