Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 1368: Shocked

   purple title!

  The other shore!

   looked at the three shining purple characters with a supreme noble breath. It seems that Jiang Mingyue and Jiang Bawang were hit by the great opportunity of the heavens. They were so excited that they couldn’t be more excited. They seemed to be more excited and happy than Fang Qingshan himself.

   In fact, this is also normal. The purple title, able to seize this level, is the top 100 of the Supreme Power List will scramble to grab. Daoist gates are in full swing during their heyday, not to mention the present.

   Although they had expected Fang Qingshan to be good, they were only good.

   their expectations, the highest, and Jiang Bawang, won a cyan title.

  Don’t say the purple title, even the blue title has not been coveted.

   I don’t want to. The surprise came too suddenly and too big. I just wanted a sapling but came directly to a towering tree.

   But their shock didn’t stop there. The shock would be swept toward them like a sea tide.

  If they knew that Fang Qingshan had encountered Yinxiehou, and they won, they would be even more shocked. They didn’t believe their eyes at all and wondered if they were in illusion. After all, in that way, Fang The gold content of this purple title of Qingshan is too high.

   “Hey, I didn’t expect Brother Fang to actually get the purple title.”

   raised his eyebrows with a look of joy and regret, and sighed and shook his head.

   For this scene, it can be said that it is beyond his expectations and reasonable.

   The joy of nature is to delight Fang Qingshan, and also proves that he has a good vision.

   He valued Fang Qingshan, didn’t he think he had great potential?

   just glanced at Jiang Mingyue. Although he thought he was extraordinary, he didn’t want to surprise them so much that they couldn’t accept it. The main reason is that Fang Qingshan is growing too fast.

  Farly thinking about that, in the beginning of the flood, Fang Qingshan still depended on him to save his life in the hands of Hongjun. Later, he quickly caught up with him and was able to fight against him in court, and now, how long has passed, although He has made great progress and directly broke through immortality, but Fang Qingshan has made greater progress and has completely surpassed him.

  Unfortunately, depending on the situation, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up in the future.

   After all, the title of purple, even if it is only the lowest mixed element purple, but as long as it does not die in the middle and grow up, it will definitely be a **** emperor in the future. Dare not to say that Divine Emperor, the peak of Divine Emperor can still be achieved.

  Although he has the green title, it is not an easy task to become the emperor.

   “This, this, this…”

  Jiang Mingyue was still shocked and delighted when Fang Qingshan won the purple title.

   A side of the same cheerful Wang Bo accidentally saw the situation on the title tablet, suddenly opened his eyes, like a brass bell, and his face was incredulously pointing at the Hunyuan title tablet, this has been for a long time , Did not finish a whole sentence.

   Seeing Wang Bo’s astonished look, Jiang Mingyue and others looked a little curiously in the direction of his finger, and the same expression as Wang Bo appeared at the next moment.

The dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

  Although he has accepted the fact that Fang Qingshan got the title of purple, it is still difficult to accept the current scene.

   Because, as Fang Qingshan’s title fell into the title tablet, it brushed out and stood out from the lowest end. The Yumen Longmen rushed directly into the pile of purple titles at the tip of the pyramid.

  If that is the case, there is nothing. After all, this is justified.

   What really shocked them was that after entering the purple title group, the title of the other shore did not stop, and it still rampaged. Although it did not enter the top, it also entered the ranks of the first level.

   is like the principle that there are colorful titles in the title tablet. Naturally, titles of the same color are also superior.

The more    is in front, the higher the title, the more powerful the combat power.

   As far as the title of the other shore is now entered, there are very few that can be achieved throughout the ages. It only occupies one percent of all purple titles.

   But the effect that can be achieved is far from comparable with other titles.

   Because most of them have become Divine Emperors. In addition to the accidental fall, a small part is only because of the time, the relationship between age and time has not yet been able to break through, so this group of people is also called the emperor-level Tianjiao.

   is destined to break through the existence of Divine Emperor.

   Other colors, even purple, may break through the immortality. After the Divine Emperor, they may not maintain the title of the same color, but this group of people, with few exceptions, will continue to purple.

   This era, in this rank, in addition to the usual top 50 big powers of the supreme power list Tianjiao, casual repairs, the rise of the small power of the Tianjiao, but you can count with both hands come.

   Now, there is one more.


   At this moment, Jiang Bawang and others recovered from the unbelievable face, and they were already shaking with excitement, and even tears in their eyes.

   Emperor-level Tianjiao, that is destined to become an emperor.

   Especially Fang Qingshan is the Lord of the Eternal Sky Boat, and as long as he does not fall midway, becoming Emperor is only a matter of time.

  The two are superimposed. Is Emperor Cheng still far away?

   Fang Qingshan is already destined to be a disciple of Daoist Gate, and now this situation is even detected. I believe that as long as the martial arts are cultivating, the time for Fang Qingshan to break through will be shortened, and the Daoist Gate can really be revived Too.

   “No, I want to send a message to inform the school.”

  Think of here~IndoMTL.com~Jiangba immediately wants to send a signal to share this good news, and at the same time wants to make the martial arts take it seriously.

  Although he feels that Fang Qingshan is already destined to be a disciple of Dao Yi Men, he hasn’t joined yet. Now it’s time to win over people. Although he is a true disciple, he still needs to be in charge when he talks lightly.

   “No, brother.”

  Don’t want it, Jiang Bawang didn’t have time to act, but was interrupted by Jiang Mingyue if he didn’t want to, and looked around the crowd and said to everyone solemnly,

   “Today’s events, except for the people we are here, must not let other people know about it, even the master, the ancestor, and even the future companions, the disciples are no exception.”

   Hearing this, Jiang Bawang and others were stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted. The joy on his face suddenly diminished, but he still didn’t understand it.

  This is a happy event, why is it hiding?

   Moreover, if you don’t tell the head, how can you get more resources?

   “Mu Xiu is in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and the behavior will be higher than the people.

  Jiang Mingyue spit out word by word.

   “Although the news is sent out, Brother Fang can get more benefits and a better reputation, but the corresponding disadvantages are also greater. The two parties have less power and concealment.”


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