Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 1440: The carduelis are behind

For the specific situation in Chixiao Realm, except for the faint elders who are in charge of the inner door, there is a faint feeling, but everyone else is ignorant of this.

The Kang family can only judge based on the God Emperor revealed at the moment and the ancestor’s breath. It should be that Kang Chang used the life-saving symbol given to him by the family.

I don’t know at all, they are only facing a formation at the moment, not the real god-level master.

However, I also don’t know, not only Kang Chang, but also the variable Fang Qingshan beside them.

The news is not equal, so at this moment they are a little bit angry.

The reason why the life-retaining grate is called the life-retaining grate is naturally used for life-saving. It cannot be used lightly until the last moment.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed a crisis, and it is understandable to use it.

However, what is happening now?

The Damen of the inner door has just begun, and they have entered the Chixiao world.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to meet a god-level opponent. Unless they are greedy for doing so.

In this regard, they can’t wait to drag Kang Chang out and hang for a year and a half. Is Shenhuang Cave House so easy to explore? I really don’t know how high it is.

Unfortunately, they are still overpowered and underpowered, but secretly made a note for him.

However, no matter what outsiders think and look, it will not affect Chixiao Realm.

At this moment, after the palm of the spiritual Buddha was broken, the fist of the Emperor Kang’s fist fell toward him unrelentingly, his eyes flashing. It seems to have sensed the crisis and directly mobilized the entire force.

“Wanfo dynasty!”


The next moment, the Buddha’s light reappears, and the lotus flower reopens. All the Buddhas and Buddhas seem to be hit with chicken blood. They are instantly resurrected with blood, and their bright eyes are dazzling with golden light.

Qi Qi paid his respects to the Big Buddha.

This worship, it seems that the power of the entire large array has been urged to the extreme.

In this worship, all the powers of the Buddhas and Buddhas are evacuated.

This time, the power of the entire large array is blessed to the array.

For a time, the Great Buddha seems to have performed the magic of size and magic, and the magical powers of the heavens, the earth, and the earth have doubled.

The whole body exudes an ultimate golden light of Buddha’s rhyme. Standing there, the treasure is solemn, and just glancing at it makes one involuntarily develop a sense of conversion, as if it can be eternally blissful.

However, there are still some differences.

The previous Great Buddha was a Buddha of Mercy, a Buddha of Degree, and a Buddha of Bliss.

The current Great Buddha is the Buddha of Ming Dynasty, the Buddha of Destruction, and the Buddha of Demon.


Buddha has compassion and anger.

At this moment, it is obviously the anger of the Buddha King, the heart of the Bodhisattva, the thunderbolt, the spitting sound, the pincer of the vajra, the swing of the arm, as if a vajra pestle hit.

Click, click!

For a time, the entire large array made a sound like an aging machine running.

In the end, this is just the spiritual operation of the third-level spirit root, not the formation of everyone.

So, although the power of the entire formation has been mobilized, it is inevitable to lose sight of this. Some jerky.

However, none of this affects the power of the big Buddha’s blow.


Yu Li, Emperor Fulu, collided with the big Buddha’s rebellious blow.

The whole formation exploded.

The formation node seems to be bursting like a cannonball. Fang Qingshan has retreated to the edge of the formation. The defense on the body is added layer after layer.

Even so, it looks like a lonely boat among the huge waves of the sea, which is set off by the aftermath and drifts with the waves.

Kang Chang and others are naturally no exception, and even worse.

As for the center of the battle, there was avalanche cracking, vacuum crushing, and the silver-white void barrier produced a black crack like a spider web, which stretched for some time and space.

In this blow, the power of Fu Lu was completely exhausted, and the ghost image of the emperor turned like a dreamlike bubble into a dappled light spot that drifted with the wind.

Although the spiritual Buddha is also a miserable look, it survived anyway, and the entire large formation slowly healed under the light of the Buddha.


Seeing this scene, Kang Chang and others were shocked. They didn’t think that their hole card could not be the spiritual Buddha, and they could not break the big formation. They may only have the last way to go. Break the token, yes, we must hurry, otherwise, as before, it will be attacked by the light of the degree, and I am afraid that I will not have the chance to escape.

Just because of this, they are very unwilling. After all, when they enter it, they get nothing, even the treasure is in front of them, but they have no ability to obtain it. Instead, they put on a life-saving symbol, which makes them willing to be willing. .

Just when Kang Chang and others thought about whether to continue to offer a hole card.

In the eyes of Fang Qingshan, who was always ready, there was a flash of light.



For a time, but there was a banner flying with thunder light flying out of the eternal Thunder Pond.

The flagpole is like a spear, the volley can be pierced in the sky, and the flag is unfolded, but the above shows the immortal thunder robbery of Fang Qingshan.

At the beginning, Fang Qingshan fought up the eternal skyboat at the last thunderstorm and broke it with one blow. Not only did he survive the thunderstorm, he also gained a lot.

Especially for Ju Leita, Eternal Thunder Pond and Thunder Banner.

These three treasures are all related to the Thunder, and among the heavens, what is closer to the Thunder’s original avenue than the thunderstorm?

The Thunder Flag itself is not an ordinary thing. The flagpole is made of the barrel of a thunder gun that is not weaker than the life and death gourd. The flag face is made of the film of Pangu. With the strength of Pangu’s flesh, it is better than today’s. Fang Qingshan may not succeed.

And these two things have been entangled by the gods of thunder, and have been bred by heaven and earth. Finally merge into the eternal sky boat.

So, the power of Thunder Banner can be imagined.

The most important thing is that this object was soaked by Fang Qingshan in the eternal thunder pool day and night. Although there is no progress, the use of life and death islands to repair life and death gourds is fast, but the power is still increasing.


Fang Qingshan thought together, thundered the flag, thundered, and rose against the wind, on which the Thunder Origin Avenue seemed to come alive, with the power of extinction.


But a thunder fell from the thunder flag~IndoMTL.com~ is no less than the power of the previous stars.

In the meantime, there are thin and dense ancient Lei Wen, all of which have the size of a fist, the words are Zhuji, deep and simple, telling the way of Thunder, rewarding good and punishing evil, and destroying and destroying.

The way of thunder is destruction, the way of punishment is also the way of creation, and it is the way of awards.

However, everything is rested and spent. Naturally, it is the sea and the sky.

At this moment, the sky is full of thunder and lightning rages.

A kill in one blow!

Fang Qingshan wanted to find the flaws of the large formation at the beginning, and then broke with one blow.

Unfortunately, this formation is too powerful, and there are three levels of treasure to suppress it, and it returns without success.

Okay, now the **** emperor Fu Lu shot and attacked the spiritual Buddha, and finally revealed the flaw, and was caught by Fang Qingshan.

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