Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 882: Flame

Zhutianwanjie, don’t talk about the Sumi mustard seeds, the storage space is as big as Dongtianfu, and the thousands of floods are like stars, and the number of sand in the Ganges.

That is the chaotic world.

The greatness of the heavens is the sage of Hunyuan, and even Heavenly Dao is difficult to spy. I am afraid that only when they reach the Avenue Realm can one or two be understood.

The Great World of Famine was opened up by Pangu, which is comparable to the realm of avenues, in a chaotic world.

The world is as chaotic as a chicken, and Pangu was born in it.

There is a demon **** blocking the road and encircling Pangu.

However, he didn’t want Pangu Shenwei. He stepped on the creation of Qinglian, held the **** axe in one hand, and pinched the **** thunder in one hand.

Cut three thousand demon gods and become a wasteland.

Yangqing is the sky, and cloudy is the ground. Pangu is among them.

Nine changes a day, God is in heaven, and holy in earth.

The sky is one foot tall, the ground is one foot thick, and Pangu is one foot long. So eighty thousand years old.

The days are extremely high, the ground is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long.

Pan Gu Dao, make a great waste.

The air is in full swing, the sound is thunder, the left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, and the four limbs and five bodies are the four poles and five Yues.

The blood is the river, the veins are the ground, the muscles are the fields, the hair is the stars, the skin is the plants, the bones are the golden stones, the essence is the pearl jade, the sweat is the rain, the insects of the body are changed by the wind For Li Mo.

There are also many chaotic treasures, chaotic spirit treasures, spirit roots, Pangu, demon **** flesh, primordial spirit, mixed celestial virtues, mysterious yellow gas, adhering to the power of the law, gestating a new life, and scattering the world.

The flood started.

Pangu is gone, and Yu Weizhen is in the world.

Be aware that even after the dragon and phoenix, they experienced a great disaster, and it is difficult to climb the mountain because it is not near Zhoushan Mountain. And if you want to reach the top, it will be difficult for Ronaldo.

That is, the heaven and earth became more and more perfect. Tiandao deliberately suppressed and weakened the influence of Pangu. In addition to the wars, Panyu Yuwei dissipated, and Tao and Tianhe did not fully open until Zhoushan.

Pangu only died now, and the coercion is all over the wilderness. Not to mention ordinary creatures, even the innate gods can’t bear it.

You know, this one is comparable to Dadao, capable of slashing three thousand demon gods, among which there are few who are comparable to Heavenly Dao.

Even if you don’t do it, the momentum alone is not something ordinary creatures can bear.

In addition to the initial opening of heaven and earth, there is still a lot of chaos between heaven and earth even if Kaitian three treasures suppress the flood.

The other’s tangerine, my arsenic.

For Chaos Demon God, or Hunyuan Master, Chaos Aura is a daily practice, just like acquired Aura is to ordinary monks.

But Hunyuan Aura is a highly toxic substance to non-devil gods and non-Huanyuan people.

Not to mention absorption and refining, contaminated, just like the maggot of the tarsal bone.

So, Heaven and Earth can only adapt slowly, adjust slowly, and evolve slowly.

After a mass disaster in Kaitian, Pangu’s pressure gradually dissipated or shrunk near Mount Zhou, and the Hunyuan Aura slowly transformed into a congenital aura, and there were only successive creatures between heaven and earth. The silent world just started to be lively.

However, even after the day of a mass calamity, Pangu still kills the three thousand demon gods, and the evil spirit is still filled between heaven and earth.

The first batch of born creatures is the combination of these evil spirits and the corpses or remnants of the chaotic demon **** that fell in the open sky.

The spirits of these fierce beasts are not high, but the flesh is strong, after all, it is the blood of the chaotic demon god.

Inheriting the residual will of Kaitianshaqi and Chaos Demon God, he only knows to kill, not to feel the heavenly heart, and to destroy everywhere, so that the whole world is smashed.

Fortunately, the Honghuang tribe came into being.

Dragons living in the four seas, the unicorn dominating the earth, the phoenix soaring in the sky.

In order to fight against the fierce beasts, the dragon clan gathers the scale armor clan, the unicorn gathers the walking beast clan, and the phoenix gathers the flying bird clan.

Because they have a common enemy, the three tribes work together, plus some innate gods, Hong Jun, Qian Kun, Yin Yang, Wu Xing, upside down…

The fierce beasts are strong, but they are scattered. Under the encirclement and suppression of the three tribes with dragons, phoenixes and unicorns as the main force, they finally withdrew from the wild land.

So after the robbery of the fierce beast, Qi Yungong was added, and the Dragon and Phoenix tribes took advantage of the situation, standing on three legs and dominating the world.

In the beginning, the three tribes had to lick the wounds, digest the gains, and they would be safe.

However, there is no room for two tigers in a mountain.

The conflict between the three tribes gradually broke out.

First of all, the small-scale, small-scale, and contradictions of the strength under his command quickly caused conflicts among the tribes of the dragon, the phoenix, and the Kirin.

After all, the flood is so big, so much resources, you get a little more, I will get a little less.

Especially after knowing the unification flood, you can justify Hunyuan.

In addition, some people secretly promoted the situation. Soon there will be no room for fire between the three tribes.

Yes, it is some people, not just the Mozu.

In addition to Luo Sui, there are those innate gods who seem to have no desire or desire.

Luo Ai’s trouble is easy to understand. The more chaotic the wilderness is, the better it is for him.

The original meaning of the devil is to disturb, destroy, and obstruct…

The reason why other innate great gods are helping, but they don’t want to see the tribes.

Because, at that time, it is difficult to be alone.

Like when Lich dominates, apart from a few, such as Zhenyuanzi, Stygian, etc., Kunpeng was unwilling, and he was reluctantly forced by Dijun and others. Since the demon clan participated, Lich wars.

The saint, when the lich was at its heyday, he had to retreat.

Therefore, almost no one wants to see the tribe of dragons and phoenixes like the sun, moon, and crape myrtle.

Then the assassination of the dragon and dragon grandson suffered today, the genius of the Kirin clan died tomorrow, and the arrogance of the Phoenix clan disappeared without a trace, and all signs indicate that the other party did it. of.

For a time, the entire wilderness atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Filling up into mountains, gathering sand into towers.

After the small contradictions piled up again and again, the three tribes finally reached the point of having to fight.

The dragon and phoenix tribe~IndoMTL.com~ and the scale armor, birds, and beasts they represent, a battle that swept through the wild and ancestors started.

The four seas, the mainland, and the sky, no one is a paradise.

At the beginning there was restraint.

But the more and more you are blinded.

The chaos, the wilderness is completely chaotic, and the three tribes are inexplicably fighting. Even the ancestors Dragon, Fengzu, Linzu and others can no longer control the situation, they can only be wrapped up by the general trend and beat down with a scalp.

Can’t stop with a dozen.

Even if you are awake, you don’t want to fight, because the other party is entangled with you endlessly.

For a time, the torrents of blood flowed into rivers, and corpses piled up like mountains.

The strength of the evil spirit made the whole sky blood red. Under Da Luo, entering it, it would instantly become a machine that only knew the killing.

Fang Qingshan came to Honghuang at this time.

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