Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 446: Jiang Ziya comes to aid

The three brothers of Mojia’s face changed suddenly when they heard that the other party had help.

But Qiu Yin couldn’t help but laugh, making them quite surprised.

And Qiongqi is even weird, shouting loudly,

“No more prime minister, I can handle it myself.”

Yes, the person is Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya came down from Kunlun Mountain. Although she had experienced a lot of hardship, she was shocked.

Riding on the four different things, when approaching Xiqi, he was shocked by the flood of Fu Lu released by Qi Qi.

Jiang Ziya’s body is now full of jade deficiency and apricot and yellow flags, which is considered to be a brave art artist, plus it is not far from Xiqi.

Of course, apart from Yuxu Xinghuangqi giving him confidence, Jiang Ziya’s greatest confidence came from the four different things sitting down.

Fourth, unlike the ancient Lich War, the surviving demon clan sage, who has been built to be earth-shattering, is at least no worse than the twelve golden immortals.

After all, as a saint’s mount, it represents the face of a saint.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the four does not seem to be shot.

However, once Jiang Ziya encounters his life worries, it is an exception.

This is also the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun gave Jiang Ziya the Sixiang, which is equivalent to giving a life-saving symbol.

Jiang Ziya also knew exactly this situation, so she ran unscrupulously to investigate.

However, for these, Pang Qi naturally does not know.

He only knows that Jiang Ziya’s repair is worse than Fang Qingshan.

Moreover, unlike Fang Qingshan’s killing, Jiang Ziya is famous, but her combat power is scum.

Such a person, don’t say come to aid, and once you join, you will naturally be distracted to protect him.

Pang Qi was a bit overwhelmed, and wanted a little more burden there.

So, when even refused loudly.

It’s just that there’s no time to go there. How fast the Siqi’s feet are, and when the words almost fall, Jiang Ziya comes to the battlefield.

One step ahead of him is the yellow streamer.

But it seems that when this thing came to Qiongqi, it transformed into a yellow-brown flag and turned into blossoming apricot-yellow lotus flowers, floating beside him, helping him easily resist the demon. Brother and Qiu Yin attack.

Not only the Devil Brothers and Qiu Yin, but also Qiongqi couldn’t think of it. Jiang Ziya actually did this. Once he shot it, he resolved the danger of Qiongqi.

Especially this flag, which is suspended above the head, is unprecedentedly strong.

With poor insights, this treasure is comparable to the falling treasure money that Fang Qingshan only got.

“Is this thing a top congenital spirit treasure?”

Ban Qi was shocked.

And no matter what everyone thinks, Qiu Yin is overjoyed at the moment, and he will attack the three strange brothers of the magic family,

“The three generals, don’t care about this person. The thief captures the king first and takes the old man first. He is the prime minister of Xiqi, Jiang Ziya!”

Although the three brothers of the Devil’s Family really want to wipe out Qiongqi and avenge their fourth brother.

But I also know that for a while, I’m afraid I can’t help him, and not to mention his original defense. The flag above his head is probably harder than the turtle shell.

If you can capture Jiang Ziya and throw it under the mouse, are you still afraid that you can’t get the poor one?

Thinking of this, the three brothers of the Devil’s Family separated one person and rushed towards Jiang Ziya.

It’s just that they knew there, not to say that Jiang Ziya was captured, but that Jiang Ziya was slain in person, and he couldn’t shake his mind.

For him, Jiang Ziya’s death is not related to his dime. As long as the son can ride the robbery safely, everything will be fine.

On the other side, Fang Qingshan in Thunder Tribulation.

In the Nine Heavens Tribulation, there are nine waves of Thunder Tribulation, but Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but let him get a glimpse of the Thunder Raiders, so that the Lei Fa magical power has a lot of leanness, and the Yuanshen also has a lot of refinement.

Common thunderstorms are just lightning attacks. If they are mutant thunderjackets, there will be attribute attacks. Or five elements, or wind and ice.

Fang Qingshan’s Thunder Tribulation has been mutated for a long time because of the Great Tribulation.

As soon as the Two Nine Sky Tribulation broke out, it was attribute thunder.

But it seems that the dark clouds have risen again and again, and the scope has expanded from an initial radius of one hundred miles to three hundred miles.

Suddenly there was a sharp, golden light in the thunder.


In an instant, in the gap of the dark clouds of rotation, the Thunder Dragon radio suddenly turned into a shank sharp sword, dripping and turning, and a long and long golden sword gas was sprayed out immediately, and the sword gas came out, In the hands of Qiongqi and the ruby ​​sword, the swords in the hands of Fang Qingshan, and the swords of the Qingyun Brothers of the Demon Brothers all tremble.

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help seeing the Jiangang sea above his head, he could not help but brow, and he took a cold breath.

Good guy, this is the twenty-nine days of catastrophe. Actually, there is a metal mutation thunder that attacks the most sharply. What happened next?

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan’s endless cards are endless, and I know that self-worry is just unfounded.

I immediately settled on my mind and didn’t care about it. I just raised Taiyiwuyan Luo and sat on the spot to accept the baptism of Thunder Tribulation.


Without waiting Fang Qingshan for how long, in the sky, countless Jiangang swarmed down.

Wan Jian came out together, and had a fight with Poon Qi’s cast of 箓torrent.

The world is instantly involved in a huge storm of sword gas.

When Fang Qingshan saw it, he frowned, but he didn’t have any extra movement.

But seeing Thunder Tribulation falling, it drowned in an instant and looked from afar, but saw a huge tornado formed entirely of Thunder Sword.

Fang Qingshan revolving around the center, with endless sword energy, exploding in the center like a vortex.

The Sky Tribulation also seems to know that Fang Qingshan can’t help but fall after the Thunder Tribulation.

So just wait for the power savings to complete~IndoMTL.com~ directly tilt the two nine days of the thunder and the nine waves of thunder together, which forms the tornado-like sword-gang trend.

Although Fang Qingshan is in the center of the whirlpool, it is under the impact of hundreds of millions of sword qi, but because there are Taiyi and Wuyan in the outside, and there are five elements in the aura defense, although the mana cost is huge, it can still be supported.

Not only that, because the greater the power of Thunder Tribulation, the more benefits you will get after spending it.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan’s Thunder Tribulation was more than doubled during the Nine Heaven Tribulation, and Yuanshen and the physical training were also enhanced by more than one layer.

Just as Fang Qingshan was enjoying the improvement of his strength, a strange voice suddenly came to his ear to warn him.

Fang Qingshan was also so excited that the magic weapon and supernatural power were slowed down, almost invaded by the thunder and suffered heavy damage.

After all, the master of the five heavenly peaks, but also holding the treasure, if you are embarrassing yourself, then I am afraid today.

Fortunately, in a flash, he settled on his mind, and in his mind, he immediately turned to thousands of thoughts, thinking about how to survive this robbery.

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