Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 1534: The treasure is born

Don’t look at the second-level top treasures. Fang Qingshan, Pangbo, Jiangshan, Zheng Xuan and other inner disciples are almost at least one man.

But you know, they are the true story of the Dao Yimen progeny. They are born with good luck, and many weaker ones, just like the spirit treasures used by the gods who have just broken through.

That’s why this time so many people chased Fang Qingshan and others, not only because they suppress the morality of Dao Yimen, but also profitably.

Because the body of the eternal sky boat is integrated into the third-level spirit root bliss lotus, and in addition to quickly filling the other six eternal **** furnace units, otherwise it is too early to want a greater breakthrough, but it can also be Add a point of content. Make those unit attack weapons more sharp, make mutations more fierce, and make it easier to break through in the future.

As for the eternal barracks, the eternal **** soldiers will certainly be able to usher in a leaps and bounds, all of which will become metamorphosis, and even a small part of them will become immortal.

Then these **** soldiers will be able to provide Fang Qingshan with considerable help.

Just like the last time the chaotic world of business was chased and killed, the joint formation can leapfrog almost a big realm challenge.

Fang Qingshan, like Eternal Sky Boat, will not have much breakthrough.

The difference is that the eternal skyboat is unable to because of the lack of eternal units, but Fang Qingshan is unwilling.

If he doesn’t want to use these destructive forces, he can also directly induce the **** emperor.

Because, his Divine Emperor’s chapter that proves the truth is still only a rough outline.

He walked on the foundation of a long life, thick and thin hair, and no breakthrough, only a breakthrough must be invincible at the same time.

Especially this time he broke through the immortality from Hunyuan and made him taste the sweetness. The breakthrough almost across a large realm did not know how much time, energy and resources he saved.

Although it may take more time to adapt and adjust the strength of the body, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

This time, Fang Qingshan did not expect this to be the case, but if the chapter of the Divine Emperor is perfected, plus the blessings of eternal blessings, they can enter the Divine Emperor directly across the country, enter the early stage of the Divine Emperor, and even in the middle of the Divine Emperor of.

So, now he is using these destructive powers to polish his body, hone the spirit, mana, and hide in acupuncture points, blood, bones, making the next breakthrough easier and more walking. far.

Not to mention these, although the time is so short, the treasure that has been waiting for Fang Qingshan for a long time has been bred.

Mountain rain is coming to the wind!

But it seems that a vast, mysterious atmosphere began to brew, as if about to break the shell.

This treasure hasn’t been born yet, but the breath is very scared. When this breath just revealed a little bit of power, Fang Qingshan and the World Tree were separated, and the Eternal Sky Boat was shocked. That is the fear that comes from the soul.

Unconsciously, the eternal sky boat has recovered all kinds of treasures, led Fang Qingshan and World Tree avatar to the deck, and defended it with all its strength. It has not continued to devour the power of destruction in the death of man fortune. .

At the moment, Treasure has completely attracted him, not to devour it, and he has to be prepared to collect the treasure.

If there is a sudden explosion of this treasure, give yourself a ruthless one. Don’t die in the hands of the dragon emperor and the commander, but be accidentally killed by the treasure, it is really Bi Dou. E is still injustice, and it is really to laugh at it.

Actually, Fang Qingshan is not to blame for his timidity, and not to be careful to drive a ship for thousands of years.

Just because the birth of this treasure cannot escape his credit, he had to think about it.

Be aware that the peacock feather obtained by Wu Mu in the World of Wu Tomb is because the world is about to be destroyed, and the will of the world will finally erupt. The treasure that was bred will directly destroy the invading Zerg.

He didn’t want to end up making wedding dresses for others like the commander and others, but he sacrificed in vain.

“What a treasure it will be!”

Fang Qingshan watched and guarded, while staring at the center of the Long River, his heart was agitated and excited.

I’m excited that looking at the posture of this treasure, it seems that it is the same as the top three treasures I got. If this is the case, it will really make a lot of money.

Including the three third-level top treasures obtained in the Dao Yimen secret store, the Tianzhou body and the three **** furnace units have been booked in advance.

As long as Tian Zhou is promoted to immortality, he can quickly move towards the ancient times.

This time, I can’t say that I haven’t reached the peak of the **** emperor, and Tianzhou can break through the ages and move towards eternity.

Of course, there is a trace of doubt in Fang Qingshan’s heart.

Although the mysterious dragon’s secret realm is good, it is only a secret realm between the immortal and the **** emperor. Why did it breed such a powerful treasure?

“Is it because of the falling dragon and the original Nether Scourge?”

Fang Qingshan is puzzled.

It’s uncomfortable that whether it’s so valuable, whether it can be charged with its own power is still a question.

Don’t look at the three-level top treasures in Dao Yi Gate, it seems that you are within reach.

But the most important factor is that those third-level treasures are not only controlled by people, but also in a semi-sealed state, and they are still in their heyday.

But now this treasure has just been born, it can be described as imposing, and he is in such a state.

If in the end, because of insufficient power to collect Treasure, Ji Fei egg beat, let Treasure fly away by itself, it is really miserable.

What’s even more tragic is that this treasure trove hates itself and attacks itself.

Fortunately, the only thing that reassured Fang Qingshan was that he was not a dragon, and the last three giant dragons did not fall into his own hands. They also beheaded the three commanders, which was an indirect revenge for them.

Not to mention these~IndoMTL.com~ but said that between the electric light and the flint, the bead curtain of ruin rolls back and forth, and it rushes back and forth. The next gray eye stood in the air.

This eye, at first glance, seems to be the eye of heaven.

But it is very different from the Eye of Heaven.

Although they all have the majesty of majesty, they will feel endless pressure as soon as they appear.

But if you look closely, you will find that the eyes of heaven and earth seem to be able to see that the mysterious chains of mysterious laws are constantly flashing and dying.

And generally speaking, the eyes of heaven and earth are golden and purple, which looks supreme and noble.

But this eye is different now.

First of all, he is gray, and it is not a good thing at first glance, it looks a bit evil.

Secondly, no matter how you look at it, he can’t see the shadow of the Law of Half Dots. ()

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